Trump Should Add Himself to His list


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Being pissed off at Cruz's dirty tricks to win the primary in Iowa is being a sore loser? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

The precinct captain in my caucus who spoke for the Cruz campaign never mentioned Ben Carson was quitting. Trump is trumping up charges To steal the news cycle again and take away that he was a loser in Iowa.
Being pissed off at Cruz's dirty tricks to win the primary in Iowa is being a sore loser? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Trump thought the whole Republican party was behind him........even though Cruz is a weasel and did some crooked things....according to Trump, Trump still should have won. Cruz just created more entertainment for us.
Iowa is only one battle. Trump will win the nomination.

And lose the election to the Democrat.

Election 2016: Is Donald Trump really the least electable GOP candidate?
Let's wait until the FBI charges Clinton with multiple felonies.
BTW the charges have already been drawn up. The FBI is currently having extensive 'peer review' done by the finest legal experts in the country. These experts are making positive every fucking word contained in the charges is 100% legally watertight.
The FBI HATE the Clintons going back to when the Clintons slithered away from going to jail for cocaine smuggling in AK. The FBI KNOWS the Clintons were complicant in the murder of Vince Foster. The Clintons this time are going down!
Whether Obama's 'fisting buddy' goes forward with the charges is irrelevant.
The REP voter turnout against Hillary will be historic.
No one wants to see the fucking Clinton's stealing the White house silverware and furniture again.

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