Trump Strips Secret Service Protections From Assassination Target


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Onlookers appeared stunned Tuesday after President Donald Trump stripped one-time national security adviser John Bolton of his security clearance and Secret Service detail, despite Bolton reportedly being previously targeted by an Iranian assassination attempt.

I was waiting to see how long a story like this would take.

You tRump humpers prepare yourselves for what's coming. Lets see what your attitudes are when people named Trump aren't that well protected anymore.

See you then. :)
Onlookers appeared stunned Tuesday after President Donald Trump stripped one-time national security adviser John Bolton of his security clearance and Secret Service detail, despite Bolton reportedly being previously targeted by an Iranian assassination attempt.

I was waiting to see how long a story like this would take.

You tRump humpers prepare yourselves for what's coming. Lets see what your attitudes are when people named Trump aren't that well protected anymore.

See you then. :)

Onlookers appeared stunned Tuesday after President Donald Trump stripped one-time national security adviser John Bolton of his security clearance and Secret Service detail, despite Bolton reportedly being previously targeted by an Iranian assassination attempt.

I was waiting to see how long a story like this would take.

You tRump humpers prepare yourselves for what's coming. Lets see what your attitudes are when people named Trump aren't that well protected anymore.

See you then. :)
He had his security clearance REVOKED for good reason.
He lied often and a lot when called to testify to the truth.
Onlookers appeared stunned Tuesday after President Donald Trump stripped one-time national security adviser John Bolton of his security clearance and Secret Service detail, despite Bolton reportedly being previously targeted by an Iranian assassination attempt.

I was waiting to see how long a story like this would take.

You tRump humpers prepare yourselves for what's coming. Lets see what your attitudes are when people named Trump aren't that well protected anymore.

See you then. :)

Bolton and his warmonger friends can pay for his security.

Funny how you guys used to hate this guy’s guts now you have to shill for him simply because President Trump doesn’t like him either.
Raw story dot com?

I'll wait for a better source!

I know about the security clearance...but SS detail? Not gonna believe that without a better source.
For someone who complained bitterly about his own lack of Secret Service protection, it seems callous that he would strip it away from someone else out of political pettiness
Onlookers appeared stunned Tuesday after President Donald Trump stripped one-time national security adviser John Bolton of his security clearance and Secret Service detail, despite Bolton reportedly being previously targeted by an Iranian assassination attempt.

I was waiting to see how long a story like this would take.

You tRump humpers prepare yourselves for what's coming. Lets see what your attitudes are when people named Trump aren't that well protected anymore.

See you then. :)
Maybe not really right, as he is still a foreign assassination target.
On the other hand, I haven't liked the SOB since he helped get the second Iraq war started with SonovaBush. So, I wish him luck and suggest he watch his ass.
Onlookers appeared stunned Tuesday after President Donald Trump stripped one-time national security adviser John Bolton of his security clearance and Secret Service detail, despite Bolton reportedly being previously targeted by an Iranian assassination attempt.

I was waiting to see how long a story like this would take.

You tRump humpers prepare yourselves for what's coming. Lets see what your attitudes are when people named Trump aren't that well protected anymore.

See you then. :)

Johnny Boy must have really pissed off Felon47.
During Biden's reign of error even people named Trump weren't being well protected.

When exactly is Mr. Biden strip members of the Trump Family of their secret service details Day, Month, and Year. Site a specific family member who lost protection. Bear in mind not family members retain protection after a president leaves office.

How many people did Biden strip of Secret Service Protection? You're lying sack of MAGA MAGGOT SHIT!

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