Trump Whines About Megyn Kelly Some More

Hillary complains about the media bringing up all of her past scandals and it's a 'vast rightwing conspiracy'
She had no past scandals.

If you think she had, name it, and the outcome of the investigation.

With all due respect, Synth...saying that Hillary Clinton had no past scandals is like saying the sun doesn't rise in the east every morning. Whitewater? The cattle futures investment? TravelGate? Dodging sniper fire in Bosnia? The pardoning of Puerto Rican terrorists in search of the Puerto Rican vote in New York? FileGate?
What were the results of the Whitewater investigation? Use facts and links to prove she was guilty of...anything.

Same for the others.

The result? Her partners in Whitewater...the McDougals...went to prison over it but refused to rat out the Clintons. Bill rewarded that with a Presidential pardon. Hillary said she'd provided all of the files she had from the Rose law firm only to have what investigators were seeking magically appear at her offices after the case against them was dropped for lack of evidence. I'm sorry Synth but if you're looking for an "innocent" person, Hillary isn't your best option. When it comes to scandals...she's about as sleazy as they get.
The result? Her partners in Whitewater...the McDougals...went to prison over it but refused to rat out the Clintons. Bill rewarded that with a Presidential pardon.
They went to prison because they committed fraud. There has never been any evidence that the Clintons committed ANY crimes. And only Susan McDougal was pardoned. Probably because her husband was the actual banker who committed the actual fraud.

Using your logic, Bush is guilty of the Enron fraud because he was besties with Kenneth Lay.

Want to try Travelgate next? Think you'll have better luck?
The result? Her partners in Whitewater...the McDougals...went to prison over it but refused to rat out the Clintons. Bill rewarded that with a Presidential pardon.
They went to prison because they committed fraud. There has never been any evidence that the Clintons committed ANY crimes. And only Susan McDougal was pardoned. Probably because her husband was the actual banker who committed the actual fraud.

Using your logic, Bush is guilty of the Enron fraud because he was besties with Kenneth Lay.

Want to try Travelgate next? Think you'll have better luck?

Susan McDougal went to prison because she refused to testify even after being granted immunity. That's Contempt of Court...not fraud. But why testify when your friend has the power to grant you a Presidential Pardon! In that case you can tell the US Justice System to go screw itself because you're pretty much above the law!
Cruz is the man, period. The only that's PROVEN he'll stand up to the establishment... the ONLY one.
What has he or his tactics accomplished?
And are you going to imply that ONE MAN, ALONE, in all of congress can make changes against the establishment?

Can you try harder? Your questions are really dumb.
So..he's accomplished nothing. Ok.

Didn't he do a lovely rendition of "Green Eggs and Ham"?
The result? Her partners in Whitewater...the McDougals...went to prison over it but refused to rat out the Clintons. Bill rewarded that with a Presidential pardon.
They went to prison because they committed fraud. There has never been any evidence that the Clintons committed ANY crimes. And only Susan McDougal was pardoned. Probably because her husband was the actual banker who committed the actual fraud.

Using your logic, Bush is guilty of the Enron fraud because he was besties with Kenneth Lay.

Want to try Travelgate next? Think you'll have better luck?

You really want to bring up Travelgate? This is what former Clinton supporter William Safire of the NY Times had to say about Travelgate and Hillary Clinton...

Essay; Habitual Prevaricator
Published: October 23, 2000

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WASHINGTON— Remember all the claims by Hillary Clinton's see-no-evil supporters that the decision by independent counsel Robert Ray not to prosecute her in the travel office affair ''exonerated' her?

Some exoneration. We now have the full report of this egregious abuse of power and its six-year cover-up, and the evidence that she has been lying all along is damning.

Lest we forget, the central issue was never whether she had the right to pressure her husband's staff to fire seven longtime White House employees and direct the lucrative travel business to her Hollywood cronies and a Clinton cousin. That's just the spoils system.

The Travelgate issue was and is: was her sworn denial of any ''role'' or ''input'' in the firings factually false? Did her pressure cause fearful aides to stimulate a besmearing F.B.I. investigation? Did this lead her Justice Department to bring criminal charges against people later found to be innocent? And did she and her White House minions delay, impede and increase the expense of revealing her improper involvement?

The inescapable answers are yes, yes, yes and yes. Read the evidence and denials in full ( and see how her orchestrated lying continues to this day.

Asked years ago: ''did you have any role'' in the firing? She swore, ''No, I did not.'' Any ''input'' at all? ''No.'' Her testimony under oath to the House was that ''I expressed my concern,'' but ''I had no decision making role.''

The truth is that Mrs. Clinton leaned on senior White House aides in eight separate conversations. Counsel Vincent Foster wrote down the heat he was getting from Hillary on the travel office: ''HRC generally appeared less than satisfied with timeliness of decision making.'' Chief of staff Mack McLarty noted ''HRC pressure,'' and explained under oath his notation meant ''I felt a pressure from the First Lady to make a decision. . . .''

The head of White House administration, David Watkins, noted down ''the First Lady's insistence for immediate action'' and added, ''McLarty and I . . . both knew that there would be hell to pay if . . . we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes. He then approved the decision to terminate the Travel Office staff.'' Watkins made contemporaneous note of Hillary's actual words: ''We need those people out. We need our people in. We need the slots.''

Six years later, Mrs. Clinton clings to the fiction that she was blameless. She ''did not knowingly intend to influence the Travel Office decision,'' maintained her lawyer last week, ''and she was unaware that her expressions of concern might impel others to take action.''

Do you believe that absurdity? Mainly because the boss's wife was not an elected official empowered to give a direct dismissal order, the independent counsel did not think he could get a conviction, but concluded that her sworn denial of a ''role'' was a ''strained interpretation of the language'' and ''is contrary to common sense.'' He notified the court: ''the overwhelming evidence establishes that she played a role in the decision to fire the employees . . . her statement to the contrary under oath to this Office was factually false.''

She had help in escaping indictment. One confederate in the firings, Jeff Eller, said ''I don't remember'' or its variant 200 times during two hours before the grand jury. The White House failure to produce e-mails to Eller about the firings for four years after their subpoena, noted Ray, ''prevented this Office from using them to refresh Eller's recollection. . . .''

Was the search for truth worthwhile? Yes; as a result of the white light of publicity focused on the travel office scandal, the F.B.I. director made clear that never again will the federal police power be used in this way by the White House to target and publicly besmear politically unwanted workers.

Old Nixon hands notice familiar, dark traits in Hillary that The Times, in its endorsement of her candidacy yesterday, called ''a fondness for stonewalling'' and ''a lamentable tendency to treat political opponents as enemies.''

It may be that as one who tagged her as a habitual prevaricator before that became a widely shared assessment, I am on her enemies list. I hope so."
Essay; Habitual Prevaricator
The result? Her partners in Whitewater...the McDougals...went to prison over it but refused to rat out the Clintons. Bill rewarded that with a Presidential pardon.
They went to prison because they committed fraud. There has never been any evidence that the Clintons committed ANY crimes. And only Susan McDougal was pardoned. Probably because her husband was the actual banker who committed the actual fraud.

Using your logic, Bush is guilty of the Enron fraud because he was besties with Kenneth Lay.

Want to try Travelgate next? Think you'll have better luck?

Susan McDougal went to prison because she refused to testify even after being granted immunity. That's Contempt of Court...not fraud. But why testify when your friend has the power to grant you a Presidential Pardon! In that case you can tell the US Justice System to go screw itself because you're pretty much above the law!
You're fact-free!

Her husband went to prison for fraud.

She spent time in prison - she wasn't absolved by Clinton.
The result? Her partners in Whitewater...the McDougals...went to prison over it but refused to rat out the Clintons. Bill rewarded that with a Presidential pardon.
They went to prison because they committed fraud. There has never been any evidence that the Clintons committed ANY crimes. And only Susan McDougal was pardoned. Probably because her husband was the actual banker who committed the actual fraud.

Using your logic, Bush is guilty of the Enron fraud because he was besties with Kenneth Lay.

Want to try Travelgate next? Think you'll have better luck?

Susan McDougal went to prison because she refused to testify even after being granted immunity. That's Contempt of Court...not fraud. But why testify when your friend has the power to grant you a Presidential Pardon! In that case you can tell the US Justice System to go screw itself because you're pretty much above the law!
You're fact-free!

Her husband went to prison for fraud.

She spent time in prison - she wasn't absolved by Clinton.

She was given a Presidential Pardon by William Jefferson Clinton. Why? Because she didn't rat out Slick Willie and Hillary. That's the couple you want back in the White House...
This is what former Clinton supporter William Safire
I'm really close to ignoring you, because I can only put up with so much willful ignorance/rank stupidity. William Safire was NEVER a Clinton supporter - he was an ultra-diehard conservative.
"After voting for Bill Clinton in 1992, Safire became one of the leading critics of Clinton's administration. Hillary Clinton in particular was often the target of his ire." William Safire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Safire was a libertarian...not an ultra diehard conservative. Your ignorance continues unabated!
"Kelly is unfair to me......" whines Donald Trump. Boo hoo hoo, poor little Donald is so sensitive, boo hoo hoo.
If he can't handle Kelly how is he ever going to deal with Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea? Boo hoo hoo.

Why is Donald Trump Still Whining About Megyn Kelly’s ‘Unfair’ Question?

Not quite an accurate replay of the FACTS here...
Fox News said the following:
Fox responded on Tuesday afternoon with a tongue-in-cheek statement: “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”
Trump polls social media: Should I do this Fox News debate or skip it because Megyn Kelly’s biased?

Did we ever see a similar "tongue-in-cheek" statement by ANY MSM about ANY politician other then Trump?
Just asking folks!
"Kelly is unfair to me......" whines Donald Trump. Boo hoo hoo, poor little Donald is so sensitive, boo hoo hoo.
If he can't handle Kelly how is he ever going to deal with Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea? Boo hoo hoo.

Why is Donald Trump Still Whining About Megyn Kelly’s ‘Unfair’ Question?

Not quite an accurate replay of the FACTS here...
Fox News said the following:
Fox responded on Tuesday afternoon with a tongue-in-cheek statement: “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”
Trump polls social media: Should I do this Fox News debate or skip it because Megyn Kelly’s biased?

Did we ever see a similar "tongue-in-cheek" statement by ANY MSM about ANY politician other then Trump?
Just asking folks!
Imagine a so called presidential candidate throwing a childish tantrum because he doesn't like being asked hard questions. What a fucking pussy.

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