Trump doubles down: coverage by crazed lunatic msm has never been worse


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump criticized the mainstream corporate media’s ongoing negative coverage of his presidency amid the partial government shutdown, saying some pundits have become “crazed lunatics” who have abandoned honest reporting.
Trump Doubles Down: Coverage By ‘Crazed Lunatic’ MSM ‘Has Never Been Worse’

Problem is the hate is so severe from the leftist mental cases they can't see a dam thing he does, nor do they want to. Their own stupidity will do them in it's funny to watch it all implode upon themselves,

From the Feminist loons, to the LGBTQ , and their little fairy boy who dances in gay clubs, to the gun grabs you name it MSM LIED about it some more than others and they are always, always caught . It's just to bad so many dumbasses can't see the liars.
comprehend the social engineering being put upon us all by the globalist and TRUMP IS TRYING TO UN DO ALL OF THEIR PAST BS OBAMA's included FOOLS!!
he's right you know.jpg

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