Trump Has A Dangerous Disability

I think Trump is intelligent. I wouldn't say he's an intellectual, but he has alot of acumen and cleverness. in particular, he's good at getting a rise out of people, misdirecting his opponents, and rallying support. the fact that he won the election against all odds, yet people still call him an idiot, is beyond me. I'm not saying you have to agree with his politics, but not very many people could pull off what Trump pulled off.

in particular, he's good at getting a rise out of people, misdirecting his opponents, and rallying support.

All defensive tactics.
Raving Moron, Trump cannot think? He happens to have a very high IQ and a mind that could cut you to pieces. Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars? As to speaking, nope, not a very polished speaker. He is a businessman, not a politician. Kinda rough around the edges. It amazes me how after decades and decades of getting screwed over by glib professional politicians, when you finally get a real person in office trying to really fix things for the country, so many of you start screaming because you don't have another glib politician.
Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars?

It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..
Raving Moron, Trump cannot think? He happens to have a very high IQ and a mind that could cut you to pieces. Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars? As to speaking, nope, not a very polished speaker. He is a businessman, not a politician. Kinda rough around the edges. It amazes me how after decades and decades of getting screwed over by glib professional politicians, when you finally get a real person in office trying to really fix things for the country, so many of you start screaming because you don't have another glib politician.
Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars?

It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?
$26 million.

The 15 Richest Members Of Congress
Raving Moron, Trump cannot think? He happens to have a very high IQ and a mind that could cut you to pieces. Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars? As to speaking, nope, not a very polished speaker. He is a businessman, not a politician. Kinda rough around the edges. It amazes me how after decades and decades of getting screwed over by glib professional politicians, when you finally get a real person in office trying to really fix things for the country, so many of you start screaming because you don't have another glib politician.
Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars?

It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

Raving Moron, Trump cannot think? He happens to have a very high IQ and a mind that could cut you to pieces. Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars? As to speaking, nope, not a very polished speaker. He is a businessman, not a politician. Kinda rough around the edges. It amazes me how after decades and decades of getting screwed over by glib professional politicians, when you finally get a real person in office trying to really fix things for the country, so many of you start screaming because you don't have another glib politician.
Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars?

It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?
$26 million.

The 15 Richest Members Of Congress

Trumpster is a billionaire..

So how did they become millionaires idiot?

Insider trading..
Raving Moron, Trump cannot think? He happens to have a very high IQ and a mind that could cut you to pieces. Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars? As to speaking, nope, not a very polished speaker. He is a businessman, not a politician. Kinda rough around the edges. It amazes me how after decades and decades of getting screwed over by glib professional politicians, when you finally get a real person in office trying to really fix things for the country, so many of you start screaming because you don't have another glib politician.
Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars?

It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?
$26 million.

The 15 Richest Members Of Congress

So what?
Raving Moron, Trump cannot think? He happens to have a very high IQ and a mind that could cut you to pieces. Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars? As to speaking, nope, not a very polished speaker. He is a businessman, not a politician. Kinda rough around the edges. It amazes me how after decades and decades of getting screwed over by glib professional politicians, when you finally get a real person in office trying to really fix things for the country, so many of you start screaming because you don't have another glib politician.
Do you think someone handed him his 10 billion dollars?

It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.


It's my birthday...

Give me a break fag.
It's always been about the cult of wealth admiration.

Being wealthy doesn't make anyone a better person.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.


It's my birthday...

Give me a break fag.

Another year older, dope. Good job!
"It is urgent for Americans to think and speak clearly about President Trump’s inability to do either. This seems to be not a mere disinclination but a disability. It is not merely the result of intellectual sloth but of an untrained mind bereft of information and married to stratospheric self-confidence."

Long-ish article, so I'll just link to the rest here.

Opinion | Trump has a dangerous disability

Americans need to be vigilant and never let the right wing propaganda machine silence the truth about how seriously dangerous having Trump in the oval office is. Even George Will, a conservative, recognizes this.
What truly IS "funny," is now UNHINGED the progs are. We conservatives have been waiting EIGHT LONG YEARS to see the kenyan GONE, and now that the FRAUD has been replaced with a REAL America loving patriot, the prog MELT DOWN is EPIC. You all have gotten so used to having your little radical muslim in the white house kissing your ass and destroying America, you can't STAND the resurgence of true PATRIOTISM, and it's WONDERFUL.

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.

You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.


It's my birthday...

Give me a break fag.

Another year older, dope. Good job!
Beating you.

So know kindly tell us Congress don't have illegal trading?

I will wait
You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.


It's my birthday...

Give me a break fag.

Another year older, dope. Good job!
Beating you.

So know kindly tell us Congress don't have illegal trading?

I will wait

I will give this persons opinion all the attention it warrants.

Like posting in this thread?
As I said I will give it all the attention it warrants.

Well, thanks for the bump :laugh:
Anytime the more people who see your partisan idiocy threads and learn not to to take you serious the better for the board. After 10pm I only give three responses per moron thread you have now reached the limit.

Thanks again for the bump :laugh2:
You can't be serious. She's been in Congress for thirty years. $250k, really?

Yes we all know liberals sucks at math

$250,000,000 ..

You do know Nancy pelosi only had like a grand in the bank before she gained office right?

Now almost worth a quarter of a million dollars later.


It's my birthday...

Give me a break fag.

Another year older, dope. Good job!
Beating you.

So know kindly tell us Congress don't have illegal trading?

I will wait

Hilarious how every time I post something truthful about Trump, the resident drooling conservatard morons all immediately attack me rather than discussing the actual article. It's like fucking clockwork on this forum.

Are there any conservatards on this forum who aren't muppets?
From the article:

What is most alarming (and mortifying to the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated) is not that Trump has entered his eighth decade unscathed by even elementary knowledge about the nation’s history. As this column has said before, the problem isn’t that he does not know this or that, or that he does not know that he does not know this or that. Rather, the dangerous thing is that he does not know what it is to know something.

Trump is in his 7th decade, not his 8th. When you hit 70 you have lived 6 decades. You are starting on your 7th. And this douche bag is attacking Trump's intelligence?

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