Trump--can he really be this STUPID--accept Syrian refugees into the U.S?

Good God--I''ll bet the reality T.V. shows he puts on (the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice) must be just fascinating to Americans that watch them. I don't watch them.

This guy is dumber than dirt. Here he is having a raving fit about Mexicans crossing the border whom are predominately Catholic--looking for jobs, but now he wants to let in Syrian refugees--from only God knows where they came from, and receive FULL benefit WELFARE from us because they're refugees.

I think Europe & the oil rich countries in the middle east should handle the Syrian refugee crisis--NOT US. I don't want them here. I don't want to end up like France--where the Muslim population over there threatens everyone else. These people do NOT situate well in free countries, with an abundance of different religions. They don't know what tolerance of other religions means.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.
"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally./QUOTE]
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.

He blamed the crisis on President Barack Obama, who said in 2012 that Syrian President Basher Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Assad crossed the line, Obama did nothing.

Trump said he would have taken action against Assad.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Every single politician has said we should accept them. Trump is the only one that said that we also must make sure none of them are terrorists.

If you ever wondered what the FEMA camps were for.........this is probably just part of the Transformation Of America Obama has planned.
"They all do it"! Yeah that's the ticket. Next you'll be posting "at this point what difference does it make?"
Like I said, every one of them says we should take some of them in. I don't agree, but that's what they're all saying. Trump is the only one that didn't say it was an obligation, just because we're supposed to be the good guys. Trump didn't focus on it all that much, but he did say that we have to make sure that if we take any in, that they're properly screened. Not like the way Obama just lets everyone in and a couple of months later they're infecting our kids with communicable diseases in our schools.

I think that we shouldn't take in any of them. They've been murdering Christians and moderates for over a decade and just watching it happen. Fuck them. This is Karma.
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.

trump is probably the last chance for this country..
.He's the only candidate that sees the flood of illegals for what it attack on the white majority of this country to displace them and artificially skew the voting process...
He's firm on that and it's a damned good start. No, he can't fix everything, but if it stirs nationalism and patriotism in this country more things can get done.

...or we could have more of the same old same old okey doke and just let it go...leave the border open..

I'm ok with either...but prefer to give it one last shot before the 3rd world peasants get entrenched...and if trump can kick them out, he can start working on the somalians and syrians that are already here colonizing...he knows what's up..Make fun..laugh it up....but he isn't stupid. He knows the score.
"Give us your tired, weak and hungry...."

While I will say Trump is not all bad... This is a humanatrian issue... He is on the right side of histrory on this one...

There is already 142,000 Syrian Americans. You have some incredible people with Syrian heirtage.

Steve Jobs
Paula Abdul
Syrian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way guys the people who are escaping are the one that didn't want to be in ISIS.

And if you don't think Arab Countris are doing enough look at the millions they have taken:
Regions with significant populations
(Numbers do not include foreign citizens who left Syria)
Turkey 2,138,999 estimated (April 2015)[2]
1,938,999 registered (April 2015)[2]

Lebanon 1,196,560 estimated (April 2015)[3]
1,185,241 registered (April 2015)[3]

Jordan 1,400,000 estimated (ِAugust 2015)[4]
629,245 registered (August 2015)[5]

Iraq 247,861 estimated (March 2015)[6]
247,861 registered (March 2015)[6]

Egypt 133,862 estimated (April 2015)[7]
133,862 registered (April 2015)[7] inspirit

These are not rich countries and US has to a fair share of blame for causing this crisis especialy the GOP..

"...once you break it, you are going to own it, and we’re going to be responsible" - Colin Powell

ISIS was created by the actions of the invasion of Iraq.

Well--the middle east can take care if their own tired and sick for a change
Last edited:
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.

trump is probably the last chance for this country..
.He's the only candidate that sees the flood of illegals for what it attack on the white majority of this country to displace them and artificially skew the voting process...
He's firm on that and it's a damned good start. No, he can't fix everything, but if it stirs nationalism and patriotism in this country more things can get done.

...or we could have more of the same old same old okey doke and just let it go...leave the border open..

I'm ok with either...but prefer to give it one last shot before the 3rd world peasants get entrenched...and if trump can kick them out, he can start working on the somalians and syrians that are already here colonizing...he knows what's up..Make fun..laugh it up....but he isn't stupid. He knows the score.

CAN YOU READ? Trump wants to bring Syrian refugee's over here to the United States. Now I know why Trump's polls are high--LOL. They can't read or apparently hear either. Just hit the T for Trump--LOL

the only ONE Trump is playing with is you idiots on the left. You sit here acting like you know who is supporting him while running them down in the same breath. and look at you, everyday damn day it's Trump this, trump that, trump trump trump.
that's why I posted the chicken little because that's what you all have become over TRUMP
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.

trump is probably the last chance for this country..
.He's the only candidate that sees the flood of illegals for what it attack on the white majority of this country to displace them and artificially skew the voting process...
He's firm on that and it's a damned good start. No, he can't fix everything, but if it stirs nationalism and patriotism in this country more things can get done.

...or we could have more of the same old same old okey doke and just let it go...leave the border open..

I'm ok with either...but prefer to give it one last shot before the 3rd world peasants get entrenched...and if trump can kick them out, he can start working on the somalians and syrians that are already here colonizing...he knows what's up..Make fun..laugh it up....but he isn't stupid. He knows the score.

CAN YOU READ? Trump wants to bring Syrian refugee's over here to the United States. Now I know why Trump's polls are high--LOL. They can't read or apparently hear either. Just hit the T for Trump--LOL're right..we're all stupid and you are enlightened...nothing will work...all is lost...

if he's willing to clean out the illegals I suspect he isn't thrilled about syrians and somalians colonizing the country under obama...
I also suspect that since there is no gain to be had by speaking out about it...his enemies will pounce no matter what he says...he's keeping those cards close to his vest.
Good God--I''ll bet the reality T.V. shows he puts on (the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice) must be just fascinating to Americans that watch them. I don't watch them.

This guy is dumber than dirt. Here he is having a raving fit about Mexicans crossing the border whom are predominately Catholic--looking for jobs, but now he wants to let in Syrian refugees--from only God knows where they came from, and receive FULL benefit WELFARE from us because they're refugees.

I think Europe & the oil rich countries in the middle east should handle the Syrian refugee crisis--NOT US. I don't want them here. I don't want to end up like France--where the Muslim population over there threatens everyone else. These people do NOT situate well in free countries, with an abundance of different religions. They don't know what tolerance of other religions means.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.
"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally./QUOTE]
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.

He blamed the crisis on President Barack Obama, who said in 2012 that Syrian President Basher Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Assad crossed the line, Obama did nothing.

Trump said he would have taken action against Assad.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Every single politician has said we should accept them. Trump is the only one that said that we also must make sure none of them are terrorists.

If you ever wondered what the FEMA camps were for.........this is probably just part of the Transformation Of America Obama has planned.
"They all do it"! Yeah that's the ticket. Next you'll be posting "at this point what difference does it make?"
Like I said, every one of them says we should take some of them in. I don't agree, but that's what they're all saying. Trump is the only one that didn't say it was an obligation, just because we're supposed to be the good guys. Trump didn't focus on it all that much, but he did say that we have to make sure that if we take any in, that they're properly screened. Not like the way Obama just lets everyone in and a couple of months later they're infecting our kids with communicable diseases in our schools.

I think that we shouldn't take in any of them. They've been murdering Christians and moderates for over a decade and just watching it happen. Fuck them. This is Karma.

Why doesn't Jordan--Saudi Arabia--Kuwait--Turkey take them in? They're right next door.
CAN YOU READ? Trump wants to bring Syrian refugee's over here to the United States. Now I know why Trump's polls are high--LOL. They can't read or apparently hear either. Just hit the T for Trump--LOL

Since when do liberals stereotype Syrians as "a bunch of terrorists" and not poor unfortunate discriminated-against and displaced victims? Has Trump turned you into a bunch of xenophobic paranoid far-right-wingers?

IF Trump says something positive about Palestinians, will the Left abandon their zealous support for those thugs as well? What if Trump insults some Jews, will the left suddenly embrace Israel? What sort of dance can Trump get them to do next?
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.

trump is probably the last chance for this country..
.He's the only candidate that sees the flood of illegals for what it attack on the white majority of this country to displace them and artificially skew the voting process...
He's firm on that and it's a damned good start. No, he can't fix everything, but if it stirs nationalism and patriotism in this country more things can get done.

...or we could have more of the same old same old okey doke and just let it go...leave the border open..

I'm ok with either...but prefer to give it one last shot before the 3rd world peasants get entrenched...and if trump can kick them out, he can start working on the somalians and syrians that are already here colonizing...he knows what's up..Make fun..laugh it up....but he isn't stupid. He knows the score.

CAN YOU READ? Trump wants to bring Syrian refugee's over here to the United States. Now I know why Trump's polls are high--LOL. They can't read or apparently hear either. Just hit the T for Trump--LOL're right..we're all stupid and you are enlightened...nothing will work...all is lost...

if he's willing to clean out the illegals I suspect he isn't thrilled about syrians and somalians colonizing the country under obama...
I also suspect that since there is no gain to be had by speaking out about it...his enemies will pounce no matter what he says...he's keeping those cards close to his vest.

I don't take them (the little oreo) serious anymore. ever since he claimed all the Republicans who didn't stand up for abortion is now history. and he held up some article from the rag usatoday or some other left leaning rag to prove it. and you see since then. every damn day it's something else they're in a snit over
IF Trump says something positive about Palestinians, will the Left abandon their zealous support for those thugs as well? What if Trump insults some Jews, will the left suddenly embrace Israel? What sort of dance can Trump get them to do next?

he has them (left and some on the right) twisting themselves into knots. that alone is something to support Trump for. I already have who I'm supporting and I'm not getting all worked up right now anyway. We still have almost a year and half before we vote for a new President.. Mostly, I'm just hoping the left doesn't put on us another Obama. If it came down to Trump to stop them putting in another commie thug like him, then hell yeah I'd vote for Trump
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Let me get this straight. He wants to deport illegal mexicans etc but bring in more!? WTF? Can tell who is controlling his policies....fucking christ this scumbag is worse than McConnell or Boehner! Seals it for me. Will you change your vote for Trump because of this?
It must be the JJJJJOOOOOOSSSS, they planned this!!!

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you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.

trump is probably the last chance for this country..
.He's the only candidate that sees the flood of illegals for what it attack on the white majority of this country to displace them and artificially skew the voting process...
He's firm on that and it's a damned good start. No, he can't fix everything, but if it stirs nationalism and patriotism in this country more things can get done.

...or we could have more of the same old same old okey doke and just let it go...leave the border open..

I'm ok with either...but prefer to give it one last shot before the 3rd world peasants get entrenched...and if trump can kick them out, he can start working on the somalians and syrians that are already here colonizing...he knows what's up..Make fun..laugh it up....but he isn't stupid. He knows the score.

CAN YOU READ? Trump wants to bring Syrian refugee's over here to the United States. Now I know why Trump's polls are high--LOL. They can't read or apparently hear either. Just hit the T for Trump--LOL're right..we're all stupid and you are enlightened...nothing will work...all is lost...

if he's willing to clean out the illegals I suspect he isn't thrilled about syrians and somalians colonizing the country under obama...
I also suspect that since there is no gain to be had by speaking out about it...his enemies will pounce no matter what he says...he's keeping those cards close to his vest.

Trump keeping cards his cards close to his vest--LOL He doesn't know Jack Shit about foreign policy. You've been watching a little too much of "non-reality" T.V.
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold

Seeing as how we helped destabilize their part of the world we should be accepting some of them here.
We didn't destabilize Syria. That civil war started without our help. Get your rhetoric straight. Iraq was a fractionalized country before we did a thing there. A Sunni, Shia and Kurds would have been at war. Remember that was he country we invaded and surprisingly we are talking about Syrian refugees not Iraqi. In fact all the talk is about Syria, which we had ZERO hand in!

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Trump won't get the chance to bring them in. Obama, the Muslim sympathizer is all ready to bring them all in on us. Hell if they are terrorist mixed in with them. He's all for the illegal immigrants and if he can flood us over with all these so called, refugees the better for his promise of Transforming our country. How else was he going to accomplish that? That sad thing is: he's almost completed it.
You boys have a problem with the Sand ******* now?
We have a problem with importing a terrorist ideology incompatible with our society. An ideology hellbent on destroying us!

If Islam ever took over you liberals would be the first ones they would line up on the wall!

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