Trump is Vile, Imbecilic, Corrupt, and Incompetent...

brothers and sisters: you can be tough, but you dont have to be hateful

you can be tough, but you dont have to be disrespectful, my friends
Trump was exonerated of all wrongdoing by Mueller, and as soon as the Senate convenes in January, they will drop the charges that were filed against Trump.
Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Impeachment is a political process, and Trump abused the powers of his office by extorting Ukraine for information on a likely political opponent:

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

"President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-"

But abuse of power, is rather loose here. I don't see anything that Trump has done, that is any more abusive than what Obama did.

Having the IRS target Tea Party groups, is an abusive of power in my view. We should have impeached Obama by your standards.

Unlike Trump that merely pointed out what is clearly dirty... a VP son, using his father's name, to milk $50,000 a month, from a company that gained protection from investigation..... unlike that, Obama just flat out was targeting groups that opposed Obama. That was undeniably for political gain.
Having the IRS target Tea Party groups, is an abusive of power in my view. We should have impeached Obama by your standards.
And by Trump standards it would appear:

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

"In January 2014, James Comey, who at the time was the FBI director, told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of 'enemy hunting', and that the investigation continued.

"On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed.

"On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.[1"

Really? Shocking. Shocked I say.
Really? Shocking. Shocked I say.

Opinion | On Ukraine, Trump Is a Con Man, but He’s Also a Mark

"After all the talk and threats, the possible impeachment of President Trump is finally on the table.

"No, not for the ten times he committed obstruction of justice, or for disclosing intelligence secrets of a US ally to the Russians, or for confiscating the notes of his interpreter after a private meeting with his boss, Vladimir J. Putin.

"Not for disclosing the location of nuclear submarines to Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte, or for lying about his financial dealings with Russia, or his firing of the FBI director, or trying to fire Robert Mueller, or for surrounding himself with people nearly as corrupt as he is, including five who have been convicted of felonies, or for lying over 12,000 times since being sworn in to office."

Donald Trump in: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Whoa... NYT with a biased opinion? No way....
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR

I don't believe any single president is intelligent enough to know when and where to get involved.

That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world?
The US is not a force for good, and Trump's own unique brand of racism, ignorance, and indifference make our $elf-$erving action$ around the globe even more criminal, imho.

If the US is not a force for good, then you discredited your own complaint that Trump doesn't know when or where to intervene.

It's one or the other dude... you can't whine that Trump doesn't know when or where to intervene, and turn around and claim the US isn't a force for good.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR


Trump's Chumps Lose Money, Bigly... : EnoughTrumpSpam
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
President Trump is a conservative and works well with others who do not threaten him and try to eat him alive. And he conducts himself well within the norms of fiscal honesty and the truth.

His track record of reducing the welfare rolls by increasing good-paying jobs has gotten kudos even from those who initially worried he would quickly abandon Republican Party planks. Instead, he has brought prosperity not only to America, but our partners in trade too, of whom he had to discipline to understand they had to benefit the nation they made such huge profits off of in years past but never bothered to buy American.

He has also brought home a lot of American jobs that were shipped overseas by previous administrations through error of judgment or simply ignoring the elephant in the living room of average American voters.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Georgephillip sez: "The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women."
That's silly. VicePresident Biden committed a crime by soliciting riches for himself from a country America funded for reasons of which the Congress approved funding. It is illegal for any government employee to enrich himself from transactions the Congress meant for the edification and funding of an acknowledged ally. Biden dirtied his own hands without anybody else's help.

Stop blaming President Trump for doing his job of oversight for the good and benefit of the American people whom he serves by making sure no criminal activity takes money away from gifts of the US Treasury meant to go to a foreign country.

This sham impeachment shall be dealt with sooner or later. Many of the players in throwing the most sludge at President Trump have engaged in enriching themselves from Government offerings to the citizens of this or other nations, and Trump is doing the right thing to end this criminality.
Impeachment is a political process, and Trump abused the powers of his office by extorting Ukraine for information on a likely political opponent:

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

"President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-"

But abuse of power, is rather loose here. I don't see anything that Trump has done, that is any more abusive than what Obama did.

Having the IRS target Tea Party groups, is an abusive of power in my view. We should have impeached Obama by your standards.

Unlike Trump that merely pointed out what is clearly dirty... a VP son, using his father's name, to milk $50,000 a month, from a company that gained protection from investigation..... unlike that, Obama just flat out was targeting groups that opposed Obama. That was undeniably for political gain.
Having the IRS target Tea Party groups, is an abusive of power in my view. We should have impeached Obama by your standards.
And by Trump standards it would appear:

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

"In January 2014, James Comey, who at the time was the FBI director, told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of 'enemy hunting', and that the investigation continued.

"On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed.

"On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.[1"

Really? Shocking. Shocked I say.
Really? Shocking. Shocked I say.

Opinion | On Ukraine, Trump Is a Con Man, but He’s Also a Mark

"After all the talk and threats, the possible impeachment of President Trump is finally on the table.

"No, not for the ten times he committed obstruction of justice, or for disclosing intelligence secrets of a US ally to the Russians, or for confiscating the notes of his interpreter after a private meeting with his boss, Vladimir J. Putin.

"Not for disclosing the location of nuclear submarines to Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte, or for lying about his financial dealings with Russia, or his firing of the FBI director, or trying to fire Robert Mueller, or for surrounding himself with people nearly as corrupt as he is, including five who have been convicted of felonies, or for lying over 12,000 times since being sworn in to office."

Donald Trump in: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Whoa... NYT with a biased opinion? No way....
Whoa... NYT with a biased opinion? No way....
Trump's not biased, is he?

Trump is a master of bias. The trouble is, we go along with it
In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.

YOur denial of this, that happened publicly during the election, is not credible.
In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.
Who fits that description, Einstein?

Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.

Do you not understand that I am not engaged in Class Envy here? But discussing actual policies and real issues?

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.
So why hasn't the middle class begun paying off record levels of consumer debt?


At a guess, probably has something to do with our consumer market driven culture.

I know plenty of people who make more money than me, but have far worse financial situations.

I was just talking to a friend of mine, who wanted to take off some time to have shoulder surgery. He could not afford to, despite having made good money for several decades.

HIs house is a lot nicer than mine. His two cars are much nicer than the two I own.

But he has payments on all three, while I have none.

My wife just wanted to get some elective cosmetic surgery. She will be off work for several weeks. It was not covered by insurance. We just did it.

I won't say it did not hurt. It did. It was physically painful. But we could do it.

A raise will not improve your finical situation if you increase your lifestyle right along with it.

My point about Trump stands.

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
rump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.
Trump has never been confused about which side his interests lie on; you are simple minded enough to believe his lies, and I'm not.

What ever happened to Trump’s boast of 4%, 5% or even 6% growth?

"Time for a reality check on Mr. Trump’s economic accomplishments, using two key measuring sticks: how well the economy is doing, compared with its performance under President Barack Obama’s leadership, and whether it has performed up to Mr. Trump’s promises.

"The short answer is, the economy’s performance is not much different than it was under Mr. Obama and far short of what Mr. Trump pledged."

Opinion | Trump Can’t Beat Obama on the Economy

What the hell kind of ginned up numbers are THAT?

"Average growth since recession"? "Real GDP, year over year growth"?

They are obvious garbage and they are irrelevant to what we were discussing.

IF Trump had run on a "i'm one of you guys" that would have been ridiculous and your post would have crushed it.

BUT, he did not.

So, are you going to stop playing that silly game, or do you just plan to wait till I am not online, and try running that line of jive past some sucker who might fall for it?

What does it say about how YOU view your positions, that you think you have to lie to win?

What does it say about what you feel about your fellow citizens, that you are comfortable with the idea of lying to them, to get them on your side?
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.

Do you believe Trump was..


"It was a 1973 article in the New York Times that said Trump graduated 'first in his class' at Wharton.

"However, it would later become clear that Trump’s name was not among top honorees at his commencement.

"Nor was he on the dean’s list his senior year, meaning he was not among the top 56 students in his graduating class of 366.

"Many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at Penn (see Trump Failed To Excel At Wharton).

"The newspaper quoted 1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris who recalled that 'Don … was loath to really study much.'

"Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not 'seem to care about being prepared

"He added that Trump’s academic passivity likely stemmed from his passion for engaging directly in the real estate business."

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

Do you realize that what you posted, does not contradict my post at all?

Seriously, what is wrong with your brain?
Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.
When you add in third party ballots, Trump lost the popular vote by more than 8 million votes. He "won" the election because about 77000 voters in three key swing states were desperate or ignorant enough to believe a gold-plated billionaire actually cared about their plight. He lied then and he is lying today, and you want to give him another four years?

Oh, you didn't know how the votes for the election were counted?

Well, Trump did. He did not spend much time in California, for example a state where he knew that even if he got some votes there, that he would never get credit for them.

So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.

So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
Smart enough to recognize a gold-plated moron when I see one; what's your excuse?

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

"Many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at Penn (see Trump Failed To Excel At Wharton).

"The newspaper quoted 1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris who recalled that 'Don … was loath to really study much.'

"Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not 'seem to care about being prepared...'"

"One of Trump’s marketing professors at Wharton, the late William Kelley, apparently thought little of his student.

"A close friend of the professor, Frank DiPrima, said that Kelley told him 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.' 'I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had,’” DiPrima wrote. 'Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.'"

I would say his remembering the actual rules for how the country runs and using that to win the most powerful office in the world, and you, AND YOURS, repeatedly forgetting the actual rules,

hugely trumps some comment from some asshole that barely knew the guy, decades ago.

My point stands, yours, dismissed.
So, I'm guessing it is now A-OK for a Democratic Candidate to cheat by luring Great Britain, or Australia, or Germany's or Italy's or Scotland's etc government to use their govt's power and intel and investigative resources to dig up dirt on Donald J Trump and on all his kids, create an official criminal investigation on them and announce it on CNN International, so they can use it against Trump in the upcoming election?? :rolleyes:
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR

I don't believe any single president is intelligent enough to know when and where to get involved.

That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
Even Republicans warned Obama of another "mission accomplished" mockery in Syria:

Inside the White House During the Syrian 'Red Line' Crisis

"Just as things were stalling in Europe, congressional opposition to strikes was building at home.

"On Wednesday, a week after the chemical weapons attack, a large group of Republican members of Congress wrote Obama a letter that threatened him bluntly: 'Engaging our military in Syria when no direct threat to the United States exists and without prior congressional authorization would violate the separation of powers that is clearly delineated in the Constitution.'"
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR

I don't believe any single president is intelligent enough to know when and where to get involved.

That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
Even Republicans warned Obama of another "mission accomplished"
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.
He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.
When you add in third party ballots, Trump lost the popular vote by more than 8 million votes. He "won" the election because about 77000 voters in three key swing states were desperate or ignorant enough to believe a gold-plated billionaire actually cared about their plight. He lied then and he is lying today, and you want to give him another four years?

Oh, you didn't know how the votes for the election were counted?

Well, Trump did. He did not spend much time in California, for example a state where he knew that even if he got some votes there, that he would never get credit for them.

So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
Smart enough to recognize a gold-plated moron when I see one; what's your excuse?

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

"Many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at Penn (see Trump Failed To Excel At Wharton).

"The newspaper quoted 1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris who recalled that 'Don … was loath to really study much.'

"Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not 'seem to care about being prepared...'"

"One of Trump’s marketing professors at Wharton, the late William Kelley, apparently thought little of his student.

"A close friend of the professor, Frank DiPrima, said that Kelley told him 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.' 'I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had,’” DiPrima wrote. 'Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.'"

I would say his remembering the actual rules for how the country runs and using that to win the most powerful office in the world, and you, AND YOURS, repeatedly forgetting the actual rules,

hugely trumps some comment from some asshole that barely knew the guy, decades ago.

My point stands, yours, dismissed.
I would say his remembering the actual rules for how the country runs and using that to win the most powerful office in the world, and you, AND YOURS, repeatedly forgetting the actual rules,

hugely trumps some comment from some asshole that barely knew the guy, decades ago.

Kelley taught Marketing at Penn for more than thirty years. He knew Trump better than 99% of those who voted for the King of Debt.

Welcome | Philadelphia Magazine
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.
He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.
When you add in third party ballots, Trump lost the popular vote by more than 8 million votes. He "won" the election because about 77000 voters in three key swing states were desperate or ignorant enough to believe a gold-plated billionaire actually cared about their plight. He lied then and he is lying today, and you want to give him another four years?

Oh, you didn't know how the votes for the election were counted?

Well, Trump did. He did not spend much time in California, for example a state where he knew that even if he got some votes there, that he would never get credit for them.

So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
Smart enough to recognize a gold-plated moron when I see one; what's your excuse?

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

"Many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at Penn (see Trump Failed To Excel At Wharton).

"The newspaper quoted 1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris who recalled that 'Don … was loath to really study much.'

"Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not 'seem to care about being prepared...'"

"One of Trump’s marketing professors at Wharton, the late William Kelley, apparently thought little of his student.

"A close friend of the professor, Frank DiPrima, said that Kelley told him 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.' 'I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had,’” DiPrima wrote. 'Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.'"

I would say his remembering the actual rules for how the country runs and using that to win the most powerful office in the world, and you, AND YOURS, repeatedly forgetting the actual rules,

hugely trumps some comment from some asshole that barely knew the guy, decades ago.

My point stands, yours, dismissed.

trump is an immoral dirtbag and a disgusting conman

his followers are human scum

end of discussion

you are dismissed.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
President Trump is a conservative and works well with others who do not threaten him and try to eat him alive. And he conducts himself well within the norms of fiscal honesty and the truth.

His track record of reducing the welfare rolls by increasing good-paying jobs has gotten kudos even from those who initially worried he would quickly abandon Republican Party planks. Instead, he has brought prosperity not only to America, but our partners in trade too, of whom he had to discipline to understand they had to benefit the nation they made such huge profits off of in years past but never bothered to buy American.

He has also brought home a lot of American jobs that were shipped overseas by previous administrations through error of judgment or simply ignoring the elephant in the living room of average American voters.

He did cut welfare programs which affected many of the poor, after cutting taxes for the very wealthy. I don't see where that's a plus. I said many of the poor, because in the mix there's probably some that didn't deserve food stamps but still.....why do republicans always favor the wealthiest among us to the detriment of the least among us?
Last edited:
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR

I don't believe any single president is intelligent enough to know when and where to get involved.

That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
That said, still better than Obama's red line, which just allowed us to be walked over like a door met, and completely destroyed our reputation.
Even Republicans warned Obama of another "mission accomplished"
He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.
He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.
When you add in third party ballots, Trump lost the popular vote by more than 8 million votes. He "won" the election because about 77000 voters in three key swing states were desperate or ignorant enough to believe a gold-plated billionaire actually cared about their plight. He lied then and he is lying today, and you want to give him another four years?

Oh, you didn't know how the votes for the election were counted?

Well, Trump did. He did not spend much time in California, for example a state where he knew that even if he got some votes there, that he would never get credit for them.

So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
So, your current position is that because Trump remembered the rules and your forgot them, that that makes him stupid and you smart.

Mmmm...please go on. Tell me more. About how smart you are.
Smart enough to recognize a gold-plated moron when I see one; what's your excuse?

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

"Many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at Penn (see Trump Failed To Excel At Wharton).

"The newspaper quoted 1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris who recalled that 'Don … was loath to really study much.'

"Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not 'seem to care about being prepared...'"

"One of Trump’s marketing professors at Wharton, the late William Kelley, apparently thought little of his student.

"A close friend of the professor, Frank DiPrima, said that Kelley told him 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.' 'I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had,’” DiPrima wrote. 'Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.'"

I would say his remembering the actual rules for how the country runs and using that to win the most powerful office in the world, and you, AND YOURS, repeatedly forgetting the actual rules,

hugely trumps some comment from some asshole that barely knew the guy, decades ago.

My point stands, yours, dismissed.
I would say his remembering the actual rules for how the country runs and using that to win the most powerful office in the world, and you, AND YOURS, repeatedly forgetting the actual rules,

hugely trumps some comment from some asshole that barely knew the guy, decades ago.

Kelley taught Marketing at Penn for more than thirty years. He knew Trump better than 99% of those who voted for the King of Debt.

Welcome | Philadelphia Magazine

THe fact that he taught for a long time, is not an indicator that he knew one of his students well, nor is it an indicator that his words are to be trusted, nor does it address what I actually said.

So, you lose, loser fool.

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