Trump can be held civilly liable in Jan. 6 riot, judges rule

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and the checks in mail. There is no proof of the election being stolen. After over losing 60+lawsuits there no proof the election being stolen, only dupes to are so fucking brain dead to believe it is.
I watched the states flip in real time all night long and all the videos that proved it have been deleted by Google
Those deluded culltists still believe the lie. The lie is so very easy to believe.
When you provide actual/factual/physical evidence of the election being stolen only then would anyone believe you. Why don't you join your buddies at the Bermuda Triangle for an air charter tour.
You don't think this CIA and the world economic forum and all these bankers and globalists in charge can buy 60 judges you got another thing coming out this was a coup d'etat just like the attempted one in 2016
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You don't think this CIA and the world economic forum and all these bankers and globalists in charge can buy 60 judges you got another thing coming out this was a coup d'etat just like the attempted one in 2016

Oh looky looky, another in long and lame half-assed MAGA MAGGOT conspiracy theories. You people always has another warming up in the wings.

All I asked was proof, and knowing you do not have any, you come a consipracy theory as handy dandy means of not having any.

Pony up your proof. No conspiracy theories, no lies no half truths. Post your fucking proof.

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