Trump Begins Backing Off Vow To Prosecute Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Staying true to my word, I promised I would criticize Donald Trump whenever I thought he erred - I think this is a mistake.

Donald Trump ran in part on the idea of 'draining the swamp', of finally holding Politicians accountable for their actions - it's one of the MAJOR factors that resonated with his supporters, on both sides of the proverbial aisle who voted for him.

Dropping his promise to hire a special independent prosecutor to investigate the Hillary case is most probably a move to try to heal the wounds and division in this country, to try to end the hostility from the Left and bring the country together.

What would really bring the country together is to keep his word, to bring back true justice to this country, to 'drain the swamp', and ensure the law is applied to EVERYONE equally.

Yes, there are a LOT of high ranking politicians o both sides who have been sheltered, who going after will cause massive shake-up, but that is exactly what we - the American people need. We need an end to politicians who are Unconstitutionally above the law, who are 'too big / elitist to jail'. The idea that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW needs to be re-established.

I am not calling for 'revenge'. I am not calling for 'partisan social justice' (whatever the hell that is). I am saying one of the cornerstones of his Presidency, and if he begins to back down on THAT one this far out from taking over he will lose a lot of people who voted for him before he ever gets into office.

IMO what Trump SHOULD do, if he really wants to NOT indict Hillary he should continue to declare that is what he is going to do. Force Obama to issue her a Pardon on the way out the door, and then let it go. That way he could give the impression that he kept / was willing to keep his promise to go after her but will respect Obama's Pardon, for the sake of the country allowing it to end there so the healing can begin.

"Trump also appeared to back away from his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. Trump made such a promise during the second presidential debate against Clinton during a rhetorical duel that ended with Trump saying if he was president, "you'd be in jail."

"She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things," Trump said, to which Stahl responded, "I know, but a special prosecutor?"

"I don't want to hurt them, I don't want to hurt them," Trump said. "They’re, they’re good people. I don't want to hurt them."

No, Mr. Trump, they are really NOT 'good people' at all. That's why America rejected Hillary Clinton...a 2nd time.

Trump repeats vow to build border wall, but admits 'there could be some fencing'
He knows if he did, they would find NOTHING criminal and this would show his lies, that he and the Trump right used in order to win. ;)
Staying true to my word, I promised I would criticize Donald Trump whenever I thought he erred - I think this is a mistake.

Donald Trump ran in part on the idea of 'draining the swamp', of finally holding Politicians accountable for their actions - it's one of the MAJOR factors that resonated with his supporters, on both sides of the proverbial aisle who voted for him.

Dropping his promise to hire a special independent prosecutor to investigate the Hillary case is most probably a move to try to heal the wounds and division in this country, to try to end the hostility from the Left and bring the country together.

What would really bring the country together is to keep his word, to bring back true justice to this country, to 'drain the swamp', and ensure the law is applied to EVERYONE equally.

Yes, there are a LOT of high ranking politicians o both sides who have been sheltered, who going after will cause massive shake-up, but that is exactly what we - the American people need. We need an end to politicians who are Unconstitutionally above the law, who are 'too big / elitist to jail'. The idea that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW needs to be re-established.

I am not calling for 'revenge'. I am not calling for 'partisan social justice' (whatever the hell that is). I am saying one of the cornerstones of his Presidency, and if he begins to back down on THAT one this far out from taking over he will lose a lot of people who voted for him before he ever gets into office.

IMO what Trump SHOULD do, if he really wants to NOT indict Hillary he should continue to declare that is what he is going to do. Force Obama to issue her a Pardon on the way out the door, and then let it go. That way he could give the impression that he kept / was willing to keep his promise to go after her but will respect Obama's Pardon, for the sake of the country allowing it to end there so the healing can begin.

"Trump also appeared to back away from his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. Trump made such a promise during the second presidential debate against Clinton during a rhetorical duel that ended with Trump saying if he was president, "you'd be in jail."

"She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things," Trump said, to which Stahl responded, "I know, but a special prosecutor?"

"I don't want to hurt them, I don't want to hurt them," Trump said. "They’re, they’re good people. I don't want to hurt them."

No, Mr. Trump, they are really NOT 'good people' at all. That's why America rejected Hillary Clinton...a 2nd time.

Trump repeats vow to build border wall, but admits 'there could be some fencing'
He's going to be backing off of everything he promised during his campaign.

Because Trump is the President, not a Dictator
I think what he said was that he wouldn't appoint a special prosecutor. That doesn't mean the Hillary investigations already in progress will end.
Obama would just pardon her anyway. Dem lost the House, Senate, presidency and even more state houses thanks to Obama and Hillary. That's punishment enough for a generation
Obama would just pardon her anyway. Dem lost the House, Senate, presidency and even more state houses thanks to Obama and Hillary. That's punishment enough for a generation

Plus, Trump can't appear vindictive. Bygones are bygones between them...but if the FBI or Justice finds impropriety in their continuing investigations...all bets are off.
The president doesn't usually appoint an independent prosecutor.

that will/would be the AG. If he appoints Gowdy or Guiliani I wouldn't be surprised it they push for it.

I think the Clinton Foundation should be investigated, as I think the Clintons got too big as a political machine. If it's crooked and found to be a vehicle for influence peddling they should go down.

If not, time to move on, unless some new evidence comes to light.

Hobble the Clintons, yes. Drag us down an endless rabbit hole, no.
He's going to be backing off of everything he promised during his campaign.

Because Trump is the President, not a Dictator
Unlike Barry. Barry made it clear within the 1st week he was President in 2008 that he was NOT going to be limited by the Constitution or Law.

How? He declared his administration would not enforce the existing DOMA law because HE did not like it. Ummm, I'm sorry, Fidel Obama - that's not how we (used to) do things in the US. That was his approach from then on, however. Over and over he by-passed Congress.

Obama actually set the precedence for Trump to do the same thing - there is a great thread about all the powers Trump now has at his disposal thanks to Barry...but I do not think (hope) he will not use them because he ran on 'draining the swamp' and returning the country to the path of upholding, defending, and enforcing the Constitution and Rule of Law.
Its not up to Trump. Congress is continuing their investigation a NEW FBI head,Justice Dept head,AG head can make their own recommendations.

The cell next to Louis Lerner is the loneliness cell in the world.

Poor rubes.

Lock her up
"lock her up"
"lock her up."

Uhhhh, they're really nice people.....
Donald Trump ran in part on the idea of 'draining the swamp', of finally holding Politicians accountable for their actions - it's one of the MAJOR factors that resonated with his supporters, on both sides of the proverbial aisle who voted for him.

And by draining the swamp that means hiring Preibus, Gingrich, Bannon, Kelly Ann, Guiliani, and all those other familiar outsiders.

Prepare for constant disappointment OR to believe what is said and not what you see.
Staying true to my word, I promised I would criticize Donald Trump whenever I thought he erred - I think this is a mistake.

Donald Trump ran in part on the idea of 'draining the swamp', of finally holding Politicians accountable for their actions - it's one of the MAJOR factors that resonated with his supporters, on both sides of the proverbial aisle who voted for him.

Dropping his promise to hire a special independent prosecutor to investigate the Hillary case is most probably a move to try to heal the wounds and division in this country, to try to end the hostility from the Left and bring the country together.

What would really bring the country together is to keep his word, to bring back true justice to this country, to 'drain the swamp', and ensure the law is applied to EVERYONE equally.

Yes, there are a LOT of high ranking politicians o both sides who have been sheltered, who going after will cause massive shake-up, but that is exactly what we - the American people need. We need an end to politicians who are Unconstitutionally above the law, who are 'too big / elitist to jail'. The idea that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW needs to be re-established.

I am not calling for 'revenge'. I am not calling for 'partisan social justice' (whatever the hell that is). I am saying one of the cornerstones of his Presidency, and if he begins to back down on THAT one this far out from taking over he will lose a lot of people who voted for him before he ever gets into office.

IMO what Trump SHOULD do, if he really wants to NOT indict Hillary he should continue to declare that is what he is going to do. Force Obama to issue her a Pardon on the way out the door, and then let it go. That way he could give the impression that he kept / was willing to keep his promise to go after her but will respect Obama's Pardon, for the sake of the country allowing it to end there so the healing can begin.

"Trump also appeared to back away from his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. Trump made such a promise during the second presidential debate against Clinton during a rhetorical duel that ended with Trump saying if he was president, "you'd be in jail."

"She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things," Trump said, to which Stahl responded, "I know, but a special prosecutor?"

"I don't want to hurt them, I don't want to hurt them," Trump said. "They’re, they’re good people. I don't want to hurt them."

No, Mr. Trump, they are really NOT 'good people' at all. That's why America rejected Hillary Clinton...a 2nd time.

Trump repeats vow to build border wall, but admits 'there could be some fencing'

There are more important things for him to deal with. The Clinton investigation is continuing, and quieting things down on that score may cause Obama to forget about any pardons. :laugh:
And by draining the swamp that means hiring Preibus, Gingrich, Bannon, Kelly Ann, Guiliani, and all those other familiar outsiders.
AGAIN, remaining true to my word, I have no problem criticizing Trump when I think he deserves it....I agree I am not extremely pleased with some of his choices right now. I completely understand WHY he is picking who he is picking, but don't necessarily like his picks so far.

And let's be honest - at this point, while rogue libs are seditiously calling for the overthrow of the govt and the assassination of Trump, no matter who he listed as Cabinet potentials he would be criticized for his picks - the man could have selected Mother Theresa - were she alive - and he would be slammed for it.

I am willing to patiently wait, though, give him a chance, and see how it goes.
He knows if he did, they would find NOTHING criminal and this would show his lies, that he and the Trump right used in order to win. ;)

The FBI will continue to investigate the money laundering scheme called the Clinton Foundation. A new Attorney General may allow a Grand Jury and we could see some indictments. That could be done without a special prosecutor.
Staying true to my word, I promised I would criticize Donald Trump whenever I thought he erred - I think this is a mistake.

Donald Trump ran in part on the idea of 'draining the swamp', of finally holding Politicians accountable for their actions - it's one of the MAJOR factors that resonated with his supporters, on both sides of the proverbial aisle who voted for him.

Dropping his promise to hire a special independent prosecutor to investigate the Hillary case is most probably a move to try to heal the wounds and division in this country, to try to end the hostility from the Left and bring the country together.

What would really bring the country together is to keep his word, to bring back true justice to this country, to 'drain the swamp', and ensure the law is applied to EVERYONE equally.

Yes, there are a LOT of high ranking politicians o both sides who have been sheltered, who going after will cause massive shake-up, but that is exactly what we - the American people need. We need an end to politicians who are Unconstitutionally above the law, who are 'too big / elitist to jail'. The idea that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW needs to be re-established.

I am not calling for 'revenge'. I am not calling for 'partisan social justice' (whatever the hell that is). I am saying one of the cornerstones of his Presidency, and if he begins to back down on THAT one this far out from taking over he will lose a lot of people who voted for him before he ever gets into office.

IMO what Trump SHOULD do, if he really wants to NOT indict Hillary he should continue to declare that is what he is going to do. Force Obama to issue her a Pardon on the way out the door, and then let it go. That way he could give the impression that he kept / was willing to keep his promise to go after her but will respect Obama's Pardon, for the sake of the country allowing it to end there so the healing can begin.

"Trump also appeared to back away from his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. Trump made such a promise during the second presidential debate against Clinton during a rhetorical duel that ended with Trump saying if he was president, "you'd be in jail."

"She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things," Trump said, to which Stahl responded, "I know, but a special prosecutor?"

"I don't want to hurt them, I don't want to hurt them," Trump said. "They’re, they’re good people. I don't want to hurt them."

No, Mr. Trump, they are really NOT 'good people' at all. That's why America rejected Hillary Clinton...a 2nd time.

Trump repeats vow to build border wall, but admits 'there could be some fencing'

It also could be that he is playing the game at a high level. If he continues to appear that he will appoint a special prosecutor, Obama will most likely give her a blanket pardon. That gets her off the hook.

If he really wants her ass, then he needs to ensure that the option to prosecute exists after he takes office. By backing off now, he decreases the probability of an Obama pardon thus keeping the prosecution option after he's sworn in.

Obama would prefer not to issue a pardon. Trump is giving him cover not to issue it by backing off.

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