Trump to buy 75 million barrels of oil for the strategic reserve


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash
Just so long as Donald doesn't cut into my loading up on oil! Watch it, Donald! Don't you go raising the demand and jacking up prices! :rolleyes:
Do we even have that much unused storage? All the news stories are saying that every last tank, tanker and bathtub is about full.
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

Filer up

Demotards will somehow find fault
Watermelons will be angry that its oil and cry for mother earth on thier iphones
Do we even have that much unused storage? All the news stories are saying that every last tank, tanker and bathtub is about full.

Strategic oil reserves are stored in old salt mines and caverns in places like Oklahoma and Louisiana, underground, not in tanks.
It is not clear how easy it is to reclaim though.
Rarely has that been done.

Do we even have that much unused storage? All the news stories are saying that every last tank, tanker and bathtub is about full.

Strategic oil reserves are stored in old salt mines and caverns in places like Oklahoma and Louisiana, underground, not in tanks.
It is not clear how easy it is to reclaim though.
Rarely has that been done.

Been drawn on several times
No brainer. I’m sure TDS sufferers will find a reason to scream about it


Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

Charging more on the credit card...
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

Charging more on the credit card...

With oil at a negative price, they're literally paying us to take it.
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash
Watch the next Demonrat president squander the reserves. Not just oil, but all the prep Trump will do to prepare for the next "pandemic"
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

Charging more on the credit card...
I wish I had a tank to store about 10,000 gallons of gas in my backyard
Now that's how a real President with a vision for the future does it: Fill 'er up at a bargain basement price.

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

President Donald Trump said Monday the U.S. is “looking” to add as many as 75 million barrels of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after an historic day for markets that saw crude prices turn negative. "

Trump seeks to add 75 million barrels of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid historic price crash

Charging more on the credit card...

With oil at a negative price, they're literally paying us to take it.

So, how much are they "literally paying us" then.

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