Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Double Down Donald cannot logically debate a rational argument.
Double Down Donald cannot logically debate a rational argument.
If Republican jackasses won't listen to us, maybe they'll listen to one of their party leaders.

“Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment,” Ryan said. “I think that should be absolutely disavowed. It’s absolutely unacceptable.”

Paul Ryan: Trump's Judge Comment 'The Textbook Definition Of A Racist Comment'

Paul Ryan: Trump’s Judge Comment ‘The Textbook Definition Of A Racist Comment’

TEXTBOOK DEFINITION you Republican ass clowns! Does anyone think this man has a chance of winning? Hilarious!!! I'm sure Republicans already regret nominating Trump.
Donald Trump would do more to promote the spread of jihadist terrorism than any military victory ever could. Unleashing him as president in a world of dangerous and complex geopolitics would be akin to giving a hand grenade to a two-year-old in a crowded room. Come Election Day, the rest of us must be grown-ups.
Double Down Donald cannot logically debate a rational argument.
The truth about Trump bribing the Texas AG to drop the case against Trump U is starting to come out. Sure its only being shown on Huffington Post now but if enough noise is made the corporate media won't be able to ignore it. Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

So lets see if they give this as much attention as Hillary's emails.
Saw an article this AM in the SL Tribune. It is coming out, and is potentially very damaging to Double Down.
Double Down Donald cannot logically debate a rational argument.
The truth about Trump bribing the Texas AG to drop the case against Trump U is starting to come out. Sure its only being shown on Huffington Post now but if enough noise is made the corporate media won't be able to ignore it. Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

So lets see if they give this as much attention as Hillary's emails.
Saw an article this AM in the SL Tribune. It is coming out, and is potentially very damaging to Double Down.
Actually Don is the perfect nick name for Trump.

The Don or boss is the brain and leader of a crime family. The boss receives a cut of every operation taken on by every member of his family. Depending on the family, the boss may be chosen by a vote from the caporegimes of the family.
The lesson is that lying and fear mongering fails.

That is why Double Down Donald is failing.

Hillary's actions shows that she disagrees.
Of course Trump is treating his supporters as stupid. He even joked about how he could shoot someone and not lose voters.

"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

I posted more than just, "of course." Of course, I am not responsible for you not reading beyond the first sentence of my post.


Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Trump said Mexico is sending their rapists here.... where does that article say the rapists are coming here? All it says is that some folks, presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here.

1. So, your evidence is what? Something you admit yourself was a joke?

2.a The article specified both "fellow migrants" and "traffickers" as rapists. Those two groups come across the border, as per Trump's now proven statement.

2b YOUR ALTERNATIVE that you seem to be pushing, is that a random group of women travelling though Mexico will be raped to the tune of 80%. Your scenario would be painting a very bad picture for ALL OF MEXICO AND MEXICANS.

Which would just be another way of saying Trump was right. Except for being overly generous to Mexico and Mexicans.

BUT that's YOUR scenario, not mine, not TRumps.
The joke was that Trump would shoot someone. Not that he would lose voters over it.

The rapes are occurring in Mexico because the law their does little to nothing to crack down on foreigners cutting through their country to reach the U.S. being attacked. The article doesn't say if, or how many, come into the U.S.. And the number of illegals caught committing rape in the U.S. doesn't support Trump's comment.

Mexican women better think twice about coming here. Not only will white men rape you, they'll get away with a very light sentence.

If you read the article it discusses that one of the problems is the complete lack of enforcement SOUTH of the border.

And that the government officials are one of the prime groups of rapists.

And this is the culture that, because of lefty polices, is the fastest growing subculture in America.
The layer you need to know is that Donnie is pissing off women.

Most women are fine with the idea of being treated as equals. Including other women getting push back if they are out of line. It is only constant propaganda that is driving the Gender Gap.
And it is your kind of nonsense that is costing Donnie the female vote. Don't lie.

The lie is that an attack on a woman is an attack on all women.

Using that logic, everyone who attacks Trump is anti-man.

It is utter bullshit.

And you repeat bullshit often enough and loud enough and you can create a perception that is more important than the truth.

And more dangerous.
Trump simply can't be polite to all women.

Your logic is confused as usual, but, yes, it is utter bullshit.

It is not expected that any man be polite to all women.

Women that are not polite to you do not deserve politeness in return.

That is what equality means.

Exactly what was it that megan kelly deserved, again? how about the respectful way he spoke about women many, many MANY times he was on howard stern, 'eh? :spinner:
Yes, better than Reagan Clinton was the highest-ranking modern President, ahead of Ronald Reagan (11th), Lyndon Johnson (12th), John Kennedy (14th) and George H.W. Bush (17th).

Right, because a great economy and winning the Cold War was nothing special.

Reagan deserves many kudos for helping bring down the berlin wall & he reduced the # of nukes on this planet. but let's not forget that he raised taxes a lot, looked the other way when saddam hussein gassed the kurds, the Marines killed in Beirut, & iran/contra.
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Donald Trump would do more to promote the spread of jihadist terrorism than any military victory ever could. Unleashing him as president in a world of dangerous and complex geopolitics would be akin to giving a hand grenade to a two-year-old in a crowded room. Come Election Day, the rest of us must be grown-ups.

Yes, better than Reagan Clinton was the highest-ranking modern President, ahead of Ronald Reagan (11th), Lyndon Johnson (12th), John Kennedy (14th) and George H.W. Bush (17th).

Right, because a great economy and winning the Cold War was nothing special.

Reagan deserve many kudos for helping bring down the berlin wall & he reduced the # of nukes on this planet. but let's not forget that he raised taxes a lot, looked the other way when saddam hussein gassed the kurds, the Marines killed in Beirut, & iran/contra.

1. Thanks for not acknowledging the Wall and the nukes.

2. The overall tax rates were way lower when he left office than when he took office.

3. Oh? You're sorry we didn't invade Iraq sooner?

4. The Marines in Beirut was a mistake. He mistakenly believed that the players in the area were reasonable and wanted peace.

5. Iran/contra was no big deal. So the Iranians had some extra weapons to kill Saddam's soldiers with.
Donald Trump would do more to promote the spread of jihadist terrorism than any military victory ever could. Unleashing him as president in a world of dangerous and complex geopolitics would be akin to giving a hand grenade to a two-year-old in a crowded room. Come Election Day, the rest of us must be grown-ups.

The major issue that is our "fault" that encourages the spread of jihadist terrorism is our support of Israel.

If we would just let them destroy Israel and commit genocide on the Jewish People, the major source of conflict between our peoples would be ended.

Now, there is the little wrinkle that we might have a nuclear war in the prime oil producing region of the world, but...

Oh, and one might wonder if a successful Genocide would have a positive or negative impact on political and cultural development...

But people who worry about that type of stuff are racist.

And other types of isms.

Very bad people.

Republicans even.
Double Down Donald cannot logically debate a rational argument.
The truth about Trump bribing the Texas AG to drop the case against Trump U is starting to come out. Sure its only being shown on Huffington Post now but if enough noise is made the corporate media won't be able to ignore it. Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

So lets see if they give this as much attention as Hillary's emails.
Saw an article this AM in the SL Tribune. It is coming out, and is potentially very damaging to Double Down.

This was in the Hill a few days ago:

June 02, 2016, 07:33 pm
Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report
By Harper Neidig

Attorneys general in Florida and Texas who declined to pursue lawsuits against the now-defunct Trump University received political contributions from Donald Trump, according to an Associated Press report.

Trump donated $35,000 to the successful gubernatorial campaign of then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott three years after a probe into the university’s "possibly deceptive trade practices" was dropped by his office when the university agreed to cease its Texas operations.
Abbott's office pushed back against the report in a statement to The Hill on Friday, saying that the then-attorney general was just doing his job.

“The unthinkable has happened – the media’s obsession with Donald Trump is now leading them to highlight the job then-Attorney General Abbott did in protecting Texas consumers,” said Abbott spokesman Matt Hirsch.
And a political fundraising committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi received a $25,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation just days after her office had announced it was looking into joining a multi-state lawsuit against Trump University. Her office later dropped the inquiry, citing a lack of evidence.

The school has received intense scrutiny this week after a judge released Trump University documents that reveal details of how the school was run, such as instructors encouraging poor prospective students to max out credit cards in order to pay as much as $35,000 for real estate classes.
Updated at 12:25 p.m.
Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report

tee hee, the empire is started to show cracks.
Yes, better than Reagan Clinton was the highest-ranking modern President, ahead of Ronald Reagan (11th), Lyndon Johnson (12th), John Kennedy (14th) and George H.W. Bush (17th).

Right, because a great economy and winning the Cold War was nothing special.

Reagan deserve many kudos for helping bring down the berlin wall & he reduced the # of nukes on this planet. but let's not forget that he raised taxes a lot, looked the other way when saddam hussein gassed the kurds, the Marines killed in Beirut, & iran/contra.

1. Thanks for not acknowledging the Wall and the nukes.

2. The overall tax rates were way lower when he left office than when he took office.

3. Oh? You're sorry we didn't invade Iraq sooner?

4. The Marines in Beirut was a mistake. He mistakenly believed that the players in the area were reasonable and wanted peace.

5. Iran/contra was no big deal. So the Iranians had some extra weapons to kill Saddam's soldiers with.

I actually did acknowledge the wall & nukes.

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