Trump is a poopyhead

Trump is a Poopyhead?

1). Mexico is going to pay for the wall? Military members and their families are paying

2) Defends Prince Salman for beheading Khashogi and Kim for killing Otto Warmbier

3) Takes Putin’s side over his own US Intelligence

4) insulted America’s intelligence with an altered weather map

The evidence is overwhelming
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

Yep, all great ideas to spend us into poverty, how are these programs getting paid for? What plan do they have for the economy?
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens
Democrats drove the price of a college education up! You took student loans out of the hands of the banks and put it under big government. Upon learning taxpayers would be on the hook for unpaid student loans the colleges started raising the tuition rates. You fucking better fix it. You created it.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

Yep, all great ideas to spend us into poverty, how are these programs getting paid for? What plan do they have for the economy?
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens

Wow, and what do you call it when any woman can abort a child, even after birth? Dumbass.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

Yep, all great ideas to spend us into poverty, how are these programs getting paid for? What plan do they have for the economy?
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens
Democrats drove the price of a college education up! You took student loans out of the hands of the banks and put it under big government. Upon learning taxpayers would be on rye hook for unpaid student loans the colleges started raising the tuition rates. You fucking better fix it. You created it.

Yep, and free college is not a fix.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

Yep, all great ideas to spend us into poverty, how are these programs getting paid for? What plan do they have for the economy?
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens
Democrats drove the price of a college education up! You took student loans out of the hands of the banks and put it under big government. Upon learning taxpayers would be on the hook for unpaid student loans the colleges started raising the tuition rates. You fucking better fix it. You created it.
Are you shitting me?
Requiring students to accept exorbitant interest rates drove up the cost of education?

You have a bizarre sense of causation
The Dem 2020 campaign message seems to be "100 million people murdered by socialist governments was not enough"
I voted for Bush and have no problem with that vote. The alternative was essentially a bullet to my own head.
Then you voted for the deaths of countless innocents, and for american soldiers to die far from home for absolutely no reason.
then you supported Saddam and his WMDs
Wow, 2019 and still with the "WMD's." Good grief.

With Trump's record of celebrating murderous dictators, he'd probably have been great friends with Saddam.
What do you think that Saddam was going to do with 500 tons of uranium? Make birthday cakes?
Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site
Maybe the Dems wanted to wait and until Saddam's WMD's where built and ready to use before we stopped him. That would have been unwise.
No, the Democrats in Congress supported the war because the polls showed that over 70% of Americans did. It was only in preparation for the next election that they decided to rewrite history.
Goes beyond that

The Environment
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Republican attempts to ban abortion
Gun Violence
Tax reform
Trump is a Poopyhead

Yep, all great ideas to spend us into poverty, how are these programs getting paid for? What plan do they have for the economy?
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens

Wow, and what do you call it when any woman can abort a child, even after birth? Dumbass.
Link asshole
Yep, all great ideas to spend us into poverty, how are these programs getting paid for? What plan do they have for the economy?
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens

Wow, and what do you call it when any woman can abort a child, even after birth? Dumbass.
Link asshole
Dem candidates refuse to halt abortion after birth - WND

You need to learn to pay attention, dumbass.
More fear mongering from the right

Give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires and then cry poverty over spending on healthcare or education
You guys haven't fixed education, healthcare or poverty. Look at EVERY major city you loons control. Graduation rates are a joke, poverty is rampant and your idea of healthcare is convincing black women to kill their offspring is the biggest genocide this earth has ever seen.

Democrats are working for affordable secondary education
Republicans have a Secretary of Education who hates public schools

Convincing black women to kill their offspring?
What do Republicans call poor black women who choose to keep their babies? Welfare Queens

Wow, and what do you call it when any woman can abort a child, even after birth? Dumbass.
Link asshole
Dem candidates refuse to halt abortion after birth - WND

You need to learn to pay attention, dumbass.
All I had to see was WND
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Considering Gore and Kerry, damn right I supported Bush, Halfacrat though he was.
W was a disappointment but Obama, Gore, Kerry and Hillary are disasters.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Considering Gore and Kerry, damn right I supported Bush, Halfacrat though he was.
W was a disappointment but Obama, Gore, Kerry and Hillary are disasters.
Gore, Kerry and Hillary were just embarrassments but Obama was a disaster.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Considering Gore and Kerry, damn right I supported Bush, Halfacrat though he was.
W was a disappointment but Obama, Gore, Kerry and Hillary are disasters.
Gore, Kerry and Hillary were just embarrassments but Obama was a disaster.

Is that surprising? Obama had no experience at anything that remotely qualified him to be POTUS.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?

Really strange that in their debates they don’t bring up impeachment.
Almost as if the talk of impeachment is just red meat thrown to the uneducated serfs daily to keep them hopeful.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Considering Gore and Kerry, damn right I supported Bush, Halfacrat though he was.
W was a disappointment but Obama, Gore, Kerry and Hillary are disasters.
Gore, Kerry and Hillary were just embarrassments but Obama was a disaster.

Is that surprising? Obama had no experience at anything that remotely qualified him to be POTUS.

He had the experience *every* Democrat has....he had never worked outside academia or government. Perfect credentials for ruling class approval.
Actually the Democrat platform according to each of the candidates is:
Put large amounts of people out of middle income jobs as they shut down the oil and gas industry.
Increase taxes on everyone in an attempt to pay for the free programs that are offered.
Run up the debt in an attempt to pay for the free programs that taxes do not cover.
Medicare for all which is expected to cost 2.3 Trillion a year the exact amount of federal taxes taken in in 2016.
Free college and college debt forgiveness. At a cost of Trillions of dollars each year.
Increase taxes on small businesses and large corporations forcing the small businesses to fold and large corporations to do more business overseas.
Increase cost of home heating oil, gasoline and diesel so that everyone pays through the nose.
Increase price of heating a home, cooking and electricity so that everyone pays through the nose.
Allow easier access to anyone trying to cross the border, that means more taxes to pay for free stuff and no control over immigration.
Confiscate guns in the hope that some will resort to violence in the hope of allowing more gun confiscation.
Best of all force those who are barely able to get by to pay high energy costs, buy electric cars or go to public transportation, and live somewhere more expensive while their home is retrofitted to be more energy efficient.
Is this the extent of the lefts platform?

I hear them say we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't smash our piggy banks.

Word has it they want to outlaw my insurance.

They seemingly want to steal your guns too.

Where is the winning message?
In a few years you'll all be denying you supported Trump like you did with Dubya

Fat chance of that silly boy

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