Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.
You'd have to provide a more reputable source for any credence. Same old shit from the same old rag.
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and are desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
I thought you guys were saying we would find the Russia connection in his tax returns. What happened? It appears his tax returns are a big nothingburger, just like all the other nothingburgers.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from. This is why they wanted to see hi taxes, because if no bank in the U.S. wold loan him money anymore, that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S. which can make him susceptible to foreign interference. It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from.

It's none of your business.

that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S.

It's not illegal to borrow "from someone outside the U.S."

It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

It's not illegal to borrow from Deutsche Bank.
It is our business...once he became President..... if he owes Putin n friends, and Ergoden n friends...then of course it matters!!!!
The cat's out of the bag now. What we suspected all along is true.

Now they have to cover for a buffoon who conned them. That must be horrible.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.
You'd have to provide a more reputable source for any credence. Same old shit from the same old rag.

Then he will have to show his tax returns for us not to believe the times?? but don't count on it, because the NYT is the truth.
I’ve said this a hundred times already. EVERY leading candidate, government elected or appointed official should BY LAW have to reveal tax returns yearly. Trump has ALWAYS been a conman and cheat. Always. That he is celebrated for it by his supporters is disgusting. Biden is hardly any better .... showing individual tax returns is hardly enough! It is only a tiny baby step toward “draining the swamp.” Our society is crazed. Transparency laws need to be dramatically strengthened, corporate political contributions limited severely or banned, and international treaties signed to tax trillions that illegally escape into offshore hidden accounts.
Hate to break it to you, but you can lie on your tax returns. That's a fact.
The only reason you leftists want them is so you can bring false charges against him for income tax evasion in the state of New York.....nevermind the simple fact that the IRS already has his returns and is the only entity that can legally do that, yet never has.
Trump has released his financial statements which are much more detailed than any tax return could be. Just a lesson in stupidity by you Biden people.
BTW, Joe Biden has claimed that he knew nothing about what his son was doing in China, Ukraine, and don't preach to me about a lack of transparency. Both Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to answer questions. Jill Biden refused to answer questions about her husband's tendency to be a gaff machine. So don't talk about Trump till you deal with the real corruption that we can all see in Joe Biden.
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and are desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
I thought you guys were saying we would find the Russia connection in his tax returns. What happened? It appears his tax returns are a big nothingburger, just like all the other nothingburgers.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from. This is why they wanted to see hi taxes, because if no bank in the U.S. wold loan him money anymore, that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S. which can make him susceptible to foreign interference. It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from.

It's none of your business.

that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S.

It's not illegal to borrow "from someone outside the U.S."

It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

It's not illegal to borrow from Deutsche Bank.
It is our business...once he became President..... if he owes Putin n friends, and Ergoden n friends...then of course it matters!!!!
The cat's out of the bag now. What we suspected all along is true.

Now they have to cover for a buffoon who conned them. That must be horrible.
Yep.....he's finally toast.
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and are desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
I thought you guys were saying we would find the Russia connection in his tax returns. What happened? It appears his tax returns are a big nothingburger, just like all the other nothingburgers.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from. This is why they wanted to see hi taxes, because if no bank in the U.S. wold loan him money anymore, that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S. which can make him susceptible to foreign interference. It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from.

It's none of your business.

that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S.

It's not illegal to borrow "from someone outside the U.S."

It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

It's not illegal to borrow from Deutsche Bank.
It is our business...once he became President..... if he owes Putin n friends, and Ergoden n friends...then of course it matters!!!!
The cat's out of the bag now. What we suspected all along is true.

Now they have to cover for a buffoon who conned them. That must be horrible.
Yep.....he's finally toast.
I sure wish I could administer some truth serum to one of you guys and find out what you really think about this kind of thing. It just keeps piling up.

My guess is that, by now, you know you were conned by a buffoon. But you've sold your soul to the guy, so it's just too late.
Last edited:
He said the trampers could careless, if he shot an man on 5th ave they wouldn't care.
I’ve said this a hundred times already. EVERY leading candidate, government elected or appointed official should BY LAW have to reveal tax returns yearly. Trump has ALWAYS been a conman and cheat. Always. That he is celebrated for it by his supporters is disgusting. Biden is hardly any better .... showing individual tax returns is hardly enough! It is only a tiny baby step toward “draining the swamp.” Our society is crazed. Transparency laws need to be dramatically strengthened, corporate political contributions limited severely or banned, and international treaties signed to tax trillions that illegally escape into offshore hidden accounts.
Hate to break it to you, but you can lie on your tax returns. That's a fact.
The only reason you leftists want them is so you can bring false charges against him for income tax evasion in the state of New York.....nevermind the simple fact that the IRS already has his returns and is the only entity that can legally do that, yet never has.
Trump has released his financial statements which are much more detailed than any tax return could be. Just a lesson in stupidity by you Biden people.
BTW, Joe Biden has claimed that he knew nothing about what his son was doing in China, Ukraine, and don't preach to me about a lack of transparency. Both Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to answer questions. Jill Biden refused to answer questions about her husband's tendency to be a gaff machine. So don't talk about Trump till you deal with the real corruption that we can all see in Joe Biden.

Tramp talking about Hunter, maybe he should come clean on his kids, Ivanka, Eric, and tramp jr.

Moving money around to not pay taxes, is a crime, they are all tax evaders.
He paid $750?

He must have fired his accountant over that one
Remember he had to divest himself from his business interests---------and was campaigning and then donating his salary as president.
He never divested himself, and he never put his business in to a blind trust.... that was just another one of his unkept promises.... malarkey!
As this ugly and embarrassing story continues to unfold, keep a close eye on Deutsche bank, folks.

They're already under investigation for other misdeeds, and it looks like they've been bankrolling this buffoon with billions when no other bank would touch him, for obvious reasons.

This may end up being a story all on its own.
He paid $750?

He must have fired his accountant over that one
Remember he had to divest himself from his business interests---------and was campaigning and then donating his salary as president.
This donating his salary defense that Trumpers use are really quite pathetic.


First, Trump has been using the US Treasury to bolster his businesses. Why do you think he spends so much time at his golf clubs. Where do all those tens of millions go? Right into his pocket.

Second, the tax returns show that Trump has received more money from foreign powers, autocratic foreign powers, than he makes as President.

Third, the donation of his salary is chum. Chum thrown out to Trump’s gullible supporters. Trump donates his salary as show while making millions profiting from the presidency. The first rule of the confidence man is know your marks. Trump knows his mean supporters...well.
He told us he would take no salary, but our laws prevent such....

So us tax payers, are paying him...

He is then donating his salary, every quarter to his choice....
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and are desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
I thought you guys were saying we would find the Russia connection in his tax returns. What happened? It appears his tax returns are a big nothingburger, just like all the other nothingburgers.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from. This is why they wanted to see hi taxes, because if no bank in the U.S. wold loan him money anymore, that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S. which can make him susceptible to foreign interference. It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from.

It's none of your business.

that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S.

It's not illegal to borrow "from someone outside the U.S."

It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

It's not illegal to borrow from Deutsche Bank.
It is our business...once he became President..... if he owes Putin n friends, and Ergoden n friends...then of course it matters!!!!
The cat's out of the bag now. What we suspected all along is true.

Now they have to cover for a buffoon who conned them. That must be horrible.
Yep.....he's finally toast.
I sure wish I could administer some truth serum to one of you guys and find out what you really think about this kind of thing. It just keeps piling up.

My guess is that, by now, you know you were conned by a buffoon. But you've sold your soul to the guy, so it's just too late.
You don't need truth serum with most Trump supporters.
You talk about us being conned when we constantly see the byproduct of brainwashing on the left in our kids and in people that normally acted intelligent but have currently taken leave of their senses.

You all seem to swallow every lie that the commies in the Washington Compost and the New York Slime publish without question because of your bigotry. Your outright hatred of the boogeyman that Democrats turn every Republican president into using a corrupt media that is supposed to be giving us the facts instead of advocating for one side or another. The list is long. Bush, Romney, Palin, McCain, Kavanaugh, you name it. Once they stop being a threat you discover that they aren't as evil as the God forsaken Democrats made them out to be.
More from the NYTs.

“As the president wages a re-election campaign that polls say he is in danger of losing, his finances are under stress, beset by losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt coming due that he has personally guaranteed. Also hanging over him is a decade-long audit battle with the Internal Revenue Service over the legitimacy of a $72.9 million tax refund that he claimed, and received, after declaring huge losses. An adverse ruling could cost him more than $100 million”.

The law Is catching up with the tax cheat and scam artist.

So, what is your complaint? If he is losing money then not paying taxes is perfectly reasonable.
He paid $750?

He must have fired his accountant over that one
Remember he had to divest himself from his business interests---------and was campaigning and then donating his salary as president.
This donating his salary defense that Trumpers use are really quite pathetic.


First, Trump has been using the US Treasury to bolster his businesses. Why do you think he spends so much time at his golf clubs. Where do all those tens of millions go? Right into his pocket.

Second, the tax returns show that Trump has received more money from foreign powers, autocratic foreign powers, than he makes as President.

Third, the donation of his salary is chum. Chum thrown out to Trump’s gullible supporters. Trump donates his salary as show while making millions profiting from the presidency. The first rule of the confidence man is know your marks. Trump knows his mean supporters...well.
I'm waiting see if even ONE of them will admit this is becoming too much. That this has been a con.

Just ONE.
LOL..Your “billionaire messiah“ is a fraud.
Only in your Alt Left Delusional Reality .....

Back in the real world Trump is one of the most popular Presidents in modern history and set for a historic Landslide Victory in just a few weeks.
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and are desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.

Losing money in one year, does not mean he is not still wealthy.

I mean, seriously, how stupid are you?
Lol..You Trumpers have been taken over and over again by this con man. He lies about his wealth just like he lies about voter fraud. You believe him I guess because you are lost and are desperately searching for a leader. You all have been conned.
I thought you guys were saying we would find the Russia connection in his tax returns. What happened? It appears his tax returns are a big nothingburger, just like all the other nothingburgers.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from. This is why they wanted to see hi taxes, because if no bank in the U.S. wold loan him money anymore, that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S. which can make him susceptible to foreign interference. It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

He has $420 million in loans coming due and we have no idea who the loans are from.

It's none of your business.

that means these loans are coming from someone outside the U.S.

It's not illegal to borrow "from someone outside the U.S."

It has been rumored the loans came from Russian money laundered through Deutsche Bank.

It's not illegal to borrow from Deutsche Bank.
It is our business...once he became President..... if he owes Putin n friends, and Ergoden n friends...then of course it matters!!!!
The cat's out of the bag now. What we suspected all along is true.

Now they have to cover for a buffoon who conned them. That must be horrible.
Yep.....he's finally toast.
I sure wish I could administer some truth serum to one of you guys and find out what you really think about this kind of thing. It just keeps piling up.

My guess is that, by now, you know you were conned by a buffoon. But you've sold your soul to the guy, so it's just too late.
You don't need truth serum with most Trump supporters.
You talk about us being conned when we constantly see the byproduct of brainwashing on the left in our kids and in people that normally acted intelligent but have currently taken leave of their senses.

You all seem to swallow every lie that the commies in the Washington Compost and the New York Slime publish without question because of your bigotry. Your outright hatred of the boogeyman that Democrats turn every Republican president into using a corrupt media. The list is long. Bush, Romney, Palin, McCain, Kavanaugh, you name it. Once they stop being a threat you discover that they aren't as evil as the God forsaken Democrats made them out to be.
So your support for him remains at 100%? Unwavering?
He said the trampers could careless, if he shot an man on 5th ave they wouldn't care.
I’ve said this a hundred times already. EVERY leading candidate, government elected or appointed official should BY LAW have to reveal tax returns yearly. Trump has ALWAYS been a conman and cheat. Always. That he is celebrated for it by his supporters is disgusting. Biden is hardly any better .... showing individual tax returns is hardly enough! It is only a tiny baby step toward “draining the swamp.” Our society is crazed. Transparency laws need to be dramatically strengthened, corporate political contributions limited severely or banned, and international treaties signed to tax trillions that illegally escape into offshore hidden accounts.
Hate to break it to you, but you can lie on your tax returns. That's a fact.
The only reason you leftists want them is so you can bring false charges against him for income tax evasion in the state of New York.....nevermind the simple fact that the IRS already has his returns and is the only entity that can legally do that, yet never has.
Trump has released his financial statements which are much more detailed than any tax return could be. Just a lesson in stupidity by you Biden people.
BTW, Joe Biden has claimed that he knew nothing about what his son was doing in China, Ukraine, and don't preach to me about a lack of transparency. Both Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to answer questions. Jill Biden refused to answer questions about her husband's tendency to be a gaff machine. So don't talk about Trump till you deal with the real corruption that we can all see in Joe Biden.

Tramp talking about Hunter, maybe he should come clean on his kids, Ivanka, Eric, and tramp jr.

Moving money around to not pay taxes, is a crime, they are all tax evaders.
Wow. Moving money around is against the law?
Could you find a copy of the tax code and point out exactly which tax law makes it illegal to move money around.

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