Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Thanks for your content rich post.

I will be reading this over and over again, to make sure that I understand all it's many layers and deep, deep thoughts.
The layer you need to know is that Donnie is pissing off women.

Most women are fine with the idea of being treated as equals. Including other women getting push back if they are out of line. It is only constant propaganda that is driving the Gender Gap.
And it is your kind of nonsense that is costing Donnie the female vote. Don't lie.

The lie is that an attack on a woman is an attack on all women.

Using that logic, everyone who attacks Trump is anti-man.

It is utter bullshit.

And you repeat bullshit often enough and loud enough and you can create a perception that is more important than the truth.

And more dangerous.
Trump simply can't be polite to all women.

Your logic is confused as usual, but, yes, it is utter bullshit.

It is not expected that any man be polite to all women.

Women that are not polite to you do not deserve politeness in return.

That is what equality means.
Some may fit this, Correll: "The difference between us, seely, is that I respect your decision to support Hillary as legitimate and you are unable to return that level of respect to me." I know that you think he fits what you want, but I believe if he is President you will be screaming very quickly.
Lets be honest, Clinton was a great President. But you wouldn't know that because the GOP have done everything in their power to trash the Clinton name. That's because they knew Hillary had political hopes after Bill finished his 2nd term. They knew this was coming. And they are going to do everything they can to prevent another 8 years of Clinton/Democrats being great while Republicans watch and don't have complete control of domestic and foreign affairs. Republicans really can't be trusted with the White House.

Two professors have put together the first survey of experts in three years about great Presidents, and Bill Clinton has made a big leap from a previous study.

Back in 2010 and 2011, Clinton ranked 13th and 19th among the 43 Presidents considered in surveys fielded by Siena College (of 238 Presidential scholars) and by the London-based United States Presidency Centre. In all, Clinton had appeared in 11 presidential surveys and his aggregate rank was 20th out of 43 Presidents.

But a new survey of political scientists conducted by Justin Vaughn at Boise State University, and Brandon Rottinghaus at University of Houston puts Clinton in the list of near-great Presidents, as the 8th best President ever.

Yea, I vote Hillary

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Bill Clinton was an ass and made a number of terrible mistakes.

"Two professors" is not a very convincing contrary argument.
Yes, better than Reagan Clinton was the highest-ranking modern President, ahead of Ronald Reagan (11th), Lyndon Johnson (12th), John Kennedy (14th) and George H.W. Bush (17th).

Right, because a great economy and winning the Cold War was nothing special.
I think Paul Ryan might be willing to work with president Clinton and a new Senate majority leader.

In fact I can see Paul Ryan being president one day if he doesn't act like boehner hastert Tom delay Mitch McConnell newt Dole Bob Barr Ted Cruz john mccain and mitt Romney.

If Paul Ryan betrays the republican voters interests to get along with Hillary, he will be lucky to hold his seat.
Yes, better than Reagan Clinton was the highest-ranking modern President, ahead of Ronald Reagan (11th), Lyndon Johnson (12th), John Kennedy (14th) and George H.W. Bush (17th).

Right, because a great economy and winning the Cold War was nothing special.

well----it just happened whilst he was Pres.
Obama did not kill BINNY-----binny went
down because of the machinations of
Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
No one quarrels with the right to deport.

The country is not going to allow a Trump administration to "round up" and mass deport illegals.

That point is just one of several reasons why Trump will not be President.

1. Actually, there are a number of lefties on this site who have argued against the right to deport.

2. Deportation is a valid function of government and NOT an over reach.

3. Your confidence is noted.
The truth is, if we deport a month later we'll be crying that we don't have enough workers. That's why I say just make them legal citizens so at least they are paying taxes and so they too have to buy Obamacare.

Who will be crying?

The businessmen who were profiting from underpaying their workers? FUck them.

The lefty media who will be wanting to sabotage and undermine Trump? Fuck them and pay them no mind.

The workers who are seeing the Balance of Power switch from their bosses to them?

I don't think so.

lol. so much bloviation. btw- "wages are too high".

It is an odd contradiction, as all his policies are aimed at raising working and middle class wages.

Some one should ask him about that.

What's you take on my points above?

Are you more concerned for greedy businessmen or their workers?
The layer you need to know is that Donnie is pissing off women.

Most women are fine with the idea of being treated as equals. Including other women getting push back if they are out of line. It is only constant propaganda that is driving the Gender Gap.
And it is your kind of nonsense that is costing Donnie the female vote. Don't lie.

The lie is that an attack on a woman is an attack on all women.

Using that logic, everyone who attacks Trump is anti-man.

It is utter bullshit.

And you repeat bullshit often enough and loud enough and you can create a perception that is more important than the truth.

And more dangerous.
Trump simply can't be polite to all women.

Your logic is confused as usual, but, yes, it is utter bullshit.

It is not expected that any man be polite to all women.

Women that are not polite to you do not deserve politeness in return.

That is what equality means.
And if one expects to gain the woman's vote and is rude to women in general, then one expects to lose.
What is special is that the current and former congressional leadership plus leading GOP congressional leaders are repudiating Donald. Again. We are going to have an interesting convention.
Your racist screed about "working class whites and/or rural whites" etc is old. Yes, Trump is treating the electorate as stupid.

1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course Trump is treating his supporters as stupid. He even joked about how he could shoot someone and not lose voters.

"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

I posted more than just, "of course." Of course, I am not responsible for you not reading beyond the first sentence of my post.


The judge is not slandering Trump. The media is not slandering Trump. They are repeated what trump is saying.

Trump is his own worst enemy.

1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Trump said Mexico is sending their rapists here.... where does that article say the rapists are coming here? All it says is that some folks, presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here.

1. So, your evidence is what? Something you admit yourself was a joke?

2.a The article specified both "fellow migrants" and "traffickers" as rapists. Those two groups come across the border, as per Trump's now proven statement.

2b YOUR ALTERNATIVE that you seem to be pushing, is that a random group of women travelling though Mexico will be raped to the tune of 80%. Your scenario would be painting a very bad picture for ALL OF MEXICO AND MEXICANS.

Which would just be another way of saying Trump was right. Except for being overly generous to Mexico and Mexicans.

BUT that's YOUR scenario, not mine, not TRumps.
The joke was that Trump would shoot someone. Not that he would lose voters over it.

The rapes are occurring in Mexico because the law their does little to nothing to crack down on foreigners cutting through their country to reach the U.S. being attacked. The article doesn't say if, or how many, come into the U.S.. And the number of illegals caught committing rape in the U.S. doesn't support Trump's comment.
Very little Double Down Donald says supports his assertions.
1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course Trump is treating his supporters as stupid. He even joked about how he could shoot someone and not lose voters.

"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

I posted more than just, "of course." Of course, I am not responsible for you not reading beyond the first sentence of my post.


1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Trump said Mexico is sending their rapists here.... where does that article say the rapists are coming here? All it says is that some folks, presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here.

1. So, your evidence is what? Something you admit yourself was a joke?

2.a The article specified both "fellow migrants" and "traffickers" as rapists. Those two groups come across the border, as per Trump's now proven statement.

2b YOUR ALTERNATIVE that you seem to be pushing, is that a random group of women travelling though Mexico will be raped to the tune of 80%. Your scenario would be painting a very bad picture for ALL OF MEXICO AND MEXICANS.

Which would just be another way of saying Trump was right. Except for being overly generous to Mexico and Mexicans.

BUT that's YOUR scenario, not mine, not TRumps.
The joke was that Trump would shoot someone. Not that he would lose voters over it.

The rapes are occurring in Mexico because the law their does little to nothing to crack down on foreigners cutting through their country to reach the U.S. The article doesn't say if, or how many, come into the U.S.. And the number of illegals caught committing rape in the U.S. don't support Trump's comment.

1. So, your argument or reasoning is what then?

2. The rapes are occurring in Mexico and during the border crossing. And fellow migrants and the trafficers are listed as major percentages of the rapes, OF THE INSANELY HIGH PERCENTAGE OF RAPES. and those people enter the US.

3. Again, if it is NOT the males coming into the US, then you are painting an appalling picture of Mexico and ALL mexican men. Which again just supports Trump's statement even more.

4. The number of illegals caught don't reflect that? That's an interesting claim. I've researched illegal crime stats, and found that mostly they are very poorly tracked, thus good numbers are not to be found. I'd found some reports and articles suggesting that it is pretty bad, others that claim that it is not. Would you like to share what you found that leads you to say NOT?
Last edited:
Of course Trump is treating his supporters as stupid. He even joked about how he could shoot someone and not lose voters.

"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

I posted more than just, "of course." Of course, I am not responsible for you not reading beyond the first sentence of my post.


Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Trump said Mexico is sending their rapists here.... where does that article say the rapists are coming here? All it says is that some folks, presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here.

1. So, your evidence is what? Something you admit yourself was a joke?

2.a The article specified both "fellow migrants" and "traffickers" as rapists. Those two groups come across the border, as per Trump's now proven statement.

2b YOUR ALTERNATIVE that you seem to be pushing, is that a random group of women travelling though Mexico will be raped to the tune of 80%. Your scenario would be painting a very bad picture for ALL OF MEXICO AND MEXICANS.

Which would just be another way of saying Trump was right. Except for being overly generous to Mexico and Mexicans.

BUT that's YOUR scenario, not mine, not TRumps.
The joke was that Trump would shoot someone. Not that he would lose voters over it.

The rapes are occurring in Mexico because the law their does little to nothing to crack down on foreigners cutting through their country to reach the U.S. The article doesn't say if, or how many, come into the U.S.. And the number of illegals caught committing rape in the U.S. don't support Trump's comment.

1. So, your argument or reasoning is what then?

2. The rapes are occurring in Mexico and during the border crossing. And fellow migrants and the trafficers are listed as major percentages of the rapes, OF THE INSANELY HIGH PERCENTAGE OF RAPES. and those people enter the US.

3. Again, if it is NOT the males coming into the US, then you are painting an appalling picture of Mexico and ALL mexican men. Which again just supports Trump's statement even more.

4. The number of illegals caught don't reflect that? That's an interesting claim. I've researched illegal crime stats, and found that mostly they are very poorly tracked, thus good numbers are not to be found. I'd found some reports and articles suggesting that it is pretty bad, others that claim that it is not. Would you like to share what you found that leads you to say NOT?
To think you can shoot someone and not lose support means the supporters are stupid enough to continue supporting a candidate who shoots someone.

As far as rape in Mexico, the article does not specify any percentages as to whom the culprits are. It also lists gang members and even officials. But no percentages of who is committing these rapes. It also doesn't specify the nationality of the "other migrants," many of whom like the girl migrants being raped, might be foreigners. It doesn't say if any of those Mexicsns are coming into America. That article does not support Trump's claim. The number of Mexicans in the U.S. illegally who are caught committing rape does not support his claim.

But I do like how you try to dismiss the latter figure because the numbers are poorly tracked; while you promote the former numbers even though they are even more poorly tracked.

Nice double standard you employ just so you can suck up to Trump.
Correll is stumbling right along with Double Down Donald.
"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

I posted more than just, "of course." Of course, I am not responsible for you not reading beyond the first sentence of my post.


1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Trump said Mexico is sending their rapists here.... where does that article say the rapists are coming here? All it says is that some folks, presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here.

1. So, your evidence is what? Something you admit yourself was a joke?

2.a The article specified both "fellow migrants" and "traffickers" as rapists. Those two groups come across the border, as per Trump's now proven statement.

2b YOUR ALTERNATIVE that you seem to be pushing, is that a random group of women travelling though Mexico will be raped to the tune of 80%. Your scenario would be painting a very bad picture for ALL OF MEXICO AND MEXICANS.

Which would just be another way of saying Trump was right. Except for being overly generous to Mexico and Mexicans.

BUT that's YOUR scenario, not mine, not TRumps.
The joke was that Trump would shoot someone. Not that he would lose voters over it.

The rapes are occurring in Mexico because the law their does little to nothing to crack down on foreigners cutting through their country to reach the U.S. The article doesn't say if, or how many, come into the U.S.. And the number of illegals caught committing rape in the U.S. don't support Trump's comment.

1. So, your argument or reasoning is what then?

2. The rapes are occurring in Mexico and during the border crossing. And fellow migrants and the trafficers are listed as major percentages of the rapes, OF THE INSANELY HIGH PERCENTAGE OF RAPES. and those people enter the US.

3. Again, if it is NOT the males coming into the US, then you are painting an appalling picture of Mexico and ALL mexican men. Which again just supports Trump's statement even more.

4. The number of illegals caught don't reflect that? That's an interesting claim. I've researched illegal crime stats, and found that mostly they are very poorly tracked, thus good numbers are not to be found. I'd found some reports and articles suggesting that it is pretty bad, others that claim that it is not. Would you like to share what you found that leads you to say NOT?
To think you can shoot someone and not lose support means the supporters are stupid enough to continue supporting a candidate who shoots someone.

So, you yourself described it as a joke, but you are judging Trump as though he was serious?

You see where I am going with this?

As far as rape in Mexico, the article does not specify any percentages as to whom the culprits are.

It listed them, that strongly implies they are a significant percentage of the problem.

It also lists gang members and even officials.

Hence, I did not claim that fellow migrants and trafficers committed all the rapes. If fellow migrants raped 20% of the women travelling with them, that's a problem right there.

... It also doesn't specify the nationality of the "other migrants," many of whom like the girl migrants being raped, might be foreigners.

I don't see why this is relevant. THe issues is the rapists. It doesn't matter whether the male in question rapes an El Salvadorian, or a Panamanian, he is still a rapist.

It doesn't say if any of those Mexicsns are coming into America.

The illegals who are coming here are drawn from the population of Mexico. If Mexico is such a hellhole that any group of women passing though will be raped to the tune of 80% by the Mexican Men along the way, that means that the Mexican males who enter here contain a high percentage of rapists, or potential rapists.

Which is what Trump said. Which means that your argument, if correct, just supports Trump even more so.

That article does not support Trump's claim. The number of Mexicans in the U.S. illegally who are caught committing rape does not support his claim.

But I do like how you try to dismiss the latter figure because the numbers are poorly tracked; while you promote the former numbers even though they are even more poorly tracked.

Nice double standard you employ just so you can suck up to Trump.

What former numbers? The numbers from the article? Those are completely different numbers, collected in completely different circumstances by completely different people.

Are you challenging Amnesty International's numbers or methods, or credibility?
The lesson is that lying and fear mongering fails.

That is why Double Down Donald is failing.
1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course Trump is treating his supporters as stupid. He even joked about how he could shoot someone and not lose voters.

"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

I posted more than just, "of course." Of course, I am not responsible for you not reading beyond the first sentence of my post.


1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Trump said Mexico is sending their rapists here.... where does that article say the rapists are coming here? All it says is that some folks, presumably Mexican, are raping foreign women who are traveling through Mexico to reach the U.S.. It says nothing about the rapists coming here.

1. So, your evidence is what? Something you admit yourself was a joke?

2.a The article specified both "fellow migrants" and "traffickers" as rapists. Those two groups come across the border, as per Trump's now proven statement.

2b YOUR ALTERNATIVE that you seem to be pushing, is that a random group of women travelling though Mexico will be raped to the tune of 80%. Your scenario would be painting a very bad picture for ALL OF MEXICO AND MEXICANS.

Which would just be another way of saying Trump was right. Except for being overly generous to Mexico and Mexicans.

BUT that's YOUR scenario, not mine, not TRumps.
The joke was that Trump would shoot someone. Not that he would lose voters over it.

The rapes are occurring in Mexico because the law their does little to nothing to crack down on foreigners cutting through their country to reach the U.S. being attacked. The article doesn't say if, or how many, come into the U.S.. And the number of illegals caught committing rape in the U.S. doesn't support Trump's comment.

Mexican women better think twice about coming here. Not only will white men rape you, they'll get away with a very light sentence.
Very little Double Down Donald says supports his assertions.


Says the man that has a stated policy of NOT supporting his accusations or claims.

And the lesson here is that lying and fear mongering works.

Congratulations lefty.

Stephen Hawking: Donald Trump 'is a demagogue' -

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
synonyms: rabble-rouser, agitator, political agitator, soapbox orator, firebrand, fomenter, provocateur

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