Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program

The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
What about the women and children.
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.
-------------------------------- feck them Taz , who cares what the want . Let them in because they have embedded scummy family is the same as 'chain migration' so feck them as i say Taz . .
Economic reasons are legit asylum, imo

No, I don’t agree with that at all. If that were criteria we have the entire Third World storming our borders. If you are referring to economic crises brought on by a despotic political system like in Cuba or Venezuela, perhaps, but not just poverty in general
------------------------------- naw , let them stay and fight or face the alternative Taz .
they never leave , 'haitians' from the earthquake are still here in the USA . Why are 'somalis' and 'moroccans' getting into the USA ??
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Your knowledge of History is lacking. FDR sent Jews back
Your view of history is lacking. The US did send back or not allow many Jewish immigrants. FDR, congress and the US people were against letting them in. Once the mistake was realized many European Jews were let in. Under Trump, none would be let in.
When you forget your history, you repeat it. Trump's immigration shut down would be a bigger embarrassment than not letting Jews in before WWII. Plus Trump's immigration policy would have resulted in more Jewish deaths in WWII.

Leaving your shithole country to get a job or collect US benefits is nothing like fleeing the Nazis.
You are very stupid. Even Fox news describes the desperate situation many of the asylum seekers are running from.
Some are what you say but not the majority. Stupid is Stupid is Stupid is Stupid.

Yes, very sad.
Hopefully they can fix their country quick.
Maybe we can send some illegals back to help...…..
Are y'all lefties sure you want to open the "asylum" can o' worms after democrat icon and one of the top ten presidents of all time refused to give asylum to Jews who were fleeing from the Nazis and drifting and starving on a rust bucket ship?.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

The killing of the Jews didnt end until we and our allies liberated Auschwitz and many of the other camps.

Auschwitz was liberated, also by the Soviets, on January 27, 1945; Buchenwald by the Americans on April 11; Bergen-Belsen by the British on April 15; Dachau by the Americans on April 29; Ravensbrück by the Soviets on the same day; Mauthausenby the Americans on May 5; and Theresienstadt by the Soviets on May 8.

The rosy picture you paint about Jews and asylum in the US is a bit off as well.

United States Immigration and Refugee Law, 1921-1980
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
What about the women and children.

They can claim "asylum" in Mexico. They are Mexico's problem now.
-------------------------- There are no rules that are enforced . I say that as it is my understanding that these third worlders should be staying 'mexico' .
The right thing to do is not only stop asylum but also stop all immigration. At 330,000,000 people we are full.

Only have immigration to accommodate legitimate marries and adoptions. Maybe have a few hundred slots available each year for really successful people that will be job produces.

Fuck the filthy Democrat voting welfare queens that we allow in now.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Wow, you really are a dumb one, even for a Stalinist.

Voyage of the Damned (1976) - IMDb

Dumb motherfucker
The St. Louis was just one example of Jews not being allowed in the US. There were many more examples, It was an embarrassing time in US history. But the US turned the policy around and let in many Jews. But many Jews died that were not let in. BUT EVEN MORE WOULD HAVE DIED IF TRUMP'S POLICY WAS IN EFFECT DURING WWII. And idiots like you who know the history of WWII are supporting Trump's policies.

It will be interesting to see the movies they make about the Trump Presidency. It will not be flattering to Trump and his idiot minion supporters.

You are such a lying shit. Trump has not suggested limiting asylum from war ravaged countries.

Guatemala is in no war, nor is Honduras or El Salvador. There is no systematic extermination of any ethnicity or group of people in any of these nations. These are just shit hole countries, shit holes because Socialists have fucked them under for generations. YOU want to bring them in by the millions so that Socialists can gain absolute power here and turn this into a shit hole.
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
What about the women and children.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
The problem is too many unskilled laborers who are US citizens will not take the unskilled jobs. They don't pay enough. We call these people Trump supporters. Trump promised these people, he will bring back high paying jobs for those who do not have skills in demand in the 21st century.

Negroes are “Trump supporters”?
Face it, we’ll never get them away from that sack of weed and off the couch.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
Economic reasons are legit asylum, imo

I’m pretty sure you said this in jest...right?
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
The problem is too many unskilled laborers who are US citizens will not take the unskilled jobs. They don't pay enough. We call these people Trump supporters. Trump promised these people, he will bring back high paying jobs for those who do not have skills in demand in the 21st century.

Negroes are “Trump supporters”?
Face it, we’ll never get them away from that sack of weed and off the couch.
It is hard for me to believe there are people who actually think the way you do. You cannot be serious about such a small minded, bigoted, disgusting statement.
If you are serious, you are an example of the worst type of human being. A damaged human.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
The problem is too many unskilled laborers who are US citizens will not take the unskilled jobs. They don't pay enough. We call these people Trump supporters. Trump promised these people, he will bring back high paying jobs for those who do not have skills in demand in the 21st century.

Negroes are “Trump supporters”?
Face it, we’ll never get them away from that sack of weed and off the couch.
That's not fair. Eric Holder got away from his sack of weed long enough to put Nipsey Hussle where he belongs.
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.

I don't support doing away with it completely, but I do think it needs more scrutiny for the reasons you point out. Many of these migrants could have gotten asylum in Mexico, but some insisted on pushing through all the way here for our welfare state. Others, of course, may also have family or friends here who can assist them if they get in, which can also explain why they didn't stay in Mexico.

The problem is that the refugees and asylum seekers from the Shithole countries really aren't "refugees" at all. They are just people coming here for economic reasons- they think they can make a lot more scratch in America from SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, you name it that they could living and working in El Salvador or wherever.

The problem is that we have enough Americans already who are public charges. Further, if an El Salvadorite man were to work in this country, he's unskilled. America has enough people already to do unskilled labor
The problem is too many unskilled laborers who are US citizens will not take the unskilled jobs. They don't pay enough. We call these people Trump supporters. Trump promised these people, he will bring back high paying jobs for those who do not have skills in demand in the 21st century.

Negroes are “Trump supporters”?
Face it, we’ll never get them away from that sack of weed and off the couch.
That's not fair. Eric Holder got away from his sack of weed long enough to put Nipsey Hussle where he belongs.
You must realize you are truly sick individual. Trump has brought the worst of the worst out of the woodwork.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
I say trade it for insane asylums and fill them with liberals.

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