Trump just bombed his base

Anyone who ever thought Trump has actual principles beyond banging hot chicks isn't very informed.
I voted for him to play golf, nominate conservative judges, and to post tweets that drive the left insane.
Anyone who ever thought Trump has actual principles beyond banging hot chicks isn't very informed.

ANYONE who EVER thought that ANY of them have ANY principles isn't informed at all.

Just because we don't believe in political correctness doesn't mean we don't have principles.

ANYONE who EVER thought that ANY Politicians have ANY principles isn't informed at all.
ANYONE who EVER thought that ANY Politicians have ANY principles isn't informed at all.
Good point. I've postulated that in order to reach the pinnacle of politics, you basically need to be a sociopath and/or raging narcissist. I know that's not entirely true but it sure feels that way.
The President can't get a break from the angry incoherent left no matter what he does. It seems that the left has been beating the drums for a shooting war with Russia for the last year and at the same time they criticize punishing Syrians for using poison gas. Bill Clinton sent cruise missiles all over the freaking world and bombed a defenseless country and the left thought it was fine as long as a democrat was in the White House.
I don't think many Trump voters will be pissed that he again sent a meaningless missile attack. I'm not sure Trump has any actual concrete idea as to what our policy should be towards Syria, aside from he can do better the Muslim Kenyan Atheist Socialist who is not an American. But he's probably not alone in that view. LOL

Putin's overall goal in foreign policy is to destabilize the alliance of Western democracies that oppose Russia from operating client states in eastern Europe and along its southern border. He's not about the Orwellian nightmare of world domination, he simply wants Russia's empire back, and it's fall is to him the worst catastrophe of the 20th century .... worse than either world war. His goals in Syria are directly aimed at that. The muslim migration to Europe ... Yuuuge win. Disharmony between the West and Turkey ... ditto. The number of people killed is irrelevant. He shares the Stalin view of one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.

However, Putin may be the most realistic view of Syria. Both the pre-neocon US (BushI) and the Israelis didn't really want to destabilize Syria (or Iraq) but just ameliorate their human rights excesses a bit. The notion of democracies springing up in Iraq and Syria is/was laughably naïve ..... not so laughable when you consider the US military families ruined by the naïve policy.

But Putin may be right that to control the masses, maybe you need the real threat of rape rooms and chemical weapons attacks.

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