Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that Doral resort has bed bugs

I'm still wondering about his claim that he is losing 3 billion dollars just by being president, because every time he goes and spends the weekend at one of his resorts, the SS and all the staff have to pay for their rooms and food while they are there.
As detail has to pay green fees and cart rental too.
bedbugs can be SO EASILY introduced into a hotel and they QUICKLY-----
reproduce that --------it could easily be true and just as easily be a bit of
nasty sabotage---------an exterminator can SOLVE THE PROBLEM QUICKLY----
bedbugs just ITCH------and that is about it

If the exterminator knows what he's doing and uses integrated methods but they're never easy since they can be on clothing, in shoes, almost anywhere. The only good thing is they don't carry or spread disease like German roaches which also bite.
bedbugs can be SO EASILY introduced into a hotel and they QUICKLY-----
reproduce that --------it could easily be true and just as easily be a bit of
nasty sabotage---------an exterminator can SOLVE THE PROBLEM QUICKLY----
bedbugs just ITCH------and that is about it

If the exterminator knows what he's doing and uses integrated methods but they're never easy since they can be on clothing, in shoes, almost anywhere. The only good thing is they don't carry or spread disease like German roaches which also bite.

the clothes, shoes ---etc---have to be isolated too------and STEAMED
New York Times Office Treated for Bedbugs @ New York Times Office Treated for Bedbugs

The president is promoting his Florida property, which a guest claimed was infested with “voracious bed bugs,” for next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

President Donald Trump vehemently denied on Tuesday that bedbugs are crawling through his Doral golf resort in Florida, where he envisions holding next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

Though the hotel settled a guest’s lawsuit alleging a bedbug infestation in 2017, Trump blamed suggestions of the pests on a left-wing smear.

Eric Linder, a Doral guest from New Jersey, sued the resort in 2016, alleging “his back, face and arms were devoured by voracious bed bugs” during his stay, according to the Miami Herald. The paper published a photo showing the back of Linder’s neck covered in small red welts when it reported the settlement in 2017. Details were kept confidential.

The resort eventually reached a confidential settlement with Linder.

Trump Blames Democrats For 'Nasty' Bedbugs Report At Doral Resort

Trump Doral settles lawsuit over biting bedbugs - Miami Herald

How can Trump deny it - when a bedbug lawsuit was settled in a "confidential" settlement? Why would Trump be blaming Democrats?


Why didn’t the Doral lawyer claim they were fake bedbugs?

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