Trump fails again on DACA.

Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

It is interesting that the DNC was willing to fall on their swords for Obamacare, and did during the 2012 elections.

Now the Pubes are willing to do it by not repealing Obamacare.

So what do they fear more than not getting back into power?
Being called 'racist' I suppose... They are a pitiful lot.

No, they fear something more than obtaining political power.

What do you think it is?

You tell me.

Then again, if you figure it out maybe you should keep it to yourself.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

It is interesting that the DNC was willing to fall on their swords for Obamacare, and did during the 2012 elections.

Now the Pubes are willing to do it by not repealing Obamacare.

So what do they fear more than not getting back into power?
Being called 'racist' I suppose... They are a pitiful lot.

No, they fear something more than obtaining political power.

What do you think it is?

You tell me.

Then again, if you figure it out maybe you should keep it to yourself.
I guess I am glad I have no idea what it would be then.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.

They haven't lived their lives as Americans. They are fakes. Frauds. Phonies.

So you admit their parents committed a crime? That's a good start. So maybe we don't punish them but they do have to go to the back of the line. You don't reward these kids of criminals because their parents committed a crime, do you?

It's like if my parents stole a million dollars and then years later you discovered I had a bank account with $800,000 in it. No way I made that money on my own. So are you going to let me keep it or are you going to take the money back because it was ill gotten gains my parents stole 20 years ago?

Melania is now a citizen. If these Dreamers marry an American they can become citizens too. But it aint easy to become a citizen. First you have to get in line.

I don't think this issue will cost Republicans. No one gives a fuck about illegals. Those people protesting? Did they win last years election? We already knew what Trump was going to do and still wet backs didn't show up. Not even wet backs care. If you are a citizen of this country you don't care about illegals or immigrants. Maybe some do but not enough to win an election. Sorry, you are picking the wrong battles.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.

Should children be rewarded for their parents' crimes? Should the children of a bank robber get to keep the money?

Melania is legal.
Now you are for charges the children of a robber for receiving stolen goods & the parent used money they stile to buy them food?


Melania came here on a tourist VISA & then worked as a model. That is illegal.
Liberals always punish the children for the actions of the parent, why else would an innocent baby be executed when a rapist impregnates a woman? Baby dies, rapist goes to jail get off with good behavior in 5 years or less..

What about the mother who was asking for it?
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.

Should children be rewarded for their parents' crimes? Should the children of a bank robber get to keep the money?

Melania is legal.
Now you are for charges the children of a robber for receiving stolen goods & the parent used money they stile to buy them food?


Melania came here on a tourist VISA & then worked as a model. That is illegal.
Liberals always punish the children for the actions of the parent, why else would an innocent baby be executed when a rapist impregnates a woman? Baby dies, rapist goes to jail get off with good behavior in 5 years or less..

What about the mother who was asking for it?
Asking for what?
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
You are a lying piece of shit. Their parents in Central America shoved these diseased children onto trains and shipped them north into Mexico, where that government assisted them into this country. These CO2 producing, future Democrat Voters are only here because you libfucks execute 33,000 unborn liberal babies a month, which Obama started to realize would mean that without the influx of voters crossing the borders in the millions, soon the Dimocrap party would never again see the presidency or other government office. Now with what is going on, if Congress doesn't do anything about DACA, then in 6 months it repeals the bullshit Obama did, and Trump will succeed in Making America Great Again.
Wow, spoken like a true Trumpette.

DACA does not make then citizens you stupid shit so how are they voting.
Seeing they aren't citizens, I got no problem deporting them. How abut putting Americans first or you get out of the country?

Why don't we get rid of you Americans overwhelmingly support DACA. You are not a American.
Wow, spoken like a true Trumpette.

DACA does not make then citizens you stupid shit so how are they voting.
Seeing they aren't citizens, I got no problem deporting them. How abut putting Americans first or you get out of the country?

Making America a country that accepts racism, bigotry, white Supremacy is not making it great. Punishing the children of illegals is not being American

If you want that, take your Trumpette buddies & go somewhere else where you can have your Naziland.
Notice how any argument against illegals is met with "nazi" every time these pos get the chance.

well, moron... these kids didn't commit an illegal act.

No they are in this country illegally, it doesn't matter how old they are, how old they were when they got here, or how long they've been here, they are not citizens they are the result of an illegal invasion of wetbacks attempting to use their own children for chain migration and it's not going to work those little bastards will be taking their asses back across the Rio Grande, pools closed bitch.

The only invasion that is going on is hatemongers like you. This is the evil that is threatening this country. You are the evil. Evil like yours needs to be excised.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
It is nothing short of amazing that someone who is a billionaire and US president fails at everything. He started failing when he announced his candidacy (oh how we laughed and laughed) and has failed all the way to the White House.
If he failed at his presidency run, how the fuck did he beat the sickly, crooked, vagina candidate who failed to cross the finish line even with the lickspittle, lamestream media carrying the water for her? Yeah, you are a stupid fuck of the 10th degree. Now go play in a busy intersection and do us a Darwinian favor. Remove your gene pool from society so there cant be any more stupid fucks like you.
Dem Sen. Feinstein Agrees With Trump - DACA Probably Isn't Legal
Asked in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd if DACA was legal, Feinstein cited the legal threats, then said she didn’t want to delve into the issue.

“The point is, DACA is here,” Feinstein said.

Todd then noted that the senator seemed to think the Obama executive order was “on shaky legal ground.”

Feinstein responded: “It is. That’s why we need to pass a law, and we should do it.”
At one time the Senate and Congress were supposed to be for US citizens and their children, when did the liberal establishment politicians decide that, screw the people of the US, and welcome in the dredges of other countries and cater to "their" whim?

We tolerate dredges like you and I would rather have them and get rid of you. The fact is that DACA is helping America. A number of young people under DACA have well paying jobs and contribute to this country.

The Tennessee REPUBLICAN AG wrote this to Tennessee's Republican Senators
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

A majority of Republicans also support DACA. They may be primaried but they will beat the hate mongers.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
It is nothing short of amazing that someone who is a billionaire and US president fails at everything. He started failing when he announced his candidacy (oh how we laughed and laughed) and has failed all the way to the White House.
If he failed at his presidency run, how the fuck did he beat the sickly, crooked, vagina candidate who failed to cross the finish line even with the lickspittle, lamestream media carrying the water for her? Yeah, you are a stupid fuck of the 10th degree. Now go play in a busy intersection and do us a Darwinian favor. Remove your gene pool from society so there cant be any more stupid fucks like you.
Dem Sen. Feinstein Agrees With Trump - DACA Probably Isn't Legal
Asked in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd if DACA was legal, Feinstein cited the legal threats, then said she didn’t want to delve into the issue.

“The point is, DACA is here,” Feinstein said.

Todd then noted that the senator seemed to think the Obama executive order was “on shaky legal ground.”

Feinstein responded: “It is. That’s why we need to pass a law, and we should do it.”
At one time the Senate and Congress were supposed to be for US citizens and their children, when did the liberal establishment politicians decide that, screw the people of the US, and welcome in the dredges of other countries and cater to "their" whim?

We tolerate dredges like you and I would rather have them and get rid of you. The fact is that DACA is helping America. A number of young people under DACA have well paying jobs and contribute to this country.

The Tennessee REPUBLICAN AG wrote this to Tennessee's Republican Senators
"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."
Yes so the baby of a criminal shouldn't be punished correct? Why are babies punished when their parents are put in jail for committing crimes in the US? I really hate you lefties who don't give a rats ass for these people, just use them so Der Party can survive. Without them and you libs killing 33,000 unborn babies(some killed because their father were rapist criminals) the Dimocraps wont be in power ever again.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

A majority of Republicans also support DACA. They may be primaried but they will beat the hate mongers.
I think you are about to find out that people say one thing in public and another thing in the voting booth, my friend.
Oh it's a sad day when we won't allow illegals to rape our women, rob out stores, steal your kids education because dreamers can get money but your kid can't..

wake the FK UP these people came here ILLEGALLY, and no where else in the world can someone have a kid and become an automatic citizen what fkn stupid asses agree with this LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC assholes. Indoctrinated IDIOTS will believe any political bs fed to them by other Democrats when it's all to take your money morons.
Oh it's a sad day when we won't allow illegals to rape our women, rob out stores, steal your kids education because dreamers can get money but your kid can't..

wake the FK UP these people came here ILLEGALLY, and no where else in the world can someone have a kid and become an automatic citizen what fkn stupid asses agree with this LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC assholes. Indoctrinated IDIOTS will believe any political bs fed to them by other Democrats when it's all to take your money morons.
Fucking pisses me off too. Leftism is turning this country in Weimerica.
2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans

The majority of crimes by DACA recipients include: “Alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” USCIS has stated.


That video would be more properly titled as "How to create white nationalists and anti-illegal alien sentiment against DACA kids".

Leftists slit their own throats.
Yeah lets support some more RAPIST , DACA, DACA, we want DACA , you fkres are .........................holes!!!


One Of Obama’s Illegal Alien ‘DREAMers’ Just Brutally Raped A Woman



DREAMERS Break Into Home, Rape Woman In Front Of Her 4-Year-Old Son


How much more proof do you democrats morons need cause sooner or later your kid could be next , your wife, niece................ Oh but that will be ok cause your proving your bleeding heart suckerness right. gawd you ppl are sickening and totall fkn warped to even want this DACA bs lie.


'Dreamer raped Washington teenager at apartment's gym' | Daily Mail Online
2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans

The majority of crimes by DACA recipients include: “Alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” USCIS has stated.


That video would be more properly titled as "How to create white nationalists and anti-illegal alien sentiment against DACA kids".

Leftists slit their own throats.

did you see the original video of that kid giving the finger. and then the kids say " F U" ...
2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans

The majority of crimes by DACA recipients include: “Alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” USCIS has stated.


That video would be more properly titled as "How to create white nationalists and anti-illegal alien sentiment against DACA kids".

Leftists slit their own throats.

did you see the original video of that kid giving the finger. and then the kids say " F U" ...

Yep. Made me want to throttle that little motherfucker's neck and throw him over the border myself.

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