Trump--can he really be this STUPID--accept Syrian refugees into the U.S?

Nope to many Muslims and some of them aren't innocent bystanders in the jihadist war.

I'm not taking anyone in. How bout you?? You seem to think its a good idea. Put your money where your mouth is sweetie.
Good God--I''ll bet the reality T.V. shows he puts on (the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice) must be just fascinating to Americans that watch them. I don't watch them.

This guy is dumber than dirt. Here he is having a raving fit about Mexicans crossing the border whom are predominately Catholic--looking for jobs, but now he wants to let in Syrian refugees--from only God knows where they came from, and receive FULL benefit WELFARE from us because they're refugees.

I think Europe & the oil rich countries in the middle east should handle the Syrian refugee crisis--NOT US. I don't want them here. I don't want to end up like France--where the Muslim population over there threatens everyone else. These people do NOT situate well in free countries, with an abundance of different religions. They don't know what tolerance of other religions means.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.
"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally./QUOTE]
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.

He blamed the crisis on President Barack Obama, who said in 2012 that Syrian President Basher Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Assad crossed the line, Obama did nothing.

Trump said he would have taken action against Assad.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees


Who gives a shit who the invaders are?

We should have the border patrol start popping a few heads with 223 rounds and it would stop

Mexicans are destroying this country. Just look at Southern California and border states

The beaners are over running the place

We need to shoot invaders


Hilarious. That's your dumbass party talking, chump.

Franco, the fucking Obama cock sucker has to be put in his place...outside with the dogs....

As with Trumps Mexican statements where anyone with a working mind KNEW he meant ILLEGAL Mexicans, Trump made this statement at Las Vegas 2 months ago...see if you fucking subversive pond scum can follow it....

Donald Trump in Vegas: Obama Won’t Let Syrian Christians Into USA (VIDEO)

gateway Pundit ^ | July 11 2015 | Jim Hoft
Over the past several years Syrian Christians have been desperately trying to smuggle themselves out of Syria as ISIS tells them to convert or die. The Obama White House so far has ignored their desperate plight. (Of course he does, he's a TERROTIST muslim sympathizer, we all know this!)-snip-Today in Las Vegas Donald Trump attacked the Obama administration’s policies that have allowed thousands of Syrian Muslims in the country while Christians from Syria suffer.


the DNC operatives and disinformation shills are foaming at the mouth now they're so desperate....
He doesn't think before he speaks. His mouth is permanently disconnected from his brain.
We should do something. Our government (Presidents 0bama is our legal person in charge, more fool us) created this mess so we are obligated to do something for them. Maybe we should organize flights to Bahrain for them?
what trump said was that we have to deal with the mess obama left us

are you lefties against humanitarian aid these days




Why ISIS is Americas Problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
ISIS was formed during the Bush years.

Trump supports the entry of Syrian refugees into the US, thus so does Vigi.
ISIS was formed during the Bush years.

Trump supports the entry of Syrian refugees into the US, thus so does Vigi.

When Bush left office, he left behind an Iraqi state that was functioning and stable, thanks largely to the president’s 2007 “surge” of troops that ended a Sunni insurgency threatening to tear the country apart. All that was needed was for Obama to leave a residual U.S. military force in the country to maintain internal stability and counter any threat that might arise from Islamist radicals.

Good God--I''ll bet the reality T.V. shows he puts on (the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice) must be just fascinating to Americans that watch them. I don't watch them.

This guy is dumber than dirt. Here he is having a raving fit about Mexicans crossing the border whom are predominately Catholic--looking for jobs, but now he wants to let in Syrian refugees--from only God knows where they came from, and receive FULL benefit WELFARE from us because they're refugees.

I think Europe & the oil rich countries in the middle east should handle the Syrian refugee crisis--NOT US. I don't want them here. I don't want to end up like France--where the Muslim population over there threatens everyone else. These people do NOT situate well in free countries, with an abundance of different religions. They don't know what tolerance of other religions means.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.
"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally./QUOTE]
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.

He blamed the crisis on President Barack Obama, who said in 2012 that Syrian President Basher Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Assad crossed the line, Obama did nothing.

Trump said he would have taken action against Assad.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Oh great, now so called conservatives will be arguing for the US accepting huge numbers of refugees.
So could this be The One for Trump, the quote that finally crosses the line for the GOP?
We can only hope. But I fear that "conservatives" will now find virtue in accepting Muslim fanatics as refugees. IN the same way that so called conservatives started supporting single payer healthcare after Trump said he was for it.
People are stupid. Doesnt matter if they think they are conservative or liberal.
Good God--I''ll bet the reality T.V. shows he puts on (the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice) must be just fascinating to Americans that watch them. I don't watch them.

This guy is dumber than dirt. Here he is having a raving fit about Mexicans crossing the border whom are predominately Catholic--looking for jobs, but now he wants to let in Syrian refugees--from only God knows where they came from, and receive FULL benefit WELFARE from us because they're refugees.

I think Europe & the oil rich countries in the middle east should handle the Syrian refugee crisis--NOT US. I don't want them here. I don't want to end up like France--where the Muslim population over there threatens everyone else. These people do NOT situate well in free countries, with an abundance of different religions. They don't know what tolerance of other religions means.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.
"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally./QUOTE]
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.

He blamed the crisis on President Barack Obama, who said in 2012 that Syrian President Basher Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Assad crossed the line, Obama did nothing.

Trump said he would have taken action against Assad.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Every single politician has said we should accept them. Trump is the only one that said that we also must make sure none of them are terrorists.

If you ever wondered what the FEMA camps were for.........this is probably just part of the Transformation Of America Obama has planned.
Good God--I''ll bet the reality T.V. shows he puts on (the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice) must be just fascinating to Americans that watch them. I don't watch them.

This guy is dumber than dirt. Here he is having a raving fit about Mexicans crossing the border whom are predominately Catholic--looking for jobs, but now he wants to let in Syrian refugees--from only God knows where they came from, and receive FULL benefit WELFARE from us because they're refugees.

I think Europe & the oil rich countries in the middle east should handle the Syrian refugee crisis--NOT US. I don't want them here. I don't want to end up like France--where the Muslim population over there threatens everyone else. These people do NOT situate well in free countries, with an abundance of different religions. They don't know what tolerance of other religions means.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.
"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally./QUOTE]
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.

He blamed the crisis on President Barack Obama, who said in 2012 that Syrian President Basher Assad would cross a "red line" if he used chemical weapons. When Assad crossed the line, Obama did nothing.

Trump said he would have taken action against Assad.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees

Every single politician has said we should accept them. Trump is the only one that said that we also must make sure none of them are terrorists.

If you ever wondered what the FEMA camps were for.........this is probably just part of the Transformation Of America Obama has planned.
"They all do it"! Yeah that's the ticket. Next you'll be posting "at this point what difference does it make?"
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
Glenn Beck calls Trump a Progressive.......they said exactly the same thing about Newt Gingrich. If you want to turn off a conservative voter, just call someone a Progressive.

I don't think it's going to work this time.

I've pretty much decided to reject claims like this because of the simple fact that we don't always know who the enemy is. If they're on TV.....working for the media....they're the enemy. So whomever they don't like gets a closer look. Who they like should be written off from the start.
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.
So could this be The One for Trump, the quote that finally crosses the line for the GOP?
We can only hope. But I fear that "conservatives" will now find virtue in accepting Muslim fanatics as refugees. IN the same way that so called conservatives started supporting single payer healthcare after Trump said he was for it.
People are stupid. Doesnt matter if they think they are conservative or liberal.
Cult of Personality is an incredibly strong force in our society.
Glenn Beck calls Trump a Progressive.......they said exactly the same thing about Newt Gingrich. If you want to turn off a conservative voter, just call someone a Progressive.

I don't think it's going to work this time.

I've pretty much decided to reject claims like this because of the simple fact that we don't always know who the enemy is. If they're on TV.....working for the media....they're the enemy. So whomever they don't like gets a closer look. Who they like should be written off from the start.
SO it doesnt matter whether Trump is a progressive or not, right? IF someone calls him a progressive it just means he's someone you'll support?
I thought you were smarter than this.
So could this be The One for Trump, the quote that finally crosses the line for the GOP?
We can only hope. But I fear that "conservatives" will now find virtue in accepting Muslim fanatics as refugees. IN the same way that so called conservatives started supporting single payer healthcare after Trump said he was for it.
People are stupid. Doesnt matter if they think they are conservative or liberal.
Cult of Personality is an incredibly strong force in our society.
This is so sad and so true. We ridiculed Obama voters because they were wedded to the man and would support him no matter what. Now I see so called conservatives doing exactly the same with Trump. Our shit isnt any prettier than their shit.
you remind me of that chicken little character. everyday it's OMG omg omg omg
When people who think of themselves as conservatives start making excuses for Donald Trump's stupid positions then maybe the end is near.
Trump supporters are merely the other side of Obama supporters. We're supposed to be better than this.

lol, the only thing I support Trump, is for brining up topics that the others would rather bury them under the rug. so they don't have to answer the hard questions on everyday peoples minds. I think people (conservatives) realize he's not some conservative. And what makes you people think they are the ones supporting him? who the hell knows who the people are supporting him. If he's so progressive than it could be the liberals. Nobody knows just because he's running as a Republican. But to have people like you acting like they are too stupid to see through him, well now you're sounding and acting just like a stuck up snobby liberal

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