Trump Strips Secret Service Protections From Assassination Target

Trump is the greatest comedian.
Yesterday's press conference - "He is dumb. He is a stupid man" (When asked about removing sec. clearance)
I love that the people Trump fucks over the most are the people who work for him and support him. :lol:
President Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton said the president ended his Secret Service protection shortly after his return to the White House this week.

“I am disappointed but not surprised that President Trump has decided to terminate the protection previously provided by the United States Secret Service,” Bolton said in an emailed statement to The Hill on Tuesday. “Notwithstanding my criticisms of President Biden’s national-security policies, he nonetheless made the decision to extend that protection to me in 2021.”

Bolton has been a long-standing hawk toward Iran. He served during the first Trump administration until November 2019. After leaving the administration, he received assassination threats from Iran.

The former ambassador, who since leaving the White House has become a vocal Trump critic, had his security detail rescinded by Trump during his first White House term. Former President Biden reinstated and extended the protection in 2021, Bolton said.

What I would say to Bolton is: If you are going to sidle up to the Democrats and write a book ripping Trump, then go on all the leftwing talk shows and rip Trump some more, please don't whine when when the freebies dry up once Trump is re-elected. There is a price to be paid for selling your soul, John. You just found out what it is.

Enjoy your future irrelevance Johnny boy.
President Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton said the president ended his Secret Service protection shortly after his return to the White House this week.

“I am disappointed but not surprised that President Trump has decided to terminate the protection previously provided by the United States Secret Service,” Bolton said in an emailed statement to The Hill on Tuesday. “Notwithstanding my criticisms of President Biden’s national-security policies, he nonetheless made the decision to extend that protection to me in 2021.”

Bolton has been a long-standing hawk toward Iran. He served during the first Trump administration until November 2019. After leaving the administration, he received assassination threats from Iran.

The former ambassador, who since leaving the White House has become a vocal Trump critic, had his security detail rescinded by Trump during his first White House term. Former President Biden reinstated and extended the protection in 2021, Bolton said.

What I would say to Bolton is: If you are going to sidle up to the Democrats and write a book ripping Trump, then go on all the leftwing talk shows and rip Trump some more, please don't whine when when the freebies dry up once Trump is re-elected. There is a price to be paid for selling your soul, John. You just found out what it is.
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy...
President Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton said the president ended his Secret Service protection shortly after his return to the White House this week.

“I am disappointed but not surprised that President Trump has decided to terminate the protection previously provided by the United States Secret Service,” Bolton said in an emailed statement to The Hill on Tuesday. “Notwithstanding my criticisms of President Biden’s national-security policies, he nonetheless made the decision to extend that protection to me in 2021.”

Bolton has been a long-standing hawk toward Iran. He served during the first Trump administration until November 2019. After leaving the administration, he received assassination threats from Iran.

The former ambassador, who since leaving the White House has become a vocal Trump critic, had his security detail rescinded by Trump during his first White House term. Former President Biden reinstated and extended the protection in 2021, Bolton said.

What I would say to Bolton is: If you are going to sidle up to the Democrats and write a book ripping Trump, then go on all the leftwing talk shows and rip Trump some more, please don't whine when when the freebies dry up once Trump is re-elected. There is a price to be paid for selling your soul, John. You just found out what it is.
Oh Noooooo.


So how long should "has beens" get SS protection?

Trump probably told Iran that if any US citizen gets injured or killed by their actions then a severe retaliation will occur.
I'm sure Iran would not consider Bolton a high priority target, worth the risk.

Did you miss the part where Bolton recommended that candidate Trump should lose his SS protection?
You’ve got crazies all over. If he’s a target, he should be protected. It would help, if the administration toned down the retribution rhetoric.
Bolton was always on CNN whining about Trump. Bolton was no supporter.
He worked for him though. I mentioned two categories of people. There have been quite a number of people who've gone to work for Trump only to find themselves caught up on charges, being disbarred, sued civilly, or financially stiffed. His supporters are the one getting grifted on. Its not Democrats buying Trump coins, or playing cards or NFTs or crypto....
You’ve got crazies all over. If he’s a target, he should be protected. It would help, if the administration toned down the retribution rhetoric.
Bolton is NOT currently working in government, he is a private citizen for 5-years or so, let him buy protection if he needs it.
Crazies can attack anyone, Bolton is probably not on anyone's target list.
What retribution rhetoric?
You’ve got crazies all over. If he’s a target, he should be protected. It would help, if the administration toned down the retribution rhetoric.
Oh how the tables have turned. Absolutely priceless...

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