Trump nominates Gorsuch

No liberals posting yet? They must have all retreated to their safe spaces before the announcement.
Gorsuch is Kennedy's guy...I read that the strategy behind nominating Gorsuch first was to allow Kennedy the piece of mind to retire from the court.
Retire Kennedy...gork out Ginsberg...United States finally begins to reverse set backs of lunatic 1960's and 1970's. Even Reagan could not do such a thing in liberal 1980's when Congress dominated by Democrats.
A wise Republican leadership, in light of this appointee, should refrain from going nuclear too quickly. Let the liberals fulminate, obstruct, filibuster, generally make asses of themselves for a week or two. Then warn them once and if they're still fucking around? Nuke 'em.

Will be interesting to see which way they'll hop.

And they WILL hop.

By letting them romp for a reasonable time Republicans allow them to paint themselves as the New Party of NO and expose themselves as the emotional children they area. Cut 'em off at the knees too soon and it's opportunity lost!

Let's hope they burn a few cars, maybe even entire cities, to turn even more Americans against them and ensure there's not even a Democrat presidential candidate for 200 years instead of the 150 years their failed meat puppet organized for them as His parting gift!
60 votes is needed to end debate.
Confirmation is just a majority.

But you cant have the vote if you cant end the filibuster in the Senate.

So you need to have 60 votes in the Senate for SCOTUS confirmations now, so the Republicans will change the rules on SCOTUS appointment votes to end filibusters on a simple majority vote.

Looks like the filibuster is forever going to be ended with this confirmation.
A wise Republican leadership, in light of this appointee, should refrain from going nuclear too quickly. Let the liberals fulminate, obstruct, filibuster, generally make asses of themselves for a week or two. Then warn them once and if they're still fucking around? Nuke 'em.

Will be interesting to see which way they'll hop.

And they WILL hop.

By letting them romp for a reasonable time Republicans allow them to paint themselves as the New Party of NO and expose themselves as the emotional children they area. Cut 'em off at the knees too soon and it's opportunity lost!

Let's hope they burn a few cars, maybe even entire cities, to turn even more Americans against them and ensure there's not even a Democrat presidential candidate for 200 years instead of the 150 years their failed meat puppet organized for them as His parting gift!

The Republicans should game it first for all the political value they can squeeze, I expect, but in the end, they wont get 8 Democrats to swing over, and the GOP will change the Senate rules to end the filibuster on a 51 vote majority.
Senate should confirm him before the end of the week
Don't they need 60 votes?

If my Senator...McCasskill (D) votes against him, her chances of re-election will hit zero. Trump has fullfilled a great number of his campaign promises already...there is no reason to believe he will not work to improve the circumstances of the poor intercity black community just like he said he would. Without the Black vote in St Louis and Kansas City...and without the Hard-hat and Manufacturing Unions, and especially without Trump voters (Trump won Missouri by almost 20%), and a midterm election to boot, she's all but out already.

Her only hope is to reinvent herself as a Blue Dog Democrat in the cast of former two term, term limited Democrat Governor Jay Nixon. And even that is going to be a stretch.

I'd say plenty of the other 2018 midterm vulnerable Democrat Senators are in the same boat.

Senate should confirm him before the end of the week
Don't they need 60 votes?

If my Senator...McCasskill (D) votes against him, her chances of re-election will hit zero. Trump has fullfilled a great number of his campaign promises already...there is no reason to believe he will not work to improve the circumstances of the poor intercity black community just like he said he would. Without the Black vote in St Louis and Kansas City...and without the Hard-hat and Manufacturing Unions, and especially without Trump voters (Trump won Missouri by almost 20%), and a midterm election to boot, she's all but out already.

Her only hope is to reinvent herself as a Blue Dog Democrat in the cast of former two term, term limited Democrat Governor Jay Nixon. And even that is going to be a stretch.

I'd say plenty of the other 2018 midterm vulnerable Democrat Senators are in the same boat.

View attachment 109892
Democrats are toast!
If my Senator...McCasskill (D) votes against him, her chances of re-election will hit zero. Trump has fullfilled a great number of his campaign promises already...there is no reason to believe he will not work to improve the circumstances of the poor intercity black community just like he said he would

I wasn't sure about Trump during the primary. He was my SECOND choice. I now think God was involved in his victory. He's what the country needs.

In making the announcement Tuesday at the White House, President Trump said, “When Justice Scalia passed away suddenly last February, I made a promise to the American people: If I were elected president, I would find the very best judge in the country for the Supreme Court.

“I promised to select someone who respects our laws and is representative of our Constitution and who loves our Constitution. And someone who will interpret [it] as written.”

Trump added, “This may be the most transparent judicial selection process in history,” noting that he provided a list of candidates to the American people during his campaign and made a pledge to select an individual from that list.

“Millions of voters said this list was the single most important issue to them when they voted for me for president. I am a man of my word,” Trump said. “I will do as I say, something that the American people have been asking for from Washington for a very, very long time.”

Read more at Introducing the next Antonin Scalia …
A wise Republican leadership, in light of this appointee, should refrain from going nuclear too quickly. Let the liberals fulminate, obstruct, filibuster, generally make asses of themselves for a week or two. Then warn them once and if they're still fucking around? Nuke 'em.

Will be interesting to see which way they'll hop.

And they WILL hop.

By letting them romp for a reasonable time Republicans allow them to paint themselves as the New Party of NO and expose themselves as the emotional children they area. Cut 'em off at the knees too soon and it's opportunity lost!

Let's hope they burn a few cars, maybe even entire cities, to turn even more Americans against them and ensure there's not even a Democrat presidential candidate for 200 years instead of the 150 years their failed meat puppet organized for them as His parting gift!

I want to see Chucky cry again.
I wasn't sure about Trump during the primary. He was my SECOND choice. I now think God was involved in his victory. He's what the country needs.

You know...he wasn't initially my first choice either. But early on it was my wife who convinced me that he was the guy.

Coincidentally, she was the only person I knew that was absolutely convinced without equivocation that Trump was going to win on election night.

She is both a very intelligent and intuitive woman...I'm very lucky to have her.
Not to worry Dims, they say Ginsburg is good to go for at least another 9 years.

They are working feverishly to keep her alive.


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