Trump is not a racist!

Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Suing somebody is not a quote as defined in the op, and it is not evidence of anything. If I sue you for being a theif, it would not be evidence that you are a thief.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.

You and your retarded "strawman" bit....find some new material...and stop playing the bitter old hag bit.

Hey, talk to the OP. He's the one who trotted it in here in the first place.

What was your name again? Say it for us.

Yeah, yeah...your strawman shit is gay! I've noticed you flee logical debate with that play...IT'S GAY! name is Pogo-stick and I'd love to go for a ride on your D_ _ K!
And? Back in those days, property values would suffer if a black family moved in. That's not discrimination. That's business.

Heres what real discrimination looks like:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years.
Lyndon Johnson

Yyyyyeah unfortunately that's a mythological uncorroborated quote. And even if it were real it doesn't exhibit racism. Racism means the belief that one race is inferior to another. Ain't there.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president(Clinton) told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."

The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.

Once again --- no value judgment present. An observation perhaps on changing social stereotypes but no indication of a belief in a racial hierarchy.

This is always the pitfall of wags who (a) try to use a term they don't begin to understand, and who (b) can't read.

Was there a point coming with this?

Or are you afraid to make it? :gay:
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

He made the claim moron,'re not an American and I don't give two shits what you have to say
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Suing somebody is not a quote as defined in the op, and it is not evidence of anything. If I sue you for being a theif, it would not be evidence that you are a thief.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.

You and your retarded "strawman" bit....find some new material...and stop playing the bitter old hag bit.

Hey, talk to the OP. He's the one who trotted it in here in the first place.

What was your name again? Say it for us.

Yeah, yeah...your strawman shit is gay! I've noticed you flee logical debate with that play...IT'S GAY! name is Pogo-stick and I'd love to go for a ride on your D_ _ K!

Again ---- tell it to the OP. He's the klown trotting in an assertion he can't link.

Regardless what your private dalliances are --- that's what a strawman looks like, Sparkles.
65 posts, and not one link to a racist comment from Trump. I guess Trump is not a racist. Thanks Pogo and Aeries for helping to illustrate that Trump is not a racist.
Here in Arizona, we get the interior rural peons who've never seen a blonde white girl before. They stare in disbelief and then start elbowing each other with comments about what they'd like to do to her. All of them are rapists in theory and although not many follow through, it's only for lack of opportunity. They rape each other every chance they get...from the Coyotes out in the desert to the overseers in the fields who rape the females in broad daylight. I doubt Trump knows how bad it is for their own women, but once again his guess turns out to be true.

Oh the TRUE blonde woman...a real life a Unicorn of sorts. I remember when we use to have them here in Southern California...before the invasion forced them to extinction.

Isn't it almost customary within Hispanic culture to rape and molest within the familia? This is a serious question...I thought I studied it once upon a time.
65 posts, and not one link to a racist comment from Trump. I guess Trump is not a racist. Thanks Pogo and Aeries for helping to illustrate that Trump is not a racist.

We can't do that. That would require proving a negative.

But we did prove that Strawman is still a logical fallacy. As if we needed to.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.

Aeries is just one example of why there is no strawman. The crazy amount of results that come up on google when you type in Trump and Racist and hit search, is another reason why there is no strawman. Lefties have been asserting that Trump is a racist since the day Trump gave his announcement speech, so the notion that lefties claim Trump is a racist is not a strawman. I asserted that Trump is not a racist, even though the left pushes the claim that he is. You would have something with your strawman complaint if the left wasn't insisting that Trump is a racist, but they really are pushing this crap, and they have been from day one. If somebody proves my assertion wrong, I will retract it.
Aeries is just one example of why there is no strawman. The crazy amount of results that come up on google when you type in Trump and Racist and hit search, is another reason why there is no strawman.

The day Google Search gets a USMB account and posts that here, then that day you'll have a legitimate basis. I can find a site that declares Elvis and Andy Kaufmann had a love child and are living on Pluto if I want. Doesn't make it an "assertion" to be rebutted.

Lefties have been asserting that Trump is a racist since the day Trump gave his announcement speech, so the notion that lefties claim Trump is a racist is not a strawman.

Then where's you link? Your quote?

---- exactly. Strawman.

asserted that Trump is not a racist, even though the left pushes the claim that he is. You would have something with your strawman complaint if the left wasn't insisting that Trump is a racist,

Ipse dixit fallacy fails. Find a hobby.
Aeries is just one example of why there is no strawman. The crazy amount of results that come up on google when you type in Trump and Racist and hit search, is another reason why there is no strawman.

The day Google Search gets a USMB account and posts that here, then that day you'll have a legitimate basis. I can find a site that declares Elvis and Andy Kaufmann had a love child and are living on Pluto if I want. Doesn't make it an "assertion" to be rebutted.

Lefties have been asserting that Trump is a racist since the day Trump gave his announcement speech, so the notion that lefties claim Trump is a racist is not a strawman.

Then where's you link? Your quote?

---- exactly. Strawman.

asserted that Trump is not a racist, even though the left pushes the claim that he is. You would have something with your strawman complaint if the left wasn't insisting that Trump is a racist,

Ipse dixit fallacy fails. Find a hobby.
You have got to be kidding me. Are you really going to argue that the left has not asserted that Trump is a racist? C'mon...
I've listened to him for over a year now and have yet to hear him say anything that would lead me to believe he is a racist.

I can't say the same of Obama after eight years of his drivel
So when he called former miss america miss housekeeping because of her Hispanic heritage, when he said a Mexican judge couldn't do his job honestly because of his heritage, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?
You are lying.
One thing that I have noticed on this particular board, is what lefties do after they are in check mate. On most political boards, they call you a troll or a racist, and they like to say you are on ignore. The lefties on this site seem to just disappear once they lose, and then show up on another thread where they start throwing crap against the walls to see what sticks.
I've listened to him for over a year now and have yet to hear him say anything that would lead me to believe he is a racist.

I can't say the same of Obama after eight years of his drivel
So when he called former miss america miss housekeeping because of her Hispanic heritage, when he said a Mexican judge couldn't do his job honestly because of his heritage, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?
You are lying.

ARIES crapped out a long time ago.
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.

Suing somebody is not a quote as defined in the op, and it is not evidence of anything. If I sue you for being a theif, it would not be evidence that you are a thief.

Correct. And the fact that you trotted a strawman in with your OP doesn't mean anybody asserted it.
Funny how that works. Assume petard aaaand ............ HOIST.

You and your retarded "strawman" bit....find some new material...and stop playing the bitter old hag bit.

Hey, talk to the OP. He's the one who trotted it in here in the first place.

What was your name again? Say it for us.

Yeah, yeah...your strawman shit is gay! I've noticed you flee logical debate with that play...IT'S GAY! name is Pogo-stick and I'd love to go for a ride on your D_ _ K!
Yea you seem like you offer
Aeries is just one example of why there is no strawman. The crazy amount of results that come up on google when you type in Trump and Racist and hit search, is another reason why there is no strawman.

The day Google Search gets a USMB account and posts that here, then that day you'll have a legitimate basis. I can find a site that declares Elvis and Andy Kaufmann had a love child and are living on Pluto if I want. Doesn't make it an "assertion" to be rebutted.

Lefties have been asserting that Trump is a racist since the day Trump gave his announcement speech, so the notion that lefties claim Trump is a racist is not a strawman.

Then where's you link? Your quote?

---- exactly. Strawman.

asserted that Trump is not a racist, even though the left pushes the claim that he is. You would have something with your strawman complaint if the left wasn't insisting that Trump is a racist,

Ipse dixit fallacy fails. Find a hobby.
You have got to be kidding me. Are you really going to argue that the left has not asserted that Trump is a racist? C'mon...
Why are we acting like "the left asserted trump was racist".... his disdain and mistreatment of minorities has been well known and well documented his whole life.
He's a dog whistle racist. He says things that appeal to racists, but has plausible deniability when called on it.

Case in point: his little spiel about Mexicans. He told everyone that Mexico was sending bad people to the US, the rapists, the murderers, and drug dealers.....then he said, some of them, he assumes, are good people.

What he did was paint Mexicans who come here (and let's face it, Mexicans in general) as violent criminals, while conceding that there MAY be some good ones.

Full quote:

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Then the next decade when he was sued again for his treatment of black employees at his casino. They said when he walked in all they all had to go in the back "out of his sight"

Proof? This should be good.
The FBI released hundreds of pages related to a 1970s housing discrimination lawsuit against Trump
In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens
Okay you're a lively crew! We can start from the beginning of his career. Under daddy (kkk) dearests wing, they discriminated against minorites and wouldn't rent to black people.. were sued.
Then the next decade when he was sued again for his treatment of black employees at his casino. They said when he walked in all they all had to go in the back "out of his sight"

Proof? This should be good.
So I can link a bunch of "liberal fake news" (aka reality) and you'll tell me it's garbage anyway? It's a matter of common knowledge/ public record- if you don't live under a rock.
There are arrest records to back up his dad was a klan member.. lawsuits backing up his business of discrimination.. and if you listen to the man speak for 5 mins you can conclude he is indeed a racist.

Was Trump born in 1927? No? He was born later? Donald Trump is not his father. This is your argument:

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Trump fell from daddy with the same short distance and top heavy trajectory that this chubby fellow is falling to the ground.
So when he called former miss america miss housekeeping because of her Hispanic heritage, when he said a Mexican judge couldn't do his job honestly because of his heritage, when he claimed Mexicans are rapists... none of those things set off a bell for you?

The judge in the Trump civil case had no intention of being fair....because he's hispanic just like Trump said. Since you enjoy invoking the Klan, Trump would have gotten the same shake from the beaner that the civil rights workers got from southern judges. You won't understand that until you're in front of a judge with a grudge,
Judges of other ethnicities are entrusted daily to make fair decisions regardless of race. To imply a specific judge can't do that because he is Hispanic is racist. Plus..the judge was AMERICAN born!
I have never read or heard anything that Trump has ever said that is racist, yet I have seen lefties imply that he is. I assert that Trump is not a racist, but I will retract this if somebody could post a link to an actual quote of Trump saying something racist. I have seen plenty of allegations that Trump said things that are racist, but never an actual verifiable legitimate quote. Anybody got a link to such a quote?
Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth.

So link do know you're expected to link to back what you say, right?

No, it would be up to YOU to prove it. You're the ones making the claim he isn't a racist. The Department of Justice says otherwise, and they have the law suits to back it up.

Pay attention, Mona...this is the comment I responded to

"Have you even attempted to look into the topic? There's plenty of material, really, decades worth."

He made the claim I asked him to back it up. Now sit down and shut up
Aeries is just one example of why there is no strawman. The crazy amount of results that come up on google when you type in Trump and Racist and hit search, is another reason why there is no strawman.

The day Google Search gets a USMB account and posts that here, then that day you'll have a legitimate basis. I can find a site that declares Elvis and Andy Kaufmann had a love child and are living on Pluto if I want. Doesn't make it an "assertion" to be rebutted.

Lefties have been asserting that Trump is a racist since the day Trump gave his announcement speech, so the notion that lefties claim Trump is a racist is not a strawman.

Then where's you link? Your quote?

---- exactly. Strawman.

asserted that Trump is not a racist, even though the left pushes the claim that he is. You would have something with your strawman complaint if the left wasn't insisting that Trump is a racist,

Ipse dixit fallacy fails. Find a hobby.
You have got to be kidding me. Are you really going to argue that the left has not asserted that Trump is a racist? C'mon...

Excellent. He tosses Appeal to Ignorance onto his own fallacy funeral pyre. Collect the hole set.


I can go find a blog somewhere that asserts Barack O'bama not only was born in Kenya but that Hitler was his daddy. That doesn't give me any basis to plop it in here and demand YOU defend it.

Think about it. :rolleyes:
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