Trump knows NO shame.......


Another fucking Trump has poopy pants thread. Grow up.
yeah tiny ...lets not talk about the worst pos ever to enter our WH ..let him get away with ALL his lies and BS that only a bully like him can vomit out

Another fucking Trump has poopy pants thread. Grow up.
You bastards really have short memories don't you?

Not even a year ago this board was subject to about two-dozen "I hate Obama!" "Obama's Not My President!!!" "Obama's not a real American" threads every. single. day.

Talk about growing up.

There's no one out to get you because there's no one who wants you.

Moron, the thread was removed from its original forum.......Go hump a lamppost
The genius Gnat started a Thread under the WRONG Topic and then...
Claimed HIS Thread was removed from the site.
Didn't admit HE made the initial mistake.

You are one major fucking moron.
Both psychopaths and sociopaths lack the empathy "gene" to feel any shame, and Trump certainly fits into one or both of the psychopathic categories.......

This idiot in chief actually has the blatant stupidity to tell his cult members that it was HE who defeated ISIS in Iraq.....

This idiot in chief actually has the blatant stupidity to claim that the stock market rise is all his doing.......(of course, since companies are making such huge gains, they don;t need 80% of the tax cuts and are NOT raising wages.....interesting.....)

This idiot in chief actually has the blatant stupidity to claim that GWB and Obama did not write call and met face to face with fallen heroes.......its was just this "fucking moron" who came up with the idea of contacting military loved ones.......

This president is an insult to the office and this country and it would take a decent, objective and honest republican to finally admit the lack of clothes of this wanna-be emperor or Il Duce.......
You are an obsessed idiot. You post 50 of the faggy bullshit threads a day. Jump off a building.
Both psychopaths and sociopaths lack the empathy "gene" to feel any shame, and Trump certainly fits into one or both of the psychopathic categories.......

This idiot in chief actually has the blatant stupidity to tell his cult members that it was HE who defeated ISIS in Iraq.....

This idiot in chief actually has the blatant stupidity to claim that the stock market rise is all his doing.......(of course, since companies are making such huge gains, they don;t need 80% of the tax cuts and are NOT raising wages.....interesting.....)

This idiot in chief actually has the blatant stupidity to claim that GWB and Obama did not write call and met face to face with fallen heroes.......its was just this "fucking moron" who came up with the idea of contacting military loved ones.......

This president is an insult to the office and this country and it would take a decent, objective and honest republican to finally admit the lack of clothes of this wanna-be emperor or Il Duce.......
You are an obsessed idiot. You post 50 of the faggy bullshit threads a day. Jump off a building.
Let's have balls and say "faggot" already.
His wife has a thicker mustache than he has.
These "I hate Trump" lefty loons are gonna be complete catatonic basket cases by the time he leaves office in 7 years. ... :lol: :lol:
unless the Russians help him win again in 2020, he won't be president for 8 years.... :D

(Now your cue to say how wonderful and manly and great Putin is...) ;)
The Russians colluded with Democrats and was paid off with 20% of our Uranium.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
and that has to do with the Russian government interfering in our 2016 presidential election, just how?

Another fucking Trump has poopy pants thread. Grow up.
You bastards really have short memories don't you?

Not even a year ago this board was subject to about two-dozen "I hate Obama!" "Obama's Not My President!!!" "Obama's not a real American" threads every. single. day.

Talk about growing up.


It takes SOME measure of intelligence and self decency to recognize HYPOCRISY........and Tinybraincells neither has that intelligence or decency.
The genius Gnat started a Thread under the WRONG Topic and then...
Claimed HIS Thread was removed from the site.
Didn't admit HE made the initial mistake.

You are one major fucking moron.

Speaking of "fucking morons"........You Trump cult members AND the mods should know that ANYTHING regarding the orange clown IS political in nature......

Perhaps the good ol' mods can then have a forum that is PRO Trump where all you idiots can have a circle jerk-off without us pesky Americans to spoil it..
You couldn't possibly comprehend the lexicon I have at my disposal......... I'll give as much time as you need to look up the word 'lexicon'.

You then WELL hide that "intelligence" and mastery of the lexicon on here....Congrats......LOL
This thin-skinned, low self esteemed, so called president just wants to represent his moronic base.......and NOT the rest of America that has long recognized that he is UNFIT to sit in the oval office.
The genius Gnat started a Thread under the WRONG Topic and then...
Claimed HIS Thread was removed from the site.
Didn't admit HE made the initial mistake.

You are one major fucking moron.

Speaking of "fucking morons"........You Trump cult members AND the mods should know that ANYTHING regarding the orange clown IS political in nature......

Perhaps the good ol' mods can then have a forum that is PRO Trump where all you idiots can have a circle jerk-off without us pesky Americans to spoil it..
You have dementia.
You have stated within the last 2 weeks that your posts have been deleted when they haven't.
You are aware that your mental breakdown is being electronically audited.
Trump and Putin won back all the real estate that Obama handed over to his brothers in Jihad

Another fucking Trump has poopy pants thread. Grow up.
^ thinks the stock market had been going down until last January 20

Any presidential winner from independents, Democrats or Republicans in the 2016 election the stocks will be good because the economy is very good before this coward dude took over.
Gregg Popovich Issues Blistering Takedown of ‘Soulless Coward’ Donald Trump

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner—and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers—is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

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