Trump needs to pardon Navy Seal accused of murdering ISIS prisoner

The Isis guy was being treated for his wounds and the dude pushed the medics aside and stabbed him to death.

If that is the case this guy needs to be punished.

You do NOT murder prisoners.

Full stop.
MY main concern is what these charges and possible conviction will do to the morale and war fighting spirit of other American Soldiers KYZR .

I think most soildiers would agree with the charges .

The Isis guy was being treated for his wounds and the dude pushed the medics aside and stabbed him to death.
----------------------------------- well , hopefully the Gallagher will get off Timmy .
MY main concern is what these charges and possible conviction will do to the morale and war fighting spirit of other American Soldiers KYZR .

I think most soildiers would agree with the charges .

The Isis guy was being treated for his wounds and the dude pushed the medics aside and stabbed him to death.
--------------------------------------------- all supposedly eh Timmy ??
I was in the Army for nine years. I haven’t heard all the details, but it sounds like murder to me so far. Killing an unresisting individual is called Murder. Even in the Armed Forces. It is a violation of Regulations, and of the Laws of War. If I was sitting on the jury, I would want to hear all the evidence, but if he killed a wounded individual who was receiving medical attention, then it is murder regardless of all the character witnesses.
Trump needs to set things right for a decorated Navy Seal, whose court-martial has been delayed 3-months. An Iraqi general spoke in favor of the Navy Seal who stands to spend 9-months in prison before his court-martial.
Navy SEAL to plead not guilty to murder charge of ISIS teen

"...the judge granted a request to have an Iraqi general in command of the Emergency Response Division testify in the case, which would require coordination with the State Department.

"General Abbas [al-Jubouri] was ordered produced by the judge — that means the government must get him here," Stackhouse told Task & Purpose, adding that Abbas was willing to testify in the case.

In October 2018, an NCIS agent went to Iraq to interview Abbas of Iraqi ERD and his subordinate, Col. Omar Issa Kadhim. Abbas spoke glowingly of Gallagher, who he called "Chief Ed," the investigative report said.

Abbas stated that Gallagher was "very professional, a hard worker, and was more proficient at his job than any American he has ever worked with."
You have no faith in our UCMJ system?
--- Navy SEAL to plead not guilty to murder charge of ISIS teen --- I like how the 'isis murderer' is described as a TEEN estimated to be 15 years old . As this 'isis' / 'islamic state' 15 year old Terrorist has probably been raping , torturing and murdering and killing since 10 years of age . This supposed 'teen' has also be killing American Soldiers . ------------- what will be the results on other American Soldiers of hurting this Decorated Navy Seal for properly dong his job eh ??
Stabbing a wounded prisoner is not the job of anyone in the military. Nor is shooting at non-combatants.
But it DOES give us insight on how conservative republican christians WANT our military to behave.
MY main concern is what these charges and possible conviction will do to the morale and war fighting spirit of other American Soldiers KYZR .

I think most soildiers would agree with the charges .

The Isis guy was being treated for his wounds and the dude pushed the medics aside and stabbed him to death.
--------------------------------------------- all supposedly eh Timmy ??

The story I saw was pretty bad . Guy is a mental case and no one did anything until he finally murdered someone .

The Mid East wars are the gift that keeps on giving .
--- Navy SEAL to plead not guilty to murder charge of ISIS teen --- I like how the 'isis murderer' is described as a TEEN estimated to be 15 years old . As this 'isis' / 'islamic state' 15 year old Terrorist has probably been raping , torturing and murdering and killing since 10 years of age . This supposed 'teen' has also be killing American Soldiers . ------------- what will be the results on other American Soldiers of hurting this Decorated Navy Seal for properly dong his job eh ??
Stabbing a wounded prisoner is not the job of anyone in the military. Nor is shooting at non-combatants.
-------------------------------------------- from what I understand , the charges whether good or bad haven't been judged yet Pinqy .
Then on what grounds were you saying he was doing his job?

The charges are stabbing a wounded prisoner and multiple counts of shooting at non combatants. That would not be “properly doing his job.” Or are you saying it is?
--- Navy SEAL to plead not guilty to murder charge of ISIS teen --- I like how the 'isis murderer' is described as a TEEN estimated to be 15 years old . As this 'isis' / 'islamic state' 15 year old Terrorist has probably been raping , torturing and murdering and killing since 10 years of age . This supposed 'teen' has also be killing American Soldiers . ------------- what will be the results on other American Soldiers of hurting this Decorated Navy Seal for properly dong his job eh ??
Stabbing a wounded prisoner is not the job of anyone in the military. Nor is shooting at non-combatants.
-------------------------------------------- from what I understand , the charges whether good or bad haven't been judged yet Pinqy .
Then on what grounds were you saying he was doing his job?

The charges are stabbing a wounded prisoner and multiple counts of shooting at non combatants. That would not be “properly doing his job.” Or are you saying it is?
------------ just my OPINION Pinqy . Even if the killing happened i don't mind seeing captured 'islamic state ' terrorists or 'Illegal Combatants' being killed or Executed . This poor widdle teen was a terrorist on the battle field trying to kill Americans . As far as Shooting at the Non Combatants . Sounds like a Claim by 'isis or islamic state terrorists ' so its a BS claim not to be taken seriously . And , it is my OPINION that there should be no laws governing Warfare anyway but thats another matter Pinqy.
Who authorized the EIGHTH deployment for this guy?
-------------------------------------------- seems to me that he wanted to go on his 8th and thats all that is needed . He likes killing 'terrorists' as it may brighten his day Tipsy .
Who authorized the EIGHTH deployment for this guy?

To my point. In war the lines get blurred and I can see a normal guy becoming unhinged. Recall when a US sergeant went nuts and shot 16 civilians including 11 children in AFG: Kandahar massacre - Wikipedia now serving life in prison.

The Navy Seal is a father of three small children and he deserves a second chance, after psychological evaluation.
--------------------------------------- the Soldier was just doing his job killing 'illegal combatants' wasn't he ?? Seems to me that he is a good soldier and trainer and has not been wussified .
Who authorized the EIGHTH deployment for this guy?

To my point. In war the lines get blurred and I can see a normal guy becoming unhinged. Recall when a US sergeant went nuts and shot 16 civilians including 11 children in AFG: Kandahar massacre - Wikipedia now serving life in prison.

The Navy Seal is a father of three small children and he deserves a second chance, after psychological evaluation.
------------------------------------------- psych evaluation and second chance by a psuedo practitioner of a 'pseudo' science --- I say pppffffttt !! This Seal should be training other Seals . ---------- what , should this teen illegal combatant have been sent to the beach at 'gitmo' ??
2 Theaters of war done and won during WW2 by American Soldiers doing their jobs of killing the enemy . Think it took about 4 years , included 2 Theaters of WAR . Are these charges against this SEAL based on Foreign laws , Foreign thinking , New Hip Hopper and Doper type Thinking or 'geneva convention' or what [and 17 years] ?? Anyway , on my info that i know i hope that the Seal is given a medal .
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