Trump made official what has always been obvious: He’s Florida Man

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I am now myself a merry (my wife says slightly mad) “Florida Man.” I’m really looking forward to welcoming Trump’s whole family to my neighborhood. The county next to mine lost its cherished Jewish philanthropist Bernie Madoff some years ago. He’s busy dying now in prison. Asked Trump for a pardon, but was denied. People down here know what it’s like to have their heroes abused by the Feds ...

“Donald Trump has flown off to Florida, which is, after all, what New Yorkers of a certain age tend to do. But it was long overdue... With his candied-yam tan, his commitment to year-round golfing and his inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, Trump’s always been more Florida Man than Manhattan sophisticate.

Taking up full-time residence at Mar-a-Lago — assuming the town council of Palm Beach decides not to enforce the 1993 agreement he signed barring anyone from making the club a permanent residence — the twice-impeached Trump joins a long list of shady characters who found a refuge ... in sunny South Florida. What with its paradisal weather and a certain ethical looseness when it comes to the rich and famous, Florida has always been a desirable location for the well-heeled disreputable...

“Ivanka Trump is also moving to Florida. She and husband Jared Kushner have bought a $30 million, two-acre lot on Indian Creek Island in Biscayne Bay. For that matter, newly engaged Tiffany Trump has been looking at properties in South Beach, and Don Jr. and his shouty girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, have been touring upscale houses in Jupiter.

“Richard Nixon ruminated over the Watergate break-in at his Key Biscayne compound. O.J. Simpson lived in Kendall until he was convicted of armed robbery in 2008. In 1928, Al Capone bought a Palm Island mansion from brewery heir Clarence Busch, and in 1929, he threw a lavish party there the same night that hit men killed rival mobsters in the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, giving himself a copper-bottomed alibi.

“Former despots have also aimed for soft landings in South Florida over the years: Fulgencio Batista, overthrown by Fidel Castro’s Cuban revolution, bought a vacation home in Daytona Beach and a house in Miami’s Spring Garden, and Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza ... and Haiti’s Prosper Avril ... both made their way there after fleeing their countries...

“Unless the Senate votes to convict him in his impeachment trial ... or city, state or federal prosecutors in New York file charges against him, Trump will go on spinning dark dreams from his Florida fastness — just another old caudillo trying to relive the glory days.”
Considering all the indictiments/impeachment trial/lawsuits coming his way I don't think Palm Beach will have to deal with the residency clause. It'll kind of take care of itself.
I thought florida man was about stupid criminals. Like the guy who robbed a bank wearing his ID badge or the one who turned himself in for murdering his imaginary friend?
I thought florida man was about stupid criminals. Like the guy who robbed a bank wearing his ID badge or the one who turned himself in for murdering his imaginary friend?

Florida has more than its share of weirdos and misfits.... So many Florida towns and cities have no real community.
Actually I agree life likely will be better for Trump in South Florida than if he moved to China’s equivalent ... say Hainan Island.

Besides, he can still talk frequently to “China’s man” Guo Wengui — who is a close friend and partner of Steve Bannon and full member of Trump’s Mar-a-largo Club. The notorious Guo was once rated 73rd richest man in China and was an intimate of Beijing’s top security chief, until both were indicted for extreme corruption in 2014.

Before fleeing China and taking up with Bannon and Trump, Guo Wengui evidently smuggled well over a hundred millions dollars into the good old U.S.A. He also has viciously attacked many of the most prominent Chinese exiled dissidents in our country — especially those leaning even slightly Democratic. This has led some CIA types and even Republican-leaning dissidents to warn that he could still be working for Chinese Intelligence.

Guo doesn’t live in Florida but in NYC, however, so he doesn’t really count. Last I heard he still docks his $35 million yacht right behind Independence Tower. Damn expensive ...

He should probably move down to Florida!
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I would have to imagine it's marginally better than being "China's Man".
We are talking about Floriduh, right?
Yeah--Florida-------------------where all those trying to ESCAPE from NeW YORK, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, and other dem controlled areas are fleeing to by the thousands.

They go to Florida because it has warm winters and no state income tax.. Have you ever lived there?
One reason Trump should choose exile in Florida over China —

The water parks in China are more crowded than in Florida.

One reason to Choose Exile in China over Texas —
They build bigger and better Walls in China.
I am now myself a merry (my wife says slightly mad) “Florida Man.” I’m really looking forward to welcoming Trump’s whole family to my neighborhood. The county next to mine lost its cherished Jewish philanthropist Bernie Madoff some years ago. He’s busy dying now in prison. Asked Trump for a pardon, but was denied. People down here know what it’s like to have their heroes abused by the Feds ...

“Donald Trump has flown off to Florida, which is, after all, what New Yorkers of a certain age tend to do. But it was long overdue... With his candied-yam tan, his commitment to year-round golfing and his inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, Trump’s always been more Florida Man than Manhattan sophisticate.

Taking up full-time residence at Mar-a-Lago — assuming the town council of Palm Beach decides not to enforce the 1993 agreement he signed barring anyone from making the club a permanent residence — the twice-impeached Trump joins a long list of shady characters who found a refuge ... in sunny South Florida. What with its paradisal weather and a certain ethical looseness when it comes to the rich and famous, Florida has always been a desirable location for the well-heeled disreputable...

“Ivanka Trump is also moving to Florida. She and husband Jared Kushner have bought a $30 million, two-acre lot on Indian Creek Island in Biscayne Bay. For that matter, newly engaged Tiffany Trump has been looking at properties in South Beach, and Don Jr. and his shouty girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, have been touring upscale houses in Jupiter.

“Richard Nixon ruminated over the Watergate break-in at his Key Biscayne compound. O.J. Simpson lived in Kendall until he was convicted of armed robbery in 2008. In 1928, Al Capone bought a Palm Island mansion from brewery heir Clarence Busch, and in 1929, he threw a lavish party there the same night that hit men killed rival mobsters in the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, giving himself a copper-bottomed alibi.

“Former despots have also aimed for soft landings in South Florida over the years: Fulgencio Batista, overthrown by Fidel Castro’s Cuban revolution, bought a vacation home in Daytona Beach and a house in Miami’s Spring Garden, and Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza ... and Haiti’s Prosper Avril ... both made their way there after fleeing their countries...

“Unless the Senate votes to convict him in his impeachment trial ... or city, state or federal prosecutors in New York file charges against him, Trump will go on spinning dark dreams from his Florida fastness — just another old caudillo trying to relive the glory days.”

So, you're actually trying to take the fact that he is moving to FLorida, as evidence he is a bad man?

WOW. Desperate much?
I would have to imagine it's marginally better than being "China's Man".
We are talking about Floriduh, right?
Yeah--Florida-------------------where all those trying to ESCAPE from NeW YORK, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, and other dem controlled areas are fleeing to by the thousands.

They go to Florida because it has warm winters and no state income tax.. Have you ever lived there?
And it's not a shithole. You forgot that.
I would have to imagine it's marginally better than being "China's Man".
We are talking about Floriduh, right?
Yeah--Florida-------------------where all those trying to ESCAPE from NeW YORK, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, and other dem controlled areas are fleeing to by the thousands.

They go to Florida because it has warm winters and no state income tax.. Have you ever lived there?
And it's not a shithole. You forgot that.

Now, THAT'S funny.
I would have to imagine it's marginally better than being "China's Man".
We are talking about Floriduh, right?
Yeah--Florida-------------------where all those trying to ESCAPE from NeW YORK, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, and other dem controlled areas are fleeing to by the thousands.

They go to Florida because it has warm winters and no state income tax.. Have you ever lived there?
And it's not a shithole. You forgot that.

Ah, so you've never been to Lake Buena Vista? How fortunate for you.

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