Trump Concedes it Was the Russians... Now What?

Maybe Obama should have asked the Russians for advice in how to interfere in other nation's elections:

The US Senate last week reportedly opened an investigation into charges that the Obama Administration had indirectly, but knowingly funded an Israeli campaign dedicated to unseating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Most Israelis were unsurprised.

An unnamed source told Fox News on Saturday that the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations had accepted a bipartisan request to look into accusations that the State Department had provided government grants to the OneVoice organization, which in turn established and funded the Israeli grassroots movement V15, whose sole purpose is to encourage Israelis to vote against Netanyahu.

In an interview with Voice of Israel Radio last week, Netanyahu also claimed that “Scandinavian governments have spent millions of dollars on a campaign to remove me from power.”

The Obama Administration had previously adamantly rejected assertions that it had deliberately contributed to electoral campaigns targeting Netanyahu for removal.

But a poll conducted last month for The Jerusalem Post showed that Israelis are unconvinced, and that a firm 62 percent majority believe Obama has interfered in Israel’s electoral process.
Honey, realizing [now] that you're apparently a student, lawyers are going to eat you alive, and you'll be lucky you don't get sued, if you don't learn to listen very, very carefully to what people actually say and separate that from your personal /wishes/ of what's being said:

Reuters Live on Twitter

(Note, video is starting muted for me. Note also that Reuters has clipped this video so we do not know if this is the entirety of what was said - I expect a full video should be out later today on youtube - we'll have to wait for that for a more accurate report.)

Sessions says point blank that he's done no research into [the proclaimed Russian hacking] and that he's not been briefed on the subject yet - Reuters has cut the very beginning chunk of this out of what they posted here, but it's on other [biased] news feeds [I believe DailyMail's clip had it] if you care to look around.

At this point we can full stop. This guy, by his own admission doesn't know what's in the report (classified or otherwise) "only what the media has said" - He has very clearly marked himself as an "ignorant" witness. Nothing he says on this matter is really admissible to anything - despite your apparent latching onto to it as some kind of admission that he believes the report. No, he may indeed generally trust the FBI, but as he has not seen the report he cannot make any statement as to if he believes said report or not. -- ANY lawyer worth their salt would shred your claim - if they didn't object and shut your bullshit down immediately.

Look, I don't know what TV show's you're watching that make you think you can pull the wool over a judges eyes like that, but trust me, they've seen all these tricks before and they will not fall for it - and, word of advice, the /last/ thing you want for your client, is to piss off the judge by trying to feed him a lie as you have posted to the board here.

more on his statements said:
Sessions agrees to a question of "Do you think you'll be briefed on that soon" noting that he's going to have to be. He's then asked baiting questions; "Do you like the FBI?" which he says he does and some of his best friends are FBI. The key bit, the part the media appears to be spinning is at 0:22 where Sessions agrees that he generally trusts them. He's asked another baited question about the FBI concluding that the Russians did the hacking, he says "I do understand that, or at least that's"

- then I' m not sure if Reuters has cut and clipped the video or the mics overruled each other either way its garbled up -

Sessions reiterates that he has not been briefed by them and is then asked if in his point of view if there was any reason to be suspicious of them, and Sessions replies that he was sure it was honorably reached. Then he's questioned about how he feels about a foreign government hacking us - to which he responds about China and so forth - essentially noting that interference by global politics is a serious matter and that the US must respond. -- In other [biased] clips he goes on to talk about sanctions being a valid response to such actions.

The media is reporting that Sessions later, under questioning by someone else says he has no reason to be suspicious of the report - but I cannot find a single video of that statement anywhere so I cannot comment on its validity.
Honey, realizing [now] that you're apparently a student, lawyers are going to eat you alive, and you'll be lucky you don't get sued, if you don't learn to listen very, very carefully to what people actually say and separate that from your personal /wishes/ of what's being said:

Reuters Live on Twitter

(Note, video is starting muted for me. Note also that Reuters has clipped this video so we do not know if this is the entirety of what was said - I expect a full video should be out later today on youtube - we'll have to wait for that for a more accurate report.)

Sessions says point blank that he's done no research into [the proclaimed Russian hacking] and that he's not been briefed on the subject yet - Reuters has cut the very beginning chunk of this out of what they posted here, but it's on other [biased] news feeds [I believe DailyMail's clip had it] if you care to look around.

At this point we can full stop. This guy, by his own admission doesn't know what's in the report (classified or otherwise) "only what the media has said" - He has very clearly marked himself as an "ignorant" witness. Nothing he says on this matter is really admissible to anything - despite your apparent latching onto to it as some kind of admission that he believes the report. No, he may indeed generally trust the FBI, but as he has not seen the report he cannot make any statement as to if he believes said report or not. -- ANY lawyer worth their salt would shred your claim - if they didn't object and shut your bullshit down immediately.

Look, I don't know what TV show's you're watching that make you think you can pull the wool over a judges eyes like that, but trust me, they've seen all these tricks before and they will not fall for it - and, word of advice, the /last/ thing you want for your client, is to piss off the judge by trying to feed him a lie as you have posted to the board here.

more on his statements said:
Sessions agrees to a question of "Do you think you'll be briefed on that soon" noting that he's going to have to be. He's then asked baiting questions; "Do you like the FBI?" which he says he does and some of his best friends are FBI. The key bit, the part the media appears to be spinning is at 0:22 where Sessions agrees that he generally trusts them. He's asked another baited question about the FBI concluding that the Russians did the hacking, he says "I do understand that, or at least that's"

- then I' m not sure if Reuters has cut and clipped the video or the mics overruled each other either way its garbled up -

Sessions reiterates that he has not been briefed by them and is then asked if in his point of view if there was any reason to be suspicious of them, and Sessions replies that he was sure it was honorably reached. Then he's questioned about how he feels about a foreign government hacking us - to which he responds about China and so forth - essentially noting that interference by global politics is a serious matter and that the US must respond. -- In other [biased] clips he goes on to talk about sanctions being a valid response to such actions.

The media is reporting that Sessions later, under questioning by someone else says he has no reason to be suspicious of the report - but I cannot find a single video of that statement anywhere so I cannot comment on it.

Honey... he's a Senator that has seen the evidence. His exact words, "There is no evidence to prove otherwise."
Naw, I just got up, I'll watch it later.

I think you're missing that it doesn't matter what he says about the validity of the report - he has clearly stated that he has done /no research/ into the matter and has not been briefed on the report - his opinions are useless and meaningless to the larger "case."
Naw, I just got up, I'll watch it later.

I think you're missing that it doesn't matter what he says about the validity of the report - he has clearly stated that he has done /no research/ into the matter and has not been briefed on the report - his opinions are useless and meaningless to the larger "case."

If he doesn't know what he is talking about then it is very irresponsible for a man that is going to be the AG to make a statement that it was the Russians that hacked the DNC and that there is no evidence to prove otherwise.
More like it's very irresponsible - dishonest - for the media, and you, to portray that his admitted ignorance constitutes an admission that he agrees with a report he's never read.

Trust me, the judge will see through your game just as easily as I have, you are doing yourself a great disservice to continue trying to play your dishonestly so visibly here.
McAfee has been a white hacker forever, like since the beginning, if he's laying out his opinion on this, I'm going to listen to him rather than some partisan hack on a political forum.

Does it really make any difference? Even if the evidence is painted to your face you still don't believe anything coming from FBI, CIA & NSA ........................ But you believed anything coming from Russia your homeland.

High IQ doesn't constitute you are smart and actually some are dumb. You might be an expert of your *specialties or book smart* which make someone look like intelligently smart but that doesn't mean you have high IQ.

You can be intelligently smart but socially idiot. Etc.

Get off it you fruit loop. You're the one who was shown photographic evidence of my military family and denied it - not me.


On that note, now that I'm finally caught up on the barrage of responses to my posts this AM, I'm off to code.
he'll still bend over & grab his ankles anytime putin tells him to.

Trump whooped your ass in the election, he rolled into Dem territory like a tank and took your blue states away from Hillary. PA, MI, WI funniest damn thing I ever saw. Who got bent over? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

You did you dumb fuck.

Trump didn't roll over anyone. He didn't even win the popular vote. He squeaked in because daily leaks of damaging Democratic emails kept the focus on Hillary's emails and many Democrats stayed home.

The alt right, seeing an opportunity to put a white nationalist into the White House turned out though, in full force.

Sent from my iPhone using

LOL that Trump butthurt will require prescription strength meds. :laugh: Trump smashed through not 1 or 2 Democrat strong holds but 3, PA, MI, and WI. He stormed deep behind Democratic party front lines and squashed Hillary like a bug on her own turf, embarrassing her. Your defeat is as delicious to me as a fine wine. Best election since Reagan!! :eusa_dance:
he'll still bend over & grab his ankles anytime putin tells him to.

Trump whooped your ass in the election, he rolled into Dem territory like a tank and took your blue states away from Hillary. PA, MI, WI funniest damn thing I ever saw. Who got bent over? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Trump won the election with less votes despite with a very large crowds like 20,000+. That means there are more people that don't believe Trump deserves or mentally fit to be the POTUS.

Trump captured 3 Democrat strongholds, PA, MI, and WI. He marched in there and took those states away from Hillary, he threw her under the bus then backed over her a few times for good measure. I get how that's embarrassing, that's why its so damn funny :lmao:
You keep kicking your strawman argument around hoping to impress. It doesn't. No one said the Democrats didn't have the right to lie, mislead and stack the deck for their sham of a primary.

But we don't know who spilled the beans. Attacking a country (especially Russia) for the sake of political expediency is foolish and downright dangerous. The "report" has no evidence. Period.

And it goddamn sure won't take the focus off the heart of the matter. Democrat corruption stacked a mile high.

So you keep victim blaming...

Why won't you answer my question? Do you also blame a woman that gets sexually assaulted because she dressed "slutty?" That's the same thing you are doing here.
You can't read. Your CJ degree won't get you a loss prevention job at Walmart.

"And it goddamn sure won't take the focus off the heart of the matter. Democrat corruption stacked a mile high."

I can read... and you are full of shit.

Just like in two consecutive posts you just contradicted yourself.

One post you say no one voted based on the emails that were released, and then the next you brag about how corrupt the Democratic party is based on the emails. You're fucking as dumb as a box of rocks... and what makes it even more funny, is that you then go on to insult me and say I can't read and that my degree is worthless.

Do you even understand what you are typing?
No one that was going to vote for Hillary was effected by the leak the polls prove it. She got the percentages the polls said she would.

That's not true and you know it. You don't think Operation Taco Bowl hurt her with the Hispanic vote that Trump did surprising well in?

It's absolutely amazing that you Trump supporters were all over each email release bragging about how much damage it was going to do to Hillary... and now when it is a negative to your position, they were no big deal and didn't change anything.
The polls should she would get x amount of the vote on election day and she got those amounts in almost every State as the polls showed.
So you keep victim blaming...

Why won't you answer my question? Do you also blame a woman that gets sexually assaulted because she dressed "slutty?" That's the same thing you are doing here.
You can't read. Your CJ degree won't get you a loss prevention job at Walmart.

"And it goddamn sure won't take the focus off the heart of the matter. Democrat corruption stacked a mile high."

I can read... and you are full of shit.

Just like in two consecutive posts you just contradicted yourself.

One post you say no one voted based on the emails that were released, and then the next you brag about how corrupt the Democratic party is based on the emails. You're fucking as dumb as a box of rocks... and what makes it even more funny, is that you then go on to insult me and say I can't read and that my degree is worthless.

Do you even understand what you are typing?
No one that was going to vote for Hillary was effected by the leak the polls prove it. She got the percentages the polls said she would.

That's not true and you know it. You don't think Operation Taco Bowl hurt her with the Hispanic vote that Trump did surprising well in?

It's absolutely amazing that you Trump supporters were all over each email release bragging about how much damage it was going to do to Hillary... and now when it is a negative to your position, they were no big deal and didn't change anything.
The polls should she would get x amount of the vote on election day and she got those amounts in almost every State as the polls showed.

No, she didn't...or she would have won. And obviously she didn't. Were you even paying attention? As I said, Trump did better with Hispanic voters than expected.

Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump
he'll still bend over & grab his ankles anytime putin tells him to.

Trump whooped your ass in the election, he rolled into Dem territory like a tank and took your blue states away from Hillary. PA, MI, WI funniest damn thing I ever saw. Who got bent over? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

pootey poot didn't want hillary in the whitehouse for a very good reason. SHE wouldn't become his whore....

that's why he wanted donny from queens & got him. that orange anus shaped mouth of his is just right for what putin is gonna get from him.


Yes yes you have Trump butthurt, anything else? What are your thoughts on the SCOTUS nomination we stole from Obama or Comey swift boating Hillary at the last moment? :badgrin:

hey, i find it amusing that you like to cheat & steal to get the SC & the votes... & attempting - yet failed -to strip the ethics committee of it's power in secret down in the bowels of the capital pretty much sums up what your filthy party has become. kudos sweety, how long b4 drumpf gets impeached?

as far as comey is concerned... he will answer to what he did & why on tuesday... maybe he has reason... maybe he doesn't.

When you play the impeach card before the guy is even sworn into office, that makes your side look like sore losers who have sour grapes. The American people find that childish.

he is a walking conflict of interest. it's only a matter of time sweety....
You can't read. Your CJ degree won't get you a loss prevention job at Walmart.

"And it goddamn sure won't take the focus off the heart of the matter. Democrat corruption stacked a mile high."

I can read... and you are full of shit.

Just like in two consecutive posts you just contradicted yourself.

One post you say no one voted based on the emails that were released, and then the next you brag about how corrupt the Democratic party is based on the emails. You're fucking as dumb as a box of rocks... and what makes it even more funny, is that you then go on to insult me and say I can't read and that my degree is worthless.

Do you even understand what you are typing?
No one that was going to vote for Hillary was effected by the leak the polls prove it. She got the percentages the polls said she would.

That's not true and you know it. You don't think Operation Taco Bowl hurt her with the Hispanic vote that Trump did surprising well in?

It's absolutely amazing that you Trump supporters were all over each email release bragging about how much damage it was going to do to Hillary... and now when it is a negative to your position, they were no big deal and didn't change anything.
The polls should she would get x amount of the vote on election day and she got those amounts in almost every State as the polls showed.

No, she didn't...or she would have won. And obviously she didn't. Were you even paying attention? As I said, Trump did better with Hispanic voters than expected.

Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump
Yes she did go ahead google the predictions and then the results. The only real difference is that in Pennsylvania I think she got 46 percent instead of 48 percent. Already posted the results in another thread do your own damn leg work.
I can read... and you are full of shit.

Just like in two consecutive posts you just contradicted yourself.

One post you say no one voted based on the emails that were released, and then the next you brag about how corrupt the Democratic party is based on the emails. You're fucking as dumb as a box of rocks... and what makes it even more funny, is that you then go on to insult me and say I can't read and that my degree is worthless.

Do you even understand what you are typing?
No one that was going to vote for Hillary was effected by the leak the polls prove it. She got the percentages the polls said she would.

That's not true and you know it. You don't think Operation Taco Bowl hurt her with the Hispanic vote that Trump did surprising well in?

It's absolutely amazing that you Trump supporters were all over each email release bragging about how much damage it was going to do to Hillary... and now when it is a negative to your position, they were no big deal and didn't change anything.
The polls should she would get x amount of the vote on election day and she got those amounts in almost every State as the polls showed.

No, she didn't...or she would have won. And obviously she didn't. Were you even paying attention? As I said, Trump did better with Hispanic voters than expected.

Another election surprise: Many Hispanics backed Trump
Yes she did go ahead google the predictions and then the results. The only real difference is that in Pennsylvania I think she got 46 percent instead of 48 percent. Already posted the results in another thread do your own damn leg work.

Again... if she would have gotten all the percentages she was supposed to have gotten, she would have won. What about that do you not understand?

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