Trump win produces only tiny bump in numbers of Americans applying for Canadian citizenship


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No surprise at all for me. I've said it before, I dare Americans to leave their liberty and capitalism for a Big Brother police state and socialism. They talk a great game until they realize they like freedom more than they dislike a leader just because the media tells them they should.

We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL. When you consider that last yer a number of Syrian refugees actually left Canada to head back to the Middle East you known all you need to know about how popular our system is with people pursuing freedom.

God Bless America!

Trump win produces only tiny bump in numbers of Americans applying for Canadian citizenship

The number of Americans applying for Canadian citizenship jumped slightly after Donald Trump’s election, but numbers are still only half what they were five years ago.

New statistics from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada obtained by the National Post show an average of 400 U.S. citizens put in their applications in each of the first four months of this year, compared to an average of 264 per month in 2016 — including a spike in applications in November, the month Trump was elected.

But overall — despite reports of the immigration website crashing on election night, and earnest tourism campaigns sprouting in Cape Breton, N.S. — the trend line has gone down in the past couple of years.

In the decade since 2007, applications peaked in 2011, with an average of 564 Americans per month applying to become Canadians.

A batch of data to the end of 2016 was obtained through the access-to-information system and newer numbers were provided by Immigration spokesman Rémi Larivière. The numbers do not include Americans who may have moved to Canada recently to become permanent residents, or who already live here — just those who are applying for citizenship to seal the deal.
Hopefully 8 years of that clown Trudeau will give Canadians enough initiative to elect their own Trump!

I don't blame our leaders, they didn't invent our system. I blame the RCMP and their surrogates, who, thanks to Trudeau are actually going to have oversight for the first time! That's a huge step, and I hope Trudeau focuses on Libertarian social values as in regards to economics I won't ever agree with the left in Canada. Of course, if our leaders don't listen to those in the know they have a problem, this is why Harper is no longer PM.

If Canada can start demanding accountability from the police, it might be the beginning of Canada being a nation that believes in liberty, Rule of Law and Due Process. This in itself would be huge and would allow free markets to reign rather than the communism by police state we currently have.

Also, as an aside, in Canada there aren't term limits. Trudeau could be in power for 25 years, it's the system we have.
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

Bullshit. I get CBC every day and I have yet to hear this.

You're poorly informed, or too informed. Canada is not your ally. The sooner you embrace this fact the better, or else you will have your guard down when China exploits this so-called friendship via Canada.
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We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

Bullshit. I get CBC every day and I have yet to hear this.

You're poorly informed, or too informed. Canada is not your ally. The sooner you embrace this fact the better, or else you will have your guard down when China exploits this so-called friendship via Canada.

Doesn't address the fact that you made shit up and I called you on it, now does it?
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

Bullshit. I get CBC every day and I have yet to hear this.

You're poorly informed, or too informed. Canada is not your ally. The sooner you embrace this fact the better, or else you will have your guard down when China exploits this so-called friendship via Canada.

Doesn't address the fact that you made shit up and I called you on it, now does it?

I make up nothing. CBC promoted the province of New Brunswick trying to get Americans to come to Canada to get away from Trump. They have suggested that Trump winning the election would be good for Canada because so many Americans and immigrants from other countries would come to Canada, they welcomed this. They also promoted that the Canadian Citizenship website had a number of hits after Trump won, presented it as a sign Americans would be coming to Canada in record numbers. All of it grossly overstated or complete b.s.

Canada has little to offer to the ambitious and talented. If you are a lazy, self important Snowflake who believes in Big Government and you want to be a government patsy, by all means go to Canada.
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

Bullshit. I get CBC every day and I have yet to hear this.

You're poorly informed, or too informed. Canada is not your ally. The sooner you embrace this fact the better, or else you will have your guard down when China exploits this so-called friendship via Canada.

Doesn't address the fact that you made shit up and I called you on it, now does it?

I make up nothing. CBC promoted the province of New Brunswick trying to get Americans to come to Canada to get away from Trump. They have suggested that Trump winning the election would be good for Canada because so many Americans and immigrants from other countries would come to Canada, they welcomed this. They also promoted that the Canadian Citizenship website had a number of hits after Trump won, presented it as a sign Americans would be coming to Canada in record numbers. All of it grossly overstated or complete b.s.

Canada has little to offer to the ambitious and talented. If you are a lazy, self important Snowflake who believes in Big Government and you want to be a government patsy, by all means go to Canada.

Again I'm a regular listener to CBC and I've never heard any such thing. You're full of shit.

I *did* hear of Cape Breton, or somebody somewhere in Cape Breton, suggesting that island for disgruntled USians to migrate. But I read that here, on USMB, not from CBC.

It's tempting. I've been to Cape Breton several times over the years and being around some of the most primal music I've ever heard 12 months of the year would definitely not be the worst thing in the world... but it's not New Brunswick. It's not even Antigonish.
Four hundred Americans in four months? I'd call that pretty substantial. I wonder if they renounce their U.S. citizenship or fudge it a little bit with the option of coming back.
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

Bullshit. I get CBC every day and I have yet to hear this.

You're poorly informed, or too informed. Canada is not your ally. The sooner you embrace this fact the better, or else you will have your guard down when China exploits this so-called friendship via Canada.

Doesn't address the fact that you made shit up and I called you on it, now does it?

I make up nothing. CBC promoted the province of New Brunswick trying to get Americans to come to Canada to get away from Trump. They have suggested that Trump winning the election would be good for Canada because so many Americans and immigrants from other countries would come to Canada, they welcomed this. They also promoted that the Canadian Citizenship website had a number of hits after Trump won, presented it as a sign Americans would be coming to Canada in record numbers. All of it grossly overstated or complete b.s.

Canada has little to offer to the ambitious and talented. If you are a lazy, self important Snowflake who believes in Big Government and you want to be a government patsy, by all means go to Canada.

Again I'm a regular listener to CBC and I've never heard any such thing. You're full of shit.

I *did* hear of Cape Breton, or somebody somewhere in Cape Breton, suggesting that island for disgruntled USians to migrate. But I read that here, on USMB, not from CBC.

It's tempting. I've been to Cape Breton several times over the years and being around some of the most primal music I've ever heard 12 months of the year would definitely not be the worst thing in the world... but it's not New Brunswick. It's not even Antigonish.

You're dishonest and you know it. Here was an article posted just 8 hours ago. These are articles, above and beyond tv coverage and so-called "analysis". It has been constant and unwavering in the attacks as Canada fears it's communist methods against America and American businesses is in jeopardy. If Trump walked away from NAFTA I can't even imagine how insane the Canadian apparatus would get.

Trump's election sends U.S. couple packing 2,600 km to Halifax
Trump's election sends U.S. couple packing 2,600 km to Halifax

An article from yesterday:

Trudeau touts open Canadian immigration system in face of Trump travel ban
Trudeau touts open Canadian immigration system in face of Trump travel ban

Watch Power and Politics and check youtube for Canadian reaction. The reason they react this way for the most part; with the exception of some better informed Canadians, is that they are fed a massive and steady dose of anti-Americanism. Trump represents everything Canada doesn't want. From his brashness to his no bs approach to the exploitation of America, to his criticism of radical Islamic terrorists. I could go on and on.

The RCMP were helping asylum seekers across the border ffs. You think for a second the police in Toronto, Ontario or anywhere else want to have their massive slush fund go bye-bye because Canadas economy retracts for decades? You think they want to be outed for entering U.S companies and being taken to task for interference in the U.S economy, and worse?

Sorry, but you don't have a clue. Or you have a clue but an agenda. My discourse is well known on this site, I'm open and transparent about what I have experienced and the lengths I am going to speak truth.

Tell us now, what is YOUR motive?

Oh, and God Bless America!
You're dishonest and you know it.

Nope. Again, what you posted was, and I quote,
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

--- and again, I hear CBC literally every day and there has been no such 'aggressive campaigns and promotion' at all, not even a subtle one, so I call you on your bullshit. Not for the first time.

Here was an article posted just 8 hours ago.

BFD. A couple from South Carolina wants to emigrate. Ever been to South Carolina? ANYBODY would want out of there. :tongue:

Watch Power and Politics and check youtube for Canadian reaction.

What the fuck is "Power and Politics"?

Trump represents everything Canada doesn't want.

Rump represents everything EVERYBODY doesn't want. That's why I have this image in my sigline. He's a national embarrassment.

I could go on and on.

No doubt. And you do. On a list of USMB posters only here to whine about and bash their own country, I doubt anyone could even compete.

I'm open and transparent about what I have experienced and the lengths I am going to speak truth.

Apparently not. :lol:

Tell us now, what is YOUR motive?

Truth, rationality and logic. And when I see bullshit --- I'll say so.

Oh, and God Bless America!

Diga me this Tonto ---- what continent is Canada in?

Aye there's the rub. Same question I put to a radio wag who about 25 years ago had the carelessness to describe the Blue Jays as the first "non-American team" to win the World Series.

Fer chrissake, pull your pants up and have some self-respect.
You're dishonest and you know it.

Nope. Again, what you posted was, and I quote,
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

--- and again, I hear CBC literally every day and there has been no such 'aggressive campaigns and promotion' at all, not even a subtle one, so I call you on your bullshit. Not for the first time.

Here was an article posted just 8 hours ago.

BFD. A couple from South Carolina wants to emigrate. Ever been to South Carolina? ANYBODY would want out of there. :tongue:

Watch Power and Politics and check youtube for Canadian reaction.

What the fuck is "Power and Politics"?

You illustrate right here that clearly you don't watch CBC, certainly not to the extent you let on. I don;t believe you, nor trust your objective.
No surprise at all for me. I've said it before, I dare Americans to leave their liberty and capitalism for a Big Brother police state and socialism. They talk a great game until they realize they like freedom more than they dislike a leader just because the media tells them they should.

We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL. When you consider that last yer a number of Syrian refugees actually left Canada to head back to the Middle East you known all you need to know about how popular our system is with people pursuing freedom.

God Bless America!

Trump win produces only tiny bump in numbers of Americans applying for Canadian citizenship

The number of Americans applying for Canadian citizenship jumped slightly after Donald Trump’s election, but numbers are still only half what they were five years ago.

New statistics from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada obtained by the National Post show an average of 400 U.S. citizens put in their applications in each of the first four months of this year, compared to an average of 264 per month in 2016 — including a spike in applications in November, the month Trump was elected.

But overall — despite reports of the immigration website crashing on election night, and earnest tourism campaigns sprouting in Cape Breton, N.S. — the trend line has gone down in the past couple of years.

In the decade since 2007, applications peaked in 2011, with an average of 564 Americans per month applying to become Canadians.

A batch of data to the end of 2016 was obtained through the access-to-information system and newer numbers were provided by Immigration spokesman Rémi Larivière. The numbers do not include Americans who may have moved to Canada recently to become permanent residents, or who already live here — just those who are applying for citizenship to seal the deal.

It's not surprising. We go through this every time a Republican wins the presidency; people (particularly from the entertainment field) swearing they are leaving the country.

I tell liberals all the time that there are places already setup for their utopia. Take Cuba for instance; not very far away. They have socialized medical care, nobody has guns except the government, there are no rich people. Then only people with money is the government. No real political opposition. Government runs everything, everybody is equal, equally poor.

Yet they never leave for one of these "better" places they speak so much about. Liberals will never admit it, but a conservative capitalist society is the best. I think they just enjoy complaining about it.

I even suggested that perhaps we should divide our country right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Anybody in between would have to pick a side they wish to live on. Liberals were outraged that I even made such a suggestion. The conservatives chimed in on how great our side of the country would be.

All talk and no walk, that's what liberals are, so don't expect them to be pounding on your door anytime soon. We will all be treated to their same threats of liberals leaving the country if Trump gets reelected.
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You're dishonest and you know it.

Nope. Again, what you posted was, and I quote,
We've even had aggressive campaigns and promotion from CBC news to try and get Americans to come over, LOL.

--- and again, I hear CBC literally every day and there has been no such 'aggressive campaigns and promotion' at all, not even a subtle one, so I call you on your bullshit. Not for the first time.

Here was an article posted just 8 hours ago.

BFD. A couple from South Carolina wants to emigrate. Ever been to South Carolina? ANYBODY would want out of there. :tongue:

Watch Power and Politics and check youtube for Canadian reaction.

What the fuck is "Power and Politics"?

You illustrate right here that clearly you don't watch CBC, certainly not to the extent you let on. I don;t believe you, nor trust your objective.

No that's true I have never watched the radio. Duh.

At NO time did I mention anything about "TV" in which I do not imbibe, and if I did couldn't receive from Carolina anyway. Hell I had a snowy and weak picture when I lived in Vermont, let alone here.

But do go on and essplain to the class why CBC TV, if that's what you're moving the goalposts to, would be running "aggressive promotions" to USians who can't even see CBC-TV except in some border towns.

Say you've got Sesqui coming up in a couple of days. Got any special plans? Like starting a whiny thread about "150 years of Canadian eeeebil"?
Bullshit. I get CBC every day and I have yet to hear this.

Poor baby!

Seriously, these days there are shots you can get to prevent that. Probably 100% covered by your coveted Obamacare. Hey' ya gotta get something back for those thousand-dollar-a-month premiums doncha?

I've never been a fan of O'bamacare Henry. Must be your Alheimer's acting up.

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