Trump needs to pay for his incompetence

Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Imagine if the vote in February had gone the other way and Mitt Romney got his way and the President was removed from office. I can't imagine Mr. Pence sticking around after that kind of miscarriage of justice either, so we would probably have President Pelosi in charge.

What would she have done better as President to stop the pandemic? What could she have done?

I don't think she would have done a damn thing, except maybe to unjustly fire top people in the government that have been doing a tremendous job.

Nancy pelosi is a strong highly educated woman , why are you so frightened of strong women? ...things would of been a billion times better under nancy .she would of immediately stop the spread of the trumpfloogoo and gotten those much needed airline emissions regulations on the books

Our hospitals are over run !old fat boomers with preexisting conditions are dropping like flies .....Why do you want people to die !!

Actually, the hospitals aren't overrun at all. In fact, hospitals are laying off thousands.
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Trump is anything but incompetent but assholes like you certinly are. Why don't you try living with your head out of you ass for awhile just to see whatit's like.
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Imagine if the vote in February had gone the other way and Mitt Romney got his way and the President was removed from office. I can't imagine Mr. Pence sticking around after that kind of miscarriage of justice either, so we would probably have President Pelosi in charge.

What would she have done better as President to stop the pandemic? What could she have done?

I don't think she would have done a damn thing, except maybe to unjustly fire top people in the government that have been doing a tremendous job.

You are selling Pence mighty short. He was a successful Guv during the H1N1 Virus that was bagged and tagged in 11 days. While he was a mediocre Guv, he didn't screw things up. While he wouldn't be my choice for President, he's better than his "Boss" Rump.
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Imagine if the vote in February had gone the other way and Mitt Romney got his way and the President was removed from office. I can't imagine Mr. Pence sticking around after that kind of miscarriage of justice either, so we would probably have President Pelosi in charge.

What would she have done better as President to stop the pandemic? What could she have done?

I don't think she would have done a damn thing, except maybe to unjustly fire top people in the government that have been doing a tremendous job.

You are selling Pence mighty short. He was a successful Guv during the H1N1 Virus that was bagged and tagged in 11 days. While he was a mediocre Guv, he didn't screw things up. While he wouldn't be my choice for President, he's better than his "Boss" Rump.

If there were enough votes to expel Trump from the Presidency, there would be enough to get rid of Pence. Getting out quickly would be the smart move.
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Imagine if the vote in February had gone the other way and Mitt Romney got his way and the President was removed from office. I can't imagine Mr. Pence sticking around after that kind of miscarriage of justice either, so we would probably have President Pelosi in charge.

What would she have done better as President to stop the pandemic? What could she have done?

I don't think she would have done a damn thing, except maybe to unjustly fire top people in the government that have been doing a tremendous job.

Nancy pelosi is a strong highly educated woman , why are you so frightened of strong women? ...things would of been a billion times better under nancy .she would of immediately stop the spread of the trumpfloogoo and gotten those much needed airline emissions regulations on the books

Our hospitals are over run !old fat boomers with preexisting conditions are dropping like flies .....Why do you want people to die !!

Old, fat boomers have lived through the best of times! So, forget about them.
Too bad that you and your offspring are facing a precarious semi-dystopic future, thanks to China.
Now, I gotta go check if my latest order of Kansas City Steaks has arrived. :cool:
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

The only crime of Trump is he stupidly believed in the NWO fairy - tale about dangerous Corona virus
It looks like democommiecrats are going to try to hang all their fuck ups on Trump.

Not all, but an honest, aware and informative person must have concluded trump's first term can only be described in one word: SNAFU.

The website is an excellent account of how China did not live up to the standards of behavior of truly civilized nations. Trump's first term has been very successful, in spite of the attempts of the anti-Trump people to create a narrative of failure...and I think that upsets you more than people dying from COVID-19
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

The only crime of Trump is he stupidly believed in the NWO fairy - tale about dangerous Corona virus

Lies! the who and cdc(vaccines r us) are staffed with incredibly smart educated burrecrats who live up to thier founding good feels mission statements ....
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

The only crime of Trump is he stupidly believed in the NWO fairy - tale about dangerous Corona virus

Lies! the who and cdc(vaccines r us) are staffed with incredibly smart educated burrecrats who live up to thier founding good feels mission statements ....

You gotz to be a paid per post slit-eyed Commie Chink.
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

The only crime of Trump is he stupidly believed in the NWO fairy - tale about dangerous Corona virus

Lies! the who and cdc(vaccines r us) are staffed with incredibly smart educated burrecrats who live up to thier founding good feels mission statements ....

You gotz to be a paid per post slit-eyed Commie Chink.

Thiers no denying trumps negligent crimes ...the evidence provided at the link will be very difficult for you uneducated rubes to refute

Vote democrat
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Yeah, its not like the chicoms had a thing to do with it.

ORANGE MAN BAD ! ! ! ! is getting pretty boring, shit4brains
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Yeah, its not like the chicoms had a thing to do with it.

ORANGE MAN BAD ! ! ! ! is getting pretty boring, shit4brains

You to jimmy? !
Say it ain't so lol
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Imagine if the vote in February had gone the other way and Mitt Romney got his way and the President was removed from office. I can't imagine Mr. Pence sticking around after that kind of miscarriage of justice either, so we would probably have President Pelosi in charge.

What would she have done better as President to stop the pandemic? What could she have done?

I don't think she would have done a damn thing, except maybe to unjustly fire top people in the government that have been doing a tremendous job.

You are selling Pence mighty short. He was a successful Guv during the H1N1 Virus that was bagged and tagged in 11 days. While he was a mediocre Guv, he didn't screw things up. While he wouldn't be my choice for President, he's better than his "Boss" Rump.

If there were enough votes to expel Trump from the Presidency, there would be enough to get rid of Pence. Getting out quickly would be the smart move.

I think they were talking about unconventional means like an Impeachment that sticks or Rump resigning. Either way, Pence would become President even for just a few months. You have to admit that Pence would do a lot less damage than Rump even for a short time. What it might do is to waken up the "Real" Republicans and have them offer a better choice for November. With Rump gone, the "Party of the Rump" slowly disappears although it's going be noisy.
It looks like democommiecrats are going to try to hang all their fuck ups on Trump.

Not all, but an honest, aware and informative person must have concluded trump's first term can only be described in one word: SNAFU.

The website is an excellent account of how China did not live up to the standards of behavior of truly civilized nations. Trump's first term has been very successful, in spite of the attempts of the anti-Trump people to create a narrative of failure...and I think that upsets you more than people dying from COVID-19

It doesn't upset me one bit. Old Glory has weathered worse and still proudly flies. It does get a bit singed on the edges but it always repairs itself. I want Rump gone and allow old Glory to start healing. It wasn't the left that painted Rump as a failure. He's done that all by himself with your assistance. Am I mad about Rump and you "The Party of the Rump"? No because I know that old Glory will keep flying long after you slimes leave.
It's all Trumps it's all the WHO fault it's all China's fault. Lets get real here China created this clusterfuck the WHO helped them cover it up or downplay it. People want to say Trump should have acted sooner fine fair enough but lets not forget the Democrats reaction the travel ban Trump started on January 31st it was called an overreaction, racist, he was called xenophobic they criticized the action not when it was initiated no one at that time was saying he should have done it sooner. Lets not forget some of the comments from some of the lefts big names Pelosi telling people come down to Chinatown and go to the parade Cumo telling people take the subway ride the bus go to your favorite resturant. In my opinion China and the WHO are the two primarley responsible for this mess but lets be honest no one else around the world or here at home was ahead of it.
It's all Trumps it's all the WHO fault it's all China's fault. Lets get real here China created this clusterfuck the WHO helped them cover it up or downplay it. People want to say Trump should have acted sooner fine fair enough but lets not forget the Democrats reaction the travel ban Trump started on January 31st it was called an overreaction, racist, he was called xenophobic they criticized the action not when it was initiated no one at that time was saying he should have done it sooner. Lets not forget some of the comments from some of the lefts big names Pelosi telling people come down to Chinatown and go to the parade Cumo telling people take the subway ride the bus go to your favorite resturant. In my opinion China and the WHO are the two primarley responsible for this mess but lets be honest no one else around the world or here at home was ahead of it.
It's actually the fault of the democrats who paid China to develop this virus to begin with.
It looks like democommiecrats are going to try to hang all their fuck ups on Trump.

Not all, but an honest, aware and informative person must have concluded trump's first term can only be described in one word: SNAFU.

The website is an excellent account of how China did not live up to the standards of behavior of truly civilized nations. Trump's first term has been very successful, in spite of the attempts of the anti-Trump people to create a narrative of failure...and I think that upsets you more than people dying from COVID-19

It doesn't upset me one bit. Old Glory has weathered worse and still proudly flies. It does get a bit singed on the edges but it always repairs itself. I want Rump gone and allow old Glory to start healing. It wasn't the left that painted Rump as a failure. He's done that all by himself with your assistance. Am I mad about Rump and you "The Party of the Rump"? No because I know that old Glory will keep flying long after you slimes leave.

Yes comrade ! Yes
can only be described in one word: SNAFU.

Because you don't know the meaning of the term, you've inadvertently stumbled onto a political truth.

'All fouled up' is a normal situation in the halls of power, not just Washington, but in any political system run by apparatchik.

President Trump (or any President) is one man in a huge machine.

The situation has been 'all fouled up' for decades.
Trumps crimes and mishandling of the trump virus well documented here

Did you even read that article? Trump and the United States isnt even mentioned. The article lays the blame solely on China, as it should. What the fuck are you talking about?

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