Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.

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Oh how nice they are bringing their own flag....really libs? this is acceptable to you?....are you nuts?...have you all lost your minds?....
/----/ We love our country so much we can't wait
to get the hell out.
The angry democrat mob wants these people here to bolster up their numbers, and we can't forget them all being UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRATS.
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else....

It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement. There are very few exceptions, and they are 1) the government can deploy them at the request of the state's governor or legislature, 2) in the case of recovering nuclear weapons and material, and 3) in the case of recovering chemical and biological weapons.

Other than that? All they can do is serve in a support role. According to some news articles, they are going to be building detention centers and won't be coming into contact with the immigrants.

When does the "caravan" become a mob that is forcing it's way into the country? We have the right to defend our borders and use the military to do so. If they show up at the border...I say we arrest them...bus them to the nearest international airport...put them on planes and fly them back to Honduras...THEN SEND GEORGE SOROS THE BILL!!!

Has Honduras got the right not to be corrupted by US drug money and firearms... It is a US financed drug market that has destabilized there home country and made them into refugees...

These are refugees and the US not accepting refugees from a country where they caused the problem.

Furthermore, GOP policy now and the past has greatly increased the problem by increasing the levels of instability in those countries...

So the real question is why do the GOP and Trumpsters support policies to increase the amount of refugees(can you try and answer that by not blaming a democrat for some bizarre reason after another)..
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else....

It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement. There are very few exceptions, and they are 1) the government can deploy them at the request of the state's governor or legislature, 2) in the case of recovering nuclear weapons and material, and 3) in the case of recovering chemical and biological weapons.

Other than that? All they can do is serve in a support role. According to some news articles, they are going to be building detention centers and won't be coming into contact with the immigrants.

When does the "caravan" become a mob that is forcing it's way into the country? We have the right to defend our borders and use the military to do so. If they show up at the border...I say we arrest them...bus them to the nearest international airport...put them on planes and fly them back to Honduras...THEN SEND GEORGE SOROS THE BILL!!!

Has Honduras got the right not to be corrupted by US drug money and firearms... It is a US financed drug market that has destabilized there home country and made them into refugees...

These are refugees and the US not accepting refugees from a country where they caused the problem.

Furthermore, GOP policy now and the past has greatly increased the problem by increasing the levels of instability in those countries...

So the real question is why do the GOP and Trumpsters support policies to increase the amount of refugees(can you try and answer that by not blaming a democrat for some bizarre reason after another)..
Refugees my ass. They're INVADERS, period, and they have NO RIGHT to just FORCE their way into another nation, ANY nation... PERIOD.

Get a clue and stop spewing your bull shit.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
So you think a massive invasion of mostly young men have a right to crash our border and illegally enter our nation, right?

What do we have a border for? When does a nation have a right to protect it's border?

According to you, never.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?

They were told to turn around and go home.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?

Human shields don't count.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man
I never give charity to an asshole who demands it and threatens me.

Fuck this horde of illegal commie shits. It's an invading army that should be attacked immediately with deadly force.
An invading army? Are you getting that from Faux? LOL.

They are a ragtag group of people fleeing violence in their own countries and trying to find work to provide for their families.

You truly are a worthless unAmerican piece of dogshit.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
So you think a massive invasion of mostly young men have a right to crash our border and illegally enter our nation, right?

What do we have a border for? When does a nation have a right to protect it's border?

According to you, never.
They aren't crashing the border. They are coming here to seek work and asylum. It's unAmerican scum like you that make me sick. So much fucking fear and hatred instilled in you by your messiah.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
Freaking "huddled masses". What do they think this is? Some kind of beacon of liberty or some shit? Fuck them.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man
I never give charity to an asshole who demands it and threatens me.

Fuck this horde of illegal commie shits. It's an invading army that should be attacked immediately with deadly force.
An invading army? Are you getting that from Faux? LOL.

They are a ragtag group of people fleeing violence in their own countries and trying to find work to provide for their families.

You truly are a worthless unAmerican piece of dogshit.

What don't you understand about the US telling them to go home?
No se entra!
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
So you think a massive invasion of mostly young men have a right to crash our border and illegally enter our nation, right?

What do we have a border for? When does a nation have a right to protect it's border?

According to you, never.
They aren't crashing the border. They are coming here to seek work and asylum. It's unAmerican scum like you that make me sick. So much fucking fear and hatred instilled in you by your messiah.
They're not?

Caravan migrants break Guatemala border fence, rush Mexico

See, it's people like you talking your SHIT and LIES that people see right though. You are a traitor to your own country and it's sovereignty and citizens. You make me wanna fucking VOMIT you anti American FILTH. What the fuck are you even doing here?
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
Freaking "huddled masses". What do they think this is? Some kind of beacon of liberty or some shit? Fuck them.
---------------------------------------------------------- you were also brain washed about that stupid statue and lefty 'emma lazurus' poem eh . Probably brain washed in Public School eh DBlack ????

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