Trump Supporters: There Will Be No Change In LGBT Or Labor Agenda Under Trump. Vote Accordingly.


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Jul 15, 2013
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And, this is the man who will appoint up to three US Supreme Court Justices who reflect his values. As he seeks funding, George Soros is already in the lineup. George Soros is one of the richest uber gay activist men in the world; and demands from his donees complete loyalty to his agenda. He funded Obama as well.

Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman
On Thursday, Trump named Steven Mnuchin, the chairman and CEO of private investment firm Dune Capital Management LP, to lead his fundraising....Mnuchin, according to his Bloomberg profile, was a partner at Goldman Sachs, where he worked for 17 years. He also worked at Soros Fund Management LLC, founded by liberal mega-donor George Soros. Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman

So here's the funny thing. You're a Trump supporter because you were mad at the establishment for not standing up to the liberal left's runaway freight train of sideshow lunacy. So you're jumping out of the fire and into the frying pan. Trump wants men in women's bathrooms. If you're on board with that, then keep supporting Trump. If not, you might want to rethink another candidate who would stand up against men using the women's bathroom, etc. etc. etc.

As far at the LGBTQI Agenda is concerned, Trump is another four years of Obama. Get used to the idea, because it's reality.

And don't forget the labor issues you thought Trump had your back on too. His "Make America Great" hats were made in China before someone in the media caught him. He then hastily had them made in the US and made up a story that the hats were "copied without his permission from China". You can believe his story, or not. I guess if you consider how he feels about men in women's bathrooms, it might help you to make up your mind whether to believe Trump or not about his loyalty to "American" jobs..

& Trump's list of other products he sells "Made in China" might help you decide too:

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Yes but if he's the candidate, he's the candidate. The time to lobby against him isn't after he's been declared the's before.
George Soros isn't gay. :lol:

And, this is the man who will appoint up to three US Supreme Court Justices who reflect his values. As he seeks funding, George Soros is already in the lineup. George Soros is one of the richest uber gay activist men in the world; and demands from his donees complete loyalty to his agenda. He funded Obama as well.

Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman
On Thursday, Trump named Steven Mnuchin, the chairman and CEO of private investment firm Dune Capital Management LP, to lead his fundraising....Mnuchin, according to his Bloomberg profile, was a partner at Goldman Sachs, where he worked for 17 years. He also worked at Soros Fund Management LLC, founded by liberal mega-donor George Soros. Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman

So here's the funny thing. You're a Trump supporter because you were mad at the establishment for not standing up to the liberal left's runaway freight train of sideshow lunacy. So you're jumping out of the fire and into the frying pan. Trump wants men in women's bathrooms. If you're on board with that, then keep supporting Trump. If not, you might want to rethink another candidate who would stand up against men using the women's bathroom, etc. etc. etc.

As far at the LGBTQI Agenda is concerned, Trump is another four years of Obama. Get used to the idea, because it's reality.

LOL....what makes you think this is a shock to anyone?

But I appreciate your support for Hillary.
Yes but if he's the candidate, he's the candidate. The time to lobby against him isn't after he's been declared the's before.
Was the RNC convention held already? I thought it was in June?
Trump Supporters: There Will Be No Change In LGBT Or Labor Agenda Under Trump. Vote Accordingly.

He's saying he won't stop the "kill the gays rallies Republicans are so fond of.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly.
Why would you think that? He's running on bringing back jobs that no longer exist. They have been replaced with robots. How can you not know that?

And, this is the man who will appoint up to three US Supreme Court Justices who reflect his values. As he seeks funding, George Soros is already in the lineup. George Soros is one of the richest uber gay activist men in the world; and demands from his donees complete loyalty to his agenda. He funded Obama as well.

Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman
On Thursday, Trump named Steven Mnuchin, the chairman and CEO of private investment firm Dune Capital Management LP, to lead his fundraising....Mnuchin, according to his Bloomberg profile, was a partner at Goldman Sachs, where he worked for 17 years. He also worked at Soros Fund Management LLC, founded by liberal mega-donor George Soros. Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman

So here's the funny thing. You're a Trump supporter because you were mad at the establishment for not standing up to the liberal left's runaway freight train of sideshow lunacy. So you're jumping out of the fire and into the frying pan. Trump wants men in women's bathrooms. If you're on board with that, then keep supporting Trump. If not, you might want to rethink another candidate who would stand up against men using the women's bathroom, etc. etc. etc.

As far at the LGBTQI Agenda is concerned, Trump is another four years of Obama. Get used to the idea, because it's reality.

And don't forget the labor issues you thought Trump had your back on too. His "Make America Great" hats were made in China before someone in the media caught him. He then hastily had them made in the US and made up a story that the hats were "copied without his permission from China". You can believe his story, or not. I guess if you consider how he feels about men in women's bathrooms, it might help you to make up your mind whether to believe Trump or not about his loyalty to "American" jobs..

& Trump's list of other products he sells "Made in China" might help you decide too:

But....but Kasich. Don't tell me you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about *again*?
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly. the manufacturing jobs to make Trump brand clothing?

Oh, wait. He outsourced to China. But I'm sure he's looking out for you.

As a businessman... Who better to call the government on their BS than someone who's lived it form the other side?

As a businessman....why would he give a fiddler's fuck about you? Looking to a billionaire who has hired illegals and outsourced labor to China to bring you good jobs is like Oliver's proverbial 'hiring a dingo as a babysitter'.

Its just layers of stupid.

But as I said....Trump supporters follow a cult of personality. Not any particular track record or policy position.
But we'll have jobs, security and the economy will finally improve. So I will vote accordingly.
Why would you think that? He's running on bringing back jobs that no longer exist. They have been replaced with robots. How can you not know that?

If that's true then what jobs is Hillary talking about bringing back?
As a businessman....why would he give a fiddler's fuck about you? Looking to a billionaire who has hired illegals and outsourced labor to China to bring you good jobs is like Oliver's proverbial 'hiring a dingo as a babysitter'.

Its just layers of stupid.

But as I said....Trump supporters follow a cult of personality. Not any particular track record or policy position.

Skylar and I almost never agree. In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB. But what Skylar just said (this time) is absolutely the stark, cold facts. Trump is loyal only to Trump. And this is a fact the Trumpsters and the rest of us are going to become intimately familiar with. But all the warning signs are there for those with even half a brain more advanced than a garden slug.

A telling number of Trump products are manufactured in China, as the OP video shows. And, Trump is fine with men using the women's restroom. That's it. That's the wrapper & the product you're buying folks.

And I'd argue Trump's complete dismissal of women and girls' rights to privacy behind doors marked "women" is just an extension of his wanton misogyny and belief that all women should subject themselves to any perversion, dominance or imposition a male wants to impose upon them at any given moment. It fits like a glove with his existing regard of women as objects for men to use, trample over or disregard as they see fit.
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I distrust loyalty I politics. They lead straight to corruption.
As a businessman....why would he give a fiddler's fuck about you? Looking to a billionaire who has hired illegals and outsourced labor to China to bring you good jobs is like Oliver's proverbial 'hiring a dingo as a babysitter'.

Its just layers of stupid.

But as I said....Trump supporters follow a cult of personality. Not any particular track record or policy position.

Skylar and I almost never agree. In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB.

Nah. You occasionally make up pseudo-legal nonsense. And I occasionally correct you with the actual law. Its rather unremarkable, all things considered. The simple difference between make believe and real life.

But what Skylar just said (this time) is absolutely the stark, cold facts. Trump is loyal only to Trump. And this is a fact the Trumpsters and the rest of us are going to become intimately familiar with. But all the warning signs are there for those with even half a brain more advanced than a garden slug.

This seems obvious. All pejoratives aside, he's a text book narcissist. He says what he think people want to hear, is hyper sensitive to criticism, acts out when criticized, is bizarrely misogynistic, impulsive, and astonishingly vague in his policy positions.

For fuck's sake, he spent almost 10 minutes defending his hand size to the Washington Post editorial board. There's thin skinned, there's hysterically overreactive....and then there is Trump.

I'd rather pick someone out of a telephone book at random that elect that kind of person.
As a businessman....why would he give a fiddler's fuck about you? Looking to a billionaire who has hired illegals and outsourced labor to China to bring you good jobs is like Oliver's proverbial 'hiring a dingo as a babysitter'.

Its just layers of stupid.

But as I said....Trump supporters follow a cult of personality. Not any particular track record or policy position.

Skylar and I almost never agree. In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB.

Nah. You occasionally make up pseudo-legal nonsense. And I occasionally correct you with the actual law. Its rather unremarkable, all things considered. The simple difference between make believe and real life.

But what Skylar just said (this time) is absolutely the stark, cold facts. Trump is loyal only to Trump. And this is a fact the Trumpsters and the rest of us are going to become intimately familiar with. But all the warning signs are there for those with even half a brain more advanced than a garden slug.

This seems obvious. All pejoratives aside, he's a text book narcissist. He says what he think people want to hear, is hyper sensitive to criticism, acts out when criticized, is bizarrely misogynistic, impulsive, and astonishingly vague in his policy positions.

For fuck's sake, he spent almost 10 minutes defending his hand size to the Washington Post editorial board. There's thin skinned, there's hysterically overreactive....and then there is Trump.

I'd rather pick someone out of a telephone book at random that elect that kind of person.

When are you going to tell us why Hillary would be better than Trump?
As a businessman....why would he give a fiddler's fuck about you? Looking to a billionaire who has hired illegals and outsourced labor to China to bring you good jobs is like Oliver's proverbial 'hiring a dingo as a babysitter'.

Its just layers of stupid.

But as I said....Trump supporters follow a cult of personality. Not any particular track record or policy position.

Skylar and I almost never agree. In fact, Skylar's trolling of my posts has become something of legend here at USMB.

Nah. You occasionally make up pseudo-legal nonsense. And I occasionally correct you with the actual law. Its rather unremarkable, all things considered. The simple difference between make believe and real life.

But what Skylar just said (this time) is absolutely the stark, cold facts. Trump is loyal only to Trump. And this is a fact the Trumpsters and the rest of us are going to become intimately familiar with. But all the warning signs are there for those with even half a brain more advanced than a garden slug.

This seems obvious. All pejoratives aside, he's a text book narcissist. He says what he think people want to hear, is hyper sensitive to criticism, acts out when criticized, is bizarrely misogynistic, impulsive, and astonishingly vague in his policy positions.

For fuck's sake, he spent almost 10 minutes defending his hand size to the Washington Post editorial board. There's thin skinned, there's hysterically overreactive....and then there is Trump.

I'd rather pick someone out of a telephone book at random that elect that kind of person.

When are you going to tell us why Hillary would be better than Trump?

When she's the topic of the thread, perhaps?
. All pejoratives aside, he's a text book narcissist. He says what he think people want to hear, is hyper sensitive to criticism, acts out when criticized, is bizarrely misogynistic, impulsive, and astonishingly vague in his policy positions.

For fuck's sake, he spent almost 10 minutes defending his hand size to the Washington Post editorial board. There's thin skinned, there's hysterically overreactive....and then there is Trump.

I'd rather pick someone out of a telephone book at random that elect that kind of person.

Exactly. Which is why if Trump is nominated, I'll be putting a clothespin on my nose and voting for Hillary. And so will a LOT of other middle people.

Basically this election will boil down to two groups of people voting in the left-center, center and right. 1. People who are smart enough to notice that Trump is a covertly dangerous and pathological person who shouldn't be within 100 miles of the Whitehouse and 2. People who are stupid enough to look beyond his glaring inconsistencies, misogyny, narcissism, arrogance, vindictiveness, childishness and self-glorification to actually believe that all those immutable qualities of Trump will somehow still translate into American leadership that won't destroy our country and lead us to gruesome wars and world conflict within the next 4 years.

And stupid enough to think that even though scores of Trump's products he outsources to China, he somehow will make good on the promise to kill his own sweet profit margin obtained by outsourcing labor overseas, all so he can "make good on a promise he made to his voters that he'd bring those jobs home.". I can guarantee if Trump has a choice between making your life easier or his, he's going to choose himself EVERY SINGLE TIME & at the same time laugh a good belly laugh that you would ever believe you were more important than he is.
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