Trump Snivels At the British Prime Minister


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Big Orange Idiot has been whining at the UK Prime Minister Theresa May. He sniveled that, if she doesn’t make the British public treat him better, he won’t go back to England. Waa waa waa.

It’s unfortunate that he returns to the U.S., because most Americans don’t care for him either, but he keeps coming back anyway. Remember, he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. The majority of Americans didn’t want him for president in 2016, and that number has grown since his inauguration, as he’s proven himself to be a horrible embarrassment to the country. (Not to mention he heads the most corrupt administration since that of Reagan.)

Listening to the man/baby POTUS whine at her must be a “joy” for a conservative like Theresa May. It is already extremely difficult for conservative leaders to maintain credibility in a world suffering from far too many conservative policies. And while Big Orange is a disgusting embarrassment to the vast majority of Americans, his internationally infamous stupidity is helping promote liberal causes around the world.

Donald Trump won't visit the UK until Theresa May fixes a 'better reception' for him


Baby T.jpg

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, EVERYTHING, and still believe they won.

He's an international embarrassment and the USA has lost respect all around the world because of his antics.
Yet the trump whores still defend this lunatic.
Trump is such a pussy. He whines about everything under the sun. Good lord has this loser been doing this his whole life? How can anyone stand this piece of shit? His kids are all dumbasses that couldn't change a light bulb if their lives depended on it.
Trump is such a pussy. He whines about everything under the sun. Good lord has this loser been doing this his whole life? How can anyone stand this piece of shit? His kids are all dumbasses that couldn't change a light bulb if their lives depended on it.

Crikey; another one!! It was a tie!!

The Big Orange Idiot has been whining at the UK Prime Minister Theresa May. He sniveled that, if she doesn’t make the British public treat him better, he won’t go back to England. Waa waa waa.

It’s unfortunate that he returns to the U.S., because most Americans don’t care for him either, but he keeps coming back anyway. Remember, he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. The majority of Americans didn’t want him for president in 2016, and that number has grown since his inauguration, as he’s proven himself to be a horrible embarrassment to the country. (Not to mention he heads the most corrupt administration since that of Reagan.)

Listening to the man/baby POTUS whine at her must be a “joy” for a conservative like Theresa May. It is already extremely difficult for conservative leaders to maintain credibility in a world suffering from far too many conservative policies. And while Big Orange is a disgusting embarrassment to the vast majority of Americans, his internationally infamous stupidity is helping promote liberal causes around the world.

Donald Trump won't visit the UK until Theresa May fixes a 'better reception' for him


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Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, EVERYTHING, and still believe they won.


Interesting read but ignorant to the nth degree. City slickers need to realize that country people whipped Hillary's behind with a bundle of switches, who is next in line?
Trump is such a pussy. He whines about everything under the sun. Good lord has this loser been doing this his whole life? How can anyone stand this piece of shit? His kids are all dumbasses that couldn't change a light bulb if their lives depended on it.

Crikey; another one!! It was a tie!!


You are dumbass of the millenium, kudos to your mediocrity. Trump is doing his best to become pussy of the year though so your crown is in jeopardy.
Perhaps the Big Orange Idiot should whine at ABC and the Washington Post. Their most recent poll shows he has the lowest approval rating of any president in the last 70 years.

Maybe sniveling at the CEOs of the two corporations will make them treat him better. Big Orange doesn’t realize that only his most loyal fans still defend his stupidity. Everyone else just wants him to go away. He is such an embarrassment to the U.S. and has made himself laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Donald Trump Isn't Happy About New Poll Showing He Is the President With Lowest Approval Rating in 70 Years



It's no wonder he is polling as the worst president in the last 70 years.


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