Trump bypasses Congress


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
  • Trump signed four executive orders at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday
  • First order creates a payroll tax holiday through end of the year, starting September 1
  • Second executive order freezes evictions and foreclosures for certain renters and homeowners
  • Third order extends supplemental federal unemployment benefits of $400 per week
  • Fourth defers payments and waives interest for federally held student loans through end of year
  • If follows the breakdown of Congressional negotiations on another coronavirus relief package
  • Trump took aim directly at Democrats, accusing them of 'holding aid hostage' for pet policy ideas
  • 'Many of the far-left policies they're pushing have nothing to do with the corona,' he said of Democrats
Never forget the Antifacrat Motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."
This is predator behavior. First they scare their prey, then they ambush them.
The Antifacrats are exploiting the Pandemic Fear to impose their far left extremist programs and to loot the taxpayers.
They are demanding $trillions$ of dollars in totally unrelated Pandemic relief.
They don't give a chit about people suffering.
Liberals do not have a conscience.
  • Trump signed four executive orders at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday
  • First order creates a payroll tax holiday through end of the year, starting September 1
  • Second executive order freezes evictions and foreclosures for certain renters and homeowners
  • Third order extends supplemental federal unemployment benefits of $400 per week
  • Fourth defers payments and waives interest for federally held student loans through end of year
  • If follows the breakdown of Congressional negotiations on another coronavirus relief package
  • Trump took aim directly at Democrats, accusing them of 'holding aid hostage' for pet policy ideas
  • 'Many of the far-left policies they're pushing have nothing to do with the corona,' he said of Democrats
Never forget the Antifacrat Motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."
This is predator behavior. First they scare their prey, then they ambush them.
The Antifacrats are exploiting the Pandemic Fear to impose their far left extremist programs and to loot the taxpayers.
They are demanding $trillions$ of dollars in totally unrelated Pandemic relief.
They don't give a chit about people suffering.
Liberals do not have a conscience.
Only Congress can lay or collect taxes which means Trump has zero ability to alter taxation alone without Congress.
Unemployment is paid by Congress, again Trump has no authority of funds along with infrastructure to authorize UE benefit changes.
The Senate, led by Repubs also put poison pills into the stimulus they presented along with the president.
Congress is now an outdated, irrelevant, and dysfunctional entity. Trump should be made President for life.
No thanks we don't do that in the US. This is not a empire and Trump is not the emperor...You will have to be a chauvinist for Trump in some other nation.
Only Congress can lay or collect taxes which means Trump has zero ability to alter taxation alone without Congress.
Unemployment is paid by Congress, again Trump has no authority of funds along with infrastructure to authorize UE benefit changes.
The Senate, led by Repubs also put poison pills into the stimulus they presented along with the president.
Don't really understand how E.O.'s work do you?

I don't think anyone is surprised.





So the Trumped-Up Administration continues to be on record: Acknowledging that the pandemic exists, but that it's only insufficiently lethal(?), worldwide! Mostly Pediatricians are documenting the spread to little kids(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
As RNC famous Arnold might put it: "I'll be Back!"

(Matt 25: 14:30--Convention-City-Along-with-RNC!
Only Congress can lay or collect taxes which means Trump has zero ability to alter taxation alone without Congress.
Unemployment is paid by Congress, again Trump has no authority of funds along with infrastructure to authorize UE benefit changes.
The Senate, led by Repubs also put poison pills into the stimulus they presented along with the president.
Don't really understand how E.O.'s work do you?

I don't think anyone is surprised.
EO can't levy taxes or stop them. It takes an act of Congress to do as such. EO's are suppose to enhance an already existing law.

During an emergency the President has many powers that he CAN USE..........Trump has not done so til this date because of usual Black Mailing by the DNC trying to get their share of the money for their lobbyists.........

The tax cut portion is as follows..........and is NOT FOR THE BIG BOYS.


  • Trump signed four executive orders at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday
  • First order creates a payroll tax holiday through end of the year, starting September 1
  • Second executive order freezes evictions and foreclosures for certain renters and homeowners
  • Third order extends supplemental federal unemployment benefits of $400 per week
  • Fourth defers payments and waives interest for federally held student loans through end of year
  • If follows the breakdown of Congressional negotiations on another coronavirus relief package
  • Trump took aim directly at Democrats, accusing them of 'holding aid hostage' for pet policy ideas
  • 'Many of the far-left policies they're pushing have nothing to do with the corona,' he said of Democrats
Never forget the Antifacrat Motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."
This is predator behavior. First they scare their prey, then they ambush them.
The Antifacrats are exploiting the Pandemic Fear to impose their far left extremist programs and to loot the taxpayers.
They are demanding $trillions$ of dollars in totally unrelated Pandemic relief.
They don't give a chit about people suffering.
Liberals do not have a conscience.
Only Congress can lay or collect taxes which means Trump has zero ability to alter taxation alone without Congress.
Unemployment is paid by Congress, again Trump has no authority of funds along with infrastructure to authorize UE benefit changes.
The Senate, led by Repubs also put poison pills into the stimulus they presented along with the president.

The Democrat's bill included stimulus checks for illegal aliens, mass release of illegal aliens from detention, and mass release of inmates, including serious felons

Just what does any of those have to do with the stimulus for the economy?"
Which is more than many make before the virus.........Most states an extra $400 is sufficient to get by for a bit........but also isn't so high to make it a vacation for many..........That is exactly what the people coming back to work here are saying about it.....5 month vacation to kick back and go fishing.........from their own mouths............

In shithole DNC run places.......$400 a month isn't enough.....tough titty.....lower your own taxes and increase it yourselves............not my problem that you have driven up housing costs to $2000 for a place the size of my shed........


The Stafford Act (major disasters and national emergencies). Trump has specifically invoked the emergency provisions of the Stafford Act. The Stafford Act, which is mostly administered by FEMA, covers federal responses for two categories of events: major disasters and national emergencies. As the Congressional Research Service (CRS) has explained, declaring a major disaster unlocks greater powers than declaring a national emergency under this Act.

A major disaster authorizes the government to distribute supplies and emergency assistance, unemployment assistance, emergency grants to assist low-income migrant and seasonal farmworkers, food coupons and distribution, relocation assistance, community disaster loans, and emergency public transportation.
Congress is now an outdated, irrelevant, and dysfunctional entity. Trump should be made President for life.
Another example of how "conservative values" and "small government" were always bullshit.

What these people want is an authoritarian, nationalist strongman.

The world has seen this before, and we obviously didn't learn.
  • Trump signed four executive orders at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday
  • First order creates a payroll tax holiday through end of the year, starting September 1
  • Second executive order freezes evictions and foreclosures for certain renters and homeowners
  • Third order extends supplemental federal unemployment benefits of $400 per week
  • Fourth defers payments and waives interest for federally held student loans through end of year
  • If follows the breakdown of Congressional negotiations on another coronavirus relief package
  • Trump took aim directly at Democrats, accusing them of 'holding aid hostage' for pet policy ideas
  • 'Many of the far-left policies they're pushing have nothing to do with the corona,' he said of Democrats
Never forget the Antifacrat Motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."
This is predator behavior. First they scare their prey, then they ambush them.
The Antifacrats are exploiting the Pandemic Fear to impose their far left extremist programs and to loot the taxpayers.
They are demanding $trillions$ of dollars in totally unrelated Pandemic relief.
They don't give a chit about people suffering.
Liberals do not have a conscience.

The problem is, none of these will have any effect. No one is going to stop collecting taxes on an executive order, and no states are going to pay extra payments unless the feds contribute the money.

So we are really back where we started from.
And leisure and hospitality employment was up 2.0 mil. in the most recent employment situation report! So eagle1462010 intends some nature of AK-47 response(?), clearly posted! Will the targets be the vacation spenders, the resort owners, or are they the unidentified alleged in the post?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
Paid time off now a sin--per Republican Arnold, "I'll Be Back!"

(Matt 25: 14-30: RNC taking away the Covention City Destinations away from vacationing attenders--for no more spending in Charlotte or Jacksonville, clearly--All Now Taken Away, even with internal EO!)
  • Trump signed four executive orders at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday
  • First order creates a payroll tax holiday through end of the year, starting September 1
  • Second executive order freezes evictions and foreclosures for certain renters and homeowners
  • Third order extends supplemental federal unemployment benefits of $400 per week
  • Fourth defers payments and waives interest for federally held student loans through end of year
  • If follows the breakdown of Congressional negotiations on another coronavirus relief package
  • Trump took aim directly at Democrats, accusing them of 'holding aid hostage' for pet policy ideas
  • 'Many of the far-left policies they're pushing have nothing to do with the corona,' he said of Democrats
Never forget the Antifacrat Motto: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."
This is predator behavior. First they scare their prey, then they ambush them.
The Antifacrats are exploiting the Pandemic Fear to impose their far left extremist programs and to loot the taxpayers.
They are demanding $trillions$ of dollars in totally unrelated Pandemic relief.
They don't give a chit about people suffering.
Liberals do not have a conscience.

Now Pelosi and Schumer can no longer make the American people suffer and hold them hostage to squeeze unrelated PORK spending from president Trump. Good job Trump :eusa_clap:
Congress is now an outdated, irrelevant, and dysfunctional entity. Trump should be made President for life.
Another example of how "conservative values" and "small government" were always bullshit.

What these people want is an authoritarian, nationalist strongman.

The world has seen this before, and we obviously didn't learn.
project much?
Trump made those Democrats in Congress look like morons.

He did what they wouldn't do.

Just wait until the sonofabitches sue him and the courts put an end to the money the people are getting.

I am sure he will remind the people on unemployment who took the money away.

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