Trump More Like NAZI Fuhrer As He Orders Free Press Halted

Donald Trump Threatens to Sue T-Shirt Company for Mocking Him
First Amendment expert Professor Eugene Volokh writes at The Volokh Conspiracy that Trump would almost certainly fail in court. “Trump doesn’t have a case here,” he argues. “Political criticism of this sort — even political criticism that’s sold for money — isn’t covered by trademark law, even when the subject’s name is a valid trademark…”

LOL Fascist pussy will not win...he is a public figure LOL

Damn that pesky ole free speech!

Dictator Drumpf will put an end to that!

Trump maybe a fascist, but that's not the story. The important takeaway from his rise to the top, is that he is supported by at least 25% of the current iteration of the Republican Party and a number of those who claim no party allegiance.

The once and no more GOP has fractured and the schism continues to widen. No longer does the party claim to be compassionate, have a big tent or to put country first. Each set within the party now seeks power, and given this singular motive anyone of its sets will be unable to govern in the best interests of all of the people.

Good points.

Trump has lied repeatedly and they defend him. Now he has made fun of a handicapped man and they're defending him. And with every lie, he demands an apology when he gets caught and the low-info types defend him.

Every time, I wonder how much lower he and they will go and the next day, they go even lower.

I recently heard that if the polls are averaged, it comes out to be something less than 30% support his fascist dictator plans for the country.

The good news is that means 70% do not.

I've also read that actual Republicans are very busy, behind the scenes, plotting his political demise.

And we've got another year of being entertained by this blowhard empty suit.
He'll take as many down with him as he can.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

Also why should white people be ashamed of being white? Donald Trump is doing well because he's being seen as standing up for white people, this makes him popular.

Since 1964 politics has been designed, in parts, to cater specifically for black people, the ultimate expression of this would be Affirmative Action, in itself a deeply racist programme. A programme that rewards people NOT on MERIT, but solely on the nature of their skin colour.

Many whites, especially white males have felt ignored and almost abandoned for decades, as a whole load of politicians have almost pandered to blacks and other minorities and it's now reached backlash time. A candidate has come along, as was inevitable that is not only speaking TO them, but also speaking FOR them.

This isn't "racist" and it's not white supremacy, despite some unfortunate groups and individuals endorsing Donald Trump.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White

Is it accepted in the mainstream?

What about the college crowd, they attempted a White Students Union, look what happened there? Apart from Facebook and Twitter freaking out, they just got sliced and diced by the usual suspects.
Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
Deep down and all the way to the tip of your pointy head is Pura Carne. You're a meat head.
The US has a fascist form of govt. Yes. Corporations are people too!
" 'American Fascism.' It's the control of government by big business, which Franklin Delano Roosevelt defined in 1938 as fascism,"
Nader( a real patriot)
View attachment 55686
Im a meat body too. You better not e face to face with me in a battle. I'm emotionally soft, but physically... I will demolish you.

Opting to threats, how juvenile of you.
yes, I have arrested development, but when im not screaming rhetoric, im bashing breaches In walls

Yeah, dream on porky.
Trump maybe a fascist, but that's not the story. The important takeaway from his rise to the top, is that he is supported by at least 25% of the current iteration of the Republican Party and a number of those who claim no party allegiance.

The once and no more GOP has fractured and the schism continues to widen. No longer does the party claim to be compassionate, have a big tent or to put country first. Each set within the party now seeks power, and given this singular motive anyone of its sets will be unable to govern in the best interests of all of the people.

Good points.

Trump has lied repeatedly and they defend him. Now he has made fun of a handicapped man and they're defending him. And with every lie, he demands an apology when he gets caught and the low-info types defend him.

Every time, I wonder how much lower he and they will go and the next day, they go even lower.

I recently heard that if the polls are averaged, it comes out to be something less than 30% support his fascist dictator plans for the country.

The good news is that means 70% do not.

I've also read that actual Republicans are very busy, behind the scenes, plotting his political demise.

And we've got another year of being entertained by this blowhard empty suit.

"Trump has lied repeatedly and they defend him."

Obama has consistently lied from day one, yet the Democrats still defend him.

What about Hillary, how many times has she lied?

On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

Also why should white people be ashamed of being white? Donald Trump is doing well because he's being seen as standing up for white people, this makes him popular.

Since 1964 politics has been designed, in parts, to cater specifically for black people, the ultimate expression of this would be Affirmative Action, in itself a deeply racist programme. A programme that rewards people NOT on MERIT, but solely on the nature of their skin colour.

Many whites, especially white males have felt ignored and almost abandoned for decades, as a whole load of politicians have almost pandered to blacks and other minorities and it's now reached backlash time. A candidate has come along, as was inevitable that is not only speaking TO them, but also speaking FOR them.

This isn't "racist" and it's not white supremacy, despite some unfortunate groups and individuals endorsing Donald Trump.
Well...when you put it that way, I suppose that white males do suffer terrible discrimination.
Trump is outspoken, powerful, rich, male...and white.
He has managed to rise above the discrimination and the roadblocks put in his way by society to become a thorn in the side of the black establishment...that's why they hate him.
He has proven to white males that they can throw off the shackles and take their fair share of the power and influence...not only in the US but around the world.
Trump is a beacon of hope for all white males.

You've convinced me.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White

Is it accepted in the mainstream?

What about the college crowd, they attempted a White Students Union, look what happened there? Apart from Facebook and Twitter freaking out, they just got sliced and diced by the usual suspects.
I have no idea if it's accepted in the mainstream or I said, I've never heard of it.
Have you?
The hypocrisy of the left is mind numbing, yet they fail to see it. Got to love the partisan nutters.
The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White

Is it accepted in the mainstream?

What about the college crowd, they attempted a White Students Union, look what happened there? Apart from Facebook and Twitter freaking out, they just got sliced and diced by the usual suspects.
I have no idea if it's accepted in the mainstream or I said, I've never heard of it.
Have you?

Actually I haven't heard of it.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

Also why should white people be ashamed of being white? Donald Trump is doing well because he's being seen as standing up for white people, this makes him popular.

Since 1964 politics has been designed, in parts, to cater specifically for black people, the ultimate expression of this would be Affirmative Action, in itself a deeply racist programme. A programme that rewards people NOT on MERIT, but solely on the nature of their skin colour.

Many whites, especially white males have felt ignored and almost abandoned for decades, as a whole load of politicians have almost pandered to blacks and other minorities and it's now reached backlash time. A candidate has come along, as was inevitable that is not only speaking TO them, but also speaking FOR them.

This isn't "racist" and it's not white supremacy, despite some unfortunate groups and individuals endorsing Donald Trump.
Well...when you put it that way, I suppose that white males do suffer terrible discrimination.
Trump is outspoken, powerful, rich, male...and white.
He has managed to rise above the discrimination and the roadblocks put in his way by society to become a thorn in the side of the black establishment...that's why they hate him.
He has proven to white males that they can throw off the shackles and take their fair share of the power and influence...not only in the US but around the world.
Trump is a beacon of hope for all white males.

You've convinced me.

Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White

Is it accepted in the mainstream?

What about the college crowd, they attempted a White Students Union, look what happened there? Apart from Facebook and Twitter freaking out, they just got sliced and diced by the usual suspects.
I have no idea if it's accepted in the mainstream or I said, I've never heard of it.
Have you?

Actually I haven't heard of it.
I'm pretty sure you said;
"imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy."
Farrakhan originally did support Obama though, okay so he's changed tune.

Black Lives Matter, the NAACP love Obama.

There's nobody more racist than black people, they're obsessed with race. Their organisations and events, by their very names depict the purest form of racism ie. drawing the main attention to the colour of a persons skin.

EG. BLACK Lives Matter, The National Association for The Advancement of COLORED people....then one has Miss BLACK America....only BLACK women can participate.

This is racist, this is racism.

Yet they're permitted to get away with this disgusting agenda.

Imagine if there were a White Lives Matter, there used to be a NAAWP, imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy.

Double standard utter hypocrisy, not that anyone should be shocked, from the beginning the blacks and the Leftists have run on double standard hypocrisy.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White

Is it accepted in the mainstream?

What about the college crowd, they attempted a White Students Union, look what happened there? Apart from Facebook and Twitter freaking out, they just got sliced and diced by the usual suspects.
I have no idea if it's accepted in the mainstream or I said, I've never heard of it.
Have you?

Actually I haven't heard of it.
I'm pretty sure you said;
"imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy."

Yes because I wasn't aware of a Miss White America. I suspect that it's not in the mainstream due to the lack of hysteria from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists.
"he mimicked the BlackLivesMatter protests at University of Missouri who sought out "some muscle" to forcibly remove the press??? Or Hilary Clinton". oh, look, Bucs90 now supports BLM, yeah?
First, your rant proves two things:
  1. ”If you have to insist that you've won an Internet argument, you've probably lost badly (Danth's Law)
  2. You haven't read my first post on fascism.
First you have to prove that I insisted on winning the argument. Hint - I haven't.

Now, have I won the argument? I didn't have to, you lost it by quoting "doctor" Lawrence Britt.

Also, you avoided to answer my direct question two times, and that pretty much put you in troll category.

Let's try one more time: Would you rather be a fascist or communist?

Oddly, the Leftists accuse Rightists of being Fascists, yet it's the Leftists who are acting like Fascists. It's the Leftists who cannot handle anyone having a different opinion, it's the Leftists who demand that those who have a different opinion are silenced, it's the Leftists who seem happy if need be, to resort to threats of violence or actual violence.

If one witnesses the Fascist and Anti-Fascist protests anywhere, which one turns to violence, it's the Anti-Fascists throwing stones and other items at the Fascists.
I haven't heard about this competition.
Have you?
Miss White

Is it accepted in the mainstream?

What about the college crowd, they attempted a White Students Union, look what happened there? Apart from Facebook and Twitter freaking out, they just got sliced and diced by the usual suspects.
I have no idea if it's accepted in the mainstream or I said, I've never heard of it.
Have you?

Actually I haven't heard of it.
I'm pretty sure you said;
"imagine if there were a Miss White America. The reaction from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists would be completely hysterical to the point of borderline frothing at the mouth lunacy."

Yes because I wasn't aware of a Miss White America. I suspect that it's not in the mainstream due to the lack of hysteria from the MSM, the blacks and the Leftists.
Yeah, said...
Lucy, you are the fascist excluding everyone's dissenting opinion. That is like Trump with the handicapped journalist.

You guys are losers, as Trump is now finding out for himself.

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