Trump was right about TikTok as he was about most things.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
When Trump came out with his proposed ban on TikTok prior to the 2020 election, there was massive backlash from the Left. It most certainly factored in the election, but he was right to do it. Now 3 years later, the government and just about anyone with common sense is agreeing with him.

Trump's strategy on Tik Tok made it skyrocket in popularity. That's leadership :thup:
tiktok is chinese owned and no telling what they do with the info they get from users. BUT....its a much needed entertainment item so most folks don't care, just like they don't care to give all their info to a crook, thief, liar like FB Fuckerburg.
Have you ever heard of Pegasus?

Compared to what our own Government is doing, TikTok is a distraction. The Supreme Court recently decided that the spying on the citizens, even if it is illegal, is so secret it can’t be sued.

So why the outrage over TikTok? Distraction and bucks.

TikTok is completion with YouTube and similar American companies. Apparently it is no big deal if they spy on you. And we know they are don’t we?

It’s hypocritical and it’s bullshit. It was bullshit. It still is.
When Trump came out with his proposed ban on TikTok prior to the 2020 election, there was massive backlash from the Left. It most certainly factored in the election, but he was right to do it. Now 3 years later, the government and just about anyone with common sense is agreeing with him.

Folks need to Tik the Tok & marry up with our veteran USMB crew!
When Trump came out with his proposed ban on TikTok prior to the 2020 election, there was massive backlash from the Left. It most certainly factored in the election, but he was right to do it. Now 3 years later, the government and just about anyone with common sense is agreeing with him.

I think that the left and the right are opposing TikTok, which I agree with, for the wrong reasons.
Really, the data issue is hardly an issue.
What is China going to do with TikTok data? See what crap you like to watch?

The reality is TikTok turns people into zombies, really bad for children as it reduces their exposure to concentrating. But none of them give a shit about the people involved. They're all just being anti-China, which isn't very difficult to be.

The fun thing is that Trump was PRO-CHINA for two years of his presidency. Somehow his supporters have forgotten this.
Have you ever heard of Pegasus?

Compared to what our own Government is doing, TikTok is a distraction. The Supreme Court recently decided that the spying on the citizens, even if it is illegal, is so secret it can’t be sued.

So why the outrage over TikTok? Distraction and bucks.

TikTok is completion with YouTube and similar American companies. Apparently it is no big deal if they spy on you. And we know they are don’t we?

It’s hypocritical and it’s bullshit. It was bullshit. It still is.
Wow, so now you're covering for the CCP? Our government is more insidious than Xi Jinping's regime? Get a grip.
Wow, so now you're covering for the CCP? Our government is more insidious than Xi Jinping's regime? Get a grip.

So I should get into a lather over the idea of the possibility that the Chinese have joined the Americans, Google, Apple, and the Israeli’s in spying on me? What is one more in the parade?

I was on watch lists before 9-11. I figured it out many years ago. It’s because the Army spent some $80,000 teaching me how to make bombs and Booby Traps out of everything. Instant background check to buy a gun takes two hours before I’m approved. Drivers license renewal take at least an hour. When they punched my info into the Department of Homeland Insecurity computers for a TWIC card the system literally locked up for several hours.

A friend who retired from the Green Berets discovered the same delays. He got mad about it.

When my Mother died, I inherited my Dad’s guns. Nice small collection. When I tried to fly home with them I was questioned by the airline. The airport police. And finally Homeland Insecurity.

TSA decided they had to X-Ray the guns they could see with their own eyes. This was really to get the serial numbers off of the weapons with the computer. I stood in the hallway while they took my guns in the back and then about fifteen minutes returned them to me so I could check the locked cases as baggage.

So what are the Chinese going to learn? I like Milf’s on TikTok? I honestly don’t see the reason for outrage. What are they going to do? Send us subliminal messages to vote for Trump? Are they going to join Apple, Google, and every other App developer in selling my preferences to other companies for targeted ads?

And if I am going to get upset over some Chinese Company doing the exact same thing as every American Company then what do I do about the American Companies? Consider it Patriotic to let them know everything about me?

When I was a boy I was told. People in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw stones.
So I should get into a lather over the idea of the possibility that the Chinese have joined the Americans, Google, Apple, and the Israeli’s in spying on me? What is one more in the parade?

I was on watch lists before 9-11. I figured it out many years ago. It’s because the Army spent some $80,000 teaching me how to make bombs and Booby Traps out of everything. Instant background check to buy a gun takes two hours before I’m approved. Drivers license renewal take at least an hour. When they punched my info into the Department of Homeland Insecurity computers for a TWIC card the system literally locked up for several hours.

A friend who retired from the Green Berets discovered the same delays. He got mad about it.

When my Mother died, I inherited my Dad’s guns. Nice small collection. When I tried to fly home with them I was questioned by the airline. The airport police. And finally Homeland Insecurity.

TSA decided they had to X-Ray the guns they could see with their own eyes. This was really to get the serial numbers off of the weapons with the computer. I stood in the hallway while they took my guns in the back and then about fifteen minutes returned them to me so I could check the locked cases as baggage.

So what are the Chinese going to learn? I like Milf’s on TikTok? I honestly don’t see the reason for outrage. What are they going to do? Send us subliminal messages to vote for Trump? Are they going to join Apple, Google, and every other App developer in selling my preferences to other companies for targeted ads?

And if I am going to get upset over some Chinese Company doing the exact same thing as every American Company then what do I do about the American Companies? Consider it Patriotic to let them know everything about me?

When I was a boy I was told. People in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Well that's quite a history you have and as I always do, I thank you for your service. There is however a larger issue than spying. That being a concerted effort by the CCP to degrade American youth by bombarding them with crap 24/7. Young girls are particularly at risk from TikTok. For example, cute young girls think they need to get facial reconstruction surgery to look like some painted up chick they saw. You certainly have a right to angry at your treatment, but you are a special case due the particular role you played in the military.
Well that's quite a history you have and as I always do, I thank you for your service. There is however a larger issue than spying. That being a concerted effort by the CCP to degrade American youth by bombarding them with crap 24/7. Young girls are particularly at risk from TikTok. For example, cute young girls think they need to get facial reconstruction surgery to look like some painted up chick they saw. You certainly have a right to angry at your treatment, but you are a special case due the particular role you played in the military.

Oh I’m not angry. I accepted it. I understand the fear. The Government knows what me and my mates can do. So they keep an eye on us. I think it is silly and wasteful. But I understand the fear. The Government is good at creating dangerous people. They aren’t so good at making those dangerous people less dangerous later. They can’t take the knowledge back.

As for the threat to girls? Nonsense. The girls get the same message from YouTube, Instagram, and probably others. Hell they get that message from every fashion magazine out there.

They get way worse messages from every porn site on the web. Potentially harmful practices and activities. Blaming TikTok while giving a pass to all the other sources is just dumb.

I remember a decade ago or so. The rumor was running around that good Christian Girls could have Anal Sex and it was OK because they could protect their Virginity. Before you laugh and say that is stupid. It was a real thing. Two comedians made fun of it in a song called God’s Loophole.

People really believed it. And by people I mean girls.

The hysteria over TikTok is a distraction. Especially if you are even slightly aware of the spying our own nation does to us. It makes the worst case of TikTok look like a man standing on the street watching your windows without his glasses.

If you come through a Customs point of entry you can be held almost indefinitely while they demand answers. You, an American Citizen don’t get a lawyer. They can seize your phone with no probable cause and hold it until they hack it and check on everything. Again. No warrant. No fourth amendment. No rights other than those they feel like you should have.

TSA sets up checkpoints at Rest Areas on the highway. Papers Comrade?

This is the reality we face today. Congress who can put a stop to the abuses is doing what? Both Democrats and Republicans are mute on this. They may mumble something meaningless about National Security.

I posted about the Supreme Court Case. The ruling. Even if the Government is violating the constitution you can’t sue, because the program is too secret. That is a much bigger threat to the nation than TikTok. Maybe I missed the outrage from the same people ranting about TikTok when this ruling came out. Maybe they passed legislation when I was sick for a day.

Look. If the Government doesn’t want TikTok on Government issue phones. I have no heartburn about that. But to act like my privacy will be protected when everyone, every single company, is doing the exact same thing is bullshit.

I’m going to call bullshit. I’ve lived through this shit too many times to fall for it again. I was alive when Congress held hearings about Rock Music. AIDS was spreading and killing people. And we held hearings about Rock Music. The Savings and Loan bullshit was in full swing. But we had to hold hearings on Rock Music.

The answer? Put a sticker on the tapes and new invention, CD’s that said Explicit Content. That just told the kids which CD was the coolest.

It was bullshit then. It has been bullshit many times since. And it is still bullshit.
Oh I’m not angry. I accepted it. I understand the fear. The Government knows what me and my mates can do. So they keep an eye on us. I think it is silly and wasteful. But I understand the fear. The Government is good at creating dangerous people. They aren’t so good at making those dangerous people less dangerous later. They can’t take the knowledge back.

As for the threat to girls? Nonsense. The girls get the same message from YouTube, Instagram, and probably others. Hell they get that message from every fashion magazine out there.

They get way worse messages from every porn site on the web. Potentially harmful practices and activities. Blaming TikTok while giving a pass to all the other sources is just dumb.

I remember a decade ago or so. The rumor was running around that good Christian Girls could have Anal Sex and it was OK because they could protect their Virginity. Before you laugh and say that is stupid. It was a real thing. Two comedians made fun of it in a song called God’s Loophole.

People really believed it. And by people I mean girls.

The hysteria over TikTok is a distraction. Especially if you are even slightly aware of the spying our own nation does to us. It makes the worst case of TikTok look like a man standing on the street watching your windows without his glasses.

If you come through a Customs point of entry you can be held almost indefinitely while they demand answers. You, an American Citizen don’t get a lawyer. They can seize your phone with no probable cause and hold it until they hack it and check on everything. Again. No warrant. No fourth amendment. No rights other than those they feel like you should have.

TSA sets up checkpoints at Rest Areas on the highway. Papers Comrade?

This is the reality we face today. Congress who can put a stop to the abuses is doing what? Both Democrats and Republicans are mute on this. They may mumble something meaningless about National Security.

I posted about the Supreme Court Case. The ruling. Even if the Government is violating the constitution you can’t sue, because the program is too secret. That is a much bigger threat to the nation than TikTok. Maybe I missed the outrage from the same people ranting about TikTok when this ruling came out. Maybe they passed legislation when I was sick for a day.

Look. If the Government doesn’t want TikTok on Government issue phones. I have no heartburn about that. But to act like my privacy will be protected when everyone, every single company, is doing the exact same thing is bullshit.

I’m going to call bullshit. I’ve lived through this shit too many times to fall for it again. I was alive when Congress held hearings about Rock Music. AIDS was spreading and killing people. And we held hearings about Rock Music. The Savings and Loan bullshit was in full swing. But we had to hold hearings on Rock Music.

The answer? Put a sticker on the tapes and new invention, CD’s that said Explicit Content. That just told the kids which CD was the coolest.

It was bullshit then. It has been bullshit many times since. And it is still bullshit.
You'll get no argument from me about our corrupt intelligence agencies and the govt and top level military crapping on the soldiers who are often treated unfairly or worse. I post about it constantly. As for TikTok and the dangerous content there are two points you are missing. First is the extent to which TikTok is viewed by American kids. It has a major grip on people under 25. Second, from what I've read the CCP heavily filters the content in China so that their kids don't see Americans kids see, and they push far more educational content. We are talking about America's number one adversary, (which we of course created through decades of dumbfuckery from both Parties).

Sure other platforms carry dangerous content too, but they aren't part of state sponsored brainwashing, they are people trying to make a buck.
I even know liberals who disapprove of TikTok....but they are in their 50's like me.
You'll get no argument from me about our corrupt intelligence agencies and the govt and top level military crapping on the soldiers who are often treated unfairly or worse. I post about it constantly. As for TikTok and the dangerous content there are two points you are missing. First is the extent to which TikTok is viewed by American kids. It has a major grip on people under 25. Second, from what I've read the CCP heavily filters the content in China so that their kids don't see Americans kids see, and they push far more educational content. We are talking about America's number one adversary, (which we of course created through decades of dumbfuckery from both Parties).

Sure other platforms carry dangerous content too, but they aren't part of state sponsored brainwashing, they are people trying to make a buck.

My friend. Your heart may be in the right place. But you aren’t thinking it through.

Congress isn’t angry about the content. They’re angry that the Chinese might be spying on us through the app. If I had been there I would have asked the Congresscritter if he wanted to be the pot, or the Kettle.

You are objecting to string thong bikinis. Not all of them. Just the most popular brand. You can’t believe that if we ban TikTok that the kids are going to start hanging out on sites with good wholesome fifties dressed kids on it.

Give it a few more years. TikTok will go the way of My Space or whatever. The more you object the more people go to see what the fuss is about.

Look. This is a school, a high school. Nobody there can legally view Pornhub. But they all knew the drum intro.

Everyone in the school had heard it so often they recognized it. TikTok is the least of your problems.

Back to the drums. What are the Teachers supposed to do? If they object they admit they know the drums which means they’re on Pornhub too. If they don’t, they let the kids cheer and they end up looking dumb letting the kids flaunt their misbehavior.

And if you do ban TikTok, someone else will fire one up similar to it. It will take a year or two to get popular and you will be railing against them.

True story. I was at my neighborhood grocery store. I’m an old man with grey hair. The fellow in line ahead of me was even older. The young man ringing us out was perhaps 18 or so. The old guy has trouble with his card and says he doesn’t do much with computers. All he does is look at the weather and pornhub. The young fellow looks shocked and looks to me for my reaction. I said. “What? Did you really think you were the only one who went to that site?”

He looks even more shocked and continues to slide the old guys stuff across the scanner. The old guy decides to have some fun with the kid. He starts making jokes about midget porn.

The old guy finishes up and heads out. The kid rings me out and I leave.

The only difference between those two guys besides perhaps five and a half decades, is the old guy was so old he didn’t give a shit what people thought about him anymore. I’ve never seen him before or since.

After watching Tipper Gore and the Washington Wives (that was really the name of their group. I swear) reading the lyrics of songs to committees in Congress, I know that this is a waste of time.

Besides is it really better to have people singing in code? Instead of smoke that weed they sang puff the magic dragon.
My friend. Your heart may be in the right place. But you aren’t thinking it through.

Congress isn’t angry about the content. They’re angry that the Chinese might be spying on us through the app. If I had been there I would have asked the Congresscritter if he wanted to be the pot, or the Kettle.

You are objecting to string thong bikinis. Not all of them. Just the most popular brand. You can’t believe that if we ban TikTok that the kids are going to start hanging out on sites with good wholesome fifties dressed kids on it.

Give it a few more years. TikTok will go the way of My Space or whatever. The more you object the more people go to see what the fuss is about.

Look. This is a school, a high school. Nobody there can legally view Pornhub. But they all knew the drum intro.

Everyone in the school had heard it so often they recognized it. TikTok is the least of your problems.

Back to the drums. What are the Teachers supposed to do? If they object they admit they know the drums which means they’re on Pornhub too. If they don’t, they let the kids cheer and they end up looking dumb letting the kids flaunt their misbehavior.

And if you do ban TikTok, someone else will fire one up similar to it. It will take a year or two to get popular and you will be railing against them.

True story. I was at my neighborhood grocery store. I’m an old man with grey hair. The fellow in line ahead of me was even older. The young man ringing us out was perhaps 18 or so. The old guy has trouble with his card and says he doesn’t do much with computers. All he does is look at the weather and pornhub. The young fellow looks shocked and looks to me for my reaction. I said. “What? Did you really think you were the only one who went to that site?”

He looks even more shocked and continues to slide the old guys stuff across the scanner. The old guy decides to have some fun with the kid. He starts making jokes about midget porn.

The old guy finishes up and heads out. The kid rings me out and I leave.

The only difference between those two guys besides perhaps five and a half decades, is the old guy was so old he didn’t give a shit what people thought about him anymore. I’ve never seen him before or since.

After watching Tipper Gore and the Washington Wives (that was really the name of their group. I swear) reading the lyrics of songs to committees in Congress, I know that this is a waste of time.

Besides is it really better to have people singing in code? Instead of smoke that weed they sang puff the magic dragon.

Well that was an interesting post. So I really don't expect Congress to get much right, certainly not TikTok. But I'm old school, I'm all about the KEEEEEEDS! No seriously, anything that has to do with kids being manipulated, abused or shot really bugs me, it always has. I don't like seeing little Aftican kids with poverty swollen bellies, or little immigrant kids floating face down in the Rio Grande, or Black American kids being shot in their car seats. And I certainly don't like kids being poisoned literally by Fentanyl or having their minds poisoned by TikTok. Congress sucks but China is the enemy and they have a state sponsored plan to undermine America's youth because that makes them stronger in the long term. Just my .02.
Well that was an interesting post. So I really don't expect Congress to get much right, certainly not TikTok. But I'm old school, I'm all about the KEEEEEEDS! No seriously, anything that has to do with kids being manipulated, abused or shot really bugs me, it always has. I don't like seeing little Aftican kids with poverty swollen bellies, or little immigrant kids floating face down in the Rio Grande, or Black American kids being shot in their car seats. And I certainly don't like kids being poisoned literally by Fentanyl or having their minds poisoned by TikTok. Congress sucks but China is the enemy and they have a state sponsored plan to undermine America's youth because that makes them stronger in the long term. Just my .02.

I honestly thought of you earlier. I went on TikTok. As usual I had several kitten and dog videos in the lineup. I had some Taylor Tomlinson comedy. And I had this pop up.

Now seriously for a moment. In my life I’ve seen this sort of thing a few times. Usually promoted by the John Birch Society. I have a story about one of them I talked to for hours, but I don’t want to be distracted.

In my life I’ve heard books were too dangerous for kids to read. I’ve heard that music was contributing to the downfall of society. I’ve heard that it was music videos. I’ve heard it be movies, or TV. A crazy woman in Michigan tried to get Married with Children canceled. I’ve heard it was the internet. Digital pictures that allowed people to send nude selfies. We did that in my time, we used a Polaroid instant camera.

I remember Rush Limbaugh, and yes I’d listen to him from time to time, talk about the perpetually outraged Left. In a way, he was right. However the same is true of the Morality motivated Right. They are just as outraged. And just as perpetually.

Rex Stout wrote a Nero Wolf detective novel called Too Many Cooks. It was originally written in 1936. The publisher put a disclaimer and warning in the front as they reprinted it this century. It tells the reader that the characters use terms towards minorities that they find as offensive as you do today. However they believe it is important to judge the works by an author in the context of when it was written.

It’s a good book. I like the whole series. But the point is there. To understand the attitudes of the characters in the era those terms need to be in the book.

The same as Huckleberry Finn. Or any other work of literature. Or any other art. It needs to be viewed and considered in the context of the era it was created in.

My Father taught me. He told me that people will want me to do things. Some things that seem ok at first. Or perhaps not too bad. But my Dad told me that the true test isn’t how others feel about me. It is how I will feel about myself. He told me that the rest of a Man, or Woman, is not how others think of you. But how you feel about yourself. If you go into it knowing you’ll have to lie about what you did, you are doing the wrong thing.

I’ve never known anything so dangerous it couldn’t be talked about.

If we ban TikTok what is next? YouTube? Instagram? Anything else where immoral behavior is on display?

Dare to bare is on YouTube. This isn’t Fashion in my opinion. But that means I don’t watch it. I don’t watch much in fashion. Tape over privates isn’t an outfit to my mind. But I don’t want to be the one to tell someone they can’t. I believe in as much freedom as possible.

Warning. The models are literally wearing nothing but electrical tape.

Is it R rated? Nope. At most PG-13. That stands for Parental Guidance. Not suitable for anyone under 13.

When those ratings came out. It was intended to allow parents to decide. It was intended to allow parents to discuss issues with their kids. Parents.

Parents have the power to restrict their kids access. They can set up parental controls on phones, iPads, computers, hell the TV’s. They can restrict Juniors access through everything. If they don’t, who am I to decide for them?

So to protect our kids we have to ban TikTok, and YouTube. Instagram? Have you been there lately? Reddit? If you close one pathway there are others already established, and more will crop up.

Parents can talk to their kids. Parents can describe the results of lifestyle choices. Parents can arm their children with information. Because if you ban it for kids, you are just going to make it more exciting for the kids to explore and look at.

Pornography has existed even when it was illegal. When they were called Blue Movies. When it was a crime to produce or distribute the material. It still existed. When the internet was through dial up BBS systems there was pornography. It isn’t going away.

When I was a teenager in California Donkey Shows still existed across the border in Tijuana. I never went looking for one. Never saw one. Never wanted to. I didn’t care about them.

But honestly, I don’t think a ban of TikTok is possible. The Constitution specifically bars bills of attainder.

The courts would rule that any such ban was unconstitutional. If they ban apps from foreign owners half of the games will be banned. I play one run out of Korea. The ROK, not DPRK.

People will be pissed. They’ll vote against whoever pushed it through, and Republicans will be in the minority. Again.

So it is useless for your ends. It is hypocritical for the stated reason. And unconstitutional.

There is nothing good from this activity.
I honestly thought of you earlier. I went on TikTok. As usual I had several kitten and dog videos in the lineup. I had some Taylor Tomlinson comedy. And I had this pop up.

Now seriously for a moment. In my life I’ve seen this sort of thing a few times. Usually promoted by the John Birch Society. I have a story about one of them I talked to for hours, but I don’t want to be distracted.

In my life I’ve heard books were too dangerous for kids to read. I’ve heard that music was contributing to the downfall of society. I’ve heard that it was music videos. I’ve heard it be movies, or TV. A crazy woman in Michigan tried to get Married with Children canceled. I’ve heard it was the internet. Digital pictures that allowed people to send nude selfies. We did that in my time, we used a Polaroid instant camera.

I remember Rush Limbaugh, and yes I’d listen to him from time to time, talk about the perpetually outraged Left. In a way, he was right. However the same is true of the Morality motivated Right. They are just as outraged. And just as perpetually.

Rex Stout wrote a Nero Wolf detective novel called Too Many Cooks. It was originally written in 1936. The publisher put a disclaimer and warning in the front as they reprinted it this century. It tells the reader that the characters use terms towards minorities that they find as offensive as you do today. However they believe it is important to judge the works by an author in the context of when it was written.

It’s a good book. I like the whole series. But the point is there. To understand the attitudes of the characters in the era those terms need to be in the book.

The same as Huckleberry Finn. Or any other work of literature. Or any other art. It needs to be viewed and considered in the context of the era it was created in.

My Father taught me. He told me that people will want me to do things. Some things that seem ok at first. Or perhaps not too bad. But my Dad told me that the true test isn’t how others feel about me. It is how I will feel about myself. He told me that the rest of a Man, or Woman, is not how others think of you. But how you feel about yourself. If you go into it knowing you’ll have to lie about what you did, you are doing the wrong thing.

I’ve never known anything so dangerous it couldn’t be talked about.

If we ban TikTok what is next? YouTube? Instagram? Anything else where immoral behavior is on display?

Dare to bare is on YouTube. This isn’t Fashion in my opinion. But that means I don’t watch it. I don’t watch much in fashion. Tape over privates isn’t an outfit to my mind. But I don’t want to be the one to tell someone they can’t. I believe in as much freedom as possible.

Warning. The models are literally wearing nothing but electrical tape.

Is it R rated? Nope. At most PG-13. That stands for Parental Guidance. Not suitable for anyone under 13.

When those ratings came out. It was intended to allow parents to decide. It was intended to allow parents to discuss issues with their kids. Parents.

Parents have the power to restrict their kids access. They can set up parental controls on phones, iPads, computers, hell the TV’s. They can restrict Juniors access through everything. If they don’t, who am I to decide for them?

So to protect our kids we have to ban TikTok, and YouTube. Instagram? Have you been there lately? Reddit? If you close one pathway there are others already established, and more will crop up.

Parents can talk to their kids. Parents can describe the results of lifestyle choices. Parents can arm their children with information. Because if you ban it for kids, you are just going to make it more exciting for the kids to explore and look at.

Pornography has existed even when it was illegal. When they were called Blue Movies. When it was a crime to produce or distribute the material. It still existed. When the internet was through dial up BBS systems there was pornography. It isn’t going away.

When I was a teenager in California Donkey Shows still existed across the border in Tijuana. I never went looking for one. Never saw one. Never wanted to. I didn’t care about them.

But honestly, I don’t think a ban of TikTok is possible. The Constitution specifically bars bills of attainder.

The courts would rule that any such ban was unconstitutional. If they ban apps from foreign owners half of the games will be banned. I play one run out of Korea. The ROK, not DPRK.

People will be pissed. They’ll vote against whoever pushed it through, and Republicans will be in the minority. Again.

So it is useless for your ends. It is hypocritical for the stated reason. And unconstitutional.

There is nothing good from this activity.

I'm certainly not laying all the problems of our latest generation at China's feet. What I will reiterate is that the difference with TikTok is the state sponsorship or censorship of the content on TikTok. An analogy might be cyber hacking. You will never stop random cyber hackers from doing bad things. But it is a different level of risk when it is a hostile nation sponsoring the cyber attacks. That is what we have with Tik Tok. Sure there is plenty of illicit content all over the internet, I'm not talking about porn per se, heck kids probably know more about sex than I do. It's the content that tells kids You're face isn't pretty enough, You're not sexy enough, You're clothes aren't cool enough, You're too fat, etc. This messaging has a profound effect especially on young girls. And it's deliberate manipulation that is promoted by the CCP. China is America's number one enemy and they are waging an attack through the internet and through Fentanyl on our youth. Xi Jinping is one evil MuthrFukr and he doesn't miss a trick.
I agree that a ban on TikTok would not work at this time. My thread was about Trump being right about the dangers of TikTok. There are other ways to push back on China and TikTok and we should be doing that. So far under Biden we aren't doing squat about TikTok or anything else the CCP is doing.
I'm certainly not laying all the problems of our latest generation at China's feet. What I will reiterate is that the difference with TikTok is the state sponsorship or censorship of the content on TikTok. An analogy might be cyber hacking. You will never stop random cyber hackers from doing bad things. But it is a different level of risk when it is a hostile nation sponsoring the cyber attacks. That is what we have with Tik Tok. Sure there is plenty of illicit content all over the internet, I'm not talking about porn per se, heck kids probably know more about sex than I do. It's the content that tells kids You're face isn't pretty enough, You're not sexy enough, You're clothes aren't cool enough, You're too fat, etc. This messaging has a profound effect especially on young girls. And it's deliberate manipulation that is promoted by the CCP. China is America's number one enemy and they are waging an attack through the internet and through Fentanyl on our youth. Xi Jinping is one evil MuthrFukr and he doesn't miss a trick.
I agree that a ban on TikTok would not work at this time. My thread was about Trump being right about the dangers of TikTok. There are other ways to push back on China and TikTok and we should be doing that. So far under Biden we aren't doing squat about TikTok or anything else the CCP is doing.

The point that Trump made was that China was spying on us. Trump knew that our own companies were also spying on us. I gave the examples. Google, Apple, Amazon, and all the rest are doing the exact same thing. Nobody said boo to those companies about it. Why are they given a free pass?

Worse than those companies is our own Government. Again Trump was in a unique position to end the spying by our own Government. He had the authority to end it by signing a single sheet of paper.

Biden who has done next to nothing on the same issue at least prohibited Commercial Spyware from being used by Government Agencies. Ones like the Pegasus I linked to earlier.

Even Biden isn’t telling our Government to stop spying on us. He just doesn’t want them to use foreign software that reports back to whomever about it. That by the way is how the Press uncovered information about Pegasus. They got a ton of phone numbers and information. Although they never said where they got it, since the numbers covered people in many different nations, it is assumed the reports got it from someone at Pegasus.

Trump and or Congress banning TikTok isn’t even a drop in the bucket. It isn’t even a bandaid for a third degree burn victim. It is looking at the poor burn victim and telling him you are going to give him something to clear up that toenail fungus issue he has going on.

It is merely removing one car from the parade.
When Trump came out with his proposed ban on TikTok prior to the 2020 election, there was massive backlash from the Left. It most certainly factored in the election, but he was right to do it. Now 3 years later, the government and just about anyone with common sense is agreeing with him.

Republicans love to say Biden has ties to China. I was looking at who donates the most to politicians and which party do they donate to, I found this.

Jeffrey S. Yass is an American options trader and billionaire. He is the co-founder and managing director of the Philadelphia-based Susquehanna International Group and an early investor in TikTok.

He's the 4th biggest donor. George Soros is number 1 but the next 3 are all republicans.

So are Republicans letting China spy on us because Jeffrey Yass pays them to?

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