Trump is right, China, Mexico and Canada exploit America, why are these countries to blame?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
All of those in the U.S who want to hold hands and sing kumbaya with all of the world, you had better understand, NO foreign government is going to pass by the opportunity to exploit America if given the opportunity.

Yes, this means, the nice little Ontario government and federal government to the North in Canada. This includes the Mexican government who gladly allow millions to cross the border, this certainly includes the Chinese who have stolen over 70,000 factories and millions of American jobs while skirting the rules, empowering your enemies and expanding their own infuence.

I stated on this forum before that I don't begrudge someone from Mexico wanting a better life, or Canada getting the upper hand against the mighty America. Even as a Canadian I am personally offended by many of the methods my own government employs, and I've blown the whistle on these excessive and deliberate tactics

It's the job of the American government, patriots and government agencies to protect your economic interests. For those who love liberty and accountability, it's the job of those to expose these abuses, and then the job of American authorities to solve the problem and equalize where needed. I know I've reached out to many and worked fairly hard to get the facts out.

Is Trump shifting gears? No, he is stating the facts. Is he walking more softly? Yes. He has business to attend to in China, and even though I wish he had been more firm and vocal, I do understand he has to balance this. I believe when Trump talked tough, China used their proxy in North Korea to create havok and keep Trumps attention away from Chinas abuses, as he had been calling it out. So far, it has worked to perfection for China. This is also why U.S relations with Japan and South Korea are so vital, they are a counter force to Chinas strength.

Regardless, unless voters push China as a major political issue at the polls, state, city and nation wide it won't change until it is too late. This is why America First is a valid slogan. It's necessary to rebalance the abuses of so many for so long against the U.S. You have allowed your economic advantages to be wasted.
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This includes the Mexican government who gladly allow millions to cross the border

If you put machine guns and landmines alongside your border you are a latin american North Korea, a repressive stalinist state that treats your citizens like inmates.

If you don't put machine guns and landmines all over your border you're "gladly allowing millions to cross the border" and "invade" your neighbor.

Damned if you do...
This includes the Mexican government who gladly allow millions to cross the border

If you put machine guns and landmines alongside your border you are a latin american North Korea, a repressive stalinist state that treats your citizens like inmates.

If you don't put machine guns and landmines all over your border you're "gladly allowing millions to cross the border" and "invade" your neighbor.

Damned if you do...

Israel had much bigger National security threats from their neighbours and they virtually wiped it out with the building of a wall, nothing solved the problem with such ease as that construction. Very simply, the law was already on the books, it just has never been enacted.

Do that save billions a year. There is nothing wrong with protecting your sovereignty and upholding your federal laws. The same must be stated about economic threats by foreign governments. If you are exploited, you have to stand up, these governments aren't going to willingly help you out, unless it is to avoid negative consequences.
This includes the Mexican government who gladly allow millions to cross the border

If you put machine guns and landmines alongside your border you are a latin american North Korea, a repressive stalinist state that treats your citizens like inmates.

If you don't put machine guns and landmines all over your border you're "gladly allowing millions to cross the border" and "invade" your neighbor.

Damned if you do...

The difference is, we want to keep people out, not in.

This includes the Mexican government who gladly allow millions to cross the border

If you put machine guns and landmines alongside your border you are a latin american North Korea, a repressive stalinist state that treats your citizens like inmates.

If you don't put machine guns and landmines all over your border you're "gladly allowing millions to cross the border" and "invade" your neighbor.

Damned if you do...

The difference is, we want to keep people out, not in.


Exactly. East Germany built a wall to imprison it's citizen from pursuing what they inherently knew was a better system, free market capitalism. All socialist/communists seek control as it enforces their own control over their population, which is why China and North Korea arbitrarily send their citizens to prison or concentration camps. America is protecting it's borders with the building of a wall, I have no idea why anyone would be concerned about this construction.

Back to the original posting, the government has a role to protect it's population. This means from military attacks and in particular, covert, underhanded economic assault.

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