Trump: "There's nothing out there about Clinton's religion."

American Corporations don't value workers. They've broke the social contract.
They value workers, without workers there's no business. Businesses expand and create more jobs when taxes are low. Taxing businesses slows this growth and hiring rate, and pay immensely. An economy where people rarely get raises is an economy run by Democrats.

Republicans create an economy that keep wages low. Corporations like that. Send jobs overseas or turn a blind eye to illegal immigration.
Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration is part of what's causing a loss of entrance level jobs. They don't create an economy that keeps wages low, a low minimum wage is part of what helps increase hiring rates. Do you even know what percentage of people are on minimum wage? 4.3% last I checked. Even in this garbage economy, most people are still working for above-minimum wage.

Companies don't pay for productivity. They pay the going rate and if jobs are scarce leave if you want.
They do pay for productivity. If you prove to be an asset, you're paid more. They lose money if employees aren't productive, because they end up staying for longer shifts.

I am paid well because I'm a good salesperson. I'm not worried about talented successful Americans I'm worried about the masses. What do you do that you can't be replaced? And where will you go if you lost your job tomorrow?
You just admitted that you're paid more for proving to be an asset. You do your job well. It's not that you do the job, it's how quickly and efficiently you do said job. You know, with the economy we have now, there aren't many places you can go.
Actually companies are hiring again but you got to be good and already working. That's not good for college grads or people out of work.

Companies say they need help but can't find what they need. Guy on the factory line laid off cause his job went to Mexico isn't smart enough to go get an engineering degree. So that factory worker took a step back.

It'd be great to bring those jobs back home. Let's get hillary Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader to do that.

Paul Ryan can throw out his Ayn Rand agenda
Companies are always hiring, this garbage economy just means they're hiring less and expanding slower. Then there are the ones going to other countries to escape the massive tax on each employee, and the even bigger tax when you reach 50(?). Hillary said she'd continue what Obama has been doing, which is chasing businesses out of the country again. You're going to have to get me up SUPER early in the morning to convince me that a massive tax on businesses for each employee promotes hiring. These establishment servants you think so much of are in this for themselves, not the people.

The economy is expanding, unlike the W years when the economy was driving over a cliff.

Now, the Republican are saying, " GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!" I am making more and my assets are higher in value than they have ever been. No, I don't want to take a chance on a repeat of the W fiasco, especially when it would be lead by an Orange Clown.

Thanks....but No Thanks
The DNC is waiting for Donnie to become to office GOP Leader at the convention and then all the mud is going to come out. You know, his connections with the mafia, more Trump U stuff, his continuous affairs, and probably the 13 year old that he molested. Poor Donnie is going down so hard!
OMG! Hillary does handle the Bible on occasion!

Secret Service Book: Raging Hillary Clinton threw Bible at officer's colleague


Secret Service Book: Raging Hillary Clinton threw Bible
Of course you fall for that. How many books have you bought?
OMG! Hillary does handle the Bible on occasion!

Secret Service Book: Raging Hillary Clinton threw Bible at officer's colleague


Secret Service Book: Raging Hillary Clinton threw Bible

So...she tried to hit him with the Word. So?
I think it was just the first thing she could grab.
It would have been really interesting if he had said she hit him with a piano.
The Drumpfettes would believe that too.
OMG! Hillary does handle the Bible on occasion!

Secret Service Book: Raging Hillary Clinton threw Bible at officer's colleague


Secret Service Book: Raging Hillary Clinton threw Bible

Really? You are talking about the Clintons when your candidate is a serial adulterer and he is so proud of it, he writes books boasting about his affairs? REALLY?

Married three times and probably not finished yet, and you talk about the Clintons? REALLY?

Can you imagine how many BJs Donald has received and by how many different women. Most of them were probably over 15 years old though. AND THE MENTALLY LACKING BRAGS ABOUT IT!
Did you forget all the women Bill slept with, and raped or something? At least the Donald admitted to them, Bill outright lied, then Hillary disparaged his rape victims.
Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old
As opposed to one accusation, Bill has accusations out the wazu.
So....don't vote for Bill. Wait...he isn't running, is he?
Really? You are talking about the Clintons when your candidate is a serial adulterer and he is so proud of it, he writes books boasting about his affairs? REALLY?

Married three times and probably not finished yet, and you talk about the Clintons? REALLY?

Can you imagine how many BJs Donald has received and by how many different women. Most of them were probably over 15 years old though. AND THE MENTALLY LACKING BRAGS ABOUT IT!
Did you forget all the women Bill slept with, and raped or something? At least the Donald admitted to them, Bill outright lied, then Hillary disparaged his rape victims.
Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old
As opposed to one accusation, Bill has accusations out the wazu.
Trumps own wife accused him of rape

Bill Clinton is not running for President.....Trump is
My earlier point was that she disparaged the victims, which makes her a sort of accomplice to his crimes. No, though, Bill isn't running, his crooked wife is.
"Makes her a sort of accomplice to his crimes".....what crimes? Since when was Bill indicted and convicted of these crimes you speak of?
Nothing anti Clinton will surprise someone who wants it to be true so badly they'll believe anything, such as Obama wasn't born in America. And then you guys turned around and tried to nominate Cruz who most certainly wasn't born in America. Republicans are pathetic.
You literally just complained about a myth, then stated you believe another myth. I think that's more pathetic than anyone who thinks Obama wasn't born in America. If Cruz wasn't born an American citizen, the news media would have been all over it, perpetually, and he'd have been pulled out of the race. That's how Conservatives are treated.
Excuse me? Are you really so fucking stupid you don't know Cruz was born in Canada? Go look it up and come back and fucking apologize for being so God damned stupid. I'm waiting
I didn't deny he was born in Canada, I denied he wasn't born an American citizen, because he was born the son of an American citizen. You are in no position to be obnoxious and rude, nor are you in any position to call others stupid.
Well he just recently denounced his Canadian citizenship and didn't have American citizenship in his early years. I sure hope American born Isis sympathizers don't move back to the middle East and give birth to a bunch of "Americans".

Why was cruz' cuban dad in a photo with Lee Harvey Oswald? Why did mom move to Canada?

And you guys wanted to make that potus. Wtf is wrong with you? Lol
Even if he wasn't born in American citizen, and as I explained, he was, he's far more qualified than anyone else that has run in the last few elections, especially Trump, Hillary, and Sanders.
"if he wasn't born in American citizen"...he's not qualified.....PERIOD. Read the U.S. Constitution, Article II.
The DNC is waiting for Donnie to become to office GOP Leader at the convention and then all the mud is going to come out. You know, his connections with the mafia, more Trump U stuff, his continuous affairs, and probably the 13 year old that he molested. Poor Donnie is going down so hard!

Mitch McConnell said about Trump. “He needs someone highly experienced and very knowledgeable helping him because it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t know a lot about the issues,” “You see that in the debates in which he’s participated. It’s why I have argued to him that he ought to use a script more often.

This is fascinating stuff on many levels. Note that McConnell “vehemently objects” to Trump’s attacks on various ethnic groups, but will continue to support him provided he reads from a prepared script. In other words, provided Trump stops saying these things aloud. Doesn’t matter that he’s thinking these things or believes these things. Just stop saying them.

Also: McConnell admits there are legitimate doubts about whether Trump possesses the “seriousness of purpose” required for the presidency. Yet McConnell supports him, anyway. McConnell hopes that Trump can compensate for this deficit by reading from a “script,” which is quite an admission.

Finally, McConnell gamely suggests that Trump will not go off the rails as president because he’ll “have to respond to the right-of-center world that elected him.” In other words, don’t worry, even if Trump is a dangerous sociopath, Republican lawmakers and voters will keep him in line. But by McConnell’s own admission, it remains to be seen whether Trump can demonstrate the requisite gravity for the job or even read from a damn script. If this is the case, why should anyone have faith that Trump will heed the “center right world” and remain within accepted norms as president? McConnell’s arguments are self-refuting.
Hillary? I don't know if you remember but the Clinton years were good. No major wars and a surplus.

I don't know what your reason for leaning right is. Let me guess God gays guns and/or racism? It's usually 1 or more of those things unless you are rich?

If a Republican were president Republicans would be praising this economy. 70 straight months of job growth. Companies can't find qualified workers.

Don't pretend you care about blue collar. You probably are anti union. And your advice to them is go to college or start a business. You certainly don't want to give raises
First, the job growth is a lie, pure and simple. The Labor Force Participation shows that. Unless you truly think that taxing businesses per employee somehow creates job growth. No, I don't care who's in office, a declining economy is a declining economy, regardless about how much the President lies about it.

I lean right for none of those reasons, and assuming that's what it takes to be a Republican is just the result of Liberal propaganda.

Raises are earned through hard work, and proving you're an asset to a business. They'll raise your pay if they want to keep you from applying for another job. Unions only force businesses to pay them maximum amount for minimum work. Any sane person is against unions.
Did you even know about the God damned labor force participation rate before 2008? I did. We were using it against Bush's bogus unemployment numbers. Nice talking point
I never said the economy was good under Bush, nor did I say Bush did well. The Labor Force Participation was certainly higher under him, though.
Say labor force participation rate one more time. And ignore all the real reasons it is what it is.

We know more 30 year olds are still living at home. And we know their parents need the help paying the mortgage. If only bush 2000-2008 didn't send all those good jobs to mexico and china instead of south Carolina and oklahoma
Nobody is retiring in this economy, you're delusional if you think they are. They can't find a job and are giving up. You're also blaming Bush when he has been out of office for nearly 8 years, and Obama has been able to do whatever he wants through his 60+ unconstitutional executive orders, and starting out with senate majority. The economy started declining at the end of his term, and then declined even more rapidly under Obama.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME
American Corporations don't value workers. They've broke the social contract.
They value workers, without workers there's no business. Businesses expand and create more jobs when taxes are low. Taxing businesses slows this growth and hiring rate, and pay immensely. An economy where people rarely get raises is an economy run by Democrats.

Republicans create an economy that keep wages low. Corporations like that. Send jobs overseas or turn a blind eye to illegal immigration.
Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration is part of what's causing a loss of entrance level jobs. They don't create an economy that keeps wages low, a low minimum wage is part of what helps increase hiring rates. Do you even know what percentage of people are on minimum wage? 4.3% last I checked. Even in this garbage economy, most people are still working for above-minimum wage.

Companies don't pay for productivity. They pay the going rate and if jobs are scarce leave if you want.
They do pay for productivity. If you prove to be an asset, you're paid more. They lose money if employees aren't productive, because they end up staying for longer shifts.

I am paid well because I'm a good salesperson. I'm not worried about talented successful Americans I'm worried about the masses. What do you do that you can't be replaced? And where will you go if you lost your job tomorrow?
You just admitted that you're paid more for proving to be an asset. You do your job well. It's not that you do the job, it's how quickly and efficiently you do said job. You know, with the economy we have now, there aren't many places you can go.
Actually companies are hiring again but you got to be good and already working. That's not good for college grads or people out of work.

Companies say they need help but can't find what they need. Guy on the factory line laid off cause his job went to Mexico isn't smart enough to go get an engineering degree. So that factory worker took a step back.

It'd be great to bring those jobs back home. Let's get hillary Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader to do that.

Paul Ryan can throw out his Ayn Rand agenda
Companies are always hiring, this garbage economy just means they're hiring less and expanding slower. Then there are the ones going to other countries to escape the massive tax on each employee, and the even bigger tax when you reach 50(?). Hillary said she'd continue what Obama has been doing, which is chasing businesses out of the country again. You're going to have to get me up SUPER early in the morning to convince me that a massive tax on businesses for each employee promotes hiring. These establishment servants you think so much of are in this for themselves, not the people.

The economy is expanding, unlike the W years when the economy was driving over a cliff.

Now, the Republican are saying, " GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!" I am making more and my assets are higher in value than they have ever been. No, I don't want to take a chance on a repeat of the W fiasco, especially when it would be lead by an Orange Clown.

Thanks....but No Thanks
Your personal assets have little to do with whether or not the economy is doing well. You're also ignoring that the economy is expanding slower and there are fewer people employed under Obama's presidency. There are also many more Missing Workers. You also have yet to tell me how taxing the goodness out of businesses, making sure they have less money to hire people and expand with, actually promotes hiring.
He's a better choice than Hillary.
Donald Trump is a corrupt fat sexual pervert and a total bag of shit ...If it was high noon and he said it was day time I would go outside and check..nasty piece of shit Donald Trump.....
Yes, yes he is. Every other word that slips from his spray-tanned mouth is a lie. On the other hand, Hillary is an establishment slave that has never accomplished a thing during her time in politics, aside from making billions of dollars disappear, endangering national secrets, breaking the law, allowing Benghazi, sending an innocent man to jail in her place, and actually lying more often than every other candidate in history.
American Corporations don't value workers. They've broke the social contract.
They value workers, without workers there's no business. Businesses expand and create more jobs when taxes are low. Taxing businesses slows this growth and hiring rate, and pay immensely. An economy where people rarely get raises is an economy run by Democrats.

Republicans create an economy that keep wages low. Corporations like that. Send jobs overseas or turn a blind eye to illegal immigration.
Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration is part of what's causing a loss of entrance level jobs. They don't create an economy that keeps wages low, a low minimum wage is part of what helps increase hiring rates. Do you even know what percentage of people are on minimum wage? 4.3% last I checked. Even in this garbage economy, most people are still working for above-minimum wage.

Companies don't pay for productivity. They pay the going rate and if jobs are scarce leave if you want.
They do pay for productivity. If you prove to be an asset, you're paid more. They lose money if employees aren't productive, because they end up staying for longer shifts.

I am paid well because I'm a good salesperson. I'm not worried about talented successful Americans I'm worried about the masses. What do you do that you can't be replaced? And where will you go if you lost your job tomorrow?
You just admitted that you're paid more for proving to be an asset. You do your job well. It's not that you do the job, it's how quickly and efficiently you do said job. You know, with the economy we have now, there aren't many places you can go.
Actually companies are hiring again but you got to be good and already working. That's not good for college grads or people out of work.

Companies say they need help but can't find what they need. Guy on the factory line laid off cause his job went to Mexico isn't smart enough to go get an engineering degree. So that factory worker took a step back.

It'd be great to bring those jobs back home. Let's get hillary Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader to do that.

Paul Ryan can throw out his Ayn Rand agenda
Companies are always hiring, this garbage economy just means they're hiring less and expanding slower. Then there are the ones going to other countries to escape the massive tax on each employee, and the even bigger tax when you reach 50(?). Hillary said she'd continue what Obama has been doing, which is chasing businesses out of the country again. You're going to have to get me up SUPER early in the morning to convince me that a massive tax on businesses for each employee promotes hiring. These establishment servants you think so much of are in this for themselves, not the people.

The economy is expanding, unlike the W years when the economy was driving over a cliff.

Now, the Republican are saying, " GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!" I am making more and my assets are higher in value than they have ever been. No, I don't want to take a chance on a repeat of the W fiasco, especially when it would be lead by an Orange Clown.

Thanks....but No Thanks
Your personal assets have little to do with whether or not the economy is doing well. You're also ignoring that the economy is expanding slower and there are fewer people employed under Obama's presidency. There are also many more Missing Workers. You also have yet to tell me how taxing the goodness out of businesses, making sure they have less money to hire people and expand with, actually promotes hiring.
No doubt, the economy has had a choppy recovery from the Great Recession. In 2007, the year the recession started, the proportion of people in the labor force started to fall. That’s when it all started. The economic downturn started before Obama. Also the decline can be explained by aging baby boomers leaving the labor force as they begin to retire en masse. How much of the LFPR (labor force participation rate) decline is attributable to the baby boomers retiring? At least half.
They value workers, without workers there's no business. Businesses expand and create more jobs when taxes are low. Taxing businesses slows this growth and hiring rate, and pay immensely. An economy where people rarely get raises is an economy run by Democrats.

Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration is part of what's causing a loss of entrance level jobs. They don't create an economy that keeps wages low, a low minimum wage is part of what helps increase hiring rates. Do you even know what percentage of people are on minimum wage? 4.3% last I checked. Even in this garbage economy, most people are still working for above-minimum wage.

They do pay for productivity. If you prove to be an asset, you're paid more. They lose money if employees aren't productive, because they end up staying for longer shifts.

You just admitted that you're paid more for proving to be an asset. You do your job well. It's not that you do the job, it's how quickly and efficiently you do said job. You know, with the economy we have now, there aren't many places you can go.
Actually companies are hiring again but you got to be good and already working. That's not good for college grads or people out of work.

Companies say they need help but can't find what they need. Guy on the factory line laid off cause his job went to Mexico isn't smart enough to go get an engineering degree. So that factory worker took a step back.

It'd be great to bring those jobs back home. Let's get hillary Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader to do that.

Paul Ryan can throw out his Ayn Rand agenda
Companies are always hiring, this garbage economy just means they're hiring less and expanding slower. Then there are the ones going to other countries to escape the massive tax on each employee, and the even bigger tax when you reach 50(?). Hillary said she'd continue what Obama has been doing, which is chasing businesses out of the country again. You're going to have to get me up SUPER early in the morning to convince me that a massive tax on businesses for each employee promotes hiring. These establishment servants you think so much of are in this for themselves, not the people.

The economy is expanding, unlike the W years when the economy was driving over a cliff.

Now, the Republican are saying, " GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!" I am making more and my assets are higher in value than they have ever been. No, I don't want to take a chance on a repeat of the W fiasco, especially when it would be lead by an Orange Clown.

Thanks....but No Thanks
Your personal assets have little to do with whether or not the economy is doing well. You're also ignoring that the economy is expanding slower and there are fewer people employed under Obama's presidency. There are also many more Missing Workers. You also have yet to tell me how taxing the goodness out of businesses, making sure they have less money to hire people and expand with, actually promotes hiring.
No doubt, the economy has had a choppy recovery from the Great Recession. In 2007, the year the recession started, the proportion of people in the labor force started to fall. That’s when it all started. The economic downturn started before Obama. Also the decline can be explained by aging baby boomers leaving the labor force as they begin to retire en masse. How much of the LFPR (labor force participation rate) decline is attributable to the baby boomers retiring? At least half.
You ignored my question again. Also, even if half was because of retiring Baby Boomers, and it's not, then the other half would be entirely because Obama has been placing massive tax burdens on businesses for each employee. Certainly doesn't make you want to hire people when you get an extra tax for each one, and yet another when you reach 50. Retired people are actually going back to work because of the economy, and they're getting entrance level jobs, which is adding to the number of unemployed young people. The dive in employed people is much too steep.
Somebody should tell Hillary that when she is using a Teleprompter to respond to Trumps claims she shouldn't read the stage directions (Sigh)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You can see her grab the words "sigh" off the teleprompter. :lol:

Clinton "sigh"
Unlike Trump she actually understands the issues
(pause) (sigh with a eye roll)
Hillary has worked with every major leader in the world, Trump has met bimbos from around the world
Hillary is more of the same dude. Repubs and Dems have had their chance to do something for America/Americans and have failed over and over again. We as a nation aren't going down that road any more and come November, Americans will be heard loud and clear.
Actually companies are hiring again but you got to be good and already working. That's not good for college grads or people out of work.

Companies say they need help but can't find what they need. Guy on the factory line laid off cause his job went to Mexico isn't smart enough to go get an engineering degree. So that factory worker took a step back.

It'd be great to bring those jobs back home. Let's get hillary Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader to do that.

Paul Ryan can throw out his Ayn Rand agenda
Companies are always hiring, this garbage economy just means they're hiring less and expanding slower. Then there are the ones going to other countries to escape the massive tax on each employee, and the even bigger tax when you reach 50(?). Hillary said she'd continue what Obama has been doing, which is chasing businesses out of the country again. You're going to have to get me up SUPER early in the morning to convince me that a massive tax on businesses for each employee promotes hiring. These establishment servants you think so much of are in this for themselves, not the people.

The economy is expanding, unlike the W years when the economy was driving over a cliff.

Now, the Republican are saying, " GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!" I am making more and my assets are higher in value than they have ever been. No, I don't want to take a chance on a repeat of the W fiasco, especially when it would be lead by an Orange Clown.

Thanks....but No Thanks
Your personal assets have little to do with whether or not the economy is doing well. You're also ignoring that the economy is expanding slower and there are fewer people employed under Obama's presidency. There are also many more Missing Workers. You also have yet to tell me how taxing the goodness out of businesses, making sure they have less money to hire people and expand with, actually promotes hiring.
No doubt, the economy has had a choppy recovery from the Great Recession. In 2007, the year the recession started, the proportion of people in the labor force started to fall. That’s when it all started. The economic downturn started before Obama. Also the decline can be explained by aging baby boomers leaving the labor force as they begin to retire en masse. How much of the LFPR (labor force participation rate) decline is attributable to the baby boomers retiring? At least half.
You ignored my question again. Also, even if half was because of retiring Baby Boomers, and it's not, then the other half would be entirely because Obama has been placing massive tax burdens on businesses for each employee. Certainly doesn't make you want to hire people when you get an extra tax for each one, and yet another when you reach 50. Retired people are actually going back to work because of the economy, and they're getting entrance level jobs, which is adding to the number of unemployed young people. The dive in employed people is much too steep.
Stop it you broken record with this tax burden bullshit is stopping companies from creating jobs! Stop it!!!

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need

Even with unemployment hovering around 9%, companies are grousing that they can't find skilled workers, and filling a job can take months of hunting.

Employers are quick to lay blame. Schools aren't giving kids the right kind of training. The government isn't letting in enough high-skill immigrants. The list goes on and on.

But I believe that the real culprits are the employers themselves.

With an abundance of workers to choose from, employers are demanding more of job candidates than ever before. They want prospective workers to be able to fill a role right away, without any training or ramp-up time.

In other words, to get a job, you have to have that job already. It's a Catch-22 situation for workers—and it's hurting companies and the economy.

To get America's job engine revving again, companies need to stop pinning so much of the blame on our nation's education system. They need to drop the idea of finding perfect candidates and look for people whocould do the job with a bit of training and practice.
It's a fundamental change from business as usual. But the way we're doing things now just isn't working.

The Big Myths
The perceptions about a lack of skilled workers are pervasive. The staffing company ManpowerGroup, for instance, reports that 52% of U.S. employers surveyed say they have difficulty filling positions because of talent shortages.

But the problem is an illusion.

Some of the complaints about skill shortages boil down to the fact that employers can't get candidates to accept jobs at the wages offered. That's an affordability problem, not a skill shortage. A realshortage means not being able to find appropriate candidates at market-clearing wages. We wouldn't say there is a shortage of diamonds when they are incredibly expensive; we can buy all we want at the prevailing prices.
Companies in other countries do things differently. In Europe, for instance, training is often mandated, and apprenticeships and other programs that help provide work experience are part of the infrastructure.

The result: European countries aren't having skill-shortage complaints at the same level as in the U.S., and the nations that have the most established apprenticeship programs—the Scandinavian nations, Germany and Switzerland—have low unemployment.

Employers here at home rightly point to a significant constraint that they face in training workers: They train them and make the investment, but then someone else offers them more money and hires them away.

Solution? Pay them more!