CDZ True or false, government dictating to private organizations is fascist.

Take whatever you'd like. I answered your question and provided specifics.

Many people need automobiles to get to their jobs. Would you support the government getting into the auto-loan business and providing loans to people that wouldn't normally qualify for one from a private bank?
Fascists make their own laws that may not represent the will of The People. In America, our representatives make law. Some of those laws are intended to keep private organizations and, indeed, even private citizens from using and/or abusing the populace. No, it's not perfect but it's far from fascist.
All the Democrats want to 'regulate' business, especially when those businesses are reaping huge profits. Campaign $$$$ is the name of the game for them. They cannot hope to match Trump's campaign donations. Democrats want to limit campaign donations to Trump....They will try to use every faux 'law' to do so. Be ready....
The Right has had a pretty big movement about regulating companies like Facebook. Tucker talks about it regularly on his show

The right only says that, if they're going to receive legal protections as a "platform", then they should actually behave as one.
So you think the recent movement from the right in regards to Facebook have been to protect Facebook? If so, then in what way?
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?
Actually, no- dictating is not a granted power- there are 13 only.

You think providing rules to allow those powers to be enforced is somehow disallowed? How absurd

What's absurd is to see only what you want to believe- that's usually called interpreting- why does anything in simple English need interpreted to a reader of simple English?

Dictating is not a provision in the rules governing congress- the constitution was designed to help prevent a tyrannical gov't from being tyrannical- by definition, dictating enFORCEd is tyrannical- the threat of force is tyrannical, the threat of incarceration is tyrannical, the threat of property confiscation is tyrannical- there are no provisions for dictating to private citizens- period. There are rules for regulating commerce and trade between the states and Indian Nations- commerce and trade between Individuals in the same state/district aren't between states- the 10th amendment makes it pretty clear- anything not addressed is up to the states or the people- congress critters don't count as people or states-
Fascism doesn't have a problem with free- market capitalism- as long as it supports the Fascist regime.

Nazi Germany did not have a free-market economy and neither did Italy. Neither did Franco-led Spain. Neither does China today. Free-market capitalism is FREEDOM. The rejection of free-market capitalism is tyranny, to one degree or another.

Two things- is this thread about Fascism- or Tyranny?

Because humans have endured tyranny since pretty much the first city existed, but Fascism is a relatively recent invention.

Nazi Germany embraced its corporations and was happy to have them get wealthy so long as their actions supported the State's goals.

As far as 'Free-Market capitalism'- how 'free market' are you really?

Should the 'free market':
a) be allowed to hire labor from wherever in the world it wants to bring labor in from?
b) be allowed to dump its waste in a convenient river- or its back yard, where it can seep into the water table?
c) Should the free market be able to buy goods freely from Cuba and Iran?
d) Be able to form monopolies?
e) Be able to sell products that it knows will harm its consumers?
f) Be able to tell its workers to work in unsafe conditions without protections?
g) Have no trade barriers importing or exporting product from the U.S.?
h) Build a tallow rendering plant in the middle of a residential neighborhood?
i) Be able to employ 5 year olds?

In other words- are you against any and all government restrictions on what a business can do?

That would be true free market capitalism.
Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him wrong. He studied fascist governments around the world and this is the list he came up with.
Oddly rent control was not one of the defining characteristics.

When defining fascism, one should look at how Mussolini and Hitler defined it in their own "manifestos", if you will. As important is to look at what they actually did. I told you that I AGREED with much of what he wrote. Yea, nationalism may be a tenet of fascism but that doesn't mean that everyone who is a nationalist is a fascist. American's founding fathers were ardent nationalists, but they weren't "fascist". Lincoln was a nationalist. Hell, every fan that throws on their nation's soccer jersey for the World Cup could be called a "nationalist". Are they all fascists too? Of course not.

The government dictating how much you can charge for your product, service or use of property is absolutely the type of thing that bona-fide fascist states did.

And speaking of religious-like devotion to the state/party/government, that is absolutely a practice of the American left today and for the past decade. It ain't the ride that worships government. Yea, fascism is the extreme of LEFTIST ideology. The claim that fascism is "right-wing" is the dumbest, most ignorant lie ever spewed.

When defining fascism- I think we can all agree that neither Mussolini or Hitler mentioned rent control in their manifestos.

Just because some fascists states did at some times control how much you can charge for use of property doesn't make it a defining characteristic of fascism. There have been government imposed price controls by governments before fascism was even invented. I get it that you are against rent control- but of all of the things that may be associated with Fascism that is among the weakest associations.

Right now the Right worships one man and conflates him with their party.
Which is very reminiscent of how the Right wings cult of personality developed in fascist Italy, Germany and Spain.
Speaking of fascism, AOC is proposing national rent control.

AOC pushes national rent control, welfare for illegal immigrants in latest massive proposal
AOC pushes national rent control, welfare for illegal immigrants in latest massive proposal

I saw that.. I'm not surprised that a "Boston economics degree" doesn't include ANYTHING about basic govt structure or power.. If this was a "normal job" her ass would have been fired the first week for not knowing what business her employer was in....

The ruling class has almost zero real-world work experience and that's why we're all fucked.

That's actually fixable.. Vote only for folks who have a TRACK RECORD of accomplishments OUTSIDE the realm of govt... It's insane to vote for a waitress with a fake biz/economics degree who's never accomplished a THING in her life except defrauding her parents for college money and SOMEHOW stealing a degree from Boston University...

If only we had a President right now with a track record of accomplishments outside the realm of government instead of a train wreck trail of bankruptcies and failed business's

Ain't no wealthy successful peop[e that didn't suffer and crash and burn.. UNLESS -- the entire Daddy/Mommy estate just fell into their lap.. You're just jealous of how successful he ended up...

I am jealous- I wish I started off by being raised by a millionaire, being able to rely upon a rich daddy to ensure avoiding the Vietnam war, and being hired to be President of the organization straight out of college.

And then having a wealthy daddy to bail me out when my business's went bad, or having daddy arrange preferential loans on my behalf.

And then having a wealthy daddy pass away and leaving me millions.

And still managing to bankrupt a multitude of business along the way, and leaving a trail of cheated business partners holding the bag.....

If only I had suffered like that......
Ain't no wealthy successful peop[e that didn't suffer and crash and burn.. UNLESS -- the entire Daddy/Mommy estate just fell into their lap.. You're just jealous of how successful he ended up...

To be a liberal requires one to live in an alternate reality. Trump has been hugely successful in business. One has to be in delusional denial to believe otherwise.

Trump started off as a millionaire at a time when a millionaire was the equivalent of a billionaire. His father set him up with sweatheart deals with his own business partners, and Trump managed to screw some of those up.

Trump was hugely unsuccessful until he figured out how to create his brand and make money off of his brand. To this day, this is the primary way the Trump organization makes money- selling the Trump name.

Of course we don't know how successful Trump is- since he is very carefully keeping his tax returns secret.
Ain't no wealthy successful peop[e that didn't suffer and crash and burn.. UNLESS -- the entire Daddy/Mommy estate just fell into their lap.. You're just jealous of how successful he ended up...

To be a liberal requires one to live in an alternate reality. Trump has been hugely successful in business. One has to be in delusional denial to believe otherwise.

He actually pulled it off in one of the hardest ways.. Didn't create widgets, or another "app".. He boosted the value of his OWN NAME... Earns a fortune every year letting others pay for putting his name on stuff.. You can't create another name as a brand that easily.. Maybe the Hiltons could buy other hotel chains -- if Paris tarnished the name enough LOL,

I've worked with these types. They brag about how they recovered from imminent doom.. Maybe more proud of rebounding from flops than what they accomplished recently....

Trump failed at his attempts to create his own fortune- the sports team, the airline, the steak company, the casino(as opposed to what he was given by Daddy, or inherited from Daddy) until he stumbled across making money off of his brand. Trump sold the idea of Trump- which of course is what got him elected, and is what makes him such a cult figure for his followers to this day.
And THAT'S why proper regulation is an absolutely requisite component of capitalism.

I have no problem with regulation, but I DO have a problem with the federal government being in the home-mortgage business, as well as the student-loan business. I take it that, aside from the military, you've never seen a government program that you didn't love.

Well you know regulation was another characteristic of Fascist governments........

And certainly regulation is not part of a true Free Market.

It seems to me that your support of a 'Free Market' is really just whatever you agree with personally, not really having anything to do with Fascism or Free Markets themselves.
One of the defining characteristics of every Fascist government is the attempt to control the Press and control what information the population is able to get.

Fake news has been enabling fascism for a whole century
As anti-fascist thinker Alexandre Koyré (quoted in the essay) writes:

The official philosophies of totalitarian regimes identify unanimously as devoid of meaning the idea that there is only one objective truth […] this way myth is better than science and rhetoric that works on rooted beliefs preferable to intellectual reasoning.

“[Under fascism] the truth was embodied by the leader,” Finchelstein told Quartz, and this is replicated, although in a milder fashion, by populists. Fascism eventually gets rid of a free press, as it does of democracy, while populism simply attacks it as an “enemy of the people.”
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?

How about telling a business how much they're allowed to charge?

Price gouging?
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?

as per the USA constitution there is very little to nothing the fed gov has to say about a private company and how they run their business

as per the USA constitution says nothing about communicating on the internet.
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?

as per the USA constitution there is very little to nothing the fed gov has to say about a private company and how they run their business

as per the USA constitution says nothing about communicating on the internet.

you mean speech through the internet???
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?

as per the USA constitution there is very little to nothing the fed gov has to say about a private company and how they run their business

as per the USA constitution says nothing about communicating on the internet.

you mean speech through the internet???

Verbal, nonverbal, written and visual.
Well you know regulation was another characteristic of Fascist governments........

And certainly regulation is not part of a true Free Market.

It seems to me that your support of a 'Free Market' is really just whatever you agree with personally, not really having anything to do with Fascism or Free Markets themselves.

Fascism is essentially the rejection of a free-market economy in which private ownership exists, but they do NOT have the freedom to necessarily determine how much they're allowed to charge for a product or service, how much they must pay their employees, how much profit they're permitted to make, etc.

Having safety regulations that apply to ALL companies does not render an economic system as "fascist". Otherwise, every economy in the world could be called "fascist".
One of the defining characteristics of every Fascist government is the attempt to control the Press and control what information the population is able to get.

Fake news has been enabling fascism for a whole century
As anti-fascist thinker Alexandre Koyré (quoted in the essay) writes:

The official philosophies of totalitarian regimes identify unanimously as devoid of meaning the idea that there is only one objective truth […] this way myth is better than science and rhetoric that works on rooted beliefs preferable to intellectual reasoning.

“[Under fascism] the truth was embodied by the leader,” Finchelstein told Quartz, and this is replicated, although in a milder fashion, by populists. Fascism eventually gets rid of a free press, as it does of democracy, while populism simply attacks it as an “enemy of the people.”

Disinformation, you know, "lying", has been a mainstay of totalitarian regimes for thousands of years. That's not exclusive to fascist regimes. Hell, we have a democratic system of governance and we're inundated with "fake news" from leftist media on a daily basis. Take the tale of "Russian collusion" for instance. We had two years of that and, in the end, there was absolutely nothing there. And NONE of the major news outlets ever criticized the "investigation" that was based on garbage information. Real journalism doesn't exist at places like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NY Times, WaPo, etc., etc. etc. They're all virtual mouth-pieces of the Democratic Party.

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