Trump pressure on U.K. helps to boot China from U.K.s 5G network...this will be an item for joe biden for China...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
President Trump has worked with the U.K. to keep China out of it's 5G Network..........China is an enemy to all free people around the, if joe biden wins, this will be one of the first tasks China orders him to take care of.....joe will have to force Britain to take the 5G spy network...

I wonder when we will find out that Hunter Biden has a seat on a board of a company that is working to get China in control of 5Gnetworks around the world.....?

If China Joe Biden gets elected.....China will get 5G in Britain....

The British government announced early on Tuesday that it was banning Chinese-state telecommunications company Huawei from its high-speed 5G telecommunications network.

Much of the discussion on the dangers of allowing China to establish dominance in 5G has been focused on the immediate security concern of using communications networks that China can monitor and surveil. That is, in fact, a monumental danger. For that reason alone, we should mobilize to surmount China’s drive to dominate 5G. But the stakes are far higher than this.

It has been estimated that the Industrial Internet powered by 5G could generate new economic opportunities of $23 trillion by 2025. If China establishes sole dominance over 5G, it will be able to dominate the opportunities arising from a stunning range of emerging technologies that will be dependent on, and interwoven with the 5G platform.

From a national security standpoint, if the Industrial Internet becomes dependent on Chinese technology, China would have the ability to shut countries off from technology and equipment upon which their consumers and industry depend. The power the United States has today to use economic sanctions would pale by comparison to the unprecedented economic leverage we would be surrendering into the hands of China.

President Trump has worked with the U.K. to keep China out of it's 5G Network..........China is an enemy to all free people around the, if joe biden wins, this will be one of the first tasks China orders him to take care of.....joe will have to force Britain to take the 5G spy network...

I wonder when we will find out that Hunter Biden has a seat on a board of a company that is working to get China in control of 5Gnetworks around the world.....?

If China Joe Biden gets elected.....China will get 5G in Britain....

The British government announced early on Tuesday that it was banning Chinese-state telecommunications company Huawei from its high-speed 5G telecommunications network.

Much of the discussion on the dangers of allowing China to establish dominance in 5G has been focused on the immediate security concern of using communications networks that China can monitor and surveil. That is, in fact, a monumental danger. For that reason alone, we should mobilize to surmount China’s drive to dominate 5G. But the stakes are far higher than this.

It has been estimated that the Industrial Internet powered by 5G could generate new economic opportunities of $23 trillion by 2025. If China establishes sole dominance over 5G, it will be able to dominate the opportunities arising from a stunning range of emerging technologies that will be dependent on, and interwoven with the 5G platform.

From a national security standpoint, if the Industrial Internet becomes dependent on Chinese technology, China would have the ability to shut countries off from technology and equipment upon which their consumers and industry depend. The power the United States has today to use economic sanctions would pale by comparison to the unprecedented economic leverage we would be surrendering into the hands of China.

The UK should reject huawei and go with nokia instead

thats a no brainer
Red China is the enemy of the world. If they had their way, the rest of the world would be their slaves. If Joe the ho were elected, we WOULD be slaves to communist China. The great thing about Trump is he is the first President since Kennedy to confront the Chinese bastards. And by no means should we let them control 5G in any other country except their own. This is a matter of world security. Red China is evil.
No Chinese person has ever bothered me. I'm not sure why you think this racism plays with anyone outside the racist Trump base.

138,000 Dead
38 million unemployed.
4 Trillion in additional debt
Six weeks of Riots.

Trump is failing at an epic rate, and he's taking most of us down with him.
Document of the Week: Czech Pol to China: Piss Off.

Czech politician tells China’s foreign minister not to “open your trap” again about his country’s relations with Taiwan.

Beijing’s "diplomats" issuing increasingly harsh threats against countries from Australia to the United States for backing policies unpopular in Beijing.

This year, Chinese officials have threatened trade reprisals against Australia, for advocating an independent investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, and against New Zealand, for raising concerns about China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. China—the world’s largest producer of rare earth minerals—recently threatened to halt the sale of vital rare earth products to defense giant Lockheed Martin after it secured a contrade to upgrade Patriot air defense batteries in Taiwan.

But a dispute between China and the Czech Republic over a visit late last month to Taiwan by Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil has underscored the depth of antipathy toward China’s strong-armed "diplomacy". After the visit, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi who threatened unspecified retaliation. In response, Pavel Novotny, a local district mayor on the outskirts of Prague, fired off a scorching—if slightly unhinged—missive to the Chinese foreign minister on Monday, calling Beijing’s top diplomats “impudent, thoughtless, uncouth clowns.”

The letter—which demands an apology from the Chinese government within 24 hours—(with an English translation on the second page of the document) at the link.
The rest of the world should support Australia's advocacy of an independent investigation of C-19 origins. When the virus is found in its natural state, the lab myth will end, which is not an auspicious ending for the Dems nor the Chinese puppet, Biden..

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