Trump Adminastration deems firearm manufactures and Ammo manufactures and retailers critical and essential

The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?

It's not ranges, is gun stores.....where you buy guns really are stupid, you can't even make up your own stupid comments...

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus?

What part of the fact that you have police departments quarentining large parts of their forces, democrat mayors telling the police to stop arresting actual criminals, and democrat governors releasing prisoners do you not F*****g understand?

Now, with people in their asshat.....when criminals need to feed their drug addiction, there is more likely to be someone home when they invade the dipstick.......
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.

The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?

It's not ranges, is gun stores.....where you buy guns really are stupid, you can't even make up your own stupid comments...

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus?

What part of the fact that you have police departments quarentining large parts of their forces, democrat mayors telling the police to stop arresting actual criminals, and democrat governors releasing prisoners do you not F*****g understand?

Now, with people in their asshat.....when criminals need to feed their drug addiction, there is more likely to be someone home when they invade the dipstick.......
I reiterate:

Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.

Quite the text, Son. Quote the text. I've read it, it doesn't say what you think it does.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting the relevant text.
Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?

Google is your friend.
Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?

Google is your friend.

your link doesn't like ad blocker.
Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?

Google is your friend.

your link doesn't like ad blocker.
Not my problem kiddo. The relevant portion is in the preview box anyway.
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.

Quite the text, Son. Quote the text. I've read it, it doesn't say what you think it does.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting the relevant text.

“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to assemble?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to pursue happiness, to earn a living, to innovate?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to personal property?
Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?

Google is your friend.

your link doesn't like ad blocker.
Not my problem kiddo. The relevant portion is in the preview box anyway.

The relevant portion is in the preview box anyway.

relevant portion?

The title of the article?

The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.

Quite the text, Son. Quote the text. I've read it, it doesn't say what you think it does.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting the relevant text.

“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to assemble?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to pursue happiness, to earn a living, to innovate?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to personal property?
Ok, I can't deal with this amount of stupid this early.

You keep on keeping on George, just don't squeeze it too hard like last time.
Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?

Google is your friend.
Covid 19 was here long before it made it way's to Florida the hotspots were Washington State followed by California It's been in the news now you act like it never happened lol
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.

Quite the text, Son. Quote the text. I've read it, it doesn't say what you think it does.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting the relevant text.

“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to assemble?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to pursue happiness, to earn a living, to innovate?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to personal property?
youre assuming he can read,,,
Sure it is the answer is simple. Within America, this shit started in leftist run cities and states
Mar a Lago is a hot spot of infection as I understand it, so much so it had to be closed.

Second time I've seen that this morning.

first poster couldn't supply a link as to where he heard it.

Can you?

Google is your friend.
Covid 19 was here long before it made it way's to Florida the hotspots were Washington State followed by California It's been in the news now you act like it never happened lol

Mar a Lago is Trumps 'Southern White House', and as such, a target, a bigger target that other hotels etc that have been sited as areas where the virus has spread.

I doubt, tho, that it has spread the virus more than any other hotel/Convention Center, etc.

As we've seen, tho, the 'left' is jumping on it with both feet.
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?
You Father Government loving unAmerican whackos really need to study that pesky document you hate...Clearly, you are ignorant to our founding framework.
So, show me the relevant text.

I'm waiting.

Quite the text, Son. Quote the text. I've read it, it doesn't say what you think it does.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting the relevant text.

“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to assemble?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to pursue happiness, to earn a living, to innovate?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms?
“It” doesn’t say you have a RIGHT to personal property?
Ok, I can't deal with this amount of stupid this early.

You keep on keeping on George, just don't squeeze it too hard like last time.

I’m asking you...why are you resistant, why do you hate having rights afforded you by the framers?
That’s very bizarre you know.
The best government lobbyists can buy.

“Government lobbyists” and constitutionalists are not synonymous...Try again please.
What a stupid thing to say. Who is even discussing the Constitution here and now? What does it have to do with temporary shut downs to prevent the spread of disease?

I swear to goD, the RNC must lobotomize you idiots when you sign up.
Do all unAmerican fools believe the constitution is to be adhered to at times, voluntarily and arbitrarily?
Can its functions be enabled and disabled by politicians whenever they see fit?
Ok kiddo, show me in the Constitution where is says "thou shalt not close shooting ranges in the event of a global pandemic to prevent the spread of disease".

I swear, it's like you guys think you'll die if you don't have a new gun barrel to stick up your ass whenever you want it.

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus? Are you afraid "they" are coming for your toilet paper? What the fuck is with you idiots?

It's not ranges, is gun stores.....where you buy guns really are stupid, you can't even make up your own stupid comments...

Seriously, are you gonna shoot the virus?

What part of the fact that you have police departments quarentining large parts of their forces, democrat mayors telling the police to stop arresting actual criminals, and democrat governors releasing prisoners do you not F*****g understand?

Now, with people in their asshat.....when criminals need to feed their drug addiction, there is more likely to be someone home when they invade the dipstick.......
No one has forced anyone to buy a gun let the idiot have his way live life unarmed just stay the fuck out of the lives who understand life isn't a made for tv movie.

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