Trump Charity.... Lies, deceit, self dealing, non cash

Trump's records show he is a man with one way pockets

Since the first day of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has said that he gave more than $102 million to charity in the past five years.

To back up that claim, Trump’s campaign compiled a list of his contributions— 4,844 of them, filling 93 pages.

But, in that massive list, one thing was missing.

Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money.

Instead, according to a Washington Post analysis, many of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles.


The largest items on the list were not cash gifts but land-
conservation agreements to forgo development rights on property Trump owns.

Trump’s campaign also counted a parcel of land that he’d given to New York state — although that was in 2006, not within the past five years.

In addition, many of the gifts on the list came from the charity that bears his name, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which didn’t receive a personal check from Trump from 2009 through 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Its work is largely funded by others, although Trump decides where the gifts go.

Some beneficiaries on the list are not charities at all: They included clients, other businesses and tennis superstar Serena Williams.

This list produced by Trump’s campaign — which has not been reported in detail before — provides an unusually broad portrait of Trump’s giving, and his approach to philanthropy in general.

assess Trump’s recent record of charitable giving. The AP, which did not publish the list, provided it to The Post.

When asked about The Post’s analysis, a top Trump aide acknowledged that none of the gifts had come in cash from the billionaire himself. But, he said, that was because the list was not a complete account of Trump’s gifts.

The aide, Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said Trump had, in fact, given generously from his own pocket. But Weisselberg declined to provide any documentation, such as saying how much charitable giving Trump has declared in his federal tax filings.

You may have noticed I'm not a Cryin Donald fan. But how is giving his economic assets away instead of just cash not charity?
Most of his 'charity' is easements for his golf courses and similar scams. He promises not to build houses, he will build a driving range instead

it is if a neighbor got a tax break for putting a pool in his back yard
Is that your justification for voting for Trump? He is no worse than the Clinton's? he steals no worse than the Clinton's? He lies no worse than the clinton's? You realise that is an extremely very low bar....

you don't know who I'm voting for. I'm not taking some story about some charity as a reason I would or wouldn't for someone who hasn't ever BEEN in our Government yet. that's what I'm saying.

Quit deflecting know you are voting for Trumpf. There are more stories about Trumpf....his fake University, his fake magazine, his dissing women. You don't care that he thinks you are a bimbo because you are one, but most women don't like that.
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Replace 'Trump Charity' with 'Clinton Foundation' & you've got the same thing. Don't pretend you don't.
Is that your justification for voting for Trump? He is no worse than the Clinton's? he steals no worse than the Clinton's? He lies no worse than the clinton's? You realise that is an extremely very low bar....

you don't know who I'm voting for. I'm not taking some story about some charity as a reason I would or wouldn't for someone who hasn't ever BEEN in our Government yet. that's what I'm saying.

Quit deflecting know you are voting for Trumpf. There are more stories about Trumpf....his fake University, his fake magazine, his dissing women. You don't care that he thinks you are a bimbo because you are one, but most women don't like that.
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:
Trump's records show he is a man with one way pockets

Since the first day of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has said that he gave more than $102 million to charity in the past five years.

To back up that claim, Trump’s campaign compiled a list of his contributions— 4,844 of them, filling 93 pages.

But, in that massive list, one thing was missing.

Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money.

Instead, according to a Washington Post analysis, many of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles.


The largest items on the list were not cash gifts but land-
conservation agreements to forgo development rights on property Trump owns.

Trump’s campaign also counted a parcel of land that he’d given to New York state — although that was in 2006, not within the past five years.

In addition, many of the gifts on the list came from the charity that bears his name, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which didn’t receive a personal check from Trump from 2009 through 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Its work is largely funded by others, although Trump decides where the gifts go.

Some beneficiaries on the list are not charities at all: They included clients, other businesses and tennis superstar Serena Williams.

This list produced by Trump’s campaign — which has not been reported in detail before — provides an unusually broad portrait of Trump’s giving, and his approach to philanthropy in general.

assess Trump’s recent record of charitable giving. The AP, which did not publish the list, provided it to The Post.

When asked about The Post’s analysis, a top Trump aide acknowledged that none of the gifts had come in cash from the billionaire himself. But, he said, that was because the list was not a complete account of Trump’s gifts.

The aide, Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said Trump had, in fact, given generously from his own pocket. But Weisselberg declined to provide any documentation, such as saying how much charitable giving Trump has declared in his federal tax filings.

You may have noticed I'm not a Cryin Donald fan. But how is giving his economic assets away instead of just cash not charity?

Here, read this, and then maybe you will understand.

Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World - News Examiner - Examine Your World

Trump can give as much as he wants or as little as he wants, but he can't claim to be so damn charitable when he is the least charitable among those in the same financial status and when he uses his foundation money to give to charity when that money is donated by others other than Trump himself.
Is that your justification for voting for Trump? He is no worse than the Clinton's? he steals no worse than the Clinton's? He lies no worse than the clinton's? You realise that is an extremely very low bar....

you don't know who I'm voting for. I'm not taking some story about some charity as a reason I would or wouldn't for someone who hasn't ever BEEN in our Government yet. that's what I'm saying.

Quit deflecting know you are voting for Trumpf. There are more stories about Trumpf....his fake University, his fake magazine, his dissing women. You don't care that he thinks you are a bimbo because you are one, but most women don't like that.
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Trump's records show he is a man with one way pockets

Since the first day of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has said that he gave more than $102 million to charity in the past five years.

To back up that claim, Trump’s campaign compiled a list of his contributions— 4,844 of them, filling 93 pages.

But, in that massive list, one thing was missing.

Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money.

Instead, according to a Washington Post analysis, many of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles.


The largest items on the list were not cash gifts but land-
conservation agreements to forgo development rights on property Trump owns.

Trump’s campaign also counted a parcel of land that he’d given to New York state — although that was in 2006, not within the past five years.

In addition, many of the gifts on the list came from the charity that bears his name, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which didn’t receive a personal check from Trump from 2009 through 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Its work is largely funded by others, although Trump decides where the gifts go.

Some beneficiaries on the list are not charities at all: They included clients, other businesses and tennis superstar Serena Williams.

This list produced by Trump’s campaign — which has not been reported in detail before — provides an unusually broad portrait of Trump’s giving, and his approach to philanthropy in general.

assess Trump’s recent record of charitable giving. The AP, which did not publish the list, provided it to The Post.

When asked about The Post’s analysis, a top Trump aide acknowledged that none of the gifts had come in cash from the billionaire himself. But, he said, that was because the list was not a complete account of Trump’s gifts.

The aide, Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said Trump had, in fact, given generously from his own pocket. But Weisselberg declined to provide any documentation, such as saying how much charitable giving Trump has declared in his federal tax filings.

You may have noticed I'm not a Cryin Donald fan. But how is giving his economic assets away instead of just cash not charity?

Here, read this, and then maybe you will understand.

Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World - News Examiner - Examine Your World

Trump can give as much as he wants or as little as he wants, but he can't claim to be so damn charitable when he is the least charitable among those in the same financial status and when he uses his foundation money to give to charity when that money is donated by others other than Trump himself.

I don't really care. I don't like Cryin Donald and I have no idea how generous he is. But this only covers what he takes out of his company and donates, it's not counting the money that he donates through his company, which is what the point I made was about
you don't know who I'm voting for. I'm not taking some story about some charity as a reason I would or wouldn't for someone who hasn't ever BEEN in our Government yet. that's what I'm saying.

Quit deflecting know you are voting for Trumpf. There are more stories about Trumpf....his fake University, his fake magazine, his dissing women. You don't care that he thinks you are a bimbo because you are one, but most women don't like that.
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Did he not have multiple of affairs?
Hey, how about that Clinton Foundation that has made a ex President and lowly Senator in Congress rich to the tune of 100MILLION dollars. what the hell do they do to earn that KIND OF MONEY? but lets all get bent over Trump and a "charity" instead . He is not corrupted on the par of these elected snakes in our Government today

how low will Democrats and their followers go to try to win an election.?
When confronted with ugly truths, change the story

Stephanie is the queen of tu quoques.

Are we talking about Trump? Let's change it to Hillary!

Are we talking about Republicans? Let's change it to Obama!

You could make a lot of money betting on Steph showing up and trying to change the subject when something negative about a Republican is the topic. She's downright pathological about it.
Quit deflecting know you are voting for Trumpf. There are more stories about Trumpf....his fake University, his fake magazine, his dissing women. You don't care that he thinks you are a bimbo because you are one, but most women don't like that.
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Did he not have multiple of affairs?
Bill, God yes! That's why slighted soccer moms seem to love the Beast.
Quit deflecting know you are voting for Trumpf. There are more stories about Trumpf....his fake University, his fake magazine, his dissing women. You don't care that he thinks you are a bimbo because you are one, but most women don't like that.
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Did he not have multiple of affairs?

So has Trump, on top of insulting them on National TV. And the women Clinton had affairs with were "adults" - consenting adults, he didn't force himself on them. If you want to call that "dissing women" then let me inform you, there are many Republican Presidents and other leaders who have had affairs, like Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, Harding, Garfield, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Gingrich, Sanford, etc., etc. So, what have you to say about them?
Dissing women? Lol, you do realize Hillary's husband is the champion on dissing women?

Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Did he not have multiple of affairs?

So has Trump, on top of insulting them on National TV. And the women Clinton had affairs with were "adults" - consenting adults, he didn't force himself on them. If you want to call that "dissing women" then let me inform you, there are many Republican Presidents and other leaders who have had affairs, like Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, Harding, Garfield, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Gingrich, Sanford, etc., etc. So, what have you to say about them?
There was no greater sleaze than Clinton here, Those men, including FDR had actual relationships rather than a slut's seamin stained dress.
Why don't you list the things he's said against women? You're delusional and probably another of those "uneducated" sorts that support Trumpf.:clap:

Actually I'm glad you do.....hope Trump wins the nomination.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Did he not have multiple of affairs?

So has Trump, on top of insulting them on National TV. And the women Clinton had affairs with were "adults" - consenting adults, he didn't force himself on them. If you want to call that "dissing women" then let me inform you, there are many Republican Presidents and other leaders who have had affairs, like Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, Harding, Garfield, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Gingrich, Sanford, etc., etc. So, what have you to say about them?
There was no greater sleaze than Clinton here, Those men, including FDR had actual relationships rather than a slut's seamiin stained dress.

And you were informed of these relationships by whom? have no idea what was in their minds, quit posting bullshit.
Trump might say it, but Bill does it to women.:clap2:

Or so you say....but still giving no proof. Why am I not surprised?
Did he not have multiple of affairs?

So has Trump, on top of insulting them on National TV. And the women Clinton had affairs with were "adults" - consenting adults, he didn't force himself on them. If you want to call that "dissing women" then let me inform you, there are many Republican Presidents and other leaders who have had affairs, like Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, Harding, Garfield, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Gingrich, Sanford, etc., etc. So, what have you to say about them?
There was no greater sleaze than Clinton here, Those men, including FDR had actual relationships rather than a slut's seamiin stained dress.

And you were informed of these relationships by whom? have no idea what was in their minds, quit posting bullshit.
How did a thread about Trump's dishonesty about his charitable non giving turn into Sleaszy Bill Clinton's sex life? Granted, Sleazy Bill Clinton's sex life is disgusting and revolting, but it isn't Trump's sleazy double dealing finances

I realize that Clinton and trump are nearly identical in their sleaziness. It is easy to confuse them. But do try and remain on topic.
Trump's records show he is a man with one way pockets

Since the first day of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has said that he gave more than $102 million to charity in the past five years.

To back up that claim, Trump’s campaign compiled a list of his contributions— 4,844 of them, filling 93 pages.

But, in that massive list, one thing was missing.

Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money.

Instead, according to a Washington Post analysis, many of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles.
drumph is a lying con man scumbag and those are his good points


The largest items on the list were not cash gifts but land-
conservation agreements to forgo development rights on property Trump owns.

Trump’s campaign also counted a parcel of land that he’d given to New York state — although that was in 2006, not within the past five years.

In addition, many of the gifts on the list came from the charity that bears his name, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which didn’t receive a personal check from Trump from 2009 through 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Its work is largely funded by others, although Trump decides where the gifts go.

Some beneficiaries on the list are not charities at all: They included clients, other businesses and tennis superstar Serena Williams.

This list produced by Trump’s campaign — which has not been reported in detail before — provides an unusually broad portrait of Trump’s giving, and his approach to philanthropy in general.

assess Trump’s recent record of charitable giving. The AP, which did not publish the list, provided it to The Post.

When asked about The Post’s analysis, a top Trump aide acknowledged that none of the gifts had come in cash from the billionaire himself. But, he said, that was because the list was not a complete account of Trump’s gifts.

The aide, Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said Trump had, in fact, given generously from his own pocket. But Weisselberg declined to provide any documentation, such as saying how much charitable giving Trump has declared in his federal tax filings.
Trump's records show he is a man with one way pockets

Since the first day of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has said that he gave more than $102 million to charity in the past five years.

To back up that claim, Trump’s campaign compiled a list of his contributions— 4,844 of them, filling 93 pages.

But, in that massive list, one thing was missing.

Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money.

Instead, according to a Washington Post analysis, many of the gifts that Trump cited to prove his generosity were free rounds of golf, given away by his courses for charity auctions and raffles.


The largest items on the list were not cash gifts but land-
conservation agreements to forgo development rights on property Trump owns.

Trump’s campaign also counted a parcel of land that he’d given to New York state — although that was in 2006, not within the past five years.

In addition, many of the gifts on the list came from the charity that bears his name, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which didn’t receive a personal check from Trump from 2009 through 2014, according to the most recent public tax filings. Its work is largely funded by others, although Trump decides where the gifts go.

Some beneficiaries on the list are not charities at all: They included clients, other businesses and tennis superstar Serena Williams.

This list produced by Trump’s campaign — which has not been reported in detail before — provides an unusually broad portrait of Trump’s giving, and his approach to philanthropy in general.

assess Trump’s recent record of charitable giving. The AP, which did not publish the list, provided it to The Post.

When asked about The Post’s analysis, a top Trump aide acknowledged that none of the gifts had come in cash from the billionaire himself. But, he said, that was because the list was not a complete account of Trump’s gifts.

The aide, Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said Trump had, in fact, given generously from his own pocket. But Weisselberg declined to provide any documentation, such as saying how much charitable giving Trump has declared in his federal tax filings.

You may have noticed I'm not a Cryin Donald fan. But how is giving his economic assets away instead of just cash not charity?

Here, read this, and then maybe you will understand.

Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World - News Examiner - Examine Your World

Trump can give as much as he wants or as little as he wants, but he can't claim to be so damn charitable when he is the least charitable among those in the same financial status and when he uses his foundation money to give to charity when that money is donated by others other than Trump himself.

I don't really care. I don't like Cryin Donald and I have no idea how generous he is. But this only covers what he takes out of his company and donates, it's not counting the money that he donates through his company, which is what the point I made was about

I think the article mentions that money coming out of his own pocket is rare when it comes to charity.

In the aftermath of national tragedies like September 11 and Hurricane Katrina–when public figures worth a fraction of Trump were donating seven figures to relief organizations–the billionaire apparently misplaced his checkbook somewhere in his triplex atop Trump Tower.

Strangely, though the billionaire’s web site chronicles every aspect of his life in great detail–children, books, golf courses, Trump chocolate, Trump bedding, beauty pageants, Trump spring water, Trump bath rugs–his purported “ardent” philanthropy is not further described. Which is odd, considering Trump–whose superlatives have their own superlatives–has never been shy about gassily trumpeting every last one of his world-beating achievements.


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