Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

Well, poster Blaster, I can be persuaded that it could morph into 'J6, the Sequel'.

I seems to my poor avatar that urging people (again) to protest against a legally mandated institution...has echoes of the Janaury 6th 'protest' against Mike Pence, against our elected legislators, against our Electoral College mandates. And that turned out less than good for America.

So, yeah.....I think there can be a skeptical view of Don Trump's sense of responsibility towards keeping America safe, civil and peaceful.



I know, I know, the messageboard has reduced expectations of good poster BJeens given her frequent lapses into earthy vulgarisms and inarticulate statements.

Still, it is not too much to ask that posters contribute in a responsible, measured, and mature manner.

On the other hand though, the message-board's low threshold does allow the undereducated, the badly parented, the angry malcontents, and the ne'er-do-wells of America to have a voice. And that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
It may act then as a prophylactic for 'going postal' by those types. Maybe?

So it is a mixed bag.

Fuck off - the sequel
The leftists better pray sane people don't decide to spit on their hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting the throats of leftists because deserves has everything to do with it.

In fact dems are a lot like a Terminator:

Listen and understand....Those dems are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or shame, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are either subjugated or dead.
Lol, spoken by the idiot retard talking about slitting dems throats. Hilarious 😂
Is poster BJ, really "The Great I Am"? (from the video inpost #113)
"Fuck off - the sequel"

And the sequel to the above sequel:
"...the message-board's low threshold does allow the undereducated, the badly parented, the angry malcontents, and the ne'er-do-wells of America to have a voice."
22 years in the service and no previous arrests. That is one dangerous guy. GFY traitor.
And then there are all those videos:

"As he moved towards the area where the officers would soon be assaulted, he can be seen putting on the aforementioned gas mask and helmet.

According to the criminal complaint, McKellop was captured on film by police body cameras at 2:26 p.m. pushing officers who were trying to prevent the crowd from breaking through the police line and trying to grab the “riot control spray” canister out of the hands of an officer in a lieutenant’s uniform. He then briefly retreated back into the crowd and threw a bottle at officers.

Moments later, McKellop is shown breaching the police line and using his hands to assault officers.

Only seconds later, the MPD police captain (Officer 4) took a position near where McKellop had just assaulted the two officers and tried to use the riot spray to regain control of the situation, per the complaint.

“During this confrontation, as MPD Officer 4 positions himself with the riotcontrol spray aimed toward MCKELLOP and the crowd, MCKELLOP picks up a flagpole from the ground and shoves it into the face of MPD Officer 4,” the complaint stated. “MCKELLOP then throws the flagpole, similar in fashion to throwing a spear, at MPD Officer 4. MCKELLOP’S actions caused a laceration to MPD Officer 4’s face.”
"“It is concerning that the defendant kept a ‘go bag’ that included a firearm in his car,” the U.S. attorneys’ filing reads. “The defendant clearly came to the Capitol prepared for violent action on January 6, and the evidence recovered in his vehicle indicates that he remained prepared for whatever he may want to do next, including potential flight.”

Jeffrey has been silenced by his government

But, he will shortly have a chance to end his self-imposed court.

To wit:

"McKellop was arrested on 03/17/2021. He initially appeared in court the following day. McKellop pleaded not guilty to all counts on 4/12/21 and on 1/21/22. Second Superseding indictment issued 5/22/22. Jury selection begins on 4/17/23 at 9 am in Ceremonial Courtroom. Jury trial starts 4/18/23 at 9 am in Courtroom 19."
Don't protest, it's a trap!!!
The leftists better pray sane people don't decide to spit on their hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting the throats of leftists because deserves has everything to do with it.

In fact dems are a lot like a Terminator:

Listen and understand....Those dems are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or shame, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are either subjugated or dead.
Says the trash who rioted at the Capitol based on total lies.

Republicans are the disgraceful trash of America and republicans make good Americans look bad. Rioting like fools on Jan 6th
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Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

Yes. He's doing it again. Snipers should be set up in strategic places near the White House and other government buildings.
Yes. He's doing it again. Snipers should be set up in strategic places near the White House and other government buildings.
That'll stop an insurrection real quick

They are going to be ready this time.
That'll stop an insurrection real quick

They are going to be ready this time.
WIW a defund the police pussy hiding behind the police. What happens when most of those snipers happen to be Trump supporters? Out of the 79 million that voted for him a large portion is law enforcement
We rest our case.

You'd need a functioning brain to do more than just regurgitate Trump lies and bullshit.
Like those lies you spew about Biden bull shit bill he signed taking 34 million Americans out of property? When in 2021 there were only 24 million?
WIW a defund the police pussy hiding behind the police. What happens when most of those snipers happen to be Trump supporters? Out of the 79 million that voted for him a large portion is law enforcement
Only the racist corrupt dirty trash cops voted for Trump.

All the good ones did not because they know Trump is a corrupt crook and a liar, and people of character do not support Trump or MAGA trash.

Only weaklings are impressed by a POS that lost the election, couldn't handle the L, and cried like a bitch and made up election fraud lies that got destroyed in every court

The snipers will make short work of you people if you ever pull another Jan 6th Insurrection again. You got lucky because you had numbers and you overran the brave and outnumbered cops. Next time, a few head shots will sit you down and shut you up, no more Insurrection.
It's astonishing that two decades ago Republicans argued that lying about a blowjob was the epitome of lawlessness and now they are ready to burn the country for a guy who has broken half the United States code.

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