Trump has lowest pres-elect popularity in many decades

How's that working out, snowflake?

They predicted an Electoral College landslide - they were wrong - you lose.

No they didn't. Pollsters don't poll electors. They poll people. They poll the popular vote. The national polls got the popular vote almost exactly right.
NO shit, genius. They over-sampled democrats to get their numbers.

It's an old political trick before the election meant to discourage opposition voters to the point they believe it is pointless to go vote, believing there is no way their candidate can win.

Like rigging their Primary and feeding debate questions in advance to Hillary, this was a dirty attempt to steal the election.

It failed - Hillary lost.

The numbers they got were right.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
No, snowflake. After the loss articles and articles were written about the polls being SO wrong. Poor snowflake.

You mean like this article?
2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election
You still don't get it? Your side lost, Trump won, the polls were wrong, but typical of goosestepping, kool aid drinking, low information, low information, mind numbed, lemming, liberal retards, you just cant get that pea brain out of Uranus. Once again, Hillary lost big time because the majority of voters in most of the states, voted against her. 11,000,000 illegal votes don't count, but your side tried hard to have them counted.
indeed when the poll is weighted to 74 percent democrats


which really means a good chunk of democrats favor trump

No they didn't. Pollsters don't poll electors. They poll people. They poll the popular vote. The national polls got the popular vote almost exactly right.
NO shit, genius. They over-sampled democrats to get their numbers.

It's an old political trick before the election meant to discourage opposition voters to the point they believe it is pointless to go vote, believing there is no way their candidate can win.

Like rigging their Primary and feeding debate questions in advance to Hillary, this was a dirty attempt to steal the election.

It failed - Hillary lost.

The numbers they got were right.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
No, snowflake. After the loss articles and articles were written about the polls being SO wrong. Poor snowflake.

You mean like this article?
2016 Presidential Polls: Trump Vs. Clinton Polls Were Right — Polling More Accurate Than 2012 Election
You still don't get it? Your side lost, Trump won, the polls were wrong, but typical of goosestepping, kool aid drinking, low information, low information, mind numbed, lemming, liberal retards, you just cant get that pea brain out of Uranus. Once again, Hillary lost big time because the majority of voters in most of the states, voted against her. 11,000,000 illegal votes don't count, but your side tried hard to have them counted.

Which national polls were wrong? List them and explain why they were wrong.
Why would you think Trump is more popular than the polls show?

What would lead you to that conclusion?

I'll take the stunned silence to mean that none of you can make a logical rational argument supporting your belief that Trump is much more popular than the polls show.

Case closed.
You're claiming the national polls were wrong. I've proven they were right.
Let's PRETEND you're right for a minute, which you're not -- how's that working out for you and Hillary?


The subject is whether or not the polls are right about Trump's low favorability. They are right.

No one can make a credible argument that Trump is more favorably viewed than the polls show.
Case closed.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, snowflake. :p

(I just love watching you squirm, trying to find some good somewhere in all the exposed damaging emails, rigged Primary, stolen debate questions, LOST ELECTION, failed recounts, failed 'flipping', and 'All-In' 'Fake News...)
The polls reveal that the American people do not trust Trump: very smart.

The polls also show that jobs and fighting ISIS are the issues that matter most to American people: very smart.

No great right wing agenda will enacted based on what the American people are saying.

What the Alt Right above say means nothing.
Case closed.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, snowflake. :p

(I just love watching you squirm, trying to find some good somewhere in all the exposed damaging emails, rigged Primary, stolen debate questions, LOST ELECTION, failed recounts, failed 'flipping', and 'All-In' 'Fake News...)

Let's hear it. What evidence do you have that Trump is viewed favorably by 90% of Americans?
Apparently "jobs" and "fighting ISIS" won.

ACA is going to become a single payer system. And it will not be repealed before it is replaced: the Senate has guaranteed that.

Poor silly alt right: their orange boy is not liked.
Well, at least we're compiling a good long list of RW'ers who declare the polls to be fake,

just in case Trump happens to get some good polls in the future.
Just to make sure we get this mean all the fake polls that show hillary winning? :lol:
Apparently "jobs" and "fighting ISIS" won.

ACA is going to become a single payer system. And it will not be repealed before it is replaced: the Senate has guaranteed that.

Poor silly alt right: their orange boy is not liked.
It was always meant to result in a single payer system - Harry Reid declared this after they rammed it into law....

Oh, and follow your own advice - stay on topic. :p
The articles were wrong. I'm right. Look at the polls in that link and tell me how wrong those polls were.
Lets say those polls are exactly right, do you know that I got up at 12:30 am election night to see just how bad Trump lost because with the exception of "maybe" FOX news the rest of the media was claiming the polls had Hillary obliterating Trump...msnbc even did a "SPECIAL" with I believe Steve Kornacki [sp] showing how Hillary still wins in the worst of worse case scenarios [ cbs...nbc all had similar if not as drastic predictions] perhaps your polls are correct and if in fact they are it just means that the media and not the polls are the ones trying to get their candidate elected which is really the big problem, the polls are gone now, the media is still at it though...there is no doubt the media is just as traumatically disturbed about the queens beheading as the rest of her loyal subjects... the point is still the same even if the culprit/perp isn't, they were trying to deter Trump voters by making the situation look hopeless, now I wasn't voting for him anyway, but I did gather from the information available that his was a hopeless cause.
easyt65, tough, snowflake.

The Alt Right are infuriated that they have not won anything other than the disdain of 80% of America.

All Americans want jobs and ISIS defeated.

There will be Single Payer (a better Obamacare). Good on America.
Apparently "jobs" and "fighting ISIS" won.

ACA is going to become a single payer system. And it will not be repealed before it is replaced: the Senate has guaranteed that.

Poor silly alt right: their orange boy is not liked.
It was always meant to result in a single payer system - Harry Reid declared this after they rammed it into law....

Oh, and follow your own advice - stay on topic. :p
I am glad to see you staying on topic, easyt65. Guess what, easyt, ACA was not supposed to go SP, and the far right was infuriated that it might. It's strange you are a HR clone now.

No, the Alt Right wanted ACA to go away and go back to the way it was. Trump is going to be judged mostly on jobs and fighting ISIS: the rest does not matter to most of America.
Apparently "jobs" and "fighting ISIS" won.

ACA is going to become a single payer system. And it will not be repealed before it is replaced: the Senate has guaranteed that.

Poor silly alt right: their orange boy is not liked.
It was always meant to result in a single payer system - Harry Reid declared this after they rammed it into law....

Oh, and follow your own advice - stay on topic. :p
I am glad to see you staying on topic, easyt65. Guess what, easyt, ACA was not supposed to go SP, and the far right was infuriated that it might. It's strange you are a HR clone now.

No, the Alt Right wanted ACA to go away and go back to the way it was. Trump is going to be judged mostly on jobs and fighting ISIS: the rest does not matter to most of America.
Ok, YOU say the ACA was NOT supposed to go SP.

Harry Reid, one of the architects of the ACA, declared it was.

I will actually believe Harry Reid over YOU.

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