Trump violates the Espionage Act of 1917!

When I heard Trump quoted on the morning news today I was stunned -- again.

Putin and Xi must be laughing out loud and joking with their comrades and saying:

"Look at this dumb shit the Americans have in their presidential election!"

The GOP should have given him a mental examination before making him the REPUBLICAN LEADER.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.

How does someone encourage a hack on email that the FBI certifies no longer exists?

Strange logic you got there junior
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Hillary's actions on the Campaign trail have nothing at all to do with national security.

Not even a nice try moron.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.

How does someone encourage a hack on email that the FBI certifies no longer exists?

Strange logic you got there junior

whether they exist or not, you miss the point, Chief. The fact is Comrade Donnie invited Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. He committed Treason and possibly a Felon. Once the Convention is over, the DNC will pounce on him and demand an investigation.

Regardless, he has energized the Democrats: THANKS COMRADE DONNIE.

Trump Just Sent Russia A Message About Hillary On Live TV... Firestorm Instantly Ignites

Oh, and even though every intelligence agency agrees that Russia hacked the DNC, COMRADE DONNIE feels they are innocent. He may be a Russian agent, from what he is saying.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Hillary's actions on the Campaign trail have nothing at all to do with national security.

Not even a nice try moron.

You are supporting a Russian agent....a not very smart Russian agent. He is taking up Putin's causes.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

Hillary's actions on the Campaign trail have nothing at all to do with national security.

Not even a nice try moron.

You are supporting a Russian agent....a not very smart Russian agent. He is taking up Putin's causes.

You are an amusing idiot.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Yeah this isn't just some 'oh trump said some more stupid shit' type thing. He is actually saying out loud in public that he wants the head of state in Russia to tamper with our elections and help him win. It is blatant treason.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Yeah this isn't just some 'oh trump said some more stupid shit' type thing. He is actually saying out loud in public that he wants the head of state in Russia to tamper with our elections and help him win. It is blatant treason.

The DNC needs to insist that the Justice Department investigate Comrade Donald's statements. He is on the very edge of committing an egregious felony against his country. I am sure they will push this as far as they can.

This statement is "the very definition of treason." Is there ANYTHING that Comrade Donald will NOT say. And he clearly thinks he can get away with ANYTHING.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.

How does someone encourage a hack on email that the FBI certifies no longer exists?

Strange logic you got there junior

whether they exist or not, you miss the point, Chief. The fact is Comrade Donnie invited Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. He committed Treason and possibly a Felon. Once the Convention is over, the DNC will pounce on him and demand an investigation.

Regardless, he has energized the Democrats: THANKS COMRADE DONNIE.

Trump Just Sent Russia A Message About Hillary On Live TV... Firestorm Instantly Ignites

Oh, and even though every intelligence agency agrees that Russia hacked the DNC, COMRADE DONNIE feels they are innocent. He may be a Russian agent, from what he is saying.

The operative word is "missing" idiot.
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.

How does someone encourage a hack on email that the FBI certifies no longer exists?

Strange logic you got there junior
That's the point, Pop. Trump is not all there mentally or emotionally. He is going to disintegrate even more.
:lol: :lol: Violates espionage act? Ohhhh lawwddddddd! :lol:

Trump just trolled the shit out of the media with this. He got them to admit there are emails in her dump that are of national interest. Weren't they saying they were nothing but yoga and wedding emails and now suddenly there are potential emails that could risk national security?

Which one is it?

At any rate telling Russia or any other actor to release the emails if they have them isn't violating anything, but thank you for playing.

You are dead wrong and here is the exact words of your leader:

The Latest: Clinton adviser says Trump encouraging hackers

1:05 p.m.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says that if foreign governments have the 33,000 emails deleted from Hillary Clinton's private email server, they should make them public.

"I will tell you this. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing," Trump said. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

At a press conference Wednesday in Doral, Florida, Trump was asked whether he had any pause about asking a foreign government to hack into computers in the United States. Trump did not directly respond except to say, "That's up to the president. Let the president talk to them."

Trump complained anew that Clinton had deleted roughly 33,000 emails from her private server before turning over the rest to the Obama administration.

"That gives me a problem," Trump said. "Now, if Russia or China or any other country has those e-mails, I mean, to be honest with you, I'd love to see them."

He committed a Felony when he encouraged Espionage. The Justice Department must investigate. You can bet the DNC has lawyers working on this as I type. Donnie screwed the Goose on this on. He did not say in that sentence that he want them to hand over the e-mails. He said "I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing."

That, my friend is TREASON!

I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing

so he didnt say hack it

he said find the already missing emails
:lol: :lol: Violates espionage act? Ohhhh lawwddddddd! :lol:

Trump just trolled the shit out of the media with this. He got them to admit there are emails in her dump that are of national interest. Weren't they saying they were nothing but yoga and wedding emails and now suddenly there are potential emails that could risk national security?

Which one is it?

At any rate telling Russia or any other actor to release the emails if they have them isn't violating anything, but thank you for playing.

You are dead wrong and here is the exact words of your leader:

The Latest: Clinton adviser says Trump encouraging hackers

1:05 p.m.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says that if foreign governments have the 33,000 emails deleted from Hillary Clinton's private email server, they should make them public.

"I will tell you this. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing," Trump said. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

At a press conference Wednesday in Doral, Florida, Trump was asked whether he had any pause about asking a foreign government to hack into computers in the United States. Trump did not directly respond except to say, "That's up to the president. Let the president talk to them."

Trump complained anew that Clinton had deleted roughly 33,000 emails from her private server before turning over the rest to the Obama administration.

"That gives me a problem," Trump said. "Now, if Russia or China or any other country has those e-mails, I mean, to be honest with you, I'd love to see them."

He committed a Felony when he encouraged Espionage. The Justice Department must investigate. You can bet the DNC has lawyers working on this as I type. Donnie screwed the Goose on this on. He did not say in that sentence that he want them to hand over the e-mails. He said "I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing."

That, my friend is TREASON!
The Democrats are just giving the Republicans a taste of their own medicine, making a HUGE two year deal out of nothing. Taste good?
Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Ex-Bush Aide: ‘Tantamount To Treason’

I agree!

Let's get this straight. Many of you RW Comrades are claiming that he said "if" Russia has Hillary's e-mails they should release them. YOU ARE WRONG! This is what Comrade Donnie said.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press

He INVITED Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. The man is a Lunatic and he is not capable of be President of a HOA, much less the United States of America.

As I have said many times. As long as Comrade Donnie has a mouth, he will lose big in November.

How does someone encourage a hack on email that the FBI certifies no longer exists?

Strange logic you got there junior

whether they exist or not, you miss the point, Chief. The fact is Comrade Donnie invited Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails. He committed Treason and possibly a Felon. Once the Convention is over, the DNC will pounce on him and demand an investigation.

Regardless, he has energized the Democrats: THANKS COMRADE DONNIE.

Trump Just Sent Russia A Message About Hillary On Live TV... Firestorm Instantly Ignites

Oh, and even though every intelligence agency agrees that Russia hacked the DNC, COMRADE DONNIE feels they are innocent. He may be a Russian agent, from what he is saying.
He didn't say they were innocent. He said they weren't doing it for HIM.
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!

"...connected with the national defense"? Wait a second, I thought Hillary promised us those emails she deleted were personal. How could that possibly be connected with our national defense? :wtf:
I thought it would take lot longer for Donald to commit a Felony. He did it today. If the GOP defends him on this, they also need to be investigated!

For what specifically? Reading emails about yoga???
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!
Espionage Act does not apply here. Trump was joking. Stupid left wing nuts.
So why did he follow it up with a tweet?

(I can't wait to see them dragging Trump away in chains while he's screaming "But I was kidding mommy!!!")
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!
Espionage Act does not apply here. Trump was joking. Stupid left wing nuts.
So why did he follow it up with a tweet?

(I can't wait to see them dragging Trump away in chains while he's screaming "But I was kidding mommy!!!")

Drag him away for what exactly? Standing up to our corrupt leaders?

Do you have you're brown shirts custom tailored?
Digital History

(b) whoever for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts, or induces or aids another to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blue print, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing or note of anything connected with the national defence; or

The stupid goof Trump has violated the Espionage Act of 1017. The FBI needs to immediately investigate the threat he made and how he induces Russia to steal Hillary's emails. I expect Putin will want to stay clear of the Lunatic now!

The FBI needs to begin its investigation immediately!
Espionage Act does not apply here. Trump was joking. Stupid left wing nuts.
So why did he follow it up with a tweet?

(I can't wait to see them dragging Trump away in chains while he's screaming "But I was kidding mommy!!!")

Take him away in chains for asking Russia to release e-mails about baby showers and cooking recipes? How is that treasonous? Nothing classified are in those emails, Hillary assured us. Unless you think Hillary lied.

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