Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program

What made you think that Jews got asylum here? Roosevelt turned them away.
The Jewish refugees the US turned away
Canada turned them away too.

The invaders claiming asylum aren't entitled to asylum. They aren't fleeing anything. They just want money. They are coached and taught what to say. The claims are actually fraudulent.
You are repeating the embarrassment of Americans turning Jews away who were fleeing Nazis. We ultimately let in hundred's of thousands Jews either directly or indirectly.

We need to be able to identify those who are fleeing for their lives.
No one trying to slither across the border is fleeing anything. They want money.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Catch and release has to go .
These people who show up at the border are just processed and released with promises to show up at a later court date ....sometimes years away
most never show up ... they stick em on greyhounds and bus em inland

before their court date they're entitled to all kinds of social services

WHEN is it going to end
this country desperately needs immigration reform
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
I am behind Trump's effort to get rid of the fraud of a communist program being misused to destroy American sovereignty, 100%.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Your knowledge of History is lacking. FDR sent Jews back
Your view of history is lacking. The US did send back or not allow many Jewish immigrants. FDR, congress and the US people were against letting them in. Once the mistake was realized many European Jews were let in. Under Trump, none would be let in.
When you forget your history, you repeat it. Trump's immigration shut down would be a bigger embarrassment than not letting Jews in before WWII. Plus Trump's immigration policy would have resulted in more Jewish deaths in WWII.
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Your knowledge of History is lacking. FDR sent Jews back
Your view of history is lacking. The US did send back or not allow many Jewish immigrants. FDR, congress and the US people were against letting them in. Once the mistake was realized many European Jews were let in. Under Trump, none would be let in.
When you forget your history, you repeat it. Trump's immigration shut down would be a bigger embarrassment than not letting Jews in before WWII. Plus Trump's immigration policy would have resulted in more Jewish deaths in WWII.

Leaving your shithole country to get a job or collect US benefits is nothing like fleeing the Nazis.
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Your knowledge of History is lacking. FDR sent Jews back
Your view of history is lacking. The US did send back or not allow many Jewish immigrants. FDR, congress and the US people were against letting them in. Once the mistake was realized many European Jews were let in. Under Trump, none would be let in.
When you forget your history, you repeat it. Trump's immigration shut down would be a bigger embarrassment than not letting Jews in before WWII. Plus Trump's immigration policy would have resulted in more Jewish deaths in WWII.

Leaving your shithole country to get a job or collect US benefits is nothing like fleeing the Nazis.
You are very stupid. Even Fox news describes the desperate situation many of the asylum seekers are running from.
Some are what you say but not the majority. Stupid is Stupid is Stupid is Stupid.
Instead of closing the border just fight back. That's all. Just tell ordinary Americans that they are invited to fight for their homes. A few small private planes flying over the invasion force dropping hand grenades would do wonders.
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Wow, you really are a dumb one, even for a Stalinist.

Voyage of the Damned (1976) - IMDb

Dumb motherfucker
The St. Louis was just one example of Jews not being allowed in the US. There were many more examples, It was an embarrassing time in US history. But the US turned the policy around and let in many Jews. But many Jews died that were not let in. BUT EVEN MORE WOULD HAVE DIED IF TRUMP'S POLICY WAS IN EFFECT DURING WWII. And idiots like you who know the history of WWII are supporting Trump's policies.

It will be interesting to see the movies they make about the Trump Presidency. It will not be flattering to Trump and his idiot minion supporters.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
FDR sent tens of thousands of Jews back to Hitler before Dec 1941.

Since America is such a racist nation and Trump is Hitler Jr, why would anyone allow immigrants into such a shithole? Build the wall and save them from American tyranny!!!!
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
What about the women and children.
Trump is a ignorant bigot.
Everyone on this forum knows you are the ignorant bigot. What enrages you so much about Trump is what you see in yourself. . . .

You hate white folks, folks different than yourself, and you know nothing about how the Constitution works, even though you have it as your avatar.

You make us all laugh.

The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
What about the women and children.

They can claim "asylum" in Mexico. They are Mexico's problem now.
The Jews were fleeing being killed by the nazis. The ones at the border just want Money. If the Jews during WWII just wanted money we should have sent them back too.
Absolutely not true.
You cannot paint all the people at the border with the same brush. The right says they are all criminals, the left says they are all angels in need. There are some of each plus many others.
There are families leaving South American countries where gangs are threatening their lives. It is life or death.
You are as stupid as those on the far left that paint all at the border with the same brush.
The invaders are the gangs. The gang members are the husbands, sons, fathers and uncles. They carry their gangism with them like a bad smell. They are just rival gangs and we are bringing in all factions.
What about the women and children.
Don't break up families. Deport them all.

A 16 year old MS-13 gang banger (came here as a "child") was stabbed 100 times by five other MS-13 gang bangers (more children) and set on fire.

Send them all back.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

Bad news Elmer, it's not the 1930's or 1940's.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
---------------------------- GOOD !!

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