Trump Losing Ground in New York - Riots Haven't Helped

The conventional wisdom from the Trump crowd is that all of this civil unrest and "Defund the Police" movements in Democrat controlled urban areas was going to scare people into voting for Trump, but it's not playing out that way in New York where NYC saw some of the most extensive rioting and unrest. That latest poll released yesterday from PPP shows Trump now trailing Biden by 31 points. He has steadily lost ground since April when he was trailing by 23 points. A poll in June had him down 25 points.

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Coumo killed a big chunk of Trump Voters in the Nursing Homes. They were too old to have been brainwashed.

Most everybody left in New York is a hopelessly indoctrinated Bolshevik.

They elected DiBlasio TWICE in NYC. Very very very slow learners.

The conventional wisdom from the Trump crowd is that all of this civil unrest and "Defund the Police" movements in Democrat controlled urban areas was going to scare people into voting for Trump, but it's not playing out that way in New York where NYC saw some of the most extensive rioting and unrest. That latest poll released yesterday from PPP shows Trump now trailing Biden by 31 points. He has steadily lost ground since April when he was trailing by 23 points. A poll in June had him down 25 points.

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At this rate he won't win Massachusetts, either.

President Trump: I think the Press is Fueling the Riots “More so than Biden – Because Biden Doesn’t Know He’s Alive”
The conventional wisdom from the Trump crowd is that all of this civil unrest and "Defund the Police" movements in Democrat controlled urban areas was going to scare people into voting for Trump, but it's not playing out that way in New York where NYC saw some of the most extensive rioting and unrest. That latest poll released yesterday from PPP shows Trump now trailing Biden by 31 points. He has steadily lost ground since April when he was trailing by 23 points. A poll in June had him down 25 points.

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Yes, as a lifelong New Yorker, we love it when stores are closed, criminals run rampant, and homeless take over the streets. The Epic 2019 NY just felt so out of place

A terrible democrat Mayor like Dinkins is what got Rudy elected, the next NY Mayor could well be a Republican
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The conventional wisdom from the Trump crowd is that all of this civil unrest and "Defund the Police" movements in Democrat controlled urban areas was going to scare people into voting for Trump, but it's not playing out that way in New York where NYC saw some of the most extensive rioting and unrest. That latest poll released yesterday from PPP shows Trump now trailing Biden by 31 points. He has steadily lost ground since April when he was trailing by 23 points. A poll in June had him down 25 points.

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I fear Hawaii may be lost to the Bad Orange Man, too!

This Leftist Tantrum Is an Information Operation and Trump Is Winning It.

The libs’ plan to win in November corresponds to Trump’s plan to crush them yet again. Skeptical? Consider this. In the five years since he rode down that escalator bringin’ hell with him, how many times have they come at Trump and won? Zero. He’s spent half a decade supposedly on the edge of doom and he’s still here. Why would you think that the walls are suddenly closing in now? You shouldn’t.


The long-term strategic objective of the leftists is to turn the United States into Venezuela, and they want to be Maduro.

There are two types of operations relevant here – kinetic and information. A kinetic operation is actual warfare. It’s violence designed to defeat the enemy and cause his surrender by either physically destroying him or occupying his territory and compelling surrender. An information operation is designed to affect the perceptions, and thereby the actions, of the target. Kinetic ops tend to do something to the enemy; and info op tends to get the target to do something to himself.

Elections are information operations. They attempt to build a narrative and play on perceptions and cause the target to take the action that will lead to victory. That is, get the target (the electorate) vote for the candidate the info operator wants elected.

Okay, so what is the 2020 elections, with the rioting, vandalism, violence and occupations?

This still an information operation, not a kinetic one.

They want to convince us we are powerless, that everyone else supports their commie agenda, that we cannot win. Their tactics are designed to create that impression and crush our morale. These include the 24/7 media hype, the outright media lies, the movie stars with their dumb PSAs, the staged statue attacks, the corporate solidarity proclamations, the social media cancellations, and the craven kneeling by people who are supposed to stand up for us. But another tactic, familiar to any student of insurgencies, is to provoke an overreaction by those in power in order to undermine its moral authority. They want is to make us (including the president) think this is a kinetic operation, and get our side to make fundamental strategic errors by failing to recognize the true nature of the threat. They hope that such a mismatch between perception and reality will then lead to gravely damaging blunders. One of those would be Trump succumbing to his legit frustration and sending in a bunch of federal troops to crack skulls.

But, he's too smart for them, so, instead of the attention being on Trump's over-reaction, which never occurred, it's all on the Left and their destruction of Blue Cities.

Notice that its Biden and The Ho rapidly trying to adjust their positions, a tacit admission that they were holding a losing hand. Trump's been properly positioned the entire time. And he's up to speed and powering through to election night.
If Trump wins he wins. He will just bring more chaos more quickly to the U.S.A. Let him actually “defund” the cities, and fund our police like we have funded our military abroad ...

The U.S. has many advantages and fine people too. But we are very likely — I regret to say it — going down the drain no matter who wins this election. We just have too many woefully ignorant and self-absorbed people, too little sense of social solidarity, and far too many of us are living completely out of touch with reality in an American bubble. It is not even an “American” bubble, but one just limited to the U.S.A. Liberals and Conservatives live in their self-made bubbles, voting out of fear. I too fear. I fear we are just not capable of holding together as a democratic republic much longer. Hope I am wrong.

Oh, sure, we may keep the forms for awhile, like the Roman Empire kept its Senate. But a country with irresponsible fools and conmen and grifters leading it, or brain dead establishment liberal imperialists, ever more greedy and incompetent in international matters, a society inevitably becoming more divided as poor whites become almost as immiserated as poor blacks but refuse to ally with them, run more and more as a police state, this kind of country almost certainly will not be capable of holding together a capitalist world empire. How can it, if it cannot even win popular support in its own leading cities?

So get ready everybody. Dystopia ... here we come!
If Trump wins he wins. He will just bring more chaos more quickly to the U.S.A. Let him actually “defund” the cities, and fund our police like we have funded our military abroad ...

The U.S. has many advantages and fine people too. But we are very likely — I regret to say it — going down the drain no matter who wins this election. We just have too many woefully ignorant and self-absorbed people, too little sense of social solidarity, and far too many of us are living completely out of touch with reality in an American bubble. It is not even an “American” bubble, but one just limited to the U.S.A. Liberals and Conservatives live in their self-made bubbles, voting out of fear. I too fear. I fear we are just not capable of holding together as a democratic republic much longer. Hope I am wrong.

Oh, sure, we may keep the forms for awhile, like the Roman Empire kept its Senate. But a country with irresponsible fools and conmen and grifters leading it, or brain dead establishment liberal imperialists, ever more greedy and incompetent in international matters, a society inevitably becoming more divided as poor whites become almost as immiserated as poor blacks but refuse to ally with them, run more and more as a police state, this kind of country almost certainly will not be capable of holding together a capitalist world empire. How can it, if it cannot even win popular support in its own leading cities?

So get ready everybody. Dystopia ... here we come!
If Trump wins the Far left vow to have more violence and misery for America. Don't vote for him or else.
If Trump wins he wins. He will just bring more chaos more quickly to the U.S.A. Let him actually “defund” the cities, and fund our police like we have funded our military abroad ...

The U.S. has many advantages and fine people too. But we are very likely — I regret to say it — going down the drain no matter who wins this election. We just have too many woefully ignorant and self-absorbed people, too little sense of social solidarity, and far too many of us are living completely out of touch with reality in an American bubble. It is not even an “American” bubble, but one just limited to the U.S.A. Liberals and Conservatives live in their self-made bubbles, voting out of fear. I too fear. I fear we are just not capable of holding together as a democratic republic much longer. Hope I am wrong.

Oh, sure, we may keep the forms for awhile, like the Roman Empire kept its Senate. But a country with irresponsible fools and conmen and grifters leading it, or brain dead establishment liberal imperialists, ever more greedy and incompetent in international matters, a society inevitably becoming more divided as poor whites become almost as immiserated as poor blacks but refuse to ally with them, run more and more as a police state, this kind of country almost certainly will not be capable of holding together a capitalist world empire. How can it, if it cannot even win popular support in its own leading cities?

So get ready everybody. Dystopia ... here we come!
If Trump wins the Far left vow to have more violence and misery for America. Don't vote for him or else.

Funny how that works. The same is being said by the rtwingnutjobs if Biden wins.

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