Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it

Heh heh heh you didn't expect it ay. Think before you post and you won't look so stupid.
Oh you mean the one I replied to and he still can’t show one right queers don’t have.
Is that all that you have? I love the smell of desparation in the morning.
You're trying to hard to convince us that you are stupid. Relax. We get it. The laws regaring citizenship of children born over seas are clear and it should apply equally to straight and gay people. In this case the law was not applied properly to this family necessitating the need for litigation. What part of that do you not understand?
They do apply equally. Show us where it doesn’t. Cite the law.
Um....the OP story, hun. DO try to keep up, eh?
From the OP link:
“but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.”

In other words, they had to jump through the same legal hoops anyone else does considering the kid isn’t their biologically.
Oh you mean the one I replied to and he still can’t show one right queers don’t have.

They do apply equally. Show us where it doesn’t. Cite the law.
Jesus fucking Christ! How stupid are you? The laws are intended to apply equally but they were not applied equally . What the fuck is you major malfunction???
You're mental and intelectual limitations that prevent you from processing what has been written is you problem and yours alone
There it is, just hurl more insults as you sit there stewing because you still can’t provide one example of a gay person not having the same rights as anyone else.

Thanks for proving my point and thanks for playing, you lost!
There it is, just hurl more insults as you sit there stewing because you still can’t provide one example of a gay person not having the same rights as anyone else.

Thanks for proving my point and thanks for playing, you lost!
I am not stewing. I have nothing to stew about. I am having fun showing what a stupid and ignorant ass you are. Do you really have your head so far up you pie hole that you do not know that in many states, LGBT people do not have the right to be free from discrimination in the areas that identified?
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No idiot! I am not . This is not about biology. It is about legal parents. It is about marriage and the presumption of parenthood. Stop playing stupid, if in fact you are playing
You’re the one playing stupid. You’re upset that non-biological parents have to prove they are the parents, just like all non-biological parents have to do. But you think that just because they are homosexuals, for some reason they should get special treatment.

Thank you for proving my point, You are a hyppocrite. You habe no respect for and do not support LGBT rights but claim that Trump is not an enemy of that community. You are a fucking mess.
If everybody had respect for everyone else we wouldn’t need a legal system.
Oh you mean the one I replied to and he still can’t show one right queers don’t have.

They do apply equally. Show us where it doesn’t. Cite the law.

Comrade, he did show it. The problem is you made a goose of yourself and now back away from it. Deal with it big mouth.
Comrade, he did show it. The problem is you made a goose of yourself and now back away from it. Deal with it big mouth.
A few months ago, Old Man Gayness posted the law and it covered rights for all.

The problem is that judges apply the law as they interpret it.
That is called Case Law.
A few months ago, Old Man Gayness posted the law and it covered rights for all.

The problem is that judges apply the law as they interpret it.
That is called Case Law.

Not interested. The fact remains you made an ignorant statement and got pinged. Stop.your diverting. Deal with it.
Comrade, he did show it. The problem is you made a goose of yourself and now back away from it. Deal with it big mouth.
He showed nothing but two homos that seem to think they should be treated as biological parents of the same kid.
He showed nothing but two homos that seem to think they should be treated as biological parents of the same kid.

Are you a godbotherer who objects to homosexuality because it conflicts with your bible?
Now we can see why you so ignorant.
Not interested. The fact remains you made an ignorant statement and got pinged. Stop.your diverting. Deal with it.
What ignorant statement?
The written law is never applied equally because the written law allows for deviation.
Then a case is appealed and we get case law.
You’re the one playing stupid. You’re upset that non-biological parents have to prove they are the parents, just like all non-biological parents have to do. But you think that just because they are homosexuals, for some reason they should get special treatment.

Holy fucking shit! Seriously ? You are just making shit up as you go. I am not advocating special treatmet for gays, It is about equal treament for gays which was not afforded to this gay family by Trumps state department . Now I know the truth. You are not "playing" stupid. How is it that you cannot understand that the State Deparment DID NOT reccognize the marital status of these men?

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