Trump to keep promise, Palestinians / Muslims start shitting bricks

They've all promised it, but I believe Trump's gonna do it. Damn well time to start supporting our only ally in the region.
"The art of the deal." By moving the embassy to Jerusalem he's starting from a position of strength. This is how you deal with the savages.
Back to the table. < The agreement that gives away Israel's land is described in the Bible.
Almost 2, 000 years ago, someone knew that,
1. There would be an Israel in the end times.
2. Israel would be forced to a table.
3. They will give away land.
4. It will end very badly for them.
Since humans make horrible prognosticators, what was the source of that information? It was from the only one who can move forward and backward in time, because He is not tethered to time like we are. It was our Dad. We need to listen.
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