Trump: “We” Eliminated Roe

What part of "state's rights" do you not understand, dipshit?
Giving states the right to make decisions for you doesn’t expand freedom, it limits it.

Its not even a states right issue because now the federal government can pass an abortion ban for the whole country.

Giving states the right to make decisions for you doesn’t expand freedom, it limits it.

Its not even a states right issue because now the federal government can pass an abortion ban for the whole country.


That's convoluted as fuck. How do you even come up with shit like that? :laughing0301:
This reporting is so dishonest that it is stunning. It presumes that NOBODY reading the article(s) has any understanding of Roe v Wade, or the reasons why it was overturned, or what the Dobbs decision held. And it ascribes to Trump and the Republicans an initiative that simply never existed and will never exist.

Stupid or Evil; which is it?

Roe was a horrible decision because it LEGISLATED a Federal law on abortion, based on nothing at all. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, therefore it is a matter for the States. It was overturned for just that reason, and Dobbs plainly stated that in the absence of a Constitutional Amendment, abortion was matter for the States to decide.

Trump's recent announcement merely parrots the Dobbs decision, with Trump saying it is a matter for the States to decide.

But the craven Democrats (sorry for the redundancy) were FRANTIC to be able to paint the Republicans as "extreme" on the issue so somehow they manage to claim that Dobbs was an assault on Democracy. Yes, you read that correctly. Taking the matter away from the un-elected Court and giving it over to the Peoples' representatives in the State legislatures was "anti-democratic."

And now they claim that the Republicans wanted (and still want) a Federal law "taking away abortion rights."

What the ever-loving-fuck are they saying?

The Republicans have unanimously said that they would not support ANY Federal law on abortion, because Dobbs took the matter away from the Feds and returned it, rightly, to the States!

"Trump brags about taking away abortion rights"???? You gotta be out of your fucking mind to print that, and worse, if you believe it.

The Left is Evil. The proof mounts every single day.
So evil they are goats that go to hell. Lol
Abortion is not a "right." Neither is a free education, free healthcare, or a free cell phone. Where does it say in the US Constitution that you have the right to murder an unborn child?
Until the stacked right wing Court took away that right… it was
This reporting is so dishonest that it is stunning. It presumes that NOBODY reading the article(s) has any understanding of Roe v Wade, or the reasons why it was overturned, or what the Dobbs decision held. And it ascribes to Trump and the Republicans an initiative that simply never existed and will never exist.

Stupid or Evil; which is it?

Roe was a horrible decision because it LEGISLATED a Federal law on abortion, based on nothing at all. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, therefore it is a matter for the States. It was overturned for just that reason, and Dobbs plainly stated that in the absence of a Constitutional Amendment, abortion was matter for the States to decide.

Trump's recent announcement merely parrots the Dobbs decision, with Trump saying it is a matter for the States to decide.

But the craven Democrats (sorry for the redundancy) were FRANTIC to be able to paint the Republicans as "extreme" on the issue so somehow they manage to claim that Dobbs was an assault on Democracy. Yes, you read that correctly. Taking the matter away from the un-elected Court and giving it over to the Peoples' representatives in the State legislatures was "anti-democratic."

And now they claim that the Republicans wanted (and still want) a Federal law "taking away abortion rights."

What the ever-loving-fuck are they saying?

The Republicans have unanimously said that they would not support ANY Federal law on abortion, because Dobbs took the matter away from the Feds and returned it, rightly, to the States!

"Trump brags about taking away abortion rights"???? You gotta be out of your fucking mind to print that, and worse, if you believe it.

The Left is Evil. The proof mounts every single day.
You can argue the merits of overturning Roe till you’re blue on the face…

Bottom line is that it was Trump and Republicans in general that took away that right and now they’re lying about it because they understand what a losing argument it is
What does an article from 2022 have to do with now?

The article was about some Republicans being against a federal abortion ban.
Dobbs took power away from people and gave it to the government.

You morons have been gaslit.

Here is Trump bragging just the other day about how WE (his admin) eliminated Roe

And yet we’ve been told by him and others that he is not against abortion.

The man can’t tell the truth ever
I tend to look at what people do, rather than what they say. Trump ended Roe by his great actions. With Trump's statement on the Arizona situation, I think he made a rare misstep. I think if he'd come out in his usual brash unapologetic against-conventional-wisdom stance, praised the Arizona ruling and denounced all abortion as immoral, it would have helped him and the pro-life cause. But I understand why he said what he said; it was probably just posturing. But his statement will not help him. Fortunately he's going against a rabid abortion-on-demand fake Catholic, so Trump is by-far the better alternative.

As I always say, you can't go wrong by doing the right thing, no matter how uncomfortable.
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Dobbs took power away from people and gave it to the government.

You morons have been gaslit.
What a ridiculous bass-ackwards statement. Prior to Dobbs, federal government had all the power on abortion. Now it does not.
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I tend to look at what people do, rather than what they say. Trump ended Roe by his great actions. With Trump's statement on the Arizona situation, I think he made a rare misstep. I think if he'd come out in his usual brash unapologetic against-conventional-wisdom stance, praised the Arizona ruling and denounced all abortion as immoral, it would have helped him and the pro-life cause. But I understand why he said what he said; it was probably just posturing. But his statement will not help him. Fortunately he's going against a rabid abortion-on-demand fake Catholic, so Trump is by-far the better alternative.

As I always say, you can't go wrong by doing the right thing, no matter how uncomfortable.
I agree.

If killing all abortion rights is your goal… Trump is your guy
What a ridiculous bass-ackwards statement. Prior to Dobbs, the federal government had the power mandate taxpayer-funded abortion in all the states. Now it does not.
There is no such thing as a mandated abortion.
There is no such thing as a mandated abortion.
I should have said taxpayers were mandated to pay for abortions in all states prior to Dobbs. Now they are not.
But the goal of the left is mandated abortion. Make no mistake about that.
Every heard of the Mexico-city policy? Taxpayers are mandated to pay for abortions when Democrats remove that policy.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Dobbs.

Before Dobbs, government could not stop you from getting an abortion before viability. After Dobbs, government can stop you.

This is an expansion of government power. It’s not that complicated.

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