Trump can stop bagging on DeSantis now...

The Peewee from Palm Coast just burned up on re-entry this evening....Not a pretty thing to witness.

With his dull-as-dishwater demeanor and presence, DeSantis is kaput....He makes the Ben Stein persona look positively dynamic.

Though I'm sure Trump won't stop, punching that far down is never a good look.

With his main competition self-immolating, the rest of the field a laughable clown car of neocons and squish shoe salesmen, and barring a horrendous string of his world famous unforced errors, he should be a shoo-in for the nomination.

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
Here's the comments from a right wing message board I frequent:

It was nice actually listening to an adult conservation.

Pretty refreshing listening to someone talk about their policies and achievements without throwing insults around like a 5 year old.

I know record to record is booooring to everyone but it’s not even close, FloridaMan kills it. Add in all of Trump’s negatives and it’s a very easy choice (or should be.)

Trump should be blue since he's the leftist in this race.

So Trump now is the better candidate and we should nominate him because he is running to the left of Desantis?

I'll vote for the boring guy who gets shit done over the "entertaining" guy who can't get shit done while claiming to be the greatest deal maker ever, you're going to get tired of all the deals! Trump promised everything them delivered shit.

Kind of refreshing to have an actual adult who understands the constitution and how to attack the deep swamp running.

One of the refreshing things about DeSantis is you can tell he actually has a grasp on the things the media tries to lie about and is articulate enough to counter. I never got that sense from Trump.

DeSantis did his thing and said the right things. Showed off his record of actually getting shit done.

Take that all that for what it's worth but I was shocked at the response and those were less than two pages worth of pro-DeSantis comments.

Oh there was a fair share of trump-bots but they were flailing around quite a bit due to being caught totally off guard with the large amount of DeSantis support being shown.

What I can see right away is that Trump has already been forced to fight DeSantis from the populist left.

LOL.....Good luck with all that.
Covid wasn't Trump's fault, but he got blamed for it anyway.
Just because he was shitty, political and two-faced about it, like everything else, but this looked worse on him, as many people really were dying from it, yet it was still political games to him.
The cabal will never EVER let Trump back in. Cheaters Anonymous will see to that. I doubt DeSantis wins either. The stink runs deep and GOP are too chickenshit to do anything about it. Hence..Biden still not impeached, Hunter still hunting for his next target to bilk, Hillary still free, FBI, CIA, DOJ still corrupting.
Team DeSanctus:

Bullshit....Twaffler has bandwidth coming out the ass....Anyone who wasn't prepared for an audience of at least a million, and possibly for 1.5 mil just to be safe, is either incompetent or a saboteur.
After that, his Q & A session was a yawner and an ass kissing contest, with no real hard foreign policy questions.
He's toast.

Well, we will see. I wasn't privy to the actual event and I'm sure DeSantis himself was not responsible for handling the affair, if anyone, I would think Musk bears more of the blame, so, I don't think a techno-flub on Twitter will knock DeSantis entirely out of the race.

I mean, what if it was caused by solar flares or some rogue Russian hackers? :SMILEW~130:

As to his Q&A, again, I've not heard him speak much but I don't elect president's on the basis of stage charm or charisma and I wouldn't fault him for his dull personality anymore than I would fault Trump for his style.

However, if the floor of support falls out for DeSantis, that can only bode well for Trump.
though i believe DeSantis will make a great POTUS its just not in the cards for him in 20/24 ... in 20/28 maybe .
Depending on how aggressive he is in this run, he may not have a career after this attempt. Trump supporters have Loooong memories...
I'm not yet so sure, OB--- --- the main failure of DeSantis' launch was that the servers crashed because so many people were interested to hear it! I'm not ruling DeSantis out of anything until I see him and Trump debate on stage. And apparently people have already backed DeSantis to the tune of 200 million dollars.
If the RINO's have any means of accomplishing it, DeSantis will be the nominee. IF that happens then it will be proof that they are willing to lose the presidency AND their majorities down-ballot if that's what it takes to finally get rid of Trump.
I think DeSantis would be the focus of blame for that and it would end his future chances. There is no way Trump is dropping out. He'd just run as an independent and if they managed to keep him off the ballot, his supporters would just stay home.

I don't think most Americans realize just how close we are to seeing the nation come apart at the seams.
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The Peewee from Palm Coast just burned up on re-entry this evening....Not a pretty thing to witness.

With his dull-as-dishwater demeanor and presence, DeSantis is kaput....He makes the Ben Stein persona look positively dynamic.

Though I'm sure Trump won't stop, punching that far down is never a good look.

With his main competition self-immolating, the rest of the field a laughable clown car of neocons and squish shoe salesmen, and barring a horrendous string of his world famous unforced errors, he should be a shoo-in for the nomination.

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
They make halfway decent governors but if they want dc they're expected to do the devil's work

I'm sure it'll be the fairest election most honest election ever

Not that the orange man is saving us ...
If the RINO's have any means of accomplishing it, DeSantis will be the nominee. IF that happens then it will be proof that they are willing to lose the presidency AND their majorities down-ballot if that's what it takes to finally get rid of Trump.
Well, we always knew that anyway.

I think DeSantis would be the focus of blame for that and it would end his future chances. There is no way Trump is dropping out. He'd just run as an independent and if they managed to keep him off the ballot, his supporters would just stay home.
Very possibly. But if that is the case then if Trump is unelectable for whatever reasons then he will indeed doom the GOP to another loss. And if Trump can beat a bozo like Biden, what are the chances for DeSantis?

I don't think most Americans realize just how close we are to seeing the nation come apart at the seams.
That is a fact.
If the RINO's have any means of accomplishing it, DeSantis will be the nominee. IF that happens then it will be proof that they are willing to lose the presidency AND their majorities down-ballot if that's what it takes to finally get rid of Trump.
My ribs, my ribs.

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