Trump Exec Orders


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Wonder if he can out do obama...
Drill, Baby Drill: Trump Exec Orders Boost Dakota, Keystone Pipelines
January 24, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

It's a good day for American workers and a bad day for the Big Green lobby in San Francisco. President Trump is putting American workers and our economy and energy security first. And he's putting Al Gore last.

Obama had done everything he could to sabotage Keystone. And his politicized administration kneecapped Dakota Access in response to leftist hysteria. Now all that is changing with Trump's latest executive orders.

But this isn't just a pass. President Trump has said that he wants domestic materials used for the pipeline, one of the executive orders calls for Commerce to get American steel into projects, and for the government to get a share of the revenue. This is very different from Democrat "no'ism" or the "market will solve it all" approach of Republicans.


Once upon a time the Empire State Building was built in a year. Today we have trouble getting a project moving along in a year.

Making America Great requires getting the bureaucracy and ecoacracy out of the way.

Drill, Baby Drill: Trump Exec Orders Boost Dakota, Keystone Pipelines
Can Trump Bell the Progressive Cat?
The battle to shrink the last half-century of hypertrophied statism and leftist tyranny.
January 27, 2017
Bruce Thornton

(Yes obongo is clapping for Trump...)

As I listened to Trump’s Inaugural Address, I thought of Aesop’s fable about the mice who were being devastated by a ferocious cat. As they debated what to do, a brash young mouse proposed putting a bell around the cat’s neck. That way the mice would hear its approach and scurry to safety. All applauded until one greybeard mouse posed the question: “Who’s going to put the bell around the cat’s neck?”

Especially in politics, it’s easy to propose simple, if not impossible, solutions to complex problems.

Trump’s speech was a rousing catalogue of promises to “make America great again.” Infrastructure development, rebuilding the inner cities, bringing back jobs to America, securing the borders, returning the power usurped by the feds back to the people, making “America first,” and eradicating Islamic jihad “from the face of the earth” comprise an ambitious agenda, to say the least. Perhaps these are mere negotiating positions to be adjusted later, but politics isn’t business. What a candidate thinks is typical campaign hyperbole, the voting public often considers promises to be taken seriously.

Ask George H.W. Bush, who broke his promise “Read my lips: no new taxes,” and lost his reelection bid. And that was just one costly broken promise. Trump has named a whole pack of cats he has promised to bell.

Just consider Trump’s promise about “transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.” Sounds good, but he said nothing specific about reducing the size of the feds, or restoring citizen self-rule. Yes, on Monday he imposed a hiring freeze on federal workers. So did Ronald Reagan in 1981, but that didn’t slow down much the fed expansion in the long term. And Trump’s claim that he will reduce regulations by 75% is a consummation devoutly to be wished, but highly unlikely without a lot of help from Congress.

Trump needs to be more specific, and realistic, about how he will restore power to the citizenry by undoing the un-Constitutional concentration of powers in the executive and its metastasizing agencies, enabled over the years by compliant Congresses and activist Supreme Courts. The result is our country’s feral cat, the bloated federal government spawned and nourished by progressives for nearly a century, with significant help from Republicans. As the fed has waxed ever fatter, the intrusive reach of its agencies, councils, and bureaus into all aspects of our lives––corporations, small businesses, churches, schools, private organizations, state and local governments––subjects them to the coercive power of federal agencies to regulate, investigate, and punish anything that challenges their technocratic pretensions to greater intelligence and efficiency than the sovereign citizenry possesses.

Along the way, Big Fed imposes billions of dollars in compliance costs––nearly $2 trillion in 2016–– and erodes the freedom and autonomy of individuals, municipalities, states, churches, and civil society. In addition, these agencies are staffed by 2.6 million anonymous employees with generous salaries and pensions––in one study, 78% higher than those enjoyed by the private sector–– and union protections from dismissal that rival academic tenure. Fed employees are not accountable to the people or subject to electoral audit, and can survive the changes in political appointees who head the agencies. Worse yet, we may think Congress writes the laws it passes and agencies execute. But in fact agency staffers do the actual law-writing and then execute and monitor the laws they have written, subverting the Constitution’s separation of powers. Congress needs to pass legislation requiring the Constitutional law-making branch to actually write the laws, so they know what’s in them before they pass them.

It’s not going to be easy to rein in the Dem-Fed complex that lies at the root of most problems Trump promises to solve. New heads of agencies appointed by Trump will meet stiff resistance from employees long in the pocket of the Democrat Party. In last year’s presidential race, 95% of federal workers’ contributions went to Hillary Clinton. There already appears to be leaks from the intelligence community attempting to embarrass and delegitimize the new administration. Trump can do only so much with executive orders or directives. To help “drain the swamp,” Congress will have to pass legislation making it easier to discipline and fire federal workers who obstruct or undermine the directives of agency heads.


I hope I’m being unduly pessimistic, and Trump can achieve even half of his goals, which would go a long way toward shrinking the last half-century of hypertrophied statism and progressive tyranny. But if Trump breaks enough promises, if he fails “to get the job done” as he pledged, or if some crisis like an economic recession or a major terrorist attack erupts on his watch, then he’s likely to end up a one-term president––and the progressive cat will run wild again.

Can Trump Bell the Progressive Cat?
Law And Order Returns To The Border
President Trump begins fulfilling his promise in two historic executive orders.
January 26, 2017
Joseph Klein

President Donald Trump is doing something incredibly rare for a politician in Washington, D.C. He is keeping his word. Two of the most important of his campaign promises were to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into this country and to suspend the admission of “refugees” from countries prone to terrorism until a system of “extreme vetting” is put into place. On Tuesday night, President Trump tweeted out a teaser: “Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!”


"From a legal standpoint, it would be exactly within his legal rights," said Stephen Legomsky, who was chief counsel at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Obama administration and currently a professor at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis. Legomsky went on to say that he disagreed with President Trump’s planned suspension action from a public policy perspective “because there is such an urgent humanitarian need right now for refugees.” However, the Obama administration in which he served was discriminatory in its own “humanitarian” outreach to self-declared “refugees.” It virtually ignored the truly persecuted Christian minority populationseeking an escape from genocide, and favored instead the one group of migrants from the Middle East who needed refugee protection the least– Sunni Muslims. Moreover, the Obama administration had no vetting procedures in place to ensure that some of these Sunni Muslims were not bringing their Wahhabi jihadist ideology with them.

Former President Obama put Americans’ lives in danger by his ill-advised immigration and refugee policies. He also released scores of suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay despite at least a 30 percent recidivist rate. President Trump, by contrast, is showing that he means what he says in making the protection of the American people his first priority.

Law And Order Returns To The Border
on the same day 200,000 litres of oil leaks on to another native reservation

Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation

Right wing terrorists wont stop until all of america's drinking water is poisoned like Flint

They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.
on the same day 200,000 litres of oil leaks on to another native reservation

Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation

Right wing terrorists wont stop until all of america's drinking water is poisoned like Flint

They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.
on the same day 200,000 litres of oil leaks on to another native reservation

Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation

Right wing terrorists wont stop until all of america's drinking water is poisoned like Flint

They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.
You fucking libtarts always with grammar and spell checks when you run out of bull/shit to say, typical...
The 20% import tax from Mexico, proposed by Trump, will cause a 20% increase in the cost of avocados, tequila and all of the imports from Mexico. It's a tax on American consumers.

Holy guacamole! Border tax could hit Mexican avocados

Big fucking deal. California produces 90% of the avocados consumed in the USA. Is there any chance you can make a post without a healthy dose of hysteria in it? Try'll like it. And you won't look like such a clown then.

Avocado Facts | California Avocado Commission
on the same day 200,000 litres of oil leaks on to another native reservation

Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation

Right wing terrorists wont stop until all of america's drinking water is poisoned like Flint

They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.
You fucking libtarts always with grammar and spell checks when you run out of bull/shit to say, typical...

WTF are you talking about? They haven't finished cleaning up the spill. What has that got to do with grammar?
on the same day 200,000 litres of oil leaks on to another native reservation

Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation

Right wing terrorists wont stop until all of america's drinking water is poisoned like Flint

They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.

Not what the link said, from the link.

Doug MacKnight, assistant deputy minister of Economy, says about 170,000 litres have been recovered so far.

"They'll be removing cover, vacuuming up the oil and then eventually excavating the contaminated soils and taking them away for disposal,'' MacKnight said late Monday afternoon.

The remainder was expected to be completed two days later and pipe inspections to begin.
on the same day 200,000 litres of oil leaks on to another native reservation

Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation

Right wing terrorists wont stop until all of america's drinking water is poisoned like Flint

They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.

Not what the link said, from the link.

Doug MacKnight, assistant deputy minister of Economy, says about 170,000 litres have been recovered so far.

"They'll be removing cover, vacuuming up the oil and then eventually excavating the contaminated soils and taking them away for disposal,'' MacKnight said late Monday afternoon.

The remainder was expected to be completed two days later and pipe inspections to begin.

This is the link in post #2 or 3.
Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation
That would still be 44,909.2489 gallons
They use liters to make 500 gal sound like a lot. Too funny.

No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.

Not what the link said, from the link.

Doug MacKnight, assistant deputy minister of Economy, says about 170,000 litres have been recovered so far.

"They'll be removing cover, vacuuming up the oil and then eventually excavating the contaminated soils and taking them away for disposal,'' MacKnight said late Monday afternoon.

The remainder was expected to be completed two days later and pipe inspections to begin.

This is the link in post #2 or 3.
Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation
That would still be 44,909.2489 gallons

And at the time of publication they already cleaned up 170,000 liters. Damn child can't you read?
No dummy that's 52,834.4105 gallons. How many liters do you think are in a gallon?

Misread it, my bad, it past my bed time. Still it didn't appear to be that hard to clean up.

It's not cleaned up.

Not what the link said, from the link.

Doug MacKnight, assistant deputy minister of Economy, says about 170,000 litres have been recovered so far.

"They'll be removing cover, vacuuming up the oil and then eventually excavating the contaminated soils and taking them away for disposal,'' MacKnight said late Monday afternoon.

The remainder was expected to be completed two days later and pipe inspections to begin.

This is the link in post #2 or 3.
Pipeline Leaks 200,000 Litres Of Oil On Saskatchewan First Nation
That would still be 44,909.2489 gallons

And at the time of publication they already cleaned up 170,000 liters. Damn child can't you read?

Still not cleaned up.

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